Training event photo

MaternityWise Intl

Philadelphia Super Doula Combo Training

(Payment Plans available) This event meets the workshop requirement for International Board Certification through MaternityWise for the CLD, CPD and CLSE programs. You will also have eClasses to complete as well as reading and written work along with mentoring assignments and hands-on evaluations with clients. This is a concise way to learn the practical aspects of becoming a full scope maternity caregiver. While there are no pre-requisites, a basic understanding of birth is important. Labor Doula Focus EpiDoula (reducing epidural complications) Postpartum Doula Focus Lactation Support and Educator Focus Birth Business Focus --- Many topics within each focus overlap, so this is the most efficient way to get all 3 skill sets covered at once.


In-Person Event

Cost: $1475.00

Instructor(s): Anne Wallen, Hilary Colson, Cate Fish, Simone Junious

This training event meets from December 8 to December 10.

Meets Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 AM

This training event meets 3 times for a total of 24 hours.

Large, Private Hosted Residence
1432 S 20th St, Philadelphia PA 19146