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Fern & Nettle Doula Services
Birth Fee: $900 to $1450
Postpartum Rate: $25 to $35
Mother Courage Birth
Birth Fee: $900 to $1250
Birth Fee: $900 to $1600
Postpartum Rate: Not specified
Birth Beginnings
Birth Fee: $0 to $1300
Birth Fee: $500 to $650
Postpartum Rate: $25 to $35
Birth Fee: $2200 to $5000
Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60
Birth Fee: $1800 to $2000
Awakened Changes
Birth Fee: $1150 to $2150
Postpartum Rate: $40
Birth Fee: $750 to $1000
Postpartum Rate: $35
Gertrude Wilkes; Doula
Birth Fee: $1050 to $1400
Birth Fee: Not specified
Postpartum Rate: Not specified
Grace Van Bruwaene Doula Services
Birth Fee: $750 to $1500
Postpartum Rate: $25 to $50
Lauren Mackenzie Doula Services
Birth Fee: $1500
Postpartum Rate: $25 to $35
Juliet the Doula
Birth Fee: $1500
Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45
La Luna Doula Services
Birth Fee: $1300 to $1950
Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55