Audi  Brown, CD(DONA)   Photo

Audi Brown, CD(DONA)

Magic Mama Doula

Seattle, WA Service range 100 miles I am fully vaccinated. I am available to travel - Globally


Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate

$60 to $75

Black Doula

Availability Remarks: I am available for short term or extended postpartum care. M-F - Weekends and Holidays at special request.

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate

$60 to $75

Birth Doula Experience

34 years and 387 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

7 years and 118 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • Mama Glow, March 2020
  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, February 2023

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 4 births and 1 postpartum families

Postpartum limits/restrictions: I have availability for overnight and day time shifts.

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
I will support you where you would like to birth.

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
I will support you where you would like to birth,

Attends home births? Any Home Birth
Available for all home births and birthing centers.

College Education



Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • Birth counseling for survivors of childhood sexual abuse
  • Cancer patients and survivors
  • Childbirth education services
  • End of life doula services
  • Full spectrum doula services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Mother blessing celebrations
  • Photography - Birth
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Special Services
  • Stillbirth and infant loss support
  • TENS units rental
  • Therapist or counselor
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

I founded a local non profit, Legacy of Love and Light that supports Doula, Midwifery (work and trainings) for a safe and sacred birth experience.

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

My name is Audi L. Brown, CD(DONA), I am a Certified DONA Doula and a Lamaze Childbirth Educator. As a Lamaze Childbirth Educator, an as your Birth Doula, offers a unique advantage: you get a two-for-one skill set of expert support and comprehensive education. My dual role ensures that you receive personalized guidance during childbirth and thorough, empowering education before and after the birth. I have dedicated over 30 years to supporting families in this work. When asked about my journey, I often say, "Becoming a Doula wasn't a conscious choice; it was a calling." It would be my privilege to provide unwavering support to you and your family during the profound experience of a safe and sacred birth. At every birth, I bring patience, a serene presence, and a deep commitment to emotional and physical assistance. "One of the most profound experiences in my life is supporting a family and witnessing the arrival of a precious soul into this world." - Audi L. Brown

Service Area

Seattle, WA Service range 100 miles I am fully vaccinated. I am available to travel - Globally

Certifications for Audi Brown, CD(DONA)

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

Report any issues or concerns with certification images.

Client Testimonials for Audi Brown, CD(DONA)

Post a testimonial for Audi Brown, CD(DONA)



Audi was an incredible doula and showed up for our family in a time of the biggest transition we have ever experienced. She not only helped take care of me and the baby, but also our emotional health. She has a lot of knowledge about breastfeeding as I struggled, she showed up for me with foods that would help, and texting me to make sure I drank water, so much more. Select her to be your doula and you wont be disappointed!



Audi is an amazing person to work with, she provided my family and me with a tremendous amount of support and strength. Although we found her late in my pregnancy, she was a perfect match, she made us feel confident and secure in my decision to labor at home and ultimately have a natural birth at a birth center. I knew she could be my voice if needed and provide a safe space for me. From the moment I saw her during my labor I felt such strong emotions towards her and relief that I had someone who was knowledgeable and on my side during this vulnerable time, I could focus 100% on my labor in peace. She was by my side the entire time with words of encouragement, comfort, suggestions, and showing/telling me how to push better when I needed it. One thing I won’t forget is the music she played, calming and encouraging, even when everything else was blocked out I can still hear the music playing. She captured videos and pictures of precious moments I will forever be grateful for and even after everything she is still here for support and will forever be a part of our lives. 

Lauren Frazier


As a black women, I went into my first pregnancy with a lot of fear of the unknown. I had questions about the changes I would go through and what to expect for birth/ delivery and beyond. And due to poor bedside manner and medical concerns, my husband and I switched medical institutions twice during the pregnancy. 

Audi Brown was the constant for us. She made sure we didn't miss a beat through the transitions. Audi always pointed us to our doctors with medical questions but was able to look at our personal birth goals and let us know different things we should consider. This helped us have deeper conversations, and ultimately relationships, with our medical team. In addition, she filled gaps for us. Audi made sure we had all the information from a birth education class and then followed up on additional information not shared in those classes. She made sure we were well informed entering parenthood.

During birth and delivery, Audi never left my side. She either helped me through each contraction herself or coached my husband on what to do. Despite having low pain tolerance, I was able to have an unmediated birth. That would not have been possible without Audi’s, knowledge, patience, gentleness, and attention to detail. She was so skilled that two medical professionals from two different institutions asked me for her information afterwards. My OB said she was easily in the top five doulas she's ever worked with. 

I could not have had a better experience and will be forever grateful for how Audi walked alongside us as we became a family of three.

Shaun Frazier


Working with Audi as a Doula to bring my little girl into the world was nothing short of transformational. As someone who was a first-time partner on this journey, I had little expectations that I would be a part of the doula journey (besides the actual labor and delivery), but Audi quickly changed that mentality. Within our initial meetings she made it very know that the three of us were a team and it was important to get thoughts and feeling from everyone. Within our pre- labor meeting Audi would ask us questions about us as a couple, updates on the doctor visits, thoughts on our birth plan. Throughout it all, she shared her expertise and advice in a way that was informative and open, without casting judgement on our thoughts or naivety. She helped answer the many questions that came up for my wife, as well as assisted us in navigating the curve balls from the medical system. Weeks leading up to the delivery, Audi checked in more frequently and when her water broke, she was at the hospital within the hour. From the moment my wife started labor Audi was locked into her every need. From walking around the hospital, leading different breathing techniques and assisting in massages and positioning throughout, Audi both guided my wife and guide me to support my wife’s needs. Audi’s calm and reassuring affirmations helped my wife to stay rooted in her labor goals and have the successful natural labor that she desired. I honestly couldn’t imagine going through this birthing process without Audi supporting us, letting us know our thoughts mattered. Beginnings are very important and thanks to Audi our little girl had a safe and happy beginning in this world and we had a wonderful beginning as new parents.

Ilana Haubold


Audi is one of the most special and magical people I know. Her birth doula work is genuinely a calling for her, and my life (and my baby’s!) benefited from it in ways I can only try to capture here. The second you welcome Audi into your pregnancy journey, she makes you feel like she will uplift and fight for you like family for life. I set the bar for the birth of my baby low before we brought Audi on board—I just was crossing my fingers for a non-traumatic experience. But she managed to instill so much confidence in me along the way by learning what made me feel comfortable and empowered. She enabled me at each step, allowing me to labor comfortably at home for far longer than I would have known I could without her. When we did arrive at the hospital, she worked alongside and vibed with the hospital staff seamlessly. She provided constant, steadfast support not just for me, but my husband as well. I ended up giving birth after just 3 hours in the delivery room, and I credit Audi for making the whole experience a treasured memory, rather than simply something to get through to meet our baby girl. My husband and I couldn’t be more grateful!

Meron Miles


Audi was a caring, peaceful, great listener and educator during my pregnancy with my firstborn. Audi took her time to ensure I understood what was going on with me during the different stages of pregnancy. My biggest fear when I found out I was pregnant was pain during labor and even dying (especially given what today's statistics say about maternal mortality). My birth plan was to give birth vaginally but ended with an urgent C-section. Audi continuously provided peace while supporting me during my unprecedented labor stages. As they wheeled me down into the OR, she held my hand and reminded me to breathe and continue to connect with my son. She held my hand the ENTIRE TIME I laid on the OR table. Her presence allowed my husband to be with our son once he was born to make sure everything was okay and have someone with me as a supportive person. Audi didn't stop being supportive in the OR; she recognized that I was having a hard time processing my birth story during my early postpartum stage and allowed me to have a safe space to talk about it. To find someone who is in tune with your emotions when you don't have the words to describe them is priceless. Her calmness provides peace during unpredictable events. That's the type of doula you need! I can't say this enough, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Audi! She will definitely be my doula for my second born. 

Booby Miles


Having Audi guide us through the birthing process for our first child was nothing short of amazing. Considering we are new parents, we had endless questions that she was able to answer with patience, care and details that alleviated any concerns we had. She also provided a lot of information (such as things to expect) that we would have never known. Audi has an ability to make anyone feel like family and that comforting energy in the midst of what is otherwise uncertainty and chaos was like a breath of fresh air. I couldn't recommend Audi and her services more and hope she can help us through the birthing process for our future kids as well. 



Audi was my doula and was present with me during the birth of my first child. Audi is very caring and nurturing. She was present as soon as my water broke and even showed up to the hospital before I did. She helped me throughout the birthing process. To be honest, I felt like Audi helped me with my labor more than my nurse at the hospital did. Audi also helped in making crucial decisions surrording my labor as I was close to getting an Emergency C section and becuase of Audi, I did not have to and was able to deliver my baby naturally.

You wont go wrong having her by your side during your labor! 



My husband and I were lucky to have Audi help us bring our little joy into this world! We could have not find a better doulat, Audi was perfect! Starting week 36, Audi checked on us at home, helped us with the hospital bag, brought us a bouncy ball and even massaged my feet when they were swallen like 2 blow fish! She educated my husband on how to be helpful during the labor and he felt involved through the entire process. When my contructions started, Audi arrived within 20 mins and stayed by my side for 19 hours! Thanks to her and only to her, I was able to have a natural birth with no medications (no epidural was very important to me). She also guided me through the pushing and i only had level 1 tears that didn't require stitches. I can't recommend Audi enough, she become a part of our family and helped bring the biggest joy into our lives! If your goal is natural unmedicated birth-Audi is the doula that will get you there. 

Keisha Bruner


I used Audi’s virtual doula services for my delivery in June 2020. I would recommend her a million times over because of her dedication to her craft, her dependability, her experience - personal and professional, and her knowledge and skill set. Audi was always available for my calls and questions throughout my pregnancy and delivery. As a first time mom who lived alone, she really stepped up and became the best support partner a mom could have including a continuous FaceTime call during early labor to delivery - about 12 plus hours guys! She was also my advocate in triage while the doctors deliberated on the best method for delivery. She helped with the management of pain during contractions, gave wonderful tips on how to keep myself comfortable during early labor, and was the first person I spoke with after delivery. I’ll be using her for any other pregnancies I may have.

Birth Availability for Audi Brown, CD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-07-2024

Postpartum Availability for Audi Brown, CD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-07-2024