Ravae  Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA) Photo


Birth Connections

Lithonia, GA Service range 50 miles Travel fee of $25 applies after 30 miles



Birth Fee

$1200 to $2500

Postpartum Rate


Black Doula

Birth Fee

$1200 to $2500

Postpartum Rate


Birth Doula Experience

23 years and 875 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

10 years and 75 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula
  • National Birth & Postpartum Professionals – Professional Birth Doula

Postpartum Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Postpartum Doula
  • National Birth & Postpartum Professionals – Professional Postpartum Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, March 2014
  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, January 2017
  • National Birth & Postpartum Professionals, January 2023
  • National Birth & Postpartum Professionals, January 2023

Type of practice: Doula agency owner

Clients per month: 1 to 2 births and 1 to 3 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
I am very willing to support a laboring person who may choose pain medication or a cesarean section. The emotional support can be very valuable. I can offer client references if requested.I desire to support families in the birthing process however they choose. I provide unwavering and heartfelt support for families of diverse cultures and backgrounds. I welcome the challenge of unique circumstances and have 13 years of birth doula and breastfeeding support experience to assist you. I fully believe that every person who wants a doula should have one. Please contact me for an interview. It would be an honor to serve you and your family.

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Some Home Births
No unassisted home births

College Education



Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Babywearing education
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • Childbirth education services
  • Cloth diapering education
  • Infant massage education
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Parenting consulting
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Prenatal or postnatal massage
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Reflexology
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Founder of National Birth & Postpartum Professionals (NBPP) Current Board member of NAABB (National Association for the Advancement of Black Birth) Current Board member of IBDC (Iowa Black Doula Collective) Past President and Intercultural Director of DONA International Board member of IBDC (Iowa Black Doula Collective)

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

Postpartum services are presented to families based on their individual needs. Packages can be explored to meet your needs and your budget.

Service Area

Lithonia, GA Service range 50 miles Travel fee of $25 applies after 30 miles

Certifications for Ravae Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

Report any issues or concerns with certification images.

Client Testimonials for Ravae Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

Post a testimonial for Ravae Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

Nathasha H.


Ravae was our doula for both of our pregnancies. She was exactly who our family needed as a part of our birth team. She was real, professional, comforting, thoughtful, thorough, respectful of our wishes, and her level of expertise about birth preparation was unmatched. She offered a variety ways to engage with her birth education program, including virtual and in-person time with her, videos, documents, at home activities, special access links, etc. We were able to get the information we needed to feel confident going into experiences where we felt that we knew so little. Ravae joined us at the hospital for both births, and asked for accommodations we would have never thought of to make my recovery and start of motherhood more manageable. We also utilized her post partum support services, and we couldn’t have been more grateful that we did (truly a life saver). Ravae also connected us with folks in her extensive network, including a sibling doula and a lactation consultant. We’ve recommended Ravae to so many family and friends. She still checks in on us and is truly like a part of our family now. We feel extraordinarily lucky that we found her and that she was there for us during the most important moments in our lives. 

Hylee Williams


Ravae has been a blessing to our family from day one of meeting her. She provided valuable information that helped to ease the pregnancy up to the birth of our daughter. Her guidance, presence, and wisdom was absolutely needed during the labor process. She taught me the pressure points to massage to ease my wife's pain. As a new father and a guy that hasn't dealt with kids, she definitely helped make things easier for me to be able to support my wife throughout. After my daughter arrived, there were complications that required my wife to be transferred from the birth center to the hospital. During this time, Ravae proved how valuable she truly was. I could not imagine what it would have been like had she not been there. From helping me change her first diaper to feeding her and asking all the questions that I wouldn't have known to ask. She was truly an advocate for our family. After returning home from the hospital, she came to make sure we were settled and cared for our daughter while we rested. She assisted my wife with breastfeeding our daughter and even noticed that she had a tongue-tie and referred us to a specialist to correct it. As new parents, she always gave us options to assist us in making decisions that were best for our family. I can go on and on about how amazing she is! She was truly God-sent! 

Kandace Jackson


Ravae was just what the doctor prescribes during my pregnancy and delivery. From our initial interview, I knew she was the one. Her professionalism shines and her empathy to care for her mommies to be is empecable. Her expertise is a given plus but what made me float to  Ravae was a sense of comfort. No matter my concerns she assured me all would be well. Although I had a orettt hectic delivery, she was there to advocate for me through and through. I honestly don't think I would've been able to do labor if she wasn't present. Her attentiveness to my needs, her soothing energy and compassion pulled me through. Even our post labor visit was enlightening. I am forever grateful for having Ravae on my journey to motherhood and would have her again without a doubt. 

Hadassah St. Hubert


Ravae was my doula when I delivered my first baby in April 2021. The entire experience was warm and welcoming. Ravae prepared me for pregnancy and labor. She was always available whenever I had questions. I truly appreciated the care she showed me during my pregnancy and delivery. I highly recommend Ravae. I learned so much about pregnancy and birth through her courses as well. She also did a few postpartum check ups.



I can't rant and rave about Ravae enough!  She helped me to decide my birthing goals, supported my wishes, and helped me to naturally give birth to all three of my children!

For the first, she did an amazing job of educating my husband and I about the birthing process and took so much time and patience to answer all of our questions. During labor, I was in major pain and with strong contractions in the lobby with several women ahead of me.  I thought I would give birth in the lobby!  But Ravae was a true advocate and so connected with and trusted by the hospital, nurses and staff that she was able to get me into triage where I delivered the baby almost immediately.

For my second child, she caught a junior doctor taking a risky move to try to delay birth to wait for the senior doctor, and reminded him that the baby had to come out and now!

And with my third, during COVID, I couldn't have Ravae there with me personally, but my husband needed her there just as much as I did, so she attended my entire labor virtually.  And after my labor stalled, it was Ravae who encouraged me to face the pain and move around which expedited the process for me to meet my little one.

Ravae is kind, patient, caring and a true friend to our family.  I could not recommend her enough, and indeed many of my friends have now had the pleasure of working with her too!  



Its not an overstatement to say that Ravae came into our lives at the most stressful and harrowing moment we had ever experienced as a family. We hired Ravae as our post partum Doula, something we didn't know we needed until my wife ended up in the ICU after the birth of our second child.  Her calm demeanor, experience, and professionalism carried us through this time. With less than 24 hours notice, Ravae moved into our home, providing care and support for myself and the baby, while I ran back and forth between the hospital and home. When my wife was able to leave the ICU, Ravae was there at the hospital, helping baby and mom reunite, supporting mom's wellness, and acting as a patient advocate-- helping us navigate the healthcare system. When we were finally home together, Ravae led mom and baby to successfully reestablish exclusive breastfeeding 3 weeks after the birth, which had been compromised by their 3 days of hospital separation. As I sit down to write this, with our family home and healthy and our baby now  8 months and thriving, I confess I just don't have words to express what Ravae means to us. "Hero" is a word that rarely is merited, but it's appropriate here. We are so grateful that she came into our lives when she did. She will forever be a part of our family's story. 

Taylor Tilley


Look no further - working with Ravae is the best decision you'll make. Ravae was a highlilght of my entire birth experience. I tell anyone who will listen that we don't know what we (my husband and I) would have done without her. As this was my first child, i didn't know what to expect in labor, and she made me feel calm and prepared from our first meeting, through every contraction, all the way to birth. I had a scheduled induction that turned into a 43 hour labor. Ravae made every contraction manageable with her breathing guidance, verbal coaching, and pressure points. She was my source of truth, ready to explain what was happening and weigh options as we approached them (ie. when to get epidural). I'm someone who needs all the info, and she was there with it. She helped us advocate for ourselves in the hospital, and stepped in where needed. The entire nursing staff loved her and said they wished all doula's were as effective as her. My labor stalled at about hour 38, and Ravae knew exactly what to say to help me reframe my own mental approach/blockers, and with her coaching in that moment, I was able to address my fears and all of a sudden my labor sped up and it was game time. Beyond the big labor milestones, Ravae is not only a delight to be with but also inspirational in all she has done and continues to do in her field. There were plenty of hours where the three of us were waiting around the hospital room, and the time flew based on how much we enjoyed spending time with her. She felt like family by the end. We hope Ravae will be part of all future births as we look to expand our family :) 

Cassidy Nicholas


Ravae was my doula for my first home birth. She was excellent. From our pain managment sessions before, to her support during and check ins after. She even did my placenta encapsulation. Ravae was also reliable in her communication. Highly recommend!

R Costa


I can't believe it's taken me so long to write this! I am so grateful to Ravae for being there for the birth of my second child, born on May 14th 2018 at GW. I went in at 38 weeks and my labor was fast and furious. At around 11:30pm I was just 3cm dilated but I really had a sense it was the real deal.

Ravae was coming straight from another (long) birth and had another client birthing at the same time as me a few rooms down. It must have been the moon or something, but all her clients seemed to be going into labor at the exact same time! Yet despite the sleep deprivation and tiredness she MUST have been experiencing, Ravae showed no signs of being phased at all. With barely a bite to eat and a Starbucks drink in her, she was right by my side and coaching me through a super intense birth. I went from 3cm to being ready to push in just a couple hours. I always thought a fast labor would be "easy" but I would take the longer labor I had with my first any day. It was just so intense and I had what felt like very little time to rest/recover between contractions.

Ravae was so calm, gentle and competent. She coached and guided me into different positions and applied pressure on my hips so expertly it would take my pain level down from what felt like a 10 to a bearable 6 or 7 during the most intense part of the contractions. I'm also really glad she was there because no one was expecting labor to go THAT fast and I am pretty sure we wouldn't even have gotten a midwife in the room on time had it not been for Ravae really listening to me and tuning into the fact that things were moving quickly and I was almost ready to push!

Ravae also showed so much kindness and compassion, checking in with us often when my son unexpectedly ended up in NICU. With no family in the area, it was just very comforting for my husband and I to have her for that additional emotional support.

Thank you Ravae!!

Tynan Marie


Pure magic. That is how I describe Ravae.

Ravae was recommended to us for placenta encapsulation & postpartum care by our birthing doula. We called & discussed boundaries, breastfeeding, schedules, & the steep learning curve that comes with a first child. I knew we'd need 40 hours, we had no clue what was coming. Ravae suggested 20 - she was confident we would be great parents & get the hang of it. She had the confidence in us that I couldn't find for myself. Already magic.

My son is born. We're home the 2nd night. Husband collapses & is taken to the ER. He comes home quickly but without a diagnosis. Suddenly I'm taking care of my son alone because we don't want to take the chance my husband will collapse on baby duty. We weren't expecting Ravae for another day or two but she didn't wait. After a birth, at midnight, she came to our house and took care of me and my son. How? She scooped up my son in her arms (which he loved!) & told me to go to sleep. She said she would wake me when he needed to eat. I slept for the first time in days. When I woke up my son was still asleep in her arms & she had somehow (MAGIC) cleaned the kitchen. I fed my son & went back to sleep for a few more hours. Early morning came, Ravae went home, and I was left feeling a little more human and sane.

Over the next 4-6 weeks Ravae helped with sleep (mine and the baby's), breastfeeding positions, and much more. After our visits were done, she followed up several times to ensure we were okay and to provide resources on new questions we had. She still reaches out to check on the baby.

My baby is now 8 months & there isn't a week that goes by that I don't miss Ravae. I know she's doing wonderful (magical) things for new & expecting parents but I selfishly wish she could still be a regular part of our family. If you're thinking about a postpartum doula, I highly recommend it. More over I whole-heartily recommend Ravae.

Kunti Salazar


Ravae was very knowledgeable and provided us with helpful resources throughout the pregnancy and post partum. She really cares about your well-being and recovery. If you are having a hospital birth, she has a lot of experience working with midwives, nurses and OBs at several locations. My husband and I are thankful we had her support during this journey, it was valuable and reassuring as first time parents.



Ravae was referred to me by my boss, who used Ravae twice. I had experienced a devastating miscarriage and was filled with ANXIETY! I kept putting off meeting with Ravae until I got further along in the pregnancy. From what I knew, doulas were birth coaches exclusively. I couldn't think about delivery when i was so concerned about fetal viability. Ravae explained to me that many people get a doula because of previous losses, so I engaged her early on in my pregnancy. I'm so glad that I did! I got lots of personalized support and information. Ravae is so personable that you feel like you've known her forever. She's very open-minded. I'm a single mother, with an unconventional paternal situation. She took everything in stride.

So, while i had a completely uneventful, geriatric, high risk pregnancy, nothing about my delivery went as planned. I had to be induced earlier than the scheduled induction that we planned. Ravae was unavailable on that day. I had been prepped with an introduction to Ravae's back-up doula(s). My induction failed over the course of 2 days, so much of that time was just waiting. I met both of Ravae's back up doulas & they were great ladies. Ravae was with me right up until delivery, which unfortunately ended up being a c-section. Ravae explained medical terms and scenarios with me, discussed options and implications, but let me make my own decisions. She provided the exact support that I needed, when I needed it. She even supplied the extra, unexpected touches like bringing breakfast and coffee for Daddies.

Ravae came to my home and visited after baby and i were home for about a week. She is the person that noticed my son's tongue tie. None of the doctors ever mentioned it! Again, she gave me information that I used to make my decision, which was to clip the tie.

In short, I can't say enough positive things about Ravae! I got the top tier package & it was worth EVERY PENNY!

Kate Hoobler


I'm so glad we we chose Ravae as our doula! After a difficult labor with my first child, my husband and I knew that we needed some help with our second labor. The difference was night and day. We had some health concerns during the pregnancy, and Ravae was available and offered helpful suggestions and resources via email. In the lead-up to my labor, she was in near constant contact with me and my husband as we were giving her updates and she offered words of encouragement. Having Ravae present during my labor made such a huge difference. Her reminders and coaching helped us have the delivery we really wanted. Being able to labor at home for a long time and avoid so many medical interventions made a positive impact in my recovery. Her attitude is amazing. If we have a third child (haha) Ravae will be the first person we call :)

Noorin Nelson


Ravage was amazing, she created a calm environment throughout the pregnancy and on the day off birth really made a big difference during the pushing phase. We couldn’t imagine giving birth without her.

Kum Family


When my husband and I found out that we were expecting a set of twins for our first pregnancy experience, we wanted to ensure that we receive the proper guidance from end-to-end. Therefore, we went on an extensive search to team up with a doula that will give us the personal touch that we needed. We searched countless doula databases, and consulted with numerous doula professionals, however Ravae won our hearts right from the beginning. Out of everyone we interviewed, she was the most personable and genuine.

Throughout the entire pregnancy, Ravae was there with us along the way. She was very responsive, and was there every time that we needed her. There were couple instances where I had to be hospitalized amid the pregnancy, and Ravae was by our side throughout each one of those episodes. She would even stop by the store on of her own free will to acquire a few essentials that I needed in the hospital. Unfortunately, we were affiliated with an OBGYN practice that we often disagreed with. Essentially it felt like a "our way or the highway" type of relationship. However, with Ravae's law background we could successfully navigate through those types of ambiguities.

Ravae has become more than just our Doula, she's become a part of our family. I highly doubt that there is any other doula out there that is more knowledgeable than her. Her Doula certifications, plus law degree, plus masseuse experience, and all her amazing attributes makes her unmatched We highly recommend her and would certainly hire her again!!

Erin CT


Ravae was wonderfully supportive throughout labor and delivery, before, and after.

In the two sessions before labor, Ravae helped us to think through our expectations and desires for labor, delivery, and postpartum such that we felt in control (as much as possible) and supported.  I felt much more calm going into labor knowing that she would be there to support us and advocate for us.

To feel comfortable at the hospital during the labor and delivery, it was important for me to understand what doctors and nurses were doing throughout. Ravae did great communicating this need to the doctors and nurses and helping me and my partner understand what the doctor/nurses were doing and why. She also provided hands-on support and massage while communicating with me to make sure I felt comfortable. She suggested different positions to try, helped with the transition to those positions and monitored if they were working. She helped to clearly communicate the details of our birth plan to the hospital staff at the right times to maintain a productive and helpful relationship with them.  Help with communication was important because when we arrived at the hospital, my contractions were so close together that I couldn't communicate much with the doctors and nurses.  She helped my partner by suggesting things that he could do to support me and to provide guidance to doctors and nurses when I wasn't able to answer questions.

Ravae was available by phone or text anytime, which was very helpful and comforting while waiting for labor to begin and after we arrived home postpartum.

Ravae's lactation support was specific without being overly prescriptive.  I found her guidance and advice empowering and flexible.

Naina Boveja


Ravae Sinclair was an integral part of our journey from pregnancy to parenthood. From the private coaching, to the Skype calls, to being there exactly when we needed her at the hospital...Ravae helped make the entire process better. She took the fear out by making sure we understood the different possible scenarios and made us feel safe at every step of the way. She is extremely knowledgeable and provides evidence based studies when discussing different options. She gave us several resources to answer our questions and the time we needed to think about what would work best for us, without any judgement. Her practical approach and vast experiences set her apart. Having Ravae at the hospital was very comforting. She stayed calm in the most unpredictable situations and was able to help manage our large family and strong emotions during this stressful time.

Ravae made us feel confident and empowered in our decisions and was a very strong advocate. Because she was there, we felt as prepared as we could feel. My husband and I would highly recommend Ravae and we hope to work with her again in the future.

Jessika Edwards


Going into my first pregnancy I knew I needed some extra help and guidance. Ravae was just that and more! I felt very comfortable with Ravae from the first time I met her she's very sweet and motherly but also very motivating which is very comforting when you're in a lot of pain! The warming pad, exercise ball and massages she did on my back were amazing during my contractions.

She was also very helpful in helping me make decisions during labor and letting me know what the doctors were doing. Ravae was my advocate in the hospital and helped explain the procedures to me in ways that were easy to understand during such a stressful time. This definitely helped me feel a whole lot better during some important decisions. I highly recommend Ravae because she's very knowledgeable in what she does and is a great support to have during the most important thing a women has to go through. Ravae was patient and attentive throughout my long labor. She was invaluable to me and I can't imagine what it would have been like without her. Ravae normalized a scary experience for me and never let me feel alone. She is wonderful and I can recommend her without any reservation.

Rani Deshpande


Ravae is a baby whisperer. She managed to figure out what would get my baby to breastfeed when multiple other counselors could not. She is a lifesaver!

Emily Sauter


Ravae is everything we wanted out of a doula--compassionate, calm, and a respectful and fierce advocate for your choices. We decided to hire a doula because we don't have family nearby and we wanted someone with lots of experience to be with us during every step of labor, both to provide an experienced perspective when necessary and to help us with comfort measures.

We opted to go with the most comprehensive package since we are first time parents and her most comprehensive package provides some in-home classes, which was incredibly helpful with my extremely busy work schedule. The classes were very informative and useful and prepared us well.

Ravae was also very helpful at labor itself.  She was there to answer questions every step of the way, and she was nonjudgmental when I quickly changed one preference on my birth plan (I had hoped to have a natural childbirth or at least delayed epidural, but woke up with very painful contractions without any pain free rest periods between contractions, and so I ended up getting an epidural pretty quickly). She provided a second (nonmedical) perspective when it looked like I might need a c-sectio, which was also helpful. And perhaps most helpful of all, she was extremely useful during the pushing period itself--encouraging, calm, and focused on comfort measures to make the process more comfortable and relaxed (as relaxed as it can be).

Ravae was also super helpful postpartum.  My husband came down with a nasty cold when our son was just a few days old, and because we didn't want to expose our son to those germs at such a young age, that left me handling everything while recovering myself.  I asked Ravae if she could help and she was there that night, giving me a much-needed break for a few hours.

I'd hire Ravae again in a heartbeat, and am actually hoping we are still in the DC area when we start trying for number 2, as it would be great to use her services again.

Tiffany Nicole


Ravae was my angel!

This was my first child and my first pregnancy. I had dreams of a natural birth in a birthing center with a midwife. But by the third trimester, my pregnancy was filled with complications - placenta previa, bleeding, pulmonary embolism, symphysis pubis dysfunction, depression- and I NEEDED HELP! I needed support. My husband was great and by my side, but I needed a different type of support to get through the anxiety, confusion and fear.

Ravae stepped in during the 3rd trimester and brought such a sense of calm. She was so professional, patient, and flexible with us. She came to our home for personal prenatal courses; walking us through our birthing options, a birthing plan, the labor process, labor strategies, and postpartum support.

Her spirit is so warm and beautiful. I was able to lean into her COMPLETELY during the labor process. I don't remember much of the labor, because I allowed myself to only focus on my breathing and getting through. I blacked everything else out because I knew Ravae was there and could take care of it. I remember her holding me, and protecting me and coaching me through every minute. Her work is selfless and all consuming.

After the birth, Ravae was just as instrumental. She encapsulated my placenta, which worked great for us. She helped us form a plan for how our family members supported us. She came by the house and checked on me and address any infant care concerns. She walked me through breast feeding and pumping 1on1, provided options for my husband to feed the baby via syringe, recommended tried and true baby products and affirmed us in a much needed way.

Out of all the blogs, books, classes, products....hiring Ravae as my doula was the BEST INVESTMENT of time and money throughout our entire pregnancy/birthing process. I highly recommend her as ESSENTIAL to any expectant mom.

Priya Sethi


Ravae was a wonderful and helpful resource with my newborn baby boy. She was responsive and informative from our initial meeting prior to his birth throughout the subsequent visits. Ravae often sent guides and information packets on what we should expect with labor, delivery and newborn care. She was always available when we needed her and was fully engaged when we were together. Ravae had a calming and soothing effect on our baby and helped both the parents adjust to the newborn's feeding and sleeping schedule. We especially are grateful to her assistance on breastfeeding support and resources. I would recommend Ravae to other new mothers as well.

K Durb


We were so happy to have Ravae as our doula.  We met with her several times prior to the birth of our first child and established a quick rapport with her.  She is simultaneously down-to-earth and direct, pairing an easy sense of humor with a calm presence. She is also extremely experienced in attending births, knowledgeable about different pain management techniques, and familiar with hospital and birthing processes. Following delivery, Ravae visited us several times in the hospital and made sure we were getting the support we needed.  She helped me get breast feeding established early on and guided me to start pumping to help my milk come in.  She checked in with us consistently in the first few weeks post-partum to make sure things were going okay, brainstorm strategies to deal with any issues, and even to reassure us that certain things were normal.  She was a great fit for us.

Audie Emery


Ravae was an exellent support system throughout my pregnancy, during the delivery and after. During the pregnancy she came to our home for childbirth classes on the topics of our choosing -- in this case developing a birth plan, labor prep positions and breastfeeding basics. This was great for my work schedule which was too hectic for area classes.

During the birth she was a calm and steady hand, helping us navigate the myriad nurse shift changes, medical jargon and stress. She even made sure we ate! She is also a joy to be around with a great sense of humour and most important -- non judgemental about our birth plan decisions. Whatever you decide Ravae will help you through it.

Jinwoo P


Ravae was absolutely fantastic, and exceeded all of our expectations.  She was responsive to questions and text messages we sent prior to labor. Once labor began, she was extraordinarily helpful at the hospital. She provided great suggestions for new positions to try, breathing techniques, helped massage mom when going got tough, provided guidance in decision making, and was a great source of emotional support for both parents.  She was also helpful in managing family members in the waiting room, and even took a bunch of really great photos.  She stayed well after our daughter was born, and provided great advice and guidance in breastfeeding, which was enormously valuable once we took the baby back home.

Hospital staff was highly impressed with her services, and said they would recommend her to other patients.

We can't imagine having gone through this big day without her by our side.  If you're looking for a doula, you won't do any better than Ravae.

Amanda Clincy


Ravae is amazing! Ravae assisted us with the birth of our first daughter and we knew that we couldn't get through our second birth without her. She is strong, supportive, and pushes you when needed. I had an unmedicated birth with both of my children and would not have achieved my vision for the births without her help. She kept me focused on my goals and used a variety of mental and physical techniques to help me move through each contraction. I highly recommend Ravae!!

Molly Faulkner-Bond


Hiring Ravae was one of the best and most important decisions my husband and I made during our pregnancy; I cannot commend or recommend her highly enough. Going into my labor, we both felt strongly that we wanted to try to get through the whole experience with minimal medical intervention. But the sheer length of my labor – nearly 40 hours in all; just over 24 in the hospital – made that goal seem unattainable more than once. If Ravae hadn’t been with us, we surely would have given up from sheer exhaustion. Thanks to Ravae’s emotional and physical support, we were able to have the birth we wanted.

Ravae truly is an expert; she always seemed to know what we needed before we did. When our muscles grew weary, suddenly there she was with a back massager or a gentle knead in just the right place. When we realized we were hungry, she had already ventured out to get food and drinks to keep us going. When we were overwhelmed and ready to give up, she was patient and encouraging. Some of my clearest memories from labor are her printed collection of birth affirmations, which she hung around the room and moved periodically as I switched positions. Whenever I found myself thinking I couldn’t handle any more, I would open my eyes to find exactly the right affirmation hung directly in my sight line – something to remind me why I wanted to give birth the way I did, or to tell me that I had the strength to keep going.

We are deeply grateful to Ravae for her outstanding support, and would recommend her unequivocally to any couple considering hiring a doula for their birth.

Laura Frazelle


We had a wonderful experience with Ravae. She is attentive, helpful, and very easy to work with. We were so glad to have her support during the birth of our son. One of the nurses at the hospital even said she's worked with a lot of doulas, and Ravae is the best! We would definitely recommend her!

Mindy Ertz


I know that it has been a year since I used Ravae's services but I still remember how exceptional she was clearly.  The best way that I could expalin Ravae is, the must have instruction manual that you never knew was available.  My husband and I welcomed our son to this world with the assistance of Ravae last year and she made sure that all of us felt taken care of and supported on all fronts.  Even when I changed my birth plan half way through a very long labor, she supported and facilitated every decision that I made.  I highly reccomend her to anyone seeking a doula.

Latasa Anderson


I highly recommend Ravae. I used her for a VBAC. I had a prior c-section and did not want to go through that procedure again. She made things very easy for us (my spouse included). Prior to my successful VBAC, she met with us multiple times and called me to ensure I was doing well. On the day my water broke, she came up to the hosptial at 2am and walked with me and stood by my side for HOURS through my labor and delivery process. I was in labor for almost 30 hours. She helped us understand our options at every step of the labor and delivery process. She guided us through labor with comfort methods, massaged me while going through painful contractions, coached me through pushing and brought us lunch after delivery. If it wasn't for Ravae, I dont think I would have been able to do a VBAC. After the delivery, she followed up with us in person and offered valuable advice and knowledge about jaundice (my LO had jaundice). I highly recommend Ravae for VBACs and labor/delivery in general. There are lots of choices out there, but what makes Ravae different is that I could totally trust her and I felt stronger and more confident knowing she was there for my spouse and I.

Marisa Goldstein


My husband and I had a great experience working with Ravae. To start things off, Ravae came to our house for an initial meeting to discuss our birth goals, fears, and options available to us, and helped us craft a birth plan based on that information. It was really helpful to have her help us think through different options for how labor might go, especially since things I did need some interventions in labor so I didn't have to consider my options for the first time in the midst of labor.

When I did check-in to the hospital, Ravae met us there once we had checked in and helped us get settled. I had to be on continuous monitoring since our baby wasn't tolerating labor well, but she helped us get into different positions while remaining in bed and on the monitor. Once we got to transition, she was invaluable in helping me to manage the pressure, which was still really intense even with an epidural. As I started to push, she held one of my legs and helped me count and breathe and really empowered me to take charge of the experience. After birth, she made sure my husband got skin to skin time with our son and took some of the only pictures we have from birth the first hour of our son's life.

Ravae was super responsive over text before and after birth, and was always sending us resources to help prepare for labor and to help us with nursing and postpartum recovery. She came and visited us at our apartment a few days after birth and helped me troubleshoot breastfeeding and provided recommendations for local pediatric ENTs/oral surgeons who could help correct our son's tongue tie. She also sent us a sweet care package of lactation cookies and the paper from the day our son was born, which was incredibly thoughtful and unexpected. You will be in great hands with Ravae as your doula!

Davina Ranasinghe


I will try to put into words how great Ravae is. Pregnant with our first child, I knew that we wanted to have the guidance and support of a doula during childbirth. My husband was a little skeptical at first, but agreed to interview various candidates. A friend told me about her experience with Ravae so we set up an interview. We video-chatted with Ravae and she was friendly, kind, understanding, and was very confident in her abilities and well-qualified. She readily answered all of my endless questions with patience and a smile! Most importantly, I was comfortable with her and felt that I could let my guard down and trust her to guide and support us through labor. Our minds were made up- we were hiring Ravae!
We felt so well prepared after having our classes with Ravae we couldn't believe how relaxed we felt. I had my birth plan mapped out and I felt great with my husband and Ravae in my corner. I had an illness with complications and contractions at 33 weeks and Ravae was in touch with my husband the entire night I was in the hospital, as well as checking in on me in the days following. Well, as luck would have it, I went into labor 3 weeks early and that’s when I realized how lucky we were to have found Ravae! She was with us throughout my birth, providing physical & emotional support. Looking back, I don't know how we would have made it through what turned out to be a birth that didn't go as planned had we not had Ravae's support. She has gone above and beyond in her postpartum support of me and for that I am eternally grateful. She continues to check in on us, always greeting us with "Hey, Family!"...and that’s exactly what she feels like to us now, a part of our family.

Sylvia Schneider


We couldn't be happier with the support we received from Ravae. She was incredibly helpful with sharing resources before I went into labor and an invaluable support during a very long labor that ended up leading to an unplanned c-section. We also appreciated her checking in and following up after the birth. Ravae is experienced, knowledgeable and caring, and I felt like we were in excellent hands throughout this whole process, which was so necessary for both of us as first-time parents.

Jen Croft


Ravae was indispensible to my 26-hour labor process. I can’t imagine the successful birth of my first child without her. In fact, I credit Ravae Sinclair with helping me narrowly avoid an emergency c-section She anticipated so many of my needs; and if I even hinted at a need for help with something, she was immediately on it. I have a very supportive, capable, and helpful husband who she respectfully involved, including by recommending detailed book “The Birth Partner” to him.

Ravae’s experience -- our baby was her 398th birth! -- and incredible energy during an otherwise very challenging labor experience was invaluable. Going into labor, it was extremely reassuring knowing that this super doula would be there to help and coach me through it all, including unforeseeable twists and turns.

In addition to her help during labor – and with breastfeeding in the first hours after delivery – Ravae repeatedly followed up during my baby’s first weeks, with her trademark blend of care, positivity, and confident expertise.

Christine Halpin


We had a wonderful birth experience with Ravae as our doula.  Her experience and calm presence during our daughter's birth helped keep me (mom) and my husband relaxed throughout the entire experience.  Prior to our daughter's birth Ravae shared many helpful pieces of information to help us prepare for the birth, including what to bring to the hospita.  Would definitely recommend leveraging doula support and services from Ravae to help ensure a pleasant time in the labor and delivery room.

Ruby Roy


We had such a great experience with Ravae!  She spent time to get to know us and walk us through everything about the birth before hand.  She was open to whatever we wanted.  When time came, we were ready to have a natural birth but we had an emergency C-section.  My husband texted her before I went in and when I came out of surgery she was there helping out where she could.  She came by post-partum to help with breast feeding which I desperately needed.  She stayed until I was in a better spot.  She kept in touch afterwards as well to give us some advice and see if we were doing well.  Even though we didn't go through a vaginal birth, it was so important to have her for guidance and support.

T. D. Peterson


Ravae is a wonderful doula. From the start, she made me feel safe and cared for. She had a list of great referrals who were also able to assist me in preparing for my childbirh. During labor, Ravae worked with the nurses at the hospital to make sure they understood my needs and created the perfect birthing environment for me. My VBAC was a success.

Claire Battle


Hiring a doula wasn’t on my agenda until I was deemed “high risk” because of some pre-existing medical conditions. I was overwhelmed with the “possibility” of complications. Ravae is calming, logical, non-judgmental, and a great listener. In-home pre-birth visits helped my husband and I tailor “childbirth education” to our unique situation, personalities, and schedule. Ravae helped us navigate options presented by my OB in the weeks leading up to my due date (via text, phone, and email). She internalized our hopes and goals for labor and delivery, recalled them at just the right moment, and helped us fit them into the context of information from doctors. I needed someone who was OK with me staying on meds while pregnant, choosing an epidural, etc. Ravae was a trusted guide as my husband and I made our own decisions – rather than pushing her own priorities on us. With Ravae’s help (and her amazing backup doula for a few hours!), we welcomed a healthy baby via vaginal delivery despite the real possibility of an unplanned c-section. Without Ravae explaining the options and continually reassuring me that my body would take care of things, I doubt I’d have had the stamina to stick to my gut after 3+ days of a complicated induction experience. Her postpartum visit and support was a huge reason that I haven’t yet given up on breastfeeding. She identified barriers that the hospital lactation consultants missed, referred us to other professionals to address a tongue tie preventing baby from effectively latching, and developed a plan to preserve the breastfeeding relationship despite other hiccups (e.g. initial pumping and alternative feeding options, mastitis). Ravae then provided much needed ongoing encouragement via text/email/phone. In fact, she was so helpful with the postpartum transition that we’re hiring her for some additional ongoing breastfeeding support. We are so grateful!

Kirsten Bodnarchuk


Who does a doula use when they are having a baby? Why Ravae of course! She's amazing, knowledgeable, kind, receptive, patient, confident, attentive, and about 1000 other amazing things. this was my third birth and things went rather quickly. Ravae was in contact with me throughout the early labour and joined me at the hospital. She also encapsulated my placenta and offered great breastfeeding and postpartum support.

Any family would be extremely lucky to have Ravae as their doula.

Cabrini Merclean


I had one of those crazy labor experiences that you don't want to tell your friends about because it's too intense of a story. It was 55 hours long, 33 hours were without an epidural, and it ended in an emergency c section. We were so lucky that, despite all that, our baby was born happy and healthy and I have since recovered well.

Throughout the entire experience Ravae was an incredible resource, and we could not have done it without her. She was a calming presence, and was able to provide us with information at every step as our birthplan continued to change. She acted as an advocate for me to the hospital staff, which was extremely important as I was in no state to either advocate for myself, or even know what the options were for my medical care.

Ravae hardly got any sleep and made herself available even in the middle of the night after what had already been two nights of labor. After giving birth she helped with even more information and helpful advice for my post partum recovery and care of our new baby girl.

She has shown us the importance of having a doula, and I can not reccomend her highly enough. She was dedicated, informed, warm, helpful, all in all, an invaluable resource.

Gabrielle Cosel


We had a wonderful experience with Ravae.  I appreciated so many things about her, from her warm loving personality to her amazing competency.  Her visits prior to the birth really helped us feel comfortable with the process and educated about what might happen. She walked us through  and wrote up our entire birth plan which was extremely helpful. My labor was amazingly fast and so I didn't get to take advantage of Ravae's  hands-on support  during contractions  as much, but she gave me a lovely massage after the birth.  Afterwards she checked on us frequently, and visited us at our home where she assembled and showed us how to use all of our breast pump devices,  and gave us a consult on latching and nursing.  She really is such a wonderful Doula and person, I can't recommend her highly enough.

Maiya Clark


I hired Ravae as my doula for the birth of my daughter in August 2016.  I am a single mother so I thought that hiring a doula would provide me the support that I didn't have from a partner.  My parents are local but I didn't feel that they would be helpful. Ravae's help before, during and after delivery was such a blessing to me.  I chose her after meeting with 2 other doula candidates. She had a warm personality and our personalities seemed to mesh.  She wasn't too hyper, talkative, "earthy" or unrelatable.  Prior to delivery she sent me several Youtube video links on laboring, comfort measures during labor and breastfeeding.  During our meeting she showed me various tools that she would use to help me through labor pains and encouraged me to start writing a birth plan (which I would have never done otherwise).

Ravae met me at the hospital when I started Pitocin to put me in active labor.  She massaged my back to help with the pains, helped to change positions, advocated for the things that were important to me and expressed her concern when the epidural took too long to work.  My labor and delivery was the perfect experience with Ravae, my OB and my nurse.  I would not have wished for it to go any differently except for the episiotomy/rectal tear - but Ravae brought it to my attention that it was not my desire to have an episiotomy.  By then, I just wanted to see my baby by any means necessary.  Ravae left me in good hands after helping to the bathroom and helping my daughter to latch.

After the delivery, Ravae kept in touch via phone and text and was invaluable in helping me to get longer sleep while breastfeeding. She encouraged me through my crying spells, reminding that things would get better.  Months later she sent me an awesome gift of lactation cookies (which I ate in 2 days) along with the recipe!



Shahirah Mahmood


Ravae is an outstanding doula. She is knowledgeable, supportive and is an unwavering advocate of our birth preferences. My husband and I chose to have a natural birth in a hospital setting and knew from the outset that we would be met with various obstacles. Ravae was meticulous and patient in assuaging my doubts, fear of the unknown (I am a first time mom) and through our conversations it was clear that she has a lot of experience dealing with doctors and nurses. We dealt with several unexpected events during the birth of my daughter. Ravae was steadfast and calm during those moments; she anticipated my needs for non-medical pain relief through counter-pressure massage and she was assertive with our care providers when she needed to be. I am, and will forever be grateful to Ravae for being by our side during those life-changing moments. Ravae is not only passionate about bringing babies into this world, but she also has the temperament and finesse that makes her a wonderful doula!

Dorothy L Jones


Really enjoyed working with Ravae. Just having a her confidence and support during the labor were very helpful. She was very preent through the process, even though i was three weeks early. My husband was also not very sold on the idea of hiring a doula but Ravae was able to hold her own even around his sometimes skepticism and eventually won him over :)

Janaiha Bennett


This was our second experience with Ravae as our doula. Leading up to labor she showed such kindness and attention to me and to my family, checking in with phone calls and providing us with useful information to help us prior to the birth. During labor, she was an amazing support. As with our first son, if it were not for Ravae and her calm confidence reassuring me and helping me to focus through each contraction I would not have been able to give birth to my son's naturally as I had wanted. Ravae pours herself into supporting the moms in her care. She also has a special way of helping those in mom's support group (partners, family members, etc) see how they can best contribute to mom's labor. I trust her so deeply and I am so thankful for her!

The Kenneys III


Ravae was wonderful. She has a wealth of knowledge, and is so personable…I felt like she was a part of my family rather than someone I met a few short months ago. She helped to calm my anxiety at having what my doctors liked to call a “high risk pregnancy” due to my age. And she was great at imparting her wisdom to my husband so that he provided wonderful support before, during, and after my pregnancy. I was in labor for a very short time and had my daughter within 20 minutes of getting to the hospital so Ravae was not able to make it to my delivery. But she was there immediately after and provided support to me through that night and the next day. Because she wasn’t there for the delivery, she gave us the option of receiving a refund or two more sessions of post-partum support. I loved that she gave us that option but we of course took the post-partum support. Her support during my pregnancy and after was invaluable and I would not hesitate to recommend her services to others.

Jasmine Thomas


Ravae was absolutely amazing! I strongly believe that I would not have had the VBAC experience I did if it weren't for her support and expertise. she met with my Husband and I on several occasions beforehand and offered suggestions for comfort when early labor began to the very end. We loved her so much that we chose to hire her for postpartum services as well. I was sad knowing her support had to end. I would highly recommend her to anyone in search for a doula.

Sarah Adam


Quite simply, Ravae was wonderful. Throughout the latter stages of pregnancy, she was a source of reassurance and comfort as we waited for my little one's arrival. When my labor finally began, she stayed in close contact until it was time to join us in the hospital. She was a steady presence throughout, suggesting ways to increase my comfort, providing massage etc and advocating my preferences with the hospital staff. Ultimately, when I decided to go with an epidural, Ravae was extremely supportive and a good objective voice at an emotional time. Through to the very last push, Ravae brought the energy and support we needed to bring our son into the world.

Allison Lack


Ravae was helpful, caring, and totally responsive to my family's needs and wishes before, during, and after the birth of my baby. When I was pregnant she always made herself available for questions, and, she came over to our apartment to help us prepare for birth. I was totally exhausted after the birth and, after Ravae helped my daughter to latch, I happily handed my daughter over to her as I dozed in and out of sleep. When I hadn't gone to the bathroom a few hours later and a nurse wanted to catheterize me and I really did not want that but did not have it in me to fight against it, Ravae was an effective advocate who got the nurse to hold off, and Ravae helped me to go and avoid a catheter, for which I am very grateful. After we got home, Ravae often checked in and came over to help with feeding problems. I trust and genuinely like her and would absolutely recommend her to other families.

Corena Tansey


Ravae was an amazing addition to my birthing team! She was calm and understood the labor process, which was very helpful to my husband and myself so we knew where we were in the big picture. She was firm and supportive when I needed it. I was incredibly thankful to have her there. She was able to help me get what I needed from the hospital staff and was an amazing support for my husband (letting him know when to sleep and eat) so he could be there by my side when I needed him. Ravae's background in massage was very helpful and she was able to show my husband how to apply counter pressure. We loved having her and have already recommended her to friends as a fabulous support during labor and delivery.

Leah Peralta


This was my 1st pregnancy and I wanted help from an experienced doula b/c my doctors told me I was high risk. I interviewed several doulas but liked Ravae immediately. We met up several times and facetimed before I delivered. She made me feel confident and offered great guidance for labor and breastfeeding. She helped write my birth preferences and gave me advice on how to talk to my doctors. She also recommended an awesome prenatal class. I labored at home for a few hours and my husband kept in touch with Ravae to let her know how it was going. I didn't expect things to progress so quickly but my contractions were pretty intense. I dilated quickly at the hospital and kept asking my husband where Ravae was. It took her some time to get there but no one expected my labor to be so quick. So I really wished she had been there during active labor. That being said, I tried to remember what I read and what Ravae told me during our prep. Ravae did make it to the hospital by the time I was ready to push. I was grateful that she was there because she advocated for me to my doctor to have me in a better position for pushing. I don't think my doctor would have relented if Ravae hadn't been there. I wasn't happy with my doctor or my nurses so I felt more confident knowing that Ravae was with me. I was so glad to have her guiding me while I pushed. She stayed with me after birth to help me with breastfeeding. I had a lot of difficulty in the first few weeks and texted with Ravae a couple times. She visited us briefly a week after the baby was born and told me it would not be the final visit but it was. I would have liked to see her one more time. But I was so busy and stressed out with breastfeeding and other issues that I did not follow-up. Overall I would definitely recommend Ravae for anyone seeking an experienced doula. I believe the prepwork we did helped me have a positive, intervention-free birth.

Stephanie Roswell Mokey


Ravae was absolutely amazing! I truly don't know how my husband and I would have made it through my labor without her. I had a four-day induction/labor process and Ravae stayed in contact with us the entire time - checking in for updates, and offering comfort and advice over the phone no matter what time of day or night - until my active labor finally started. Once at the hospital, she guided us through labor with suggestions of comfort methods, massaged me while I struggled through painful contractions, coached me through transition and pushing, offered me cold drinks when I needed them, and even stayed several hours after the birth to help me with nursing and my husband with packing up our room before moving to postpartum.  Perhaps most doulas offer all the same services, but what makes Ravae so fantastic is that she is a quiet and confident source of strength. Her presence in the room is calming. I felt I could trust her entirely, and I felt stronger just knowing she was there for us. Thank you, Ravae!!

Debissa Amina


I will start by sincerely thanking Ravae for all she did for me and my family in preparation to and during the birth of my first newborn baby boy at George Washington University Hospital!! I highly recommend Ravae as she is just an amazing doula! I met Ravae through the recommendation of a friend/colleague and as this was my first pregnancy, both my husband and I wanted to have an experienced and caring doula to join our team to help us through the journey. And more importantly, I was very committed to try natural childbirth with no medication, if at all possible. Although both my husband and I took childbirth classes, Ravae was instrumental in educating us in what exactly to expect in the weeks ahead of my baby’s birth, the childbirth itself, and what to expect postpartum. The informal settings for our discussions (i.e. meeting in our home) helped us to more easy process the wealth of information and was very comforting. We surely can testify Ravae’s knowledge and professionalism, coupled with care and understanding. We were just lucky to have her with us during this amazing and rewarding process. She was very caring and comforting throughout the labor and delivery – reflecting back I am sure I could not have made it to the natural (no medication) birth without the comforting shoulders of Ravae. She was also very quick in making suggestions that made sense and that were the best of my interest. Her lavender scented candles were just amazing! All in all, Ravae helped us achieve our ideal delivery, in the most comforting manner. In addition, Ravae visited us again the next day to check on the baby and encouraging us on our postpartum journey. She also visited us once we settled at home, which we very much appreciated. We therefore attest to Ravae’s expertise and we recommend her highly. Thank you very much again, Ravae!

Maya Srinivasan


Ravae attended the birth of my second child in July 2016, at GWU hospital. She is a thorough professional and a real support to a family going through pregnancy and childbirth. She is extremely experienced and knowledgeable about all aspects of the process from birthing positions and comfort measures to postpartum care and lactation support. I am very grateful for her help in what turned out to be a beautiful, calm water birth - she anticipated my needs at a time when I wasn't able to articulate them clearly myself. Thanks Ravae!

Megan Yellin


I highly recommend Ravae. Without Ravae, I am not sure I could have had the vaginal birth I strongly hoped to have. I was induced and had a 30+ hour labor with a sunny side up baby; although the nurses and doctors were skeptical that I woud be able to deliver her vaginally without the assistance of forceps/vacuum, Ravae assured me throughout the process that I could be successful. Not only did her words of comfort and optimism give me the confidence and strength to keep going, she also suggested positions which the doctor that delivered me credited with getting the baby to descend more easily. Also, not all doulas are supportive of the use of an epidural; Ravae was completely non-judgemental and supportive of my getting an epidural, given the amount of pain I was in for a prolonged time.

Laura Jones


What can I say about Ravae that hasn't already been said? Hiring her was one of the best decisions I have ever made. They say that you should expect the unexpected in birth and try not to get hung up on a "birth plan". I truly believe that Ravae is the reason my birth went as planned as possible- and the reason I had a wonderful experience.

At 36 weeks pregnant, I panicked. I was planning on having a unmedicated birth- my husband and I took Bradley Method classes for 12 weeks and I thought we were totally prepared. We had gone back and forth about hiring a doula, and as the reality of actually giving birth hit me, I decided I needed one.

After phone conversation with Ravae, she let me know that even though she had other moms to be nar my due date, she would be willing to take me on as a client. We had a wonderful prenatal visit with her, my mother and mother in law were also planning to be in the room when I delivered, and Ravae really understood and was supportive of my plan to give everyone a role in the birth- leaving no one out.

I ended up going two weeks over my due date and needed to be induced. This really upset me and Ravae was there for emotional support in the days leading up to my induction. Ravae was there for 8 hours of labor with us, really jumping in to help where I needed it. She let my husband be my main support system, but was an invaluable source of information and helped me emotionally, mentally and physically. She was right there with us in the thick of it, and when things got a little dicey at the end- she was the push I needed to get my baby out healthy and happy! I ended up with a 14 hour labor and I pushed about four times, it could not have gone any better and I really thank Ravae for that. She gave me the confidence to have the birth experience I wanted- I can't imagine my experience without her!

Erikka Young


I had a wonderful experience with Ravae. She was always available to answer my questions, even when I was wondering if I had chosen the right doctor for my ideal birth scenario and who I wanted to have in the labor room with me.  She was with me, phonically and physically during early labor, which lasted an entire day, and was there in the hospital for 2 days of active labor. Although I was unable to deliver naturally Ravae's support during labor and beyond was invaluable. When I have my next child, I will certainly have Ravae there again.

Jenni Moraga Becker


Ravae was absolutely wonderful! Her knowledge and experience served us well. We had two prenatal visits with her where she outlined what the process would be like with labor and delivery. We practiced labor positions which helped me when I went into early labor. For delivery, we couldn't have done it without her. She really helped me pull through especially in the very end after pushing for the longest 3 hours of my life. Her words of encouragment and motivation helped me find the power to push the baby out. I did not want any pain medication, and with Ravae's guidance and support along with my husband's I was able to have the natural birth that I wanted. I would highly recommend her to families out there looking for extra support in their birth journey!

Aiysha Hussain


Words cannot express how grateful my husband and I are for Ravae.  She was extremely supportive throughout my long labor and postpartum.  I was admitted to the hospital on February 4, 2016.  Eventhough Ravae had helped with another client's labor just that morning, she showed up to the hospital to help me in the afternoon and stayed with me until I gave birth the next day.  I could not have withstood the labor pains if it wasn't for her use of hot compresses, MASSAGE, and water.  She is an  excellent masseuse. My husband and I remained calm throughout the whole process because of her assistance.  After birth, she came and helped me with breastfeeding and continually followed up with advice and guidance.  Hiring her was the best decision I made.  Thank you, Ravae!

Rebecca Rose


Ravae was the doula for the birth of my twin sons in February 2016, and I would definitely recommend her. Even though I take yoga and like that scene a lot, my husband is decidedly not into sacrums and third eyes.  So I was searching for a doula whose style would be versatile enough to help me with breathing and stretching while also being able to trade sarcastic jokes with my husband. Ravae was a great fit for both of us.  Ravae is knowledgeable, responsive, dependable, and a joy to be around. She tailors her approach to the specific family's needs and interests.  She came to our house several times before the birth to discuss our birth plan.  As a first time mom, I had no idea what a birth plan was. So she walked us through that process and the types of choices we would need to make at the hospital.  She was not judgmental about the choices we made as part of the birth plan.  For example, she was supportive regardless of whether we decided to try a completely natural birth or use medication for pain management. She walked us through breathing techniques, birthing positions, and breastfeeding tips.  She helped me labor at home, stayed with us at the hospital, and came to our home after the birth to help with breastfeeding.  The postpartum visits were especially helpful to me because Ravae was able to get one of the twins to latch who had not latched yet. That was a big relief. She has a kind, easy demeanor with parents and with babies.  Our sons loved her.  What I appreciated about Ravae the most was that she was always calm, self-assured, and reassuring to me.  When she was around, I felt like everything would be okay.  I ended up being able to carry the twins to 38 weeks, deliver them without a c-section, and take them home without a stay in the NICU.  Ravae was a key member of the support team that made that possible.  She is a great option for you if you are looking for a doula.

jen cole


Ravae was an invaluable resource to us during pregnancy, labor and delivery and postpartum. She was patient with all of our questions as first time parents, and provided clear responses and supporting reference. She made my husband feel included and comfortable with his role throughout the process. Ravae took the time to understand how we best received information so that when it came time for labor and delivery, the communication was clear and familiar throughout the day. She was able to talk me through and physically support the changes that my body was going through during my natural, unmedicated birth experience. Her expertise was clear in the way she helped us proactively engage with hospital staff. I could not have asked that day to go any better than it did, and I credit Ravae with a large part of that happy success. Postpartum, she, again, provided reliable answers particularly with questions and concerns that I had about breastfeeding. I can't say enough about how wonderful our experience was working with Ravae, and I would recommend her to anyone having a baby.

Alexandra Marie


My husband and I are so grateful to have worked with Ravae. Hiring her as our doula was the best decison we made surrounding the pregnancy and birth of our first child. It was clear from the first phone conversation with Ravae that she is passionate about being a doula and working with moms and families. Besides having a wonderful disposition and calming presence, she is also a true expert in pre and post natal care and was our cheif resource for practical and emotional support throughout the pregnancy and delivery. I highly recommend Ravae as a Doula for any woman or family that is seeking additonal support through the birth process.

Ashley Matthews


Ravae was an amazing doula! I am a first time mom, and she has helped tremendously as i begin my journey as a new mother. Always there to answer questions, and is extremely knowledgeable. I am not sure having a natural birth experience would have gone as smoothly without her being there. I highly recommend her services! Thanks, Ravae!

Amanda Clincy


Ravae is an amazing doula! My husband and I were committed to having an unmediated birth for our first child and we could not have done it without her. With her assistance, we were able to have the birth we wanted. We labored at home for a couple of hours utilizing the pain management techniques Ravae taught my husband and me leading up to the birth (hot shower, counter pressure for back labor pain, birthing ball, abdominal breathing, positive visualizations etc...). I was admitted to the hospital at 5 cm and as soon as Ravae arrive, she jumped right in using various massage and pain management techniques to help me move through each contraction. She, working closely with my husband, truly helped make the pain manageable. Around 6 hours later, I was holding my daughter. After the birth, she even came by to visit us at home and provide assistance with breastfeeding. Overall, my husband and I had a wonderful experience with Ravae and will be calling her again when we are ready to have our second child.

Clare Dowdle


Ravae was thorough and knowledgable and having her as our doula was a great decision. She provided us with important information before and after and was always available and checking in. When it came to labor, having her there was invaluable. Her ability to provide pain relief techniques was fantastic but perhaps as important-- if not more so-- was all the help she gave us with logisitics and information. She explained what was going on, worked with the hospital staff and helped us with little things like getting packed and finding all our stuff-- which may sound minor but was so helpful. I appreciated having someone with so much knowledge-- Ravae is certified in just about everything-- and am glad to have hired her. I would recommend her to anyone looking for a doula.

Angel Johnson


Ravae was a blessing to our family. As first time parents we had lots of questions and she had lots of answers. We delivered in the blizzard of 2016 and she was right there with us. We were happy to have her knowledge before, during and after delivery. She also gave me the confidence for breastfeeding which worked out well.

We highly recommend Ravae for doula services. Thanks again Ravae for everything.

Karla Sanchez


My experience with Ravae was wonderful, her constant support through my 26hr labor was crucial in being able to have an unmedicated vaginal delivery. She used lots of different tools and birthing positions which helped me manage contractions, at the same time she was in constant comunication with the staff allowing me to labor. She was also of incredible help for my husband who key off from her to be able to help me, and he did great. Overall, she is very knowleagable, patient, caring, and experienced in the process of labor. She was a great labor 'coach' and I would certainly recommend her as a Doula.

Alexandra Marie


Hiring Ravae to help prepare for the birth and delivery of my first child was the best decision I made for myself and my family. On our first phone call Ravae impressed me immediately by answering my questions about pregnancy and labor with genuine subject matter expertise and a casual and calm demeanor. Over the months leading up to the birth of our daughter, we established a friendly and trusting relationship. Ravae helped my husband and I to explore all our options and make preparations, acted as a trusted "sounding board" for our ideas and concerns, and literally and figuratively held both our hands throughout the labor and delivery process. Ravae cares deeply about her work, her families, and the birthing process. She was always respectful of our birth preferences, and she guided us gently through the stages of pre and post natal care. My husband and I both feel that hiring a doula made our communication stronger throughout the pregnancy, and made our entry into life as new parents much less stressful and more enjoyable. We were lucky to have worked with Ravae, and can highly recommend her to other families during this special time of pregnancy and birth.

Emily Chapman


I couldn't recommend Ravae more highly!  She was incredibly knowledgeable and responsive in preparing for, during and after the birth of our son.  During the birth in particular, she was perfect in following our lead on how and when to offer support and guidance.  She had also helped us be ready for the big day by sharing lots of information about all types of births (natural and medicated).  Afterward, her postnatal visit and ongoing help over text have been invaluable.  She's been quick to reply to our seemingly endless questions now that we're home with the little one.

Laura Brogan


Ravae was our doula for the birth of our first child, a son, in December 2015. Prenatal she was responsive and professional. She came over for an visit a few weeks out from my due date and we reviewed useful information on laboring positions and strategies for managing pain. When the big day came I was in early labor for the better part of 48 hours before things progressed enough to warrant her coming over. Since we had been copping on our own for quite awhile we really appreciated her expertise and calming presence in our home as my labor progressed and we made important decisions such as when to move to the hospital. Always supportive of my needs and desires, she was able to influence our decisions by providing useful information and feedback without being pushy. When we moved to the hospital things progressed quickly. As I suspected, my spouse was overwhelmed by the experience of active/transitional labor and birth and therefore was only able to provide basic comfort. Ravea stepped in several times to ensure my desires, as detailed in my birth plan, were honored by the hospital staff. When the time came to make a hard decision late in labor I knew I could trust her to provide me an honest and trustworthy perspective when the hospital staff were pushing me towards a procedure I didn’t want. A few days postpartum I was having some difficulty with breastfeeding and struggling through painful engorgement. She made a very last minute and late night visit to my house at a key time to help me work through these issues. I still credit this visit with the saving of my sanity and the beginning of a very successful breastfeeding journey with my son. I highly recommend Ravea as a labor and postpartum doula, particularly to first time parents. Her experience was invaluable!

Sara Siddig


Ravae was God sent for my husband and I. I recently had my first child last October and hired ravae to be my doula. She was attentive in the visits and quickly learned our personality, needs and wants. She drafted our birth plan accordingly. On the day of the birth she came as quickly as she could and comforted me beyond what I thought was physically possible. She massaged my back and offered different positions during my 12 hour labor. Thanks to Ravae I was able to deliver at Sibley Hospital completely natural without any pain medication. I highly recommend Ravae. My doctor (who is the head of OB at Sibley) even asked me for her card and said he will refer her to his clients. I would not have another child without her!

Emily Creech


Ravae was our birth doula and we couldn't have asked for better support - from meeting us at our house during the pregnancy, to staying days with us in the hospital when things didn't go as planned. Her knowlede and experience were incredibly comforting and helped us to make informed decisions about our twin birth.

Richard Bennett


I will never forget the birth of my wife and my first child, nor will I forget how Ravae saved me and my wife from me losing my mind. Fellas, a doula is one of the best investments you can make and I can't imagine anyone better than Ravae.

Ravae is also just kinda cool and enjoyable to be around, which is a bonus to her talents as a doula.

The hospital staff should also be thanking Ravae because Ravae is the only reason I did not murder them. This is hyperbola. Kind of.

Anyway, this post was for the fellas so it is short. Just DOULA it.

Lydia Ann


Ravae's thorough knowledge of childbirth helped instil confidence in me to fulfill my desire to have a natural/unmedicated labor and to breastfeed. Both were difficult at times, but Ravae's expertise and excellent bedside manner helped me in meeting my goals. At the hospital, Ravae was a calm voice when things seemed hectic, and was a huge help in "translating" complicated sounding medical terminology into easily understandable information. Ravae exceeded all expectations and offered me an incredible peace of mind to the nerve wracking experience of first time childbirth. Lastly, having had a former law career prior to her full time doula work, Ravae's professional skills are apparent in everything she does, which was much appreciated! I interviewed a number of doulas in the DC area.. go with Ravae, you'll be so pleased you did!

Melinda Ekwenzi


Ravae was absolutely AWESOME!!! We found her through google when we were just trying to figure out if we even wanted to use a doula, and we are SO GLAD that we found her. This is the first child for my wife and I and we were both quite nervous about what to expect. From the initial consultation, it was easy to tell that Ravae was drawing on years of experience. She answered our questions patiently, calmed our anxieties with a comforting smile and empathy, and generally put us at ease in knowing that we wouldn't have to go through the process alone or relying only on what we'd read in the books. She provided real world descriptions of what to expect in a variety of situations and researched any questions that she didn't readily have an answer to. We were in contact with her by phone, text message, and email and she always made us feel welcomed (even if the contact was in the wee hours of the morning). When labor started, Ravae advised us on how to proceed, and met us at the hospital once it was determined that we would be staying there. She was there with us through the whole labor and delivery process, advocating for us as needed based on the birth plan that we had developed with her, providing support and breaks for me (the wife...well, she couldn't really take a break, but Ravae took good care of her too through constant encouragement, breathing support and relaxation techniques...basically everything), and she made sure we never felt alone or lost during the delivery process. Once our baby girl arrived, Ravae continued to check on us daily until we were discharged, then she met with us the day after we got home, and frequently thereafter, to provide breastfeeding support, to check in and make sure we were adjusting to new management, and just ensuring that our family got started on a firm foundation. I'm running out of room so let me say...having Ravae as our doula was a true blessing. THANK YOU RAVAE!!! M&E

Angee Kerns


I don't have the words to explain how impactful Ravae was in the successful labor and delivery of my second daughter. She arrived at the birth center and jumped right in to start clocking contraction (alleviating a big burden for my hubby). She got out some of her "tools" and immediately started making me more comfortable with the early stages of labor. She helped me in and out of the tub with ease. Fired up the shower with hot water the perfect temperature for relaxing and easing my sore muscles. She applied counterpressure to every back labor contraction I had. Without her I may not have made it through from 8.5 - 10 cm! She was encouraging, respectful, uplifting, and incredibly motivating with her words and actions - every step of or should I say contraction along the way. In addition to her incredible labor support, she was there for kangaroo care and skin to skin, first nursing, and bathroom visit - helping in any way needed. Ravae was a truly involved and valued member of my team, even my midwife commented about how knowledgable and at ease Ravae was under pressure. And for the record, my midwife is not easily impressed. Ravae also provided an excellent and true to her style encouraging post partum visit to ensure breastfeeding was going well and that we were all adjusting to the new baby as well. I would highly recommend Ravae to any one considering a doula. You will not be dissapointed.

Maryam N Henson


Ravae is a wonderful doula. I am a first time mom and she was a great guide through the experience of having birth. The materials and perspective she provided before the birth were helpful to review. She was an incredible source of support during my 37 (!) hour labor. Ravae stayed the whole time, and it was a real comfort having someone objective in the delivery room to support my husband and me through medical decisions. I do not know how I would have made it through the pushing stage without Ravae! Her instructions on positioning my body and how to push were so valuable at a time when I was exhausted, had retreated deep into myself, and didn't want or know how to make continued physical adjustments for pushing. I also appreciated that Ravae stayed on after the birth and showed me how to use the hospital breastpump (my baby had to go straight to NICU) so that I could make sure my milk supply was established and I could store food for the baby. In summary, Ravae's deep experience, clear communication style, and physical support during my labor contributed significantly to a positive birth for my family.

Maura Conway


As a first time mom I was incredibly pleased with my decision to hire a doula and even more pleased with Ravae's services. Prior to my delivery we worked together to develop a birth plan which was very helpful for me in understanding the various scenarios that may occur during childbirth.

Ravae's assistance during my active labor was so valuable...words cannot express. I ended up waiting about 2.5 hours for my epidural after I was admitted to the L&D unit, and Ravae got me through that very difficult time by practicing deep breathing, massage, applying heat, and supporting me physically (literally helping me stand). She also monitored my contractions and baby's heart rate once I was medicated (unbeknownst to me prior to, the nursing staff does NOT stay with you in the room while you are dilating!). Lastly, she coached me through the pushing along with the nursing staff and held one of my legs because my husband was too squeamish.

the he icing on the cake was our postnatal visit when she helped me with breastfeeding! Like all newborns my son was slow to latch on and Ravae offered some great advice! I will definitely hire her for my next birth,

Saba Bireda


We were matched with Ravae about a week before I went into labor. We had been going back and forth on whether to hire someone and we are SO glad we did. From our initial interview, we could tell Ravae was extremely knowledgeable and confident in her skills as a doula. Even though we were connected late in my pregnancy, Ravae went above and beyond during the time she was our doula. She sent us tons of materials to help prepare for the birth and was immeaditely accessible at all hours. I was in the hospital for roughly 48 hours before giving birth- Ravae was there the entire time providing support to my husband and me. She was super helpful in explaining everything that happened to me especially when the nurses would disappear for hours at a time. She did everything we needed and even things we didn't know we needed! (she also is an expert massage therapist and did some magical move on my back that seemed to make the contradictions ease immeaditely). At one point, my doctor had basically given up on pushing and left just one nurse, Ravae, and my husband to help me push for FOUR hours. After 48 hours and a lot of drugs/emotion/fatigue, my doctor recommended a C-section. Ravae provided my husband and I with lots of emotional support because we were disappointed and unprepapred for this outcome.  Ravae stayed through post-op, helping our little family adjust and helping me breastfeed for the first time. She even came back a few days later to visit me in the hospital and at home to make sure we were doing okay with breastfeeding (she is a certified lactation consultant which is hugely helpful). Ravae went above and beyond throughout our time with her- I can't imagine we would have made it through without her help.  We can't recommend her enough.

Marianna Mermin


Ravae is a wonderful labor doula. She is incredibly supportive and caring, not to mention knowledgeable about pain management techniques and the labor process in general. Before our due date, she provided us with very helpful information to review and made herself available to us to answer all our questions, frequently checking in to see how we were feeling (I ended up going a week and a half past my due date).  She was invaluable during labor, providing support to me and my husband.  She worked very well with the hospital staff and was a strong advocate for me, as well as a calming presence and a source of strength during a hard labor.  I would highly recommend Ravae to anyone seeking a doula!

Katrina Briggs Gordon


Hiring Ravae was the best investment we made in our pregnancy. My husband and I were expecting our first child and we were planning for an unmedicated natural childbirth. We wanted to labor at home as long as possible and I believed this would be achievable with the support of a doula. When we had our consult with Ravae we were blown away by her depth of knowledge, experience and her genuine warm personality, so
we hired her! Prior to delivery Ravae came to our home and we reviewed our birthing plan, postpartum plan and birth positions. (Not to mention countless emails, text messages & FaceTime chats). She will think of things you never considered like putting a post baby date night on the books before baby comes! My husband also loved her "Daddy's To Do List." He checked things off the list and felt really empowered by it. Our birth did not go according to plan and I required an emergency c-section, however, Ravae was with us every step of the way and did not leave us until I had held my baby and was settled in my room. I cannot express the depth of my gratitude for her being there with my husband while we were rushed off to surgery. Knowing he had support made it easier for me. After our baby arrived I had breastfeeding challenges and I was getting overwhelmed and discouraged, so she came to our house in a storm and stayed for several hours to help with my latch and technique. The support Ravae provided throughout our pregnancy was invaluable and she will undoubtedly be an asset to your birth team!
Silver Spring, MD

Bianca Viza


Ravae was a blessing sent from God for my son's birth and delivery. My delivery would not have been the same without her! She was by my side through it all with my best interest in mind. She made suggestions on how to make my delivery easier on me and my baby, and I really appreciated that. Ravae was especially helpful after delivery during the struggles of breastfeeding. By providing suggestions from experience, and even local support groups for help, she followed up with me to make sure we were doing okay, and always offered help in any way I needed it.

Thank you, Ravae for the exceptional service and assistance during this life changing experience. It would not have been the same without you!

-Bianca and Elijah

Elizabeth Lee


Our experience with Ravae Sinclair was nothing short of amazing. You're unlikely to find a more intuitive, knowledgeable, compassionate and understanding doula than Ravae. Having complex and somewhat fearful feelings around birth that I knew I needed to process and release it was important to me to have support. I could see from our very first meeting that Ravae had the skills and qualities I needed to help me through this process.

In our two prenatal meetings we discussed many things, my husbands role, how I wanted the birth to be, my issues around birth, and many other things. We went through the comprehensive questionnaire she had us fill out and discussed some of the things that came up from it. This helped my husband and I focus on our ideas around birth.

When the time came for the birth Ravae was incredible. In the beginning she was just finishing up another birth and sent a fantastic backup to be there with us. In a few hours she arrived at our house. She knew exactly what to do and say once she arrived and throughout my labor. My husband was an awesome support person but there was just something about having Ravae by my side that made me feel at ease. She rubbed my back and helped rock my hips during contractions. There were times in my very long labor that I hit the wall and didn't think I could take anymore, but Ravae helped me stay focused and get past those grueling moments. After 26 hours of labor, I delivered my daughter and I couldn't have done it without the support of Ravae.

After my delivery Ravae came over and met with us to follow up and work on my post-partum plan, which made me feel grounded again. She even made me some delicious lactation cookies and brought my daughter a gift. She still checks up on us from time to time, and I will never forget Ravae. I would recommend Ravae to anyone. You will be lucky to have her on your birth team. She knows her work.

Katherine Courtnage


Ravae was wonderful and I can not imagine going through my 30 hour labor without her. she was there to support my husband and I from the time we were at home all the way until our baby was born. what can I say except she was amazing.

Alicia Board


Ravae did a WONDERFUL job and I would recommend her! Prior to having my daughter, I was on the fence about whether I should hire a doula. But, with a husband who works crazy hours and a mother who lives 2+ hrs away, I didn’t want to take a chance of being alone on d-day. So, I hired Ravae and, from our very first meeting, I knew that I made the right choice! Ravae was extremely knowledgeable about the birthing process and gave me some invaluable tips to prep for the big event. And, she made sure to check on my progress after every doctor appointment. As a first-time mommy, I found that to be very comforting. When d-day finally came, I called Ravae in the middle of the night to let her know that I thought I was in labor. She promptly answered and began to give me some tips on how to breathe and stay calm. When it was time to go to the hospital, she quickly met me there and over the following 16hours was a voice of calm, support and encouragement through some pretty tough contractions. Ravae was able to anticipate what I needed (e.g. ice chips, a fan, etc.) before I could even vocalize it and she bonded wonderfully with the hospital staff as well as my husband and mother who were thankfully able to be a part of the process. She was even able to take some priceless photos of me, my family and the baby without being intrusive. After the baby was home, she continued to provide amazing lactation support-like when I went from having no milk to being engorged in a matter of hours. I hadn’t even taken my pump out of the box yet. Needless to say, I was in a state of panic! But, again, she was able to calm me down and came over to my house to help me with my pump, hand-expression and other cool techniques. I haven’t had any problems since then. In short, Ravae truly has a God-given gift for providing the services that expectant mothers need and I would love to work with her again when it’s time for baby #2!

Lauren Gonzalez


Ravae Sinclaire was our doula for our son Aden's birth, born 6/22/14 at GW hospital. She was incredible! Ravae met with us prior to birth, was there for the main event and provided support after. She was in touch via phone, email and text during the last months of pregnancy. During our first home visit, she gave us great information and visual supports on positions and tools to help through labor in at home. At the hospital, she was a great advocate with nurses and helped my husband be the best partner he could be. She helped us feel connected and actually added to the intimacy of our labor (which can be hard with a ton of staff around) . I had a natural vaginal birth and towards the end, I doubted being able to do it- Ravae and my husband were excellent supports and they are what made me feel I could do it! She also took pictures when our son was born, which was an amazing bonus. We absolutely recommend her to anyone who wants a professional, knowledgeable dependable and compassionate doula who is easy to get along with.

Jennifer Rhodes


No one really knows what to expect when having their first child, and Ravae made going through this mysterious adventure one of the most beautiful and fulfilling experiences of my life. Ravae was very calm, yet assertive; and made sure that not only myself, but my baby's needs were carefully considered. Her dedication to her families was quite apparent and obvious through her advocacy and support of bringing new life into the world. Working with Ravae was truly a wonderful experience!

Birth Availability for Ravae Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-05-2024

Postpartum Availability for Ravae Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-05-2024