Heather McCullough CPM, Hypno, CAPPA Faculty CLE, CLD, CPD Photo

Heather McCullough CPM, Hypno, CAPPA Faculty CLE, CLD, CPD


Location: Illinois


Contact Heather McCullough CPM, Hypno, CAPPA Faculty CLE, CLD, CPD

Training offered
Thrilled to offer CAPPA Labor Doula (CLD), Postpartum Doula (CPD), and Lactation Educator (CLE) training. My focus in trainings is to create an engaging, dynamic educational experience which draws on my 27 years as a Midwife & Doula. Anti-racist, trauma informed inclusive care is the base from which all of my trainings are lead.
Summary of qualifications
I'm a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) for over 27 years, CAPPA Faculty, Hypnobabies Instructor, Evidence Based Birth Instructor, SpinningBabies Parent Educator & Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner.
Style of teaching
I always innovate and update to provide inclusive, engaging & confidence building workshops. People brand new to birthwork + those with decades of experience will all find some yummy nuggets within my workshops.
Years offering training

Languages Spoken

  • English

Profile last updated: 6/20/2022 7:44:26 AM

Testimonials for Heather McCullough CPM, Hypno, CAPPA Faculty CLE, CLD, CPD

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Curriculum Vitae for Heather McCullough CPM, Hypno, CAPPA Faculty CLE, CLD, CPD

Download the CV for Heather McCullough CPM, Hypno, CAPPA Faculty CLE, CLD, CPD