Debora Marchetti Photo

Debora Marchetti

Flor da Vida Women's Wellness LLC

Montclair, NJ   Service range 15 miles

Birth Fee

$2200 to $4500

Birth Fee

$2200 to $4500

Birth Doula Experience

10 years and 100 births attended

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, August 2012

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 2

Attends hospital births? No Hospitals

Attends birth center births? Some Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth
Any assisted home birth with a midwife team.

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Aromatherapy
  • Belly binding
  • Childbirth education services
  • Miscarriage support
  • Mother blessing celebrations
  • Mother roasting
  • Prenatal or postnatal massage
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • TENS units rental
  • Therapeutic bodywork
  • Vaginal steam/peristeam services

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Menstrual Educator Advocate

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

Fee Details

Pregnancy is the climax of life and it has to be supported, nurtured, and cared with love and respect! My goal as your doula is offer you humanized assistance ways for your best birth experience. Don't ever let the cost of a doula prevent you from hiring a skilled professional. Payment plans are available.

Service Area

Montclair, NJ Service range 15 miles

Client Testimonials for Debora Marchetti

Post a testimonial for Debora Marchetti



Deby was the most incredible teacher as I prepared for the birth of my son. She made me comfortable to open up, share concerns and ask questions, without judgment. Deby understood right away what I was looking for my experience to be like, and provided resources and educated me on how to prepare for that. She met with my husband and I and taught him ways to comfort me while in labor, turned me on to hypnobirthing and made herself available for video chats while traveling out of the country. I HIGHLY recommend working with Deby during your pregnancy, and if I decide to have another child, will absolutely do so again. She has such a big heart and I feel connected to her for life. 

Eric Ruocco


We were about halfway through our second pregnancy when my wife said to me, "what do you think about a doula?" My first response was "what is a doula?.  My wife told me that she had scheduled an appointment with deby and to keep an open mind. 
Upon meeting deby I was instantly comfortable with her. She had a calming gentle energy that dispelled my skepticism.  Deby explained to me that I would be my wife's right hand and she would be the left and we would work as a team. She answered all our questions and helped us to feel supported.After our first delivery I felt guilty that I hadn't been more supportive. I felt that I lacked the instinct to know how to be fully emotionally and physically supportive. I can recall standing in the hospital room , full of anxiety, not really sure what to do or when to do it ,as the nurses and myself screamed at my wife to push. My wife was not happy with this experience.
Deby listened to our want's and needs, helped us to create a birth plan and was exceptional at implementing said birth plan in the hospital.There is one memory that really stands out in my mind as my son connor was about to be born.Instead  of holding on to my wife's leg while the nurse holds the other yelling at my wife to push as she is in mid-panic attack, (as was our first birth experience). I was amazed at how quickly she was able to turn the energy of the whole room around and the nurses did turn down the lights and started communicating in a calmer softer manner. (my wife later told me that moment alone was worth every penny) and it is something I would never had the presence of mind to do.
I hired a doula not sure if we needed a doula but I would never want to go through this experience again without her. Thank you so much deby for offering this service with the compassion and energy you bring to it. You really enabled me to feel connected to my wife and more involved in the whole labor and delivery process.

Alejandra Gecevski


i sincerely believe that having Debora as my birth doula is what created the beautiful experience i needed. I am so thankful for her and everything she provided. She truly went above and beyond . i cannot see myself birthing without her. Debora is so knowlegdable and you can feel and see how much she loves what she does. Ive never felt better taken care of than under her care, especially in post partum. She made me feel like a true godess and celebrated my body and accomplishment . Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

Ariella Dashefsky


Foram 3 meses de “se conhecendo” ... 3 meses de muitas pesquisas, muitos vídeos assistidos e muita troca. Troca de aprendizado, troca de idéias, troca de amor, carinho a atenção.

- {Doula} - um nome tão curto e uma profissão tão grandiosa. Minha eterna gratidão a essa pequena grande mulher @deby_nina , que me encorajou, que me ensinou, que me fez acreditar em um parto normal/natural. Que me fez em 3 meses (reta final da gestação), me conectar com o grande amor da minha vida, que trabalhou comigo o “tal” do empoderamento, que me abriu novas portas e me apresentou para novas pessoas @homeopatianoparto_brasil , que segurou minha mão nas contrações mais absurdas, que aliviou muitas dores com seu jeito gentil e carinhoso, que disse: Vamos Ari, força ela está aqui, no momento maissss difícil de dor da minha vida, que derrubou lágrimas ao ver meu grande encontro com minha filha.

- Minha eterna gratidão a você, a sua profissão e ao trabalho lindo que você realiza.

- Já se passaram 2 meses e meio e eu ainda vivo o dia 3/11 como se fosse ontém ?? #gratidao

Arianda Braga Cardoso


Encontrei a Debby através do "santo" Google quando eu estava com mais ou menos 12 semanas de gestação! Morando fora e sem a família por perto, senti uma necessidade enorme de ter uma doula me acompanhando durante a gravidez e, claro, no meu parto. E a Debby foi um anjo na minha vida, um verdadeiro achado! Profissional de primeira, dedicada, super atualizada e presente. Meu parto não teria sido o mesmo sem ela! No dia em que saí do hospital as enfermeiras vieram me cumprimentar e disseram que ficaram impressionadas com o trabalho da Debby...que nunca tinham visto uma doula daquele jeito! Seu trabalho é maravilhoso, querida! Feliz de quem tem você no caminho! Grande beijo e obrigada por tudo.

Tatiana Chang


Foi em um período mais crítico da minha gravidez que encontrei vcs! E sou muito grata por ter tido vcs como minhas doulas!! Só no final da minha gravidez que percebi o quanto era importante ter uma doula, principalmente para o apoio emocional. Em todos os momentos em que mais precisei, elas estavam lá para me ajudar, apoiar e principalmente acalmar! Hoje vejo o quanto é importante ter uma doula ao seu lado e com certeza terei vcs novamente na minha segunda gravidez! Muito obrigada por tudo!!

Celina de Souza


Dearest Patty and Deby,

I Don't think words are enough to describe how greateful I am to you guys. God blessed me when I found you.

These two will provide you with loving care during the most delicate and fragil moment for a woman. They will bring peace, kindness, positive words, reality, flowers and massage. They have the knowledge of your needs for this period using natural methods, which they can explain in more details. Patty and Debby surprised me at times I didn't even needed to tell what I needed. I wasn't afraid to talk to them either. They made me so feel comfortable that I wasn't afraid to share how I was feeling from day one. And they reminded me how we need to respect the nature's time by being patient with yourself allowing time to make the work.

They will also recommend you grate resources that will bring you peace of mind as well, in case you didn't have the chance to take care of a few things before the baby.

I am so grateful to have you as my doulas during this beautiful journey! You were a great support during this time! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Loving human beings!

Cynthia Eden


Debby Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that you did to help us have the most wonderful birth .It is such a special gift to have such positive memories of our birth experience, and we will be forever grateful for your contribution to this !!

Renata Coutinho


Serei eternamente grata a vocês por todo apoio no meu parto! Vocês foram importantíssimas na conquista do meu VBAC!

Marina Pavesi


Durante a gravidez eu li, assiti documentários e me informei bastante sobre cuidados na gestação e sobre o parto. Foi assim que eu conheci melhor a importância do trabalho das doulas e de parir da forma mais natural e prazerosa possível. Quando eu contactei a Patty e a Deby eu já estava na semana 33. Desde o primeiro contato gostei muito delas, da atenção, prontidão, paixão pelo que elas fazem, conhecimento, carinho comigo e meu bebê. Nas visitas pré-natal, nas nossas conversas por skype ou email, elas sempre forneceram bastante informaçoes (inclusive materiais como livros e DVDs) e suporte para mim e meu marido. Durante o trabalho de parto o suporte da Patty, que estava conosco, foi ainda mais importante. Felizmente ela estava lá para me lembrar que eu era capaz, lembrar de respirar corretamente, de mudar de posição (coisas que a gente aprende nas aulas e esquece completamente na hora), para me ajudar a controlar a dor fazendo massagem, usando aromaterapia ou simplesmente me dando a mão para eu apertar. Todo esse apoio e carinho foram essenciais para que esse momento fosse ainda mais mágico. Eu tive a felicidade de ter meu marido e minha mãe comigo e eles foram mega importantes, mas a nossa doula veio completar o nosso "time" para que eu conseguisse ter o parto natural sem anestesia que eu tanto desejava. Mesmo o meu marido que no começo era um pouco relutante sobre a idéia de ter uma doula é muito grato e admirador do trabalho delas.

Eu super recomendo a Patty e a Deby! Em todos os momentos elas se doam e deixam transparecer o prazer de exercer essa profissão tão linda. Desejo que todas as mulheres possam ter uma doula nesse momento tão especial e único.

Pam Rupp


My journey began to find the best care I could and to have a strong support team that I knew I needed so I came to meet Debbie in a very caring and supportive meeting to pregnant woman and she was so sweet and knowledgeable that captivated me. I then came to find out she wasnt one but two, along with her came Patty whom I got to meet after and of course she was a sweetheart as well and I felt in love with both of them and had no doubt they would care for me and for my wishes on the big day.

Well, I gotta say my labor was very different from what expected (even though I was prepared for whatever happened as we never know how thing will go) and these two angels helped me maintain my calm and took care of me saying kind and supportive words, reminding me of what I wanted and how to get it, reminding me how my little girl needed me and taking a bunch of gadgets ( I call them inspector gadget) to help me feel more confortable. They were trully a support that I couldnt have done without and I'm so glad I got to meet them and will take this experince for the rest of my life and smile back at it.

Carolina Elias Bernabel


Eu conheci a Deby e a Patty com 36 semanas da minha segunda gravidez, isso porque no início da gravidez eu havia decidido ter uma segunda cesárea (eu passei por uma no Brasil não por opção, o que me deixou frustrada e por algum motivo, com medo do parto normal) e quando mudei de ideia percebi que precisava de alguém pra me acompanhar e dar suporte, uma vez que meu marido não estaria comigo.
Já no nosso primeiro encontro percebi que elas realmente me dariam o suporte necessário, físico e psicológico, e que mesmo que meu marido estivesse presente eu precisaria delas ao meu lado.
No dia do parto essa percepção foi comprovada, já que num parto difícil, no meu ponto de vista (5 horas de pushing!), eu pensei e pedi para desistir diversas vezes, mas elas me apoiaram até o fim.
Eu tive tudo que precisei, conversa amiga, conselhos, técnicas apropriadas (elas fizeram até minha bebê teimosa virar para posição correta durante o parto), e tudo mais que foi necessário para conseguir o tão temido VBAC.
De coração, posso dizer que além de ter me beneficiado do ótimo serviço dessas doulas maravilhosas, também fiz duas amigas, sem as quais eu não teria passado por essa experiência.
Obrigada meninas, vocês são maravilhosas!

Tatiana Carneiro Tavares


As I write this Referal for my Doulas, Debora & Patricia, I sit here beside my new infant Baby! This healthy Boy received so much LOVE and Care covered by the service provided with: 2 Prenatal visits, 27 hour of intensive Labor and plus 2 more Postpartum meetings with these wonderful Professional ladies!

I particularly needed assistance as a New Mom (moreover single!) meanwhile concerned with my high risk of Postpartum disorder; I am a Survivor of childhood sexual abuse
and Previous Life Traumas (FASD).
My Doulas where my necessary Support System through this process, Patty & Debby did not focus on my weaknesses, but on illustrating all the positive outcome and the fact that the Reward of our ultimate objective was too Amazing; of Holding this New Life on my chest!!!
They held the Baby before I!! I ended up at a cesarean surgery table, since Baby had his little head at an obstructive angle. My wonderful Doctor 'naturally' recognized they were to be by our side at the Surgery room as well! Baby Tony will always know that he was First in the Arms of our Doulas, before over an hour when I would be ready for skin-to-skin at recovery room.

My very small Brazilian family couldn't be more grateful for all the a companionship that incorporates the Doula private service, the fee is beyond worthwhile!!
I conclude that simply observing them I have gathered better ability and more strength towards Motherhood, which I had to question keeping in mind what would be best for the Newborn... I have the confidence that we were 'Beyond' prepared for all that we needed to face!
We did Great together!

Grata de todo Coração!

Ludmilla Lopes


Today's been a month that I lived the best time of my life! The birth of my daughter Melanie! The Pain of Natural childbirth Pain the Happiest I've ever felt ... I can’t NOT talking about, thank and honor these two women who were beautiful and wonderful in my Childbirth Essentials ... Patty and Deby my doulas, one doula would already be great, but two, was a gift from God. My Dear Doulas, the role of my husband was Wonderful, he was a warrior with me, the Role of my Mother was unique that only fits a Mother, and the role of you as Doulas surpassed my expectations, you brightly exercised your profession, you went beyond, you were like the Essential Air I breathed that day. My childbirth experience would not be so gorgeous and happy if not for God and for you! I felt embraced and encouraged in each contraction, I can still hear your voice telling me words of strength and encouragement, taking care of me with so much love and dedication, donating yourselves entirely to me. Believing I was able to experience that moment in a Beautiful and happy way... I will never forget you, you are part of my history, I am forever grateful to God that he has placed you in my life, God is perfect and he had a purpose when I met you ... Thank you my Dear Friends and Doulas for Everything!! If all women knew the importance of a Doula they would never give birth without one, there should be births without doulas, it was my best experience! I wish all pregnant women could feel this Love donated by you! The Emotional support given by you can’t be explained with words. Thank you for caring and for all the love you’ve given me and my daughter, thank you for shedding tears of emotion for my Daughter. You are forever in my heart! Be ready because I want another baby soon, and I want you with me again!! A big kiss in your heart! Feel embraced by us! Feel our gratitude and love for you! We love you!


Birth Availability for Debora Marchetti

= Available. Calendar last updated: 10-27-2024
