Profile last updated: 12/6/2023 10:40:08 AM
Doulas with active DoulaMatch doula profiles may submit training provider testimonials.
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I had the pleasure of taking Christina's Fat Positive Provider Workshop in September of 2023. The course started with Christina emailing short, digestable videos to watch ahead of time. When it came to the day for class, Christina had great slides on better supporting fat clients. From there, we had breakout sessions to talk about different ideas on how to apply the material to our current practice. I would highly recommend that any birth professionals take Christina's course: it's easy sign up, the material will immediately apply to your clients, and will help you do better advocacy in birth spaces.
Testimonial submitted 1/2/2024
This training is essential for anyone wanting to truly provide inclusive and trauma informed care. Christina is a great instructor, presenting evidence based information as well as personal experience. She provides the space and time for questions and comments, and is open and easy to talk to. This class is perfect for all levels of providers serving pregnant people, and really gets to the heart of the impact we can have on people who historically have been underserved and forced into unnecissary interventions due to outdated medical training and societal judgement. Christina's communication before and after the class was timely, and she was flexible when I wasn't able to attend the original class due to having to attend a birth. Looking forward to taking more classes in the future!
Testimonial submitted 1/2/2024
I recently took Christina's Fat Positive Provider Workshop course live online. Christina had a wealth of information and experience to share. The class was amazingly organized, planned, and presented. The course included fat discrimination history, trauma impants, intersectionality, that all show up in a care provider setting and how we can asses and amend our own practices towards fat positivity. In addition to the presentation, she provided the class with supplemental learning materials ahead of time and follow up materials afterward. I left feeling well equipped to assess my own practice for fat positivity level and had resources to help me on my journey to becoming a fat positive provider for our community.
Testimonial submitted 12/6/2023