Ethel Tally MS, HCDC, RYT, RPYT, BRM Pro+ Photo

Ethel Tally MS, HCDC, RYT, RPYT, BRM Pro+

Body Ready Method, Yoga, Hypnobirthing, Dance

New York, NY Serves families in Manhattan

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate

$55 to $65

Availability Remarks: Offer postpartum doula services to the families who hire me as their doula. $55 for day and $65 for nights.

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate

$55 to $65

Birth Doula Experience

11 years and 71 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

11 years and 24 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula
  • Hypnobabies - Certified Hypno-Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, December 2013

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 4 births and 1 to 2 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education



Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Aromatherapy
  • Birth art therapy services
  • Childbirth education services
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Hypnosis for birth
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • Pelvic floor health education & support
  • Photography - Birth
  • Prenatal & postpartum fitness services
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Reflexology
  • TENS units rental

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Welcome! It's an absolute honor to be part of your incredible journey into parenthood, and I'm here to ensure it's nothing short of extraordinary. Over the past eleven years, I've had the privilege of supporting individuals from diverse backgrounds and preferences, including single moms, those of advanced maternal age, IVF recipients, VBAC hopefuls, high-risk pregnancies, and those navigating past traumas. In addition to offering comprehensive birth doula and postpartum doula services, I provide a range of personalized options to cater to your unique needs. From private birth preparation classes available in multiple languages to tailored prenatal and postpartum yoga sessions, Belly Dancing for birth, Birth Creative Arts experiences, Prenatal/Postpartum fitness with the Body Ready Method and Body Ready Birth group classes, you can choose from a variety of options tailored just for you. Beyond my professional services, I'm deeply committed to advocacy and education within the birthing community. Whether it's participating as a panelist in seminars focused on humanized childbirth, advocating for doula support within the United Nations community, or founding skill-sharing groups for childbirth education and doula training, I'm dedicated to promoting awareness, empowerment, and support for birthing individuals and their families. Thank you for considering me to be a part of your journey. Let's work together to make your birth experience as joyful, empowering, and memorable as possible.

Languages Spoken

  • American Sign Language
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Yiddish

Fee Details

My inclusive package features: - Two in-depth prenatal visits totaling two hours - Ongoing communication via email and text leading up to the birth - Assurance of a backup doula for seamless coverage - Unlimited in-person assistance throughout labor - Expert guidance on initial breastfeeding within the first hour - A virtual postpartum meeting to ensure continued support Conveniently located in the Upper East Side, I'm just moments away from all NYC hospitals. As a certified professional endorsed by DONA International, Spinning Babies, Hypnobirthing, Hypnobabies, and the Body Ready Method, along with credentials in yoga, prenatal yoga, Ayurveda, and adult and pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED, I’m equipped to support you in whichever way you envision your birthing experience. Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Feel free to reach out for a complimentary 15 minute consultation, and let's start creating your ideal birthing experience today!

Service Area

New York, NY Serves families in Manhattan

Certifications for Ethel Tally MS, HCDC, RYT, RPYT, BRM Pro+

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Ethel Tally MS, HCDC, RYT, RPYT, BRM Pro+

Post a testimonial for Ethel Tally MS, HCDC, RYT, RPYT, BRM Pro+



Without a doubt, Ethel's calling is to be a doula. This was my second baby and second time using a doula, but our first time having Ethel join us as our birth doula - and everything about this labor and delivery experience was different and positive on every level.

Ethel brought a wonderfully calming presence, a lightness to her approach, and reminded us to have fun during the whole process. Along with my husband, we formed the perfect team - following Ethel's lead that took into account what was important to me and to our baby. She knew all the tricks (without being overwhelming) like applying accupressure, suggesting movement and various positions, and being a nurturing and supportive partner - which resulted in having my dream VBAC. Even better than I could have imagined to be honest. My only regret - not having Ethel as our birth doula for our first.

Leticia Perelstein


We chose Ethel for her calm demeanor, her background with prenatal yoga, and her familiarity working at our hospital, but what we got from her was so much deeper and richer. 

During our prenatal visits, Ethel was compassionate about our previous loss and gave us confidence and the emotional support to view this pregnancy differently. Once labor began, Ethel guided me through my early contractions over the phone, then came to our home to support us with her calm presence, positive energy and tools to ease the pain and relentlessness of the contractions. She mentioned the special glow I had and reminded us that, as difficult as it was, this was a special moment. Ethel worked with my husband to make me feel comfortable, while also giving us the intimate space we needed. I had taken prenatal yoga and belly dancing with Ethel and she was great at incorporating those experiences into the labor, guiding me to dance and breathe through the pain.   

With Ethel's support, we were able to labor at home until my water broke. By the time we got to the hospital, I was fully dilated. Ethel was by my side the whole time, giving me ice chips, putting towels with peppermint oil on my forehead & neck, and guiding me to push. She worked well with the nurses and doctors, knowing when to step in and when to let others take over. Ethel was a source of strength and motivation, and she also took beautiful photos of the whole process. Once our baby was born, she helped me breastfeed for the first time.

During the postpartum visit, Ethel highlighted the flow state we entered during labor and our strength as a couple, which helped us realize almost all of our birth preferences.

Ethel was integral to making our birth experience a beautiful ritual into parenthood and a joyous welcoming of our daughter into this life with us. She was like a shaman as she guided us through the intense moments of labor into the light of birth. 



Ethel was a godsend as both our birth and postpartum doula. From our first intro meeting, she was a warm and calming presence, reassuring with no judgment and providing incredibly helpful guidance to ease my worries around labor. Ethel really made the three of us - me, my husband, and her - feel like a strong team working together to make sure our birth experience was as close to what we wanted it to be as possible. The birth rehearsal at home was invaluable in helping us prepare mentally and physically for what was to come, from the breathing techniques to the massage tips to the actual practice of what the final active pushing stage would probably be like. We had a very lengthy labor (40+ hours!), and Ethel was with us every step of the way, translating medical speak for us in a way that was easy to understand so we could make informed decisions, asking respectful questions of the hospital staff, and always making sure we felt comfortable and supported in how the labor was progressing. She was a true advocate and cheerleader, and played a special bonus role as photographer, taking priceless, once-in-a-lifetime photos right when our daughter was born, capturing our first magical moments as a family. Ethel then came to support us for a few nights once we were home from the hospital, providing much needed help around the house, from folding laundry to sharing lactation tips to making sure I was eating and staying hydrated. She also was a wonderful sounding board / pseudo-therapist in checking on our mental and emotional states during those super intense first few days/nights, and she was terrific and caring with our daughter. We're forever grateful to Ethel for all her help and support during this special time in our lives, and she has our highest respect and recommendation. 



I am a first time mom with "advanced maternal age "and delivered in a hospital, although had I've been younger I would've preferred a homebirth. I definitely knew I wanted to Doula by my side during labor while in the hospital. While looking through all the profiles what struck me about Ethel was that she had Hypnobirthing experience,  but then when we spoke on the phone and FaceTimed I immediately felt a connection with her and we automatically clicked over conversation regarding the zodiac. I also would like to say that I interviewed five doulas!

Ethel came over twice before my baby was born and that was huge because she showed my partner and I different positions that could help make labor more tolerable and she also answered all of the random questions I had regarding what to expect once my water broke and also when I got to the hospital. (and I had a lot of questions!) Before I went into labor Ethel was always available via text or email which was a very invaluable resource to have especially during the end when I had a lot of different doctor appointments. She is also a great resource for prenatal and postnatal resources in the city for example a Shiatzu masseuse, a nanny etc. during labor Ethel's presence was comforting, reassuring, and she was instrumental in helping me make decisions. My labor was long, 30 hours, and if I'm going to spend that much time with someone I need to really like that person a lot! Plus it's a very vulnerable experience and I wanted somebody there that I felt very comfortable with. I recommend Ethel without any reservations for anyone looking for a wonderful Doula with a Hypno birthing background and a wonderful personality. She's definitely somebody you would like to have accompany you on this journey. 

Jing Zhang


Ethel is very kind and professional. She is very humourous too. I had difficult pregrancy and breastfeeding experience. Ethel eased my mind by sharing her knowlege, experience and humor. She is very resourceful and shared a lot of resource with me. She always responds to my messages promptly and add insightful thoughts for me. My experiences with Ethel before, during and after birth were wonderful as she came to me and gave me sufficient care. Thank you, Ethel!

Nikolaus Kriegeskorte


Ethel is kind, wise, and wonderful. It was great to have her support us with practical information, life and birth wisdom, positive energy, as well as physical and psychological relaxation techniques before, during, and after my wife's birth of our first child, a son, at Lenox Hill.



Ethel’s support was everything I needed and more.  Her nurturing, reassuring, calming, and affirmative presence helped me to achieve my dream birth even with the unpredictable turns and hard decisions to make that came during a longer than expected birth.  Before the birth, she always met my anxieties with such tender responses, making me feel heard and validated. She has such a beautiful outlook on birth and communicated clearly how special the individuality of such an event is.  She supported any decisions or plans we hoped for, while providing resources to know of our many options.  I felt Ethel took a lot of time to prepare prenatally because she knew my preferences and hopes inside and out when it came time for birthing.  She provided me with some wonderful resources to prepare for birth that ended up being so useful to ease anxiety and help me relax leading up to as well as during my labor.  My labor was slow but intense and lasted several hours, but even so there was not one contraction I had to face alone between Ethel and my husband.  Because of their support, I was able to labor without pain medication while Pitocin was administered for the last 7 hours.  I believe this was only possible because of the tremendous support from my birth team who kept me calm, grounded, and reminding me of how special my baby’s birthing day was. Ethel helped make me feel safe, and her support nourished me through the finish line until our baby was in our arms.  She was right by my side as I pushed my baby into the world and having her witness this moment after so much hard team work meant so much to me.  She will forever have a special place in my hearts and our gratitude knows no end.

Shari R.


It's so hard to put into words how grateful we are for Ethel's support and presence through the birth of my third child. My goal was a VBAC, but after two prior c-sections, I knew that it wasn't a given and I worked with Ethel beforehand on managing expectations, addressing fears surrounding this birth, and setting myself up for the best possible chance of a successful VBAC. After a brief but intense labor, Ethel guided me through an unmedicated birth and a successful VBAC. Her support through excrutiating contractions was invaluable and I loved that she involved my husband as well, helping him be an additional support to me. We are so grateful for Ethel's knowledgeable, calming, and competent presence throughout my VBA2C! 

Nicole Letelier


Ethel was awesome. After deciding at 30 weeks I should have a Doula I was worried I wasn't going to find the best doula for me. Then I met Ethel.

After our consult I thought, yes, this kind, wise, gentle mother would be just the energy I would need prior, during and post birth, and she was.

I will admit a week before I gave birth, depsite loving the attention Ethel paid me as I approached my due date and then checking in more frequently as I went over my due date, my husband and I did have a "did we really need to hire Doula?" moment.

The answer was yes.

Ethel was the perfect balance of kindness, gentle words of encouragement and giving us space to be a couple and labor together, with a strong presence to lean on when we needed it for both me and my husband, not afraid to get in when you needed her which for me meant holding up my belly to release pain, wash out the bin after I puked over and over, take moments to speak with my husband when he wasnt sure was to do next and support him as well, get in the shower with me, hold the water bottle from outside of the shower when I decided I didnt want anyone in the shower with me :) I think you get it. She adjusts to your family's needs. And then after I labored she helped me help my baby girl latched on within 30 minutes to breastfeed.

When Ethel came for our postpartum visit we were so glad to see her and receive yet again her pearls of wisdom.

You would be luckly to have this woman at your birth as I was. Thank you Ethel.

Maya Gat


Ethel was the backup doula for my doula and attended my birth without ever having met me or my husband before.  Given that we had no prior communication, Ethel effortlessly integrated herself into my labor as if we had known her and practiced with her for months.  She applied counterpressure and light touch throughout the entire acive labor, she helped me apply all of my hypnobirthing strategies to achieve a peaceful and quick labor.  She was responsive, kind and gentle.  She kept the balance of being present enough to do her job well, but distant enough that my husband and I could share the intimacy of our daughter's birth together.  I wholeheartedly recommend Ethel as a doula.

Amy Smith


It is with great pleasure that I recommend Ethel Tally as your doula. She takes the time and initiative to understand your needs that will help to empower you through out your pregnancy, labor and delivery.

During my pregnancy with my first son, I found myself surrounded by well meaning, but very negative people. Everyone had a terrible tail of labor to tell with no words of encouragement. My husband and I live out of state from both of our families and we felt very much alone. I was also dealing with sexual abuse issues that were bringing great sadness to what was supposed to be the happiest time of my life.

Ethel first reached out to a friend and fellow mother who had also been sexually abused. We were able to connect and it helped bring peace and encouragement to what I was facing.

My financial resources were limited and I wasn’t able to afford the classes that are typically suggested. Ethel recommended a number of excellent books and online resources. She provided me with meditations that I was able to download to my iTunes and practice anywhere. All of these resources helped me better understand my body and become more aware and in tune with what was going on. My fears were removed and I was able to enter labor with confidence about my ability to bring my baby into this world.

During labor, Ethel was with me every step of the way. It was because of her knowledge, talent and commitment that I was able to calmly manage 19 hours of Pitocen with out the aide of an epidural. In the end, I decided to deliver my baby via c-section. Even though it wasn’t the natural labor and delivery I had anticipated, I felt completely in control and respected. While I know it was me who had to do the work, it was Ethel who made the difference in how my work was carried out. I am forever grateful to her commitment as my doula.

I highly recommend that you hire Ethel Tally as your doula.

Shira Lebovich


Hello all, I would like to tell you more about Ethel, who was our doula for our second son. He was born at home with Ethel's support on October 22nd, 2012.

Ethel arrived shortly after we called her. She came in, glowing and bringing all that special energy that she always carries around. She brought peace and generosity to the birth.

She was fully present and at the same time, she let us space so my husband and I could have intimate moments. For us, it was the perfect match as a doula. She was exactly what we had been looking for.

She made sure our surroundings matched our wishes, as discussed before labor. One specific example I remember is when she turned back on the internet station of labor music I had prepared. For some reason, it had been turned off by somebody else and she picked up on that at the very moment I was thinking that I would like my music back. I was in my own zone of focus and surrendering to contractions and didn't want to get out of that to tell someone to take care of the music. Her instincts were right on target.

Also, I still hear her soft, encouraging voice while pushing, giving me more and more strength to deliver my baby.

I wish you to have Ethel by your side as I know she will provide you with the best doula experience and fully support your birthing choices.


Birth Availability for Ethel Tally MS, HCDC, RYT, RPYT, BRM Pro+

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-04-2024

Postpartum Availability for Ethel Tally MS, HCDC, RYT, RPYT, BRM Pro+

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-04-2024