MINE-R-T Doulas Kira Kimble, CD(BAI) Photo

MINE-R-T Doulas Kira Kimble, CD(BAI)

MINE-R-T Doula Company

Charlotte, NC Service range 50 miles



Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate


Black Doula

Availability Remarks: Postpartum services are billed per session or per hour.

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate


Birth Doula Experience

11 years and 300 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

4 years and 4 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • Birth Arts International - Certified Birth Doula

Postpartum Doula Certifications

  • Nafsa Project School - Certified Traditional Posptartum Birthworker

Doula Training

  • Nafsa Project School, June 2021

Type of practice: Doula agency owner

Clients per month: 1 to 10 births and 1 to 4 postpartum families

Postpartum limits/restrictions: No babysitting or housecleaning. We offer traditional postpartum healing based on cultural wisdom and practices.

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Aromatherapy
  • Belly binding
  • Childbirth education services
  • Elimination communication education
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Vaginal steam/peristeam services

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

North Carolina Doula Organization board member and doula advocacy chairperson. Founding member of the National Black Doulas Association.

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

Package includes group childbirth class, 2 prenatal visits, birth support, 2 postpartum visits and belly binding. Postpartum Packages sold separately.

Service Area

Charlotte, NC Service range 50 miles

Certifications for MINE-R-T Doulas Kira Kimble, CD(BAI)

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for MINE-R-T Doulas Kira Kimble, CD(BAI)

Post a testimonial for MINE-R-T Doulas Kira Kimble, CD(BAI)

Destiny Watson


Choosing Mine-R-T Doulas was one of the best decisions I could've made for us during my pregnancy. Ms. LaTanya went above and beyond what was expected as my assigned doula, and I know my delivery experience would not have been as positive as it was. I would recommend them to anyone any day!

Allie Chickie


I had a traumatic experience with my first birth and my biggest regret was not hiring a doula. So for my second pregnancy and birth I did a lot more research, especially since I was hoping for a VBAC. MINE-R-T kept coming up in recommendations and I'm so glad I reached out, because honestly Jajuana was divinely sent to be my perfect match. She was there for me every single step of the way and made sure I was taking care of myself, advocating for myself, and making fully informed decisions in my own care. When several unforeseen things happened during labor, birth, and postpartum, she was there to provide her calm and loving support. She truly was perfect and I absolutely made the right decision in seeking support through your services. I can't imagine that experience or honestly my life now without her.



Kira is the owner of Mine-R-T Doula Company and she matched me with my perfect doula. I contacted her via the website and she responded immediately. We had a free consultation and immediately made the decision to hire her team. She matched us with one of the doulas she works with and it was the best match I could have hoped for. She made the process extremely easy. The company offers so many services and it was the best investment I made my entire pregnancy. 

Dana Singleton


Shawna is phenomenal. As a first time mom, I wanted to take control over my birthing experience, but I knew I couldn’t do it alone. We were very intentional about building a birthing team that would provide the support we needed during such a sacred and special moment in our lives. Shawna exceeded our expectations. When the day came to bring our baby girl earth side, we felt prepared. Our birthing experience unfolded so beautifully and organically. Shawna’s guidance and support was felt every step of the way. She is professional, knowledgeable, and brings such warm positive energy. Having her apart of our baby girl's story is truly a blessing. She is forever loved by our family!

Ashley Green


I highly recommend working with MINE-R-T to help in your birthing experience. This was my second pregnancy using MINE-R-T and I couldn't have asked for a better support team! My husband and I got to work with Nicole again who understood what we hoped to achieve. We strived for a completely unmedicated natural birth where I could labor at home and let my body move through the process untainted before venturing to the hospital.

Overall, I my prayers were answered and labor was faster this time. My natural birth plan changed because, I ended up going from 2 1/2 cm to fully dilated in less than 3 hours. I ultimately experienced precipitous (rapid) labor. You see this scenario in the movies where immediately after the water breaks the women is pushing out the baby. Unfortunately, I wasn't prepared for how fast my labor progressed and wasn't expecting the need to push 10 minutes after my water broke.

Reflecting on the situation we laugh about it now but are truly thankful for Nicole. Nicole provided nothing but positive words of encouragement and upon arrival to our home she jumped into action reading my body language to determine my needs. She didn't hesitate under pressure when we finally got to the hospital and my sons head was already out. She again understood what we (spouse, mom, and baby) needed and took charge so my husband could focus on his family.

Having our doula made the events of the evening one we can look back on as a dramatic story but also one that ended positively with no unnecessary interventions. We were blessed with a healthy 8lb 5oz baby boy. Thank you Kira and Nicole for the part you played in journey. We are forever grateful!

Tiyana Glenn


My husband and I enjoyed working with Mine-R-T Doula Company to find our doula, Tashona. The process of getting matched with our doula was easy and timely. We was able to screen and get to know our doula to make sure she was right for us before we decided to work together. Tashona was a good fit for us and we're so glad to have had her by our side through our pregnancy journey. It's nice to know we have Tashona as a contact even now as we're learning life as parents. I would definitely recommend this company and Tashona!

Shenika Powell


The experience I had with my Doulas were amazing Tawianna thank you so much for everything. I had my daughter December 21,2021 everything I asked for they made sure I had and was comfortable at all times. When my contractions started to be 2 to 3 minutes apart I called my doula and she was here in no time. Once the contractions became intense and back to back, in my mind I wanted to give in and go to the hospital but they helped me and talked me through the pain it was the best homebirth I had. If I decide to have one more child I will most definitely be calling them again Thank yall so much for making my homebirth an experience to remember ??? ??

Alison Welcher


I am so grateful to have found Kira as my doula. I am a first time mom and her support and guidance was invaluable. She was always available for questions and was an amazing support during labor and delivery. I highly recommend Kira!



Kira is a beautiful blend of knowledge and ease. She is amazing at what she does, and we were humbled by her love, attention, and how beautifully (and calmly) she held space during my very long labor. Just having her in the room felt meditative. I feel like I could share anything with Kira. I recommend her to everyone I know, because she is really that great. She is special. 



Kira is amazing. It is hard to write a review of something so ... wordless and intimate as a Doula. Kira understood what I needed also when I could not say it (and certainly could not say it politely). She was such a comfort and resource at the birth - and in my case also leading up to it, with lots of uncertainty and decisions to be made. Kira is highly knowledgeable about birth, and wise about the birthing body. She teamed up so well with my midwife to get me out of my head and trust the process and my own body to know what to do. In the end, a 5 hour long, unmedicated, natural birth, that I never thought I of all people would experience after two difficult and traumatic previous births. I am deeply grateful and Kira comes with my highest recommendations.

Shannon Reyes


Kira was the person who made my dream a reality when it came to birth.  I had previously gone to the hospital with my first and this time wanted to avoid that at almost any cost.  Kira picked up on this and provided crucial information that led to me deciding on homebirth.  She also suggested a midwife who turned out to be absolutely amazing and had a ton of experience.  Kira was also elemental in being a patient advocate and helping to communicate our interests for the birth plan.  I ended up having precipitous labor but Kira was still able to help my husband through the worst part of transition etc.  My husband really wanted to cut the cord this tine and Kira got a photo of this as she knew how much it meant to him.  She was truly amazing and I would recommend her to anyone.  She will figure out what you need and give you the tools and information to make that happen.

Jessica Barbour


Kira is warm, comforting, professional and extremely knowledgeable. Kira allows her patients to make their own decisions and she provides the facts. No judgement. During the birth Kira kept an eye on my vitals and the baby's. She helped us communicate with the doctors and staff so I could rest. This was invaluable. Post birth, Kira came to my aid quickly when I had some breast feeding concerns. Having Kira provided us with a sense of confidence througjout the whole process. I will definitely be seeking her services should we have another baby. 

Alyson S Winter


Kira was a vital part of our birth team. Her calm and kind demeanor was reassuring throughout our labor and delivery. She was knowledgeable and confident in her role and skills as a doula. She was great at incorporating my husband and teaching him how to utilize comfort measures. She was professional and friendly in all our interactions. Kira is an excellent doula and any person would be fortunate to have her apart of their birth experience!

Ben Sloan


With our first child, my wife had an unplanned C-section.  We had a hard time expressing our desires and navagating the medical system in the midst of all that pressure.  Though we were overjoyed to have a happy, healthy child, my wife was plagued by "what-ifs" and I felt insecure about how well I'd played my role in supporting her.

Kira did an excellent job in preparing us for the birth of our second child and reassuring and supporting us.  In particular Kira helped me to know I was doing what needed to be done, and she was able to give us valuable perspective on what the doctors and nurses were telling us.  My wife ended up having a second C-section, but this time, we don't look back with regrets.  My wife knows she did all she could, and I don't feel like I let her down.

I'd imagine that for most people looking for a doula, a C-section is a negative outcome.  However, in some cases it is necessary, and Kira's expertise and calm, reassuring demeanor helped us immensley in spite of the difficulties with the birth.  We would whole-heartedly recommend Kira to anyone else looking for a doula.

Tess Vandiver-Thompson


Where do I even start? Kira was such a blessing. I called and booked her pretty late in my pregnancy. I was very unfamiliar with natural birth as I opted for an epidural with my son. She made it so easy and assured me that she knew exactly what to do and that all I needed to worry about was breathing. We got to the birthing center at 4 in the morning and my baby girl was here at 6:42am. She knew how to keep those contractions coming and how to help me through them. She also talked me through the different changes that were going on in my body, assuring me that I was progressing normally. I am so thankful for her and would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a doula who knows her stuff!!

Portia Lawrence


Before my pregnancy I did not know much about a doula other than what my best friend shared from her birth experience. However, I knew it was something I desired! Our little love arrived without planning so him being a shock was an understatement for us and supported was needed. In the initial interview Kira empowered and educated me in the most nuturing and organic way as if I had known her my whole life! And this same support carried on through my entire pregnancy! We went a week past due date which felt like a month overdue but again her education and empowerment was unmatched and what I needed to prepare for our marathon labor.

Kira supported my boyfriend and mother as well giving them both knowledge on how to support me best during our labor. She guided in a way that made them both leaders in our labor but also was a strong force in the birthing team! My actual birth story went off track the birth plan but with Kira’s endurance, knowledge and LOVE I had a labor and delivery that surpassed anything imagined. She helped guide us all through a natural delivery with many unexpected turns to meet my greatest joy!

A doula is definitely a wonderful bonus but Kira is a gem and will support you in the most challenging yet amazing journey for you and your family! Every birth story deserves a Kira!!

April McWhirter


I had a fantastic first time birth experience with Kira as my doula! I never felt more empowered in all my life! I felt confident that I could have the natural birth I desired with Kira by my side. She was easy to reach via text and phone call at any hour. As soon as my husband told her I wanted her to come over she was there quickly! Every piece of advice and wisdom she shared with us was spot on. Knowing that we had her expertise with us made my husband and I feel at ease. I highly highly recommend Kira's doula services. My birth was phenomenal and it may sound odd but I cannot wait to birth again because of her!

Charisma Hibbler


Kira was truly amazing as my doula. I really couldn’t have asked for more. She was warm and personable and also very professional.  I felt so empowered by having her on our birth team. Her knowledge, expertise and calm presence made all the difference before, during, and after labor and delivery. And what’s more is that Kira also taught my husband how to be a great partner in supporting me through every step of the process. For anyone who is thinking about hiring a doula: don’t think twice! DO lT NOW. I promise you won’t regret it.

Gretchen Hutter Lopez


Kira was such a calming presence at my birth. From the second she showed up, she had an amazing way of knowing just what I needed, when I needed it. Squeezing my hips, putting a peanut ball under me to support my arms when they got tired, using aromatherapy to give me an energy boost... she had a magical way of doing what I didn’t know to ask for, or couldn’t vocalize through the pain. Having her there let my husband stay present with me and focused on helping me with every push and contraction, while she did things in the background to help us both. She also took some photos in the moments after my daughter was born.. not the best quality (phone) and really raw, but enough to remember the moment and I will always treasure them! We absolutely recommend her and if we have another child, will work with her again!

DeLauren Everett


My husband and I knew we wanted to work with Kira, just a few minutes into our consultation. She was plessant, intelligent, and had such a kind and gentle spirit about her. We cancelled our other doula interviews, because we knew we wanted to hire her and that she would be a perfect fit as we embarked on our journey of welcoming our daughter into the world.

I had a ceserean section with my first child and with this pregnancy, I had a goal of a VBAC (vaginal birth after ceserean), so I knew I needed additional support since there were certain things I'd need to take into consideration throughout my pregnancy and into delivery. Kira talked me through my fears, concerns, needs, desires, and we delveloped a plan to meet my goal. She helped me stay realistic and guided me through the pros and cons of things such as medication, induction, etc., that are important to think through as a VBAC client.

As I refect on labor and delivery of my daughter, the second most important day of my life, I get emotional thinking about the role Kira played. She made me feel confident, encouraged, and motivated to fight through the surges and to change my thought process from "pain" to "passion!"

Kira is truly a professional and does her job well. She coached my husband and I and was attentive to us the entire time, from laboring on the hospital bed, over the toilet, and on the ball, to breathing and pushing our beautiful daughter out, we truly couldn’t have fought as long and as strong as we did without her.

If you're looking for someone who will be committed to you, your family, and seeing you accomplish your goals, then Kira is the way to go. We absolutely recommend Kira Kimble of TJACK Doula Services!

Adrianne Wright


We had such an amazing experience with Kira as our doula! She supplied us with information on care providers who were VBAC friendly and helped me to learn what questions to ask our care providers. And when I changed my mind about the scheduled c-section literally the night before, Kira was 100% supportive. When most thought I was insane for deciding last minute on a home birth, Kira encouraged me. Through our entire pregnancy, I think that’s when I realized I needed her most. Kira attended our home birth and thankfully she lived close by because we did not labor long. After a perfect birth experience, I was elated to find out that Kira had pictures and a play by play of the entire birth! We are now 7 week postpartum and she continues to be a valued part of our village, checking in on the little one, and offering info on development and support.

Bethany Budkiewicz


Kira was absolutely wonderful! After interviewing several doulas and not feeling that special connection i was very relieved to find Kira! She addressed everything to me AND my husband which was so nice and even sent me a text message wishing my daughter a happy birthday after I mentioned when her birthday was during our initial visit. These small details made our experience very personal. She was very quick to respond everytime I contacted her and she was amazing during my labor. She met us at the birthing center as soon as I called her and didn't leave my side. She empowered my husband and even got him a stool when he had been standing by my side for a long time. She was that calming and knowledgeable presence I wanted during my labor and bridged the support gap between my husband and the midwife.

Samantha Mwangi


Kira has been a knowledgeable, reliable resource throughout my pregnancy and beyond. She was always professional, punctual and equipped with information and tips to help me achieve a VBAC in a hospital setting. Her skills and experience were even more apparent in the delivery room as she calmly coached and assisted me through labor. With Kira’s help, the VBAC was successful and I delivered a healthy baby boy with no pain medication. Kira was also instrumental in helping establish breastfeeding, as I was struggling to get my baby to latch. I am extremely pleased with the services Kira provided and I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a doula.

keva lewis


I was at first hesitant to hire a doula as it was not cheap.  However I am glad that I did!  Kira was more than helpful and knowledgeable about the whole birthing process... and worth every penny.  She was more than just help to deliver the baby.. she also provided much needed emotional support to my husband and I when we needed it the most.  We are grateful for her services and would highly recommend her to anyone!

Betsy Conyers


We hired Kira for the birth of our first child and I know we could not have made it without her support and expertise. She respected my desire for an unmedicated birth, gave me encouragement as I discussed my options with my provider when I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and even provided support when we had a water break false alarm! During my true labor she was always by my side. When I had several hours without progress and Kira calmly guided me through several maneuvers that corrected our baby's position without need for medical interventions. I had a wonderful birth experience and I credit that to Kira. I would hire her all over again!

Lizbeth Morales


I hired Kira as my doula for the birth of my second child. Being in a new city with no family I was looking for a little extra support. I am so happy I found her. She was absolutely amazing. She helped me find a new care provider after expressing I wasn't happy where I was previously going and helped me feel confident in wanting a natural med free child birth this time around. Through out my pregnancy she answered any question I had and always had helpful resources. During my labor she made such a difference. Her support and massages made a world of difference and I'm so thankful to have had her there with me. If I were to have any more children I will definitely hire Kira again, no doubt about it.

Heather B


Finding Kira and having her as a doula for my 2nd birthing experience was everything I was hoping for and more. I had a very traumatic first birthing experience and really wanted my 2nd experience to be better. I found Kira by googling and could tell instantly from her webpage that she was the doula I was looking for. During my experience she was hands on, in the thick of it with me and is more than likely the reason that my baby girl was born. I had to be induced and if it hadn't of been for Kira I don't think this experience would have went as well as it did. I was experiencing a lot of back labor during my contractions and Kira was able to get the baby to turn to the right position. She as able to help my husband and myself during the whole process which made it so much better and more comfortable for both of us. She is very knowledgable and skilled. I am very happy with my experience and would highly recommend Kira to any one!

tawanna charlene


I found Kira online after researching the benefits of having a doula. I had 1 daughter who is now 8 who was delivered by emergency c-section for failure to progress. After meeting Kira she was extremely supportive of my desire to VBAC. She gave me all the tools and resources I needed, and more to prepare for my 2nd child. I felt more than prepared for what my 2nd birth had in store for me. I had a few complications and lots of dicomfort throughout the pregnancy  that she was able to guide me through.  She was able to reassure me through so many obstacles even changing doctors in my 9th month of pregnancy! Anytime I was unclear about things my Dr recommended, she was able to help me understand and even remind my Providers of what I desired for my birth. She did assist me in developing a birth plan, and even helped my family learn to support me throughout my process.  With all my questions, and even doubting myself, she encouraged and supported me all the way. My birth didn't go as i desired, however, I could not have had a better support person on my birth team! I appreciated her support before, during, and after the birth! I would not hesitate to hire her as my doula in the future. She was always professional, and responded within a reasonable amount of time. I definitely recommend her services!

Ticora Davis


Kira was my doula for the birth of my first child. I had researched the benefits of having Doula and it was very important for me to have additional support through out my pregnancy and birth. Kira and I met several times during my pregnancy to create my birth plan and review birthing positions with my husband. She reassured me constantly when I had doubts and reaffirmed my desire to have a natural birth. She was available via text and email, and checked in with me weekly (even though I often forgot) to receive updates on my and baby's health. I was 42 weeks pregnant when I was induced. Shortly after the doctor broke my water, Kira was there. Kira was phenomenal and never left my side! I know her maneuvers and suggested birthing positions encouraged my labor. She reassured me when I had doubts and encouraged me when I said I couldn't do this anymore. She ensured the medical staff respected my birthing wishes and advocated for me when I could not speak for myself. My son was delivered safely after 12 hours of labor. And even after he was here, Kira stopped by my home when I had breastfeeding issues. She corrected my latch and since then we've been breastfeeding seamlessly. Kira has such a special place in my family's heart. She's kind and thoughtful, competent, and so graceful. Whenever I'm blessed with my second little one, Kira has to be a part of the package. I highly recommend her if you're considering a doula.

Chicobie Ashford


I decided to hire a doula for my 3rd pregnancy. I'm 37 years old and was not expecting to have another baby anytime soon. I have a 12yr old and 8yr old so starting over was not the plan. I decided to hire a doula because I wanted a all natural birth and after reading several reviews I decided to hire Kira Kimble. I saw her doula service page on Facebook. I'm so glad I hired her. She was there every step of the way. I could call her anytime with questions and she always had a great resource to send to me to back up whatever she told me. I got the all natural birth I wanted. My birth could not have been anymore perfect. I called Kira at 4am and she met me at the hospital. After only 4 hours of labor I delivered a healthy baby girl with no medication. I can't thank her enough for all the emotional, mental, and physical support she provided. She followed up with me within 2 weeks of delivery. She followed every step in her contract. If I have another child Kira will be my Doula of choice.

Chicobie Ashford



I am writing on behalf of Kira Kimble, who was a TREMENDOUS source of support for me during the birth of my third child on October 14, 2014. Although this was my third baby, I was attempting a vagnial delivery after two CS. I consulted with Kira numerous times about methods to increase my chances of a vaginal delivery, as well as just overall wellness tips for myself and the baby. Kira was extrememly thorough in her guidance, and as well as very sympathetic. She was a major cheerleader and source of encouragement, while also encouraging me not to have tunnel vision. She was easily available at any hour and her responses were always timely. I never felt like I was bothering her and she always gave me her full attention.

I felt much more prepared for my birth because of Kira's support! :)

If we were to have another baby, I would have no hesitations hiring Kira as my doula. I hope she is as amazing with you as she was with me!

Birth Availability for MINE-R-T Doulas Kira Kimble, CD(BAI)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-31-2024

Postpartum Availability for MINE-R-T Doulas Kira Kimble, CD(BAI)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-31-2024