Megan Boone Photo

Megan Boone

Megan Boone Doula

Calgary, AB Service range 30 miles

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate


Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate


Birth Doula Experience

12 years

Postpartum Doula Experience

8 years

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, February 2012

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 4

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth
I will attend any home birth where a medical professional is present.

Languages Spoken

  • English

Service Area

Calgary, AB Service range 30 miles

Certifications for Megan Boone

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Client Testimonials for Megan Boone

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Jason & Eloïse


From the moment we met Megan, her warmth and authenticity instantly made us feel at ease. Building an instant connection was effortless and made us feel like we knew everything would be great. Throughout the birthing process, Megan's calming demeanor and unwavering support brought a sense of peace and joy to the entire experience. Thanks to her guidance and care, our birthing journey was not just smooth, but truly joyful. We are forever grateful for Megan's role in welcoming our little one into the world. Everyone needs Megan in their corner. 



I am a midwife and I chose Megan because I saw first hand how great she was at births with my clients. She was a calming and lovely presence at my birth and took photos that I will cherish forever.

Carina J.


My husband and I agree that Megan was the absolute MVP for both of our births. From the start, we felt we were in excellent hands. She anticipated both of our needs and kept such a calming presence. When labour stalled, she knew all the positions and tricks to try and managed to keep us in good spirits. Looking back, I'm so grateful we had Megan as part of our team and a resource we could use post birth as well. As a new Mom, there were few people I felt comfortable giving my baby to, but Megan was one of them and she helped me to get my first good nights sleep when I felt like I was hitting rock bottom. 

Sara C


Megan was the most perfect addition to our birth team. Her experience was evident in her innate ability to know what the moment required. Sometimes that was a hip squeeze, a cool towel, or just an encouraging gaze. She worked seamlessly with our midwives despite not having met or worked with them prior. I felt so immensely supported and safe in having the redeeming birth I had hoped for at home. My memory of that day was also captured by her beautiful photography which we have displayed in our home. Knowing our family is complete, I recommend Megan at every chance I get in the hopes that other birthers will get to experience the same unwaivering support that I received under the care of Megan. 



I could not imagine not having Megan by my side during labour and birth. She has an incredible gift for holding space and providing the presence that is needed at any moment. Her support enhanced my husband's involvement and, following the birth of our second baby, it allowed him to hold our brand new daughter skin-to-skin while I still had someone to support me through some challenging procedures. Megan is an angel on earth! 



Megan was so supportive and attentive to mine and my spouse's needs before, during, and after the birth of our daughter. Megan was sure to answer any questions we had as well as provide resources for further support if we needed. My daughter's birth didn't quite go to 'plan', and Megan was a huge support to us throughout the process. She even caught some photos for us of the delivery that we will look back on forever. She was such a calming presence when moments were ramping up. Megan knowing the 'lay of the land' on the unit was also helpful to not just us, but our nursing team as well. In the days and weeks following our daughter's birth, she followed up with us regularly and answered all my new-mama questions. 

We definitely recommend Megan for prenatal, labour and postpartum support! 



We had Megan for a couple nights in the post partum period to help us with our newborn overnight. She was lovely and very helpful in taking excellent care of our little one. She instantly gained our confidence which allowed me to have a very restful night of sleep (despite waking for breatfeeding!). Highly recommend her! Thanks for all your help!

Kelvin Chu


Megan was so supportive for both my wife and I during our first delivery that we requested her specifically again for the birth of our second. From the husband's perspective, there are so many things happening with my wife (pain, feelings, emotions, stress) that I could never possibly understand. We felt it was best to leave it to the hands of someone who has helped hundreds of her clients through exercises and quite frankly, emotional support to talk through whatever my wife was feeling at that very moment. Megan was very responsive and checked up often during the entire pregnancy and after delivery. While at the hospital I respected that Megan informed us of all the options, pros and cons of each option, and we never felt rushed through any of these important decisions. She was such a regular at the hospitals that she knew the in's and out's of where to get more pillows/snacks/blankets to make sure both my wife and I were comfortable. It's the little things we would forget such as basic necessities - she'd make sure we're fed, hydrated, warm, etc. We felt so taken care of and we couldn't have asked for a better support individual to be at our side during this important milestone in our life. She's practically family now! Thank you, Megan, for all the support you've given us!

Erin Brophy


It's been almost a year since Megan provided services to my family by caring for my newborn son and I. I'm so glad she came into our lives and I'd recommend her to everyone and anyone! I can't say enough good things about Megan. Her knowledge and guidance in the area of breastfeeding were unmatched, even by a physician lactation consultant. She's warm, knowledgeable, helpful, friendly and I found her very trustworthy. She provided services that I didn't even know I needed. I struggled with my mental health and breastfeeding; Megan helped give me the space and suppot I needed to be a better mom and a happier mom. 

Meagan Madadi


I am a first time mom who always imagined having a doula present for my birth, and Megan felt right for me. We had two prenatal visits and I texted her frequently in the days of early latent labour leading up to baby's birth. 

She was always a text away and arrived when I was in established labour with coffee and breakfast. She attended to me with the experience, grace, softness and strength of someone who has been a birth partner for years. She knew exactly what I needed before I did, and her touch after days of contractions felt incredible. 

We learned baby was posterior and Megan guided us through things we could try to boost oxytocin and turn baby. Unfortunately my labour failed to progress past 7cm for hours. Megan remained a strong and gracious force; she advocated for my wishes we had previously discussed, encouraged my husband to rest, and took beautiful photos without a lapse in her role as a doula. 

We ended up going for a c section and unfortunately due to policy she was unable to come with us. She met us in recovery, and through clouds of exhaustion, I remember glimpses of her supporting my early breastfeeding attempts, consensually expressing my colostrum for my husband to feed baby, and promoting skin to skin and bonding for our little family that had just been through so much. Megan was an unwavering light through a difficult labour and my husband and I truly would not have coped as well as we did without her.

She remained available via text through the early vulnerable postpartum weeks, and at my request, she shared the photos she took at our postpartum debrief visit just under a month later. The ability to process with her present was so impactful. 

All this to say I wholeheartedly recommend that every birthing person seeks out a doula for their care, and I promise you cannot go wrong with choosing Megan. I know that I will if we are fortunate enough to take this journey again. 

Cara Curtis


First and foremost we had an incredible experience with Megan as our doula. From the time I read her bio and testimonials on Doula Match I just knew she was the right fit for us. I was planning a home birth and feeling really confident and prepared. However, I knew my husband was a little nervous about the whole ordeal. I wanted Megan to be there for him as much as for me and that is exactly what she did! Our baby ended up coming 3 weeks early so we were all a little shocked. As my labour started intensifying we asked Megan to come over, it was still early but she knew as 1st time parents we needed extra support so she came right away! While at our house she calmed myself, my husband, got our room ready and prepared everything for the midwife. She never left our side and was such a reassuring and grounding presence. I had a long labour at 33 hours total. Megan was with us for 27 of them! We successfully had the baby at home but unfortunately the placenta did not follow. I had to be rushed to the hospital and my husband was left with our newborn. Megan stayed with him, got the baby ready, packed us a hospital bag and drove them to the hospital while I rode in the ambulance! She made a scary situation feel very safe. I really don't think I could have endured that long of a labour drug free at home without Megan by my side and I know my husband wouldn't have either. We are so thankful we had her there with us. On top of that, she took the most beautiful photos that we will cherish forever. Lastly, in our first weeks as new parents it was hard, really hard. Megan was there to answer all our questions and we even hired her to do an overnight at our house so we could catch up on some sleep. She taught us so much and we are so grateful for her services! I would 100% recommend Megan if are looking for a doula regardless if this is your 1st baby or 5th!



We hired Megan as our doula for our first water home birth and it was honestly the best decision we ever made. If it wasn't for her expertise, reassurance and guidance we would have ended up in the hospital undergoing interventions which were not our birth preferences. We screened several doulas before picking her and I am so glad I waited! I knew when I met her she was the right one because of her kind and loving nature and her ability to make you feel comfortable andyour voice heard and acknowledged. She helped me gain the confidence I needed to make my home birth a success. I've told her this already but I'll say it again! Megan, we couldn't have done it without you! She is the best doula in Calgary as far as we're concerned. 


Alison Hilborn


Megan helped to make our birth experience so peaceful, gentle, and everything I had hoped for. She gave great advice, and knew just when to step in or step back based on how labour was going. She brought a calm energy to the room, and worked so hard behind the scenes to make sure everything went smoothly with the birth pool and all the clean up. We loved that she was able to capture so many precious moments of the birth too. We feel very lucky to have had Megan as part of our birth team! 



My partner and I were so fortunate to have Megan as our doula for the birth of my second daughter. Our first in home meeting with Megan was wonderful, nothing was rushed and we felt so comfortable with the experience and vast knowledge that Megan had about labour and delivery. My birth was incredibly fast and intense with my second daughter, I felt so safe in my home with Megan there supporting me through all the challenges that happen with labour. Unfortunately my placenta had grown into my uterus and would not deliver on its own after my daughter was born. This resulted in an emergency transfer to the hospital to have it surgically removed. Megan helped me feel safe in that experience and was so calm and collected. She helped my husband take our new daughter to the hospital and stayed with him while I was in surgery. She worked wonderfully with my misfire and they made an incredible team. Megan stayed in touch through out the postpartum period and assured I was recovering from that experience. Having Megan as a doula for this birth was incredible and I would definitely recommend her services for anyone interested in having a doula.

Keeley McLeod


Megan was such a blessing to have at the birth of my first son. She was there on the phone with me right from the early signs of labour coaching me on positions and to ensured I rested up. When she got to our house my contractions were very close together and we were ready to head to the hospital. She took some beautiful labour photos and we were on our way. She even road in the truck with us and continued to coach me on my breathing in order to make it to the hospital safely. She was a great support for me and my husband during the delivery and she even captured some incredible photos of the birth and our sons first few moments earth side. She was also so knowledgeable and showed us all the amazing and beautiful parts of the placenta. Megan helped me get a good start on breastfeeding and even helped me express some colostrum when we were having a tough time getting my son to latch.
I couldn't have imagined my birth story any differently and even though my labour and delivery were fairly quick for a first time mom I'm so glad she was there and so incredibly happy to have all the amazing photos she captured as well! 

The McLeod family 



My husband and I are so grateful that we chose Megan as our doula. She made us feel incredibly confident going into labor with our son. It was a long labouring experience and Megan was invaluable to have as a support for myself and husband. She truly went above and beyond in being there for us before labor, during and afterwards. She has such a warm, loving presence and we highly recommend her services.

Israel Nandez


Megan helped me feel fully prepared to support my wife through her labor and delivery. When she went into labor, Megan provided the calming and knowledgeable presence that we needed for my wife to labor at home and helped us resist the urge to drive to the hospital before it was the right time. She helped manage her pain and energy, and it gave me such relief to know that we were giving my wife the support that she needed, something I wouldn’t have known without Megan by our side. She showed me techniques to provide comfort and ease pain, which came in especially handy at the hospital when Megan couldn’t be there due to Covid-19 restrictions.

After our son was born, Megan was a huge support to myself and my wife. We needed some extra help overnight a few times and it was hugely comforting to know our son was safe with Megan while me and my wife got some deeply needed rest.

Vanessa Hasdell


Megan was the best support my partner and I could have asked for as our birth and postpartum doula.

Before labor she ensured we were prepared by answering all of our questions, providing hands-on breastfeeding education and support (I wasn’t able to collect colostrum until Megan came along), and using an engaging, open-minded, and non-judgmental way to help us develop our birth preferences, including the role we hoped she could play in our experience.

During labor, her calming presence and extensive knowledge helped me and my partner to have the labor we hoped for. She helped us to feel relaxed, confident, and empowered. She knew what to do to help ease my back labor and move our son into the optimal position for birth. She helped us to labor at home, knowing when it was time to head to the hospital, and guiding me through contractions during the ride. She ensured that my partner could be fully present and responsive to me and my needs throughout the entire experience, allowing him to step in, or step back to take breaks when it was needed. I felt like the three of us were a team. While Covid-19 restrictions prevented her from joining us at the hospital, she was readily available by phone, providing support from a distance.

In the immediate days following the birth, she was at our home, once again providing gentle, calming, and knowledgeable support. From helping with breastfeeding, to allowing me space to debrief my difficult second stage of labor at the hospital, to providing a loving and safe set of arms for my son when my partner and I needed rest. Due to complications during second stage labor, we needed additional overnight support, and we rested so well knowing our son was safe with Megan downstairs and would be in my arms the minute he needed me. When she wasn’t available, she had another postpartum doula from her network at our door, ready to help.

Megan was absolutely wonderful from start to finish.



For my third birth, I was attempting a VBA2C. I knew I needed an incredible support team to get me through it. I reached out to Megan because I was drawn to her incredible birth photos and her experience of over 200 births. From the first interview, I noticed her calm and gentle nature. I knew I wanted her as my doula.

Before the birth, I knew she was just a text or call away. I had a lot of anxiety related to my past birth trauma, and this upcoming birth. She was there to talk things through with me. Upon request, she provided great book recommendations and even lent me one from her personal library.

The morning of the birth, I had started labouring on my own, but we felt it was time to call Megan and bring the older kids to the sitter. Moments before she arrived, I was starting to panic, and was unsure if I could do this. The minute she walked in, I felt her calming presence and was reassured by her words. I was so afraid that something may go wrong, but she helped me remember this was a different birth and a different baby.

Once we arrived to the hospital, she was at my side the entire time. She provided emotional and physical support as well as guidance for my husband to support me. Her words and touch were so important during my labour. In the end, I got the VBA2C I had dreamt of. Things took a little longer for the placenta, but she was there to remind me I had options. Megan's presence was 100% a factor in me getting the birthing experience I needed to heal.

A few weeks after the birth, I was struggling with breastfeeding, and I reached out for advice. She was able to listen and answer my questions without me having to seek further help. Megan also took some beautiful birth and family photos that we will treasure for many years to come. 



Honestly, hiring a doula was something I had never considered. While discussing my birth wishes with my midwife, a doula was suggested and Megan was recommended. Leading up to birth, Megan met with my husband and I to discuss our wishes and expectations during birth. We left that meeting with such a positive feeling and knew that hiring Megan was the right decision. Fast forward to birth day- Megan was called in the wee morning hours and upon arrival sent my husband back to bed (a detail he loves to share) to rest up for the upcoming events. Megan was there with me the whole time, talking me through my contractions, giving me encouragement when I wanted to give up. She made sure I stayed hydrated and fed. Megan knew all the right things to say and also managed to provide support to my husband at the same time. Her presence alone made me feel safe. I cannot imagine not having Megan there with us the day our son was born- hands down one of the best decisions we could have made. She has gone above and beyond in so many different ways. We can’t thank you enough Megan!


Diego Manfre


Asking for Megan's help was one of the best decisions we made before our son's birth. From the moment we found we were pregnant we knew that this was going to be a challenging process, particularly because we didn't have any family members or close friends here besides the current COVID situation. However, Megan was just the right support and company we needed during this time. 

After our initial online meeting, we had many other zoom calls where Megan gave us important information about the pregnancy and guided us through all the steps we had to take. When the first contractions arrived, Megan was fundamental to keep us calm about what we were doing. As the husband, I think it is easy to think that, once in the hospital, there is nothing much for me to do there. However, with Megan, I also had a small but important role in the delivery process. She was constantly explaining what was happening and how I could help. She also knew exactly when to offer my wife some water or some cookies (not that easy to time). Megan's rapport with the team of midwives was excellent. From the moment the strong contractions started, we felt safe and confident that we were doing the right thing.

Once the baby arrives, there are so many things going on at the same time that it is very difficult to think about taking pictures. Fortunately, we had Megan on our side. She took wonderful pictures at the right time and saved those moments forever.

Megan kept in touch with us during the days after the birth. She helped my wife with breastfeeding as well as with general questions about the baby. Being alone with a newborn for the first time is definitely daunting. But with Megan on our side, we always felt good and confident. I totally recommend Megan as a doula. Giving birth is not an easy process. There is nothing more comforting than knowing that you can count on an experienced, confident, and incredibly calm voice that will guide your steps. Thanks Megan!

Jenn & Chris Pavez


Hiring Megan as our doula and birth photographer was one of the smartest decisions we made as a family for the birth of our second child. A few minor pregnancy complications threatened to change our birth plan in the midst of the pandemic and I truly think Megan was the puzzle piece that helped us achieve the home birth we were hoping for. From the day we met her, we felt reassured and supported with her knowledge and acceptance; she was always available to share information and help us talk through some major decisions. She was on our doorstep in minutes on the evening of the birth, after supporting me all day with tips and suggestions. We felt confident and empowered with her support through the birth and beyond, into those early postpartum days. I cannot speak highly enough of her and her photography skills; the birth photos we received will be one of my most prized possessions forever. Hiring a doula is an invaluable investment into yourself and your growing family - Megan is THE best and I would not consider having another baby without her.

Ian Collinson


We were reccomended Megan by our friends and hiring her as our doula was one of the best things that we did.

We had our son during the lockdown and did not have any family near by, being able to reach out to Megan as our postpartum doula was amazing support for me and my wife. We knew that she was always just a phone call away to be able to to provide us with her support and knowledge really help with the transition to parenthood. 

She was always really responsive and flexible, even doing a visit at short notice on the day we got discharged from hospital. 

She is a genuinely lovely and trustworthy person with lots of knowledge that she is more than happy to share with her clients. 

Jennifer Ference-Belhomme


Megan is an absolutely wonderful Doula, who was there with us for the birth of our second child. Our daughter was born in July 2020, while COVID-19 was still very much a part of everyone's lives. I wanted a hospital birth, and there were restrictions leading up that would have prevented Megan from being with us. I'm so thankful these were lifted just a few weeks before my baby was born! Megan's personality is so sweet, professional, friendly, but also firm. She was available to us throughout the day of my labor, and joined us at my house before we had to head to the hospital. They still did not allow Doula's in triage at that point, but Megan was there to do everything we needed (even get ice for my cooler and watch our bags!). She also was texting me while I was in triage, providing suggestions and encouraging me to come out to do a walk with her. I was pretty hesitant as the contractions were hitting me pretty hard and I wanted to just lay down and hope I was dialating enough to get in for an epidural. She managed to convince me to come out and do stairs (5 flights!! Or maybe 3? haha, it's a blur). I'm so glad she did, because immediately afterwards, I lost my plug and progressed enough to be admitted. The next hour was incredibly intense, and ended with the birth of my baby! Of course as luck would have it, the anesthesiologist was busy and I could not get the epidural. Baby girl was born very quickly! This was basically my worst nightmare haha - to give birth without pain relief. BUT Megan honestly made it totally bearable! She was so supportive of me and my husband. At the birth of our first child, we did not have a doula, and it was very hard on both of us. I am so glad we had Megan for the birth of our second - I truly believe her support allowed for this labor/delivery to be SO much better than it would have been without her. She's amazing. I don't think I will have a third, but if I did, I would not hesitate to make sure Megan was at my side again!!

Chris Holliday


After talking to a few Doulas, we hired Megan for postpartum support. Megan helped with breastfeeding and by looking after our newborn for a few hours between feeds, Megan helped us get a few solid hours of sleep. Megan also helped us with some small jobs around the house that felt somewhat overwhelming with the newborn and lack of sleep. I can’t recommend her help highly enough and to anyone wondering if postpartum support is worthwhile, believe me, when you’re trying to get those few hours of solid sleep in the first few days at home, you’ll wish you’d hired Megan. As first time parents and with no family support due to COVID, Megan also helped us to feel more confident looking after our lovely daughter.

Michael Smith


I have nothing but positive things to say about my experience with Megan who supported my wife and I in the birth of our first child.  She came highly recommended from our midwife, and as soon as I met Megan, I instantly felt very at ease wth her, and very confident in her knowledge and experience.  

Megan was wonderful at helping me, as the non-birthing partner, feel comfortable both with the labour and birth process as it unfolded, and feel comfortable in what I was doing to support my wife.  Her sense of humour and her compassion is something that made the experience of our son's birth a beautiful moment that we will never forget.  As the events unfolded, Megan was very present offering emotional and physical support to my wife, and providing gentle reassurance on what I was doing to support.  Her calm presence also helped alleviate the fears I think all partners have about their spouses being in pain or experiencing medical distress during labour and delivery.  

Megan was also immensely helpful as a post-partum resource, doing multiple house calls to check on us, and supporting us through the early days of feeding, sleep, and the adjustments into parenthood.  We still rely on Megan for the new parent "is this normal?" questions!  

I believe very strongly that the wonderful experience of my wife's pregnancy and our son's birth was in no small part due to Megan's integral role.  Labour and delivery will undoubtably be lifechanging experiences for anyone, and I very much recommend Megan to help support you through this monumentous time.  

Stephanie Tse


After we first connected with Megan, we knew she was the right fit with her calm and caring nature. The birthing process is a very intimate moment that we needed to feel comfortable sharing with someone outside of our family. Megan gave us that sense of security that she was going to be there to help guide us through any tough decisions on the day our baby is born. On the day I was going into labour Megan was by her phone the entire time, responsive to calls and texts (even in the middle of the night) and came to our side when it was time to head to the hospital. Her familiarity with the process helped us through the trouble of knowing when and where to go, how to check in and any other things I couldn't comprehend while in labour. Megan helped guide my husband in asking the right questions to the doctor and clarified the risks to make sure we make the right decisions for our family. She helped find our "voice" without taking charge of the situation. Megan accompanied me on one side while my husband was on the other side. She guided me through some of the worst pains with encouraging and comforting words, telling me what was happening in real time. Our baby boy was brought into the world and we could not be happier to share this experience with Megan. She ensured we had everything we needed like staying hydrated and getting us enough blankets before she left the hospital. At no point did we feel like she rushed us through anything - she was always calm and collected which made me more confident with the decisions we made that day. She ended up staying longer than we expected at the hospital until we sent her home. She immediately followed up the next day and few days after to talk about everything that we've been through. I am ever so grateful to have Megan in our lives and we will continue recommending her to our family and friends and of course, hire her again when we expand our family!



Megan's doula services were fantastic! She is friendly, caring, knowledgable, and passionate. Upon hiring her, Megan was accessible to us via phone, email, and text and was happy to answer any of my pregnancy related questions and concerns. When our due date was approaching, she took the time to get to know our preferences and birth plan. She made us feel comfortable and confident in the process. On the day of our daughter's birth,  Megan coached us by phone and when it came time for her to come to our home and help us through the first stage of labor, she was incredibly helpful. All the way until she left us once our baby girl was born and she assisted with the first breast feed. She remained calm, caring, and was an amazing support - physically, mentally, and emotionally. She made sure I felt safe and secure; that my husband was drinking water and taking care of his needs as well; and she helped support us through the entire process. We are incredibly grateful to her and would highly recommend her Doula services! Megan also offers post partum support, which was helpful when I needed help with breast feeding, and for someone to watch our newborn at night while we got some rest in those early days. She is very trustworthy and fantastic with newborn babies! Thanks Megan for everything!

Scott Jenkins


As I said to Megan during our post-partum follow-up - 'this was the best money I've ever spent'. When my wife got pregnant and said she wanted a doula, I was skeptical because I had no idea what a doula was. But hiring Megan to take this journey with us was one of the best decisions we've made.  I called Megan at 4:30am once my wife's contractions started to get intense and she came over immediately and spent the next 36 hours with us, through labour and after delivery. I can't stress enough how important the extra and experienced support person was for us. She was there to coach my wife, be gentle with her, get tough with her when it was time to push and allow me to get the rest I needed to be as useful a husband as I could be throughout the whole experience. The relationship Megan has, in particular, with the staff at the South Health Campus was amazing and made the experience that much more seamless.  After seeing what Megan does and did for us, it's quite clear that being a doula isn't something you can do on a whim. It requires a certain type of person and Megan was definitely born to do it!  Thank you so much Megan. Would 10/10 recommend to any pregnant women in Calgary  thinking about extra support and with absolutely be hiring Megan again when the time comes for baby #2!

John Osborne


Megan was incredible from the time we first got her on board. She was available for absolutely every question we had, whenever we had them. We had a hospital birth, counter to what we desired, but she was a comforting presence and helped to advocate for our birth preferences. I really appreciated having her to explain what was happening, where we needed to be, what has happening next. She also captured some amazing moments, so not having to worry about getting my phone out to take pictures, that was worth it alone. I couldn't recommend her enough. 

Rachelle Smith


Right from the initial consult with Megan, we instantly felt like she was meant to be a part of our birth. My labour progressed very quickly and Megan simply jumped right in supporting me. It was like she knew exactly what to do; which I was very grateful for as I was past the point of being able to communicate very much! Having Megan at our homebirth set the stage for such a peaceful and supported atmoshpere, and both my husband and I simply cannot imagine her not having been there for us. After the birth, she continued supporting us with postpartum care and I owe this to our success with breastfeeding. I had multiple feeding challenges and truly could not have progressed into a positive breastfeeding journey without her expertise and guidance. We recommend her to any of our friends who are expecting or experiencing postpartum challenges, and would have her at our next birth in a heartbeat! My only dissapointment is that we cannot teleport her across the country for my sisters birth! 

Laura Osborne


Megan was an absolutely fantastic doula. I cannot recommend her enough. She was so helpful in helping us prepare for the birth that we wanted at home and then quickly adapted when things changed, encouraging me to keep as much from our original birth plan as possible and finding ways we could make a scheduled c section our own. At the hospital, she was exactly where we needed her to be, helping us ask our questions while still allowing us the space we needed. After our baby was born she was so instrumental in helping me navigate breastfeeding, postpartum healing and getting to know our baby. 10/10, 6 thumbs up (mine, dad's and baby's), 120%. We love Megan!



Having Megan be there for us during my pregnancy, labour and even after baby's arrival was everything I didn't know I really needed. She came very highly recommended to me by my sister who had Megan with her for both her babies. My sister had told me she didn't know what she would have done without her there to support not only her during labour, but also her husband. I reached out to Megan knowing she would help, but not really knowing how until it happened and now I have no idea what I would have done without her there. My labour at home was so fast and intense that Megan was such an essential part of my husband and I having a positive birth experience despite (what felt like) chaos. Simply put, I am so grateful to her being a part of my story and she will be one of my first phone calls when I am expecting again!




We hired Megan just before covid hit.  With covid it created a lot of uncertainties and Megan was great about adjusting to the constantly changing new world.  We got extremely lucky that restrictions for doulas were lifted about two weeks before our child was born.  About 4 hours into labor, my wife was in enormous amounts of pain and our daughters heart rate was dropping.  She went into emergency surgery and Megan stayed with me the entire time.  Needless to say, I was a complete wreck, not knowing what was going on.  Megan kept me calm and calmly explained everything that happens during emergency surgery.  She helped me focus on the positive and ultimately helped me keep it together for the sake of my wife and child.  Without Megan there, I would have probably had an emergency of my own.   
after our daughter was brought out to me, Megan took photos, and stayed with me the entire time.  

About 4 days after our daughter was born, Megan came out to our house and helped My wife with troubles she was having breastfeeding. 

Without hesitation I would hire Megan again and encourage anyone considering to hire to stop thinking and hire her now!



Megan was our doula when I delivered our little girl a year ago (it's taken me waaay too long to get around to leaving a review!). I had a very long labour, most of it was at home but we also transferred to the hospital for a few hours towards the end. It was a long long day and night but Megan was there supporting both me and my husband every step of the way. Her hip squeezes were essential for getting through contractions. I really believe that without them I wouldn't have been able to labour for that long without pain relief. After our baby was born, Megan brought me drinks and snacks while everyone else was tending to the baby. Having Megan support me so my husband could focus on the baby was really wonderful. We will undoubtedly hire her again for any future pregnancies because I can't imagine going through labour without her magic hip squeezes and calm reassuring presence. 

Lindsay Lazzarin


Megan was sent as a backup doula to the homebirth of my second child. She arrived at our home and we made a quick introduction between contractions, but my labour had gotten suddenly much more intense and I gave over my trust to this person I had just met, and it never felt strange or awkward at all. 

Megan was just exactly where she needed to be and did what she needed to do without us needing to give direction. She is clearly experienced at her job, and was the perfect presence at our birth. Since my labour advanced so rapidly after I called her in (and she arrived very quickly, thank goodness!), I really wasn't able to think beyond my contractions. She was giving me hip squeezes and lots of soothing encouragements, guiding me through the contractions. I'll always remember her calm voice reminding me to breathe and bring my shoulders down. She kept me grounded all the way through to delivery. 

One thing I cannot value enough are the photos she took of the birth. I have looked at them about a million times in the following week! 

After the birth Megan was right on top of the clean up of the birth pool, laundry and probably a ton of things I was too dazed to notice.

I'm incredibly grateful to Megan, and highly recommend her to any expectant parents.





My husband and I felt mentally prepared heading in to the birth of our first baby. We read all the books, took the prenatal classes, and talked to all of our friends who have gone through the experience. Unfortunately, birth has a way of keeping you on your feet (or birthing ball)! This is why having an amazing team to support you is beyond beneficial. I experienced 4 long days of prodromal labour, which took a mental and physical toll on both my husband and I. Megan provided me with the support I needed to get through each contraction while allowing my husband to take a breather/nap before the real labour began. She provided us with the perfect guidance and gave us peace of mind knowing that she was always a phone call away. Looking back, we absolutely love our birthing experience and it is mostly because of having Megan and our midwives on our team. We are honoured to have her a part of our little girl's first few moments of life and can't wait to rely on Megan for our next birthing experience! 



I have had the pleasure of knowing Megan as a close friend since I was born. Additonally, I am beyond grateful to have had the expereince of her professionalism as a doula during the birth of my son and of my daughter. She was intuative, respectful and knowledgable. She anticipated my every need- be it wanting to be alone with my breathing to holding my partners hand. She knew when to push me and when to provide gental calming reasurance. She was able to assist me in breastfeeding advocacy in hospital by skillfully matching me perfectly with a collegue. She was acted quickly and kept me calm during my second birth when complications arose after the birth of my son & I needed to be transported to hospital. (She even joined me in the back of the ambulance) It has to be mentioned that Megan is an amazing birth photographer. She took beautiful pictures of both my births which I will forever be thankful for each time I look back on them and it brings the whole beautiful birth journey back to the forfront of my memory. I love you Megan. xoxox 

Luca Surkan


Megan filled in for our doula who was out of town for the birth of our son June 2019. My labour progressed quickly, so the moment I met Megan I was crowning, half naked, and in a squat position. Having never met her before, I still felt so comfortable and supported. She was gentle, respectful, and encouraging. She also offered to take some photos and was completely unobtrusive in the process of doing it. The photos were an added bonus and have given us a priceless gift of documenting some really special moments. 

She offered a gentle and helping hand with clean up, breastfeeding, self-expressing milk, and generally just celebrating the ambiance of how special it was to welcome our little babe into our bedroom. 

I would reccomend Megan to anyone. She is a lovely and intuitive support person and comes to the scene with love and grace.

Thanks Megan! You rock!

Lynda Tavernini


We have had Megan for two out of three of our births. And I can honestly say I'm not sure how the last one would have gone without her guidance. The last birth was a long a difficult process and her knowledge and assistance was invaluable to the process. She truly cares about each of her clients and honestly wants the best for you and your new baby. I would not hesitate to have her again as our doula, if we were not done having babies. ??


Gemma Salt


We decided to hire a doula/birth photographer for our second baby after our first birth did not go as planned. We wanted to capture every moment in order to remember the journey we went through bringing our daughter into the world.

After our first meeting with Megan, we knew she was a perfect fit for our family. She was kind and gentle and extremely knowledgeable about each aspect of the birth process.

We initially chose Megan because of her amazing birth photography skills but during our birth she became that and more. Not only did she capture stunning images of our journey, she supported us throughout labour too. She offered her arms as a safe place to labour in, her words of encouragement to myself, my husband and other family members and additional support for my midwife whenever she needed it.

We felt safe with Megan and incredibly supported. We had an instant connection and she became an important part of our birth and we couldn’t wait to have her again at our third home birth.

She is incredible at what she does and she we have memories that will last us forever.

If you are looking for someone to empower you, care for you and advocate for you,  we highly recommend Megan as a doula and as a birth photographer.

Kathleen & Francis


Megan is simply amazing. Attentive, professional, incredibly knowledgeable and empathetic. She guided us through the most difficult and rewarding event of our lives (and captured the memories beautifully). Hiring Megan was an excellent investment. She put us at ease and made it possible for us to keep our cool even in the most intense moments. I was especially impressed by how Megan supported us as well as the team of doctors and nurses in the labour and delivery room. She was definitely the team MVP. Thank you Megan for everything!



I can't recommend Megan enough! We were unsure about getting a doula due to possibly needing a csection but as soon as we met her we knew we needed her! She helped us prepare for both options of birth and brought up so many important things we never would have thought of. The day of our birth, things went downhill fast and I will be forever grateful for Megan being there to help. Her kindness and support through an extremely difficult birth was everything. She was there after to help with colostrum collection, to come back and debrief with me and just sit with me as I cried over what had happened. She validated me and my experience and told me it's okay to feel how I felt. It was hard for me to balance being grateful for my healthy baby but also sad for a trauma filled birth.


We also hired her for photography for after the birth- but she ended up taking photos before and during, and I am so thankful she did. It helped me immensely to piece things together since I don’t remember much due to GA. With the photos I get to see my husband having skin to skin and also that moment when I finally got to have my baby in my arms- Megan captured it so beautifully. I can’t thank her enough for everything she did for us.



How is one supposed to write a concise review about Megan Boone our wonderful doula - it's nearly impossible. 

We would love to list all the ways in which she supported us to have the birth experience we had hoped for, but it would surely be to long of a read. There were so many different moments where she changed her approach to suit what we needed.

Megan was warm, encouraging and able to recognize how little or how much to involve herself during labour/delivery.

Without reservation we will gush about her to our family, friends and anyone else thinking about having the support of a doula.

Cheri & Phil 



Megan was an incredible doula and I would recommend her to anyone in a heartbeat. She was a valuable resource during my pregnancy, and amazing during my birth. Baby was posterior, and she did so much physical work through countless contractions to try to help me flip him I have no idea how she was still so alert almost 24hours later (he did flip!). She kept me going without an epidural way longer than I would’ve been able to on my own, but never made me feel bad about my decision to finally get one. My husband was so sure he’d be unable to help but she empowered him and made him feel valued. I was shocked at how well he handled everything and I’m confident it was her presence and guidance.

I had zero negative thoughts or regrets about my birth experience and Megan was a strong contributor to that!



Megan was my Doula and I have since recommended her to multiple people. I found her to be very trust worthy and understanding of my goals. I expected to use an epidural and appreciated that Megan was very supportive of my choice. I was nervous about my first birth and she helped me feel more confident. One of the biggest benefits of working with Megan was actually unexpected. I didn't realize how valuable it would be to have someone who knows the process so well with the entire time I was at the hospital. Nurses and doctors kept changing and I was not in a position to keep track of everything but Megan knew just what to do. I even encountered a very difficult and controlling nurse but my contractions were so strong I couldn't make a clear case for why I needed to move around the room as she was trying to restrict me to the bed. Megan helped me deal with the situation and helped me be more comfortable during the process. I will continue to recommend her!

Dani Perry


In April of 2018 I had my first baby. I was terrified of the process and the post-partum depression with my anxiety. My husband and I have nothing but great things to say about Megan and are truly thankful for the help and support she has given us. I will highly recommend her to any family expecting a child.

Darren Taciuk


A husbands perspective.... At first conversation, hiring a Doula appears to be another expense in an event that already commands a lot of money! In my mind what helped ease the thoughts of the additional expense was the assurance that we would have at our disposal someone who has an abundance of prior knowledge and experiences with numerous other births. This peace of mind and understanding helped temper all the anxieties that come with the process. With both of us not having prior experience in this realm, it was comforting to have a person to console with throughout and who has intimate knowledge on how to adjust and help my wife through the process. Not only was she able to console but was also able to provide suitable exercises to help ease the burden of labor pains. Having Megan available and at our home for the majority of the labor day helped to avoid rushing to the hospital too early and kept us in a relaxed environment. Megan also understood cues better than me from my wife and was able to provide sound advice without pushing anyone. She knew when to get a hold of the Midwives and the time we should part to the hospital. She was also conscious on not being intrusive and gave us time and space to also embrace the moment. Another important part of the service Megan provided was being on hand to photograph and capture the birth, something that is next to impossible while you are caught up in the moment. She was able to catch a lot of moments on film that we are able to cherish.

Brittany Taciuk


Megan is going to be your superhero! She made everything about my labour & delivery easier. She is super calming and knowledgeable. She was the rock for myself and my husband. It was my first delivery and let's be honest... your husband doesn't know what's going on... so having Megan was that extra support that we definitely needed. When I met Megan for a consult I knew instantly that I wanted her to be there for my delivery. You feel like you've known her your life. She helped manage my emotional and physical pain and showed my husband how to help also. 



Megan was refered by a close friend of mine. After interviewing several doula, Megan was the one who made me feel most at ease. Her happy-go-lucky attitude and her nuturing persona were traits I was looking for in a support person. In our first meeting to discuss our "birth vision", it quickly became clear that Megan is a professional in her field. She was very good at outlining all medical options availble to us, and clearly explained each process and its corresponding pros and cons. She always remained impartial, and was very facts driven in her approach. Our daughter decided to suprise us all by arriving before our next scheuled education session (6 weeks earlier than her due date). When my water offical broke I immediately informed Megan, who responded within minutes. My labour progressed very quickly, and I frantically asked if Megan was able to support me, weeks before she had planned to. Without hesitation, Megan made arrangements to be by my side. Throughout the whole time she was in communication with Alan, and helped him nagivate the trying times of being a partner to woman in a lot of pain! Megan made it in time for me to start pushing; her presence made me feel safe and we (yes, it was a team effort) delivered a healthy baby girl. Our daugher was wheeled away to NICU almost immediately after her birth. Dad followed baby and Megan stayed by my side. That hour she spent with me was worth everything. I couldn't be with my baby, and she remained by my side in support. She also helped me begin to extract colostrum, and really helped me kickstart my success with breastfeeding. Megan came to our home a few weeks after our daughter came home to check up on baby and mom. For anyone who is looking into teaming up with a doula, I highly recommend it. There are gaps in the healthcare system (like early labour and postpartum care) that a doula can provide invaluable support through. I highly recommend Megan!

Renee and Jamie


“We were unsure about hiring a doula since we had midwives to deliver our first baby. However, after reading evidence that doulas improve birth outcomes, we asked around. Megan was recommended my multiple people, our midwife, friends and colleagues - especially husbands! She helped us prepare by offering emotional support, practical advice, resources and tips. Megan is professional, kind and dedicated to her clients. She offered guidance and support during early labor before our midwife arrived and, when things didn’t go according to our plan, Megan was there to reassure us that everything was okay. Her experience and passion for what she does shines through and we couldn’t have been happier with our decision to hire her!”



Labour is a vulnerable time (and mine was in particular because we were also moving that week) but Megan helped us feel secure, calm and in charge. She made all the difference!



Megan was sooo amazing to work with. She was so caring and attentive during my home birth. She drove all the way north when things first started to happen, then headed back south after my midwife didn't think baby would come that night, and then back north again when contractions went from 0-60 almost immediately after the midwife left. Thankfully she was there and was able to talk me through the contractions while my midwife also had to make her way back to me across the city. Definately the calming spirit I needed during that time.



Megan was such a good decision for us. We went nearly the entire pregnancy thinking we didn't need a doula, but through recommendations, we decided to entertain the idea. The minute we both met her, we knew we needed her on the team. She brought such a calm and confident energy. She coached us from beginning to end in a way that was also very non-intrusive to us as a couple. On top of it all, she took the most beautiful photos that we will cherish forever. ?? Thank you Megan, for keeping our experience positive and helping us bring our beautiful girl into our world.

V Yeung


Megan was our doula for both my births. Having her was one of the best decisions we l made. She was incredibly supportive, not just for me, but for my husband as well who could not help as much due an injury during my first birth. She knew just what to do at the right times. Without us asking she could anticipate our needs - she even helped do the dishes while I was laboring at home! At the same time she gave me the space I needed to labour and was never intrusive. Megan also took photos of the births and captured for us on camera moments that we otherwise would not have. I'm so glad Megan was our doula. I was calmer and more prepared for the whole process because of her help. In addition to providing comfort measures to me, at the hospital she also helped with little things like getting fresh sheets (and other things that are a bit fuzzy in my recollection) which I believe also helped the nurses especially during my long first labour.  Having Megan made such a big difference to have the type of experience that I wanted. For my second birth, having gone through labour once, I entertained the idea of not having a doula but I'm glad I changed my mind. For certain reasons I wanted an unmedicated birth the second time and I know without her help it would have been that much more difficult. Thanks Megan for everything!

Jean Carter


Let's face it, having someone in the room who has done this before is a gamechanger for both you and your partner. We hadn't even considered a doula until a friend raved about Megan. After meeting with several other wonderful women, there was no doubt she was the one we both connected with immediately. Having her guide us through the experience before, during and after having our little guy helped ease all the many anxieties we had as first-timers. My husband and I joked that we hired a doula for him more than for me, and it's true - she was invaluable on the big day, even helping navigate parking/directions when arriving at the hospital. It's the little things! Megan has an incredibly kind, gentle and knowing presence that kept us both calm, confident and in the right mindset to have a great birth experience.

Caitlin Johnson


Megan was such a tremendous help during the birth of our son.  It was so wonderful to have her knowledge and extra set of hands on deck.  She helped guide my husband in supporting me so he felt like he was still my #1 support.  I always felt like she had my best interest in mind and her unwavering support.  Also, the birth photography was amazing!  Both of us were in tears!  I would highly recommend!



When you have your first child, you are scared and don’t know what to expect. Enter doula to calm all your fears away and give you strength you never knew you had.

When you have your second born, enter Megan Boone, who helps you remember the strength you already know you have. Who lifts you up and encourages you when those contractions are tremendous. Who looks you in your eyes and you know she is RIGHT THERE with you. She doesn’t need to say a word, her touch is bursting with empathy and love. She was right beside me when I needed anything and let me have space if she sensed I needed it. It’s such a dance and she has perfected it. You can always tell when someone is doing what they were made to do. They are more passionate, invested and go the extra mile. Megan, this is your calling. Worth every penny and I’m forever indebted to you for helping to create the most beautiful birth story ever.



Megan saved the day when our our doula was stuck at another birth. We were anxious about having someone totally new during such a terrifying situation, but Megan turned out to be exactly who we needed. She was warm and kind, and put us at ease right away. She knew exactly what to do and say during each stage of a very long labour. Not only did she make me feel calm and safe, but she was a reassuring presence for my mum and husband as well. We are so grateful for her support and highly recommend her services to anyone expecting a little one!

Sarah O


Megan was an incredible support during our prenatal, labour, birth and post partum journey with our first baby. She brought a great deal of information, knowledge and experience to help support us. My husband felt particularly safe with her and knew that she would also be there to support him during labour. We had interviewed many Doulas but Megan was the friendliest and most outgoing. She has a very warm and calm demeanour that I knew I wanted around during my labour and birth. I was able to achieve my labour and delivery goals according to my birth plan and attribute a lot of that success to having Megan. She soothed me during the most intense contractions but I was able to get through it all naturally thanks to her techniques. Lastly, Megan went above and beyond by providing us with some very special photographs and videos of our birth that we will cherish forever. She also followed up on my several weeks post partum even though she didn't have to. I highly recommend Megan and we look forward to one day using her again with our second child! 

Therésa Buchanan


Megan was a fantastic doula. She was quick to offer resources, and was happy to text or email whenever I needed reassurance leading up to the birth. Megan was quick to respond when I went into labour and arrived within 15 minutes as she knew I was anticipating a quick delivery. During labour she applied deep pressure and when my  midwife arrived she was able to take some beautiful pictures. It was a definite whirlwind since I was only in labour for an hour and pushed for 6 minutes, but I couldn’t have imagined it without her. This was my second time having a doula, and I found it helped immensely with my confidence, capability, and creating a wonderful birthing experience. Thank you Megan!! 

Kate Martineau


I would highly recommend Megan for soon to be parents. She is very experienced, and was able to discuss our options without any judgment about what worked best for our family.  She has a very calming but confident presence, well suited to this type of work.  I had a long early labor and Megan kept in touch remotely, providing support and a “circuit” to keep labour moving along. The hospital was incredibly busy the night my son was born, and staff didn’t have any spare time. We really valued having Megan there to advise what was “normal” and when we needed to call the nurse or doctor. She was also excellent at helping me manage through contractions without an epidural (not my plan!) My husband was much calmer having Megan there, and she did a great job helping him support me through the process. Megan was able to take photos right after my son was born, and they turned out beautifully!  I would not hesitate to hire Megan again! 

Christine J


I'm a doula and I asked Megan to be my doula. Megan's warm, loving, and confident presence was exactly the support I desired for my planned homebirth of my second daughter. The birth and fresh 48 photos Megan took for us are such a treasure to our family, and they so tenderly captured the experience of our daughter's entrance earth-side. As a colleague I hold Megan in high esteem, and as friends I hold her in love. I'm so grateful she was a part of our team and can confidently say that you'll be in experienced and very wonderful hands when you hire Megan to support you.



We hired Megan to help with the birth of my second baby because my first ended in a c-section and was such an unpleasant experience. I had hoped for a VBAC with #2, which didn't pan out, but Megan was very supportive through my loooong labour. She offered great suggestions to try to move things along while keeping me calm and comfortable. She had a great energy, was supportive of my choices, and was fantastic with my toddler - which really sealed the deal. I highly recommend Megan!

Stephanie Livaditis


Megan is amazing. She makes you feel so comfortable, calm and collected. She was with me every step of the way making sure I had what I needed when I needed it. I will definitely use her again for my next pregnancy 

Jenna Robottom


My husband and I weren’t initially sure about using a doula - we didn’t understand what they could offer or how they could benefit us. However, I looked into it upon the recommendation of a friend.

Megan and I had a brief phone conversation to arrange an in-person meeting, at which point I was still pretty skeptical, however, when we met Megan in person I was immediately drawn to what she could offer our family through the child birthing experience. Megan described a doula as a ‘tour guide’ to birth, which made perfect sense. If our family was headed to a foreign destination we might hire a tour guide for our travels - why would birth be any different. In fact, birth might warrant a tour guide more so than foreign travels!

Megan met with us a few times before physically going into labor, which was fantastic. It was a good opportunity to become comfortable with one another prior to ‘the big day’. Not that it took much to become comfortable with Megan - she has such a welcoming and kind spirit!

The support that Megan provided to both myself and my husband was incredible. She has an uncanny ability to melt away fears and tensions! Her care and support is what allowed us to achieve our birth wishes.

I’m most grateful for the post-birth care that Megan offered. Those first few days with a newborn is nothing short of overwhelming. Thankfully Megan helped with that transition by offering knowledgeable and hands-on (literally) breastfeeding advice.

I can’t wait for the day our family can let Megan know we’re expecting baby #2 so that we can go on another guided tour with her!

Deanne Wiseman


Megan is an amazing doula and woman! Her presence was instrumental in the positive birth experience of our second (by successful VBAC!)

A few words to describe Megan: Kind, comforting, genuine, knowledgeable, supportive, empowering.

Megan has been present at many of our friends' and family's births. Her services were worth every dollar spent and we would highly recommend her to everyone!

Sheri Ann


When I reviewed the Doula website I had a really good feeling about Megan, we went into the interview with her being my top choice and she exceeded our expectations. Megan was so kind and supportive in our meetings, text conversations and through the labour and delivery process. My labour ended up being over 3 weeks early and very quick. We were so thankful that she hurried to meet us at the hospital. The support she provided through the labour and pushing process was amazing she helped me to feel confident and remain calm and strong. I am so thankful to have had her there as I never felt scared or worried. Prior to having our beautiful baby I was so worried about the labour and delivery however I left feeling empowered and ready to do it again in the future, and you can bet we will ask Megan to be there with us again. Thank you !

Gillian Cox


My husband and I hired Megan as our doula for the birth of our first child. We were referred to her through another doula and had a great initial meeting with Megan. She was well prepared for the appointment and thoroughly answered all of our questions. As well, she had a very calm and positive manner that we felt would be beneficial during labour and delivery.
After picking Megan as our doula, we had two very informative meetings with her to prepare for our daughter’s birth.
Due to some health concerns, labour was induced for me. Megan came to our house the morning of the induction (bright and early at about 6:30am); she was positive and upbeat. We waited at the hospital for several hours for induction to take place. During that time, Megan was attentive to both of our needs from having me rest in positions that encouraged the baby to turn into the optimal delivery position to getting us beverages.

When labour finally started, Megan was of tremendous help. She was very conscious of putting me in the most comfortable positions to manage the contractions, provided encouragement and supported Derek so that he could provide optimal support to me. During delivery, Megan suggested different positions to try, elicited the help to the medical team to optimize pushing, and continued to provide encouragement. After we welcomed our daughter, Megan took pictures for us and captured those once in a lifetime moments. She continued to look out for our well-being. It was a long time from Megan’s arrival at our home to our daughter's birth and while I’m sure she was tired, it didn’t show in her level of attentiveness.

Our birth experience with Megan was very positive. With her help, we had the medication free delivery without any interventions that we had wanted. we feel confident in saying that without her this would not have been the case. Based on our experience, we would not hesitate to recommend Megan.

Desiree Bourassa


We are so glad that we had Megan by our side during the birth of our first child. The thing that stands out most in my mind when I look back at the experience is that Megan never left our side during the entire 30 hour labour. This was extremely comforting to me as I was nervous about giving birth for the first time and had heard many horror stories about hospitals and things that can go wrong. Megan met with us before the labour to help us prepare and write a birth plan. At the hospital she made sure the nurses and doctors were aware of the wishes on our birth plan (we went through 3 shifts of doctors/nurses during my long labour, and I’m sure if it had been up to my husband and myself we wouldn’t have remembered to communicate this properly with each shift change). Megan helped put me at ease when the doctors suggested a pitocin drip, and was understanding when I decided to stray from my birth plan and get an epidural. Throughout the experience it was so nice to have the extra set of hands, and my husband was even able to get some sleep while Megan stayed awake with me. After our daughter was born Megan took some beautiful photos of her and of us as a family. It was so nice to have her do this for us in the background, we didn’t have to pause in our moment and think to ask someone to take a photo for us. In all, we had a fantastic experience with Megan and would hire her again without hesitation. We would recommend Megan to anyone looking for a doula.

Shannon Hickey


Our experience with Megan for the birth of our daughter was absolutely amazing.  She has such a calm and confident presence which really put my husband and I at ease.  She was with us throughout a very long labour but never once looked tired.  When I would get uncomfortable or impatient with the process she always had a new idea for a position or activity that would help me get through it.  I know for my husband she made him much more comfortable because he knew that someone that he trusted was helping me when he wasn't sure what to do for me.  As first time parents we didn't always know what to do or expect but she was able to answer all of our questions.  When things didn't go as we had planned and we had to make some decisions that we didn't expect she explained our options and helped us realize that in the end the only thing that mattered was that we ended up with a healthy baby, which we did!  I would recommend Megan as a Doula to anyone looking for a professional and caring person to help guide them through the most intense experience of their lives.

Rossana Keay


When we received a referral for Megan to become our doula, we were told by the person who referred her that if she was having a baby, Megan would be her first choice. She was right. Megan was so professional from the moment we met her. She made us feel at ease and really got us excited about the whole experience we were about to have. The last days leading up to our son's arrival, Megan took the time to educate us on what we were experiencing and what was to come. We wouldn't have been able to get through the 20 hours of labour with such assurance and joy if it weren't for Megan. She played such a huge role in bringing our beautiful healthy baby boy into this world. We are forever grateful.

Rossana, Matt and little Carter Keay.

Heather Sutherland


Megan was referred to us by my sister and she did not disappoint! She was very knowledgeable and prepared us well for what we had hoped would be a natural birth. Her enthusiasm for all things birth related is awesome! Unfortunately our breech baby didn't cooperate and we had a c-section but Megan was with us up until we went into surgery and then afterward as well. She was a calming presence and as first time parents we would have been lost without her guidance. I highly recommend her to anyone getting ready to give birth and we are hoping she can be with us for our next baby!

Jessica Nash


I have to be honest, the thought of giving birth to my child scared the crap out of me.  I was a first time mum and had absolutely no clue about labour and delivery, nor did my husband.  We hired Megan knowing that we needed someone to keep us both level headed throughout the whole process.  Megan was a god-sent.  To this day my husband says he wouldn't have been able to do it without Megan in the room.  I had a very long, very painful back labour with my daughter.  Megan calmed me down every step of the way.  She held my hand when I needed it, she rubbed my back for hours, and she even slept in the waiting room of the hospital so she wouldn't miss anything.  She is one of the sweetest, most nurturing people I have ever met.  When I was scared Megan made me feel better.  I could not imagine her not being a part of our birth story.   She looked at my daughter with so much love when she was born and it made me feel so wonderful to be able to share that moment with her. I will never have another child without Megan by my side.

Yvonne Mrema


Megan Boone is an amazing doula and mother.  I had the pleasure of working with Megan during the delivery of my daughter in 2012.  She made herself available every single step of the way.  She is filled with knowledge in the whole area of delivery.  I felt very comfortable working with her.  She is very understanding and accepting of ones believes and desires.  She made sure my wishes (which the two of us discussed prior to the delivery date) were respected and followed at the hospital by the staff.  She took excellent pictures during the delivery that I treasure to date.  She is caring and very thoughtful.  Even after my daughter was born, she took the extra step in arranging a time to visit and meet my little sunshine.

Thank you Megan for making my delivery process easier.  Thank you for being my second brain and voice.  I would recommend you in a heartbeat.

Beth Parsons Blackburn


Megan was our doula for our 4th baby's home birth. She was so wonderful at our baby's birth: she intuitively stepped back when I needed her to and up when it was appropriate. Her prenatal and postnatal appointments were geared towards the fact that I'm an experienced mother and I appreciated that. She was great with my older kids. The photographs she took were also amazing. Megan has what it takes to support a wide range of families through her gentle approach to participation, filling the roles that needed to be filled. Thank you, Megan!

Birth Availability for Megan Boone

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-20-2024

Postpartum Availability for Megan Boone

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-20-2024