Certifications for Chloe Wilcox. CD(DONA)

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Client Testimonials for Chloe Wilcox. CD(DONA)

Post a testimonial for Chloe Wilcox. CD(DONA)



Finally, after three years, I'm writing the review I've wanted to write for so long. Words cannot express my gratitude to Chloe, who was truly an angel sent by God to support me during my delivery and postpartum period. With no family help available, I still remember calling her around 1 AM. Within 30 minutes, she was at the hospital with us.

Chloes  support was invaluable, reminding me to breathe through the pain of cramps. She continued to help us for nearly four months after my son was born. She taught me how to massage and bathe my baby, introduced us to developmental songs and activities, and even assisted with household chores and all baby-related tasks. Additionally, she provided invaluable guidance with nursing.

I cannot thank Chole enough for her incredible support. I cannot imagine my delivery and postpartum experience without her assistance.

Nicole & Moe Smith


Upon meeting Chloe for the first time after a friend referred her to me, I immediately could tell how passionate she was about being a Doula. Chloe is not only passionate, she is very knowledgeable, thorough, and takes her job very seriously. She's attentive, resourceful, and always coming up with ways to better support you. During my husband and I's unexpected several night hospital stay during my labor, Chloe was incredibly supportive keeping in contact with me until my contractions were closer together and it was time for her to come to the hospital. During my entire labor and delivery journey, Chloe was a calming and re-assuring presence that I could not have made it through without! She knew all the right things to ask my labor/delivery team, and was not afraid to speak up and make suggestions as she saw necessary. My husband and I developed such a lovely friendship with Chloe that we know will continue on. I never realized the value of having a Doula to support a mom in her pregnancy journey until I met Chloe. She is a wonderful human being that my husband and I feel incredibly blessed to have had by our side during our pregnancy journey!

Zachary and Stacey


Our coach, counselor, guide, cheerleader, pillar, and most ardent supporter, Chloe was there for the birth of both our children. Neither birth went as we had planned, and we can’t imagine how difficult and overwhelmed we would have been without her. She guided us through the unexpected induction of our firstborn, where we had to switch our midwife two days before he was born. She out performed this feat with the birth of our second by literally catching her in the back of an ambulance! Chloe you are amazing, you are the saving grace in both of our children’s birth stories, and have made a huge impact on this family. We love you.

Amy J


When I found out that I was pregnant with twins I was so excited. I knew that once my twins were born I would want to extra support of a postpartum doula because I didn't have near by family or friends that I could turn to for support and my husband would be returning to work shortly after the twins birth. Chloe came highly recommended from another Momma that I knew so I thought to give her services a try. She turned out to be a godsend and I'm so glad that we invested in her services. She was so easy to be around and she helped me through some very rough moments as a new Momma during a Washington winter. She prepared bottles, fed my babies, washed dishes, and put a few meals in the crockpot for us! Mostly she gave me the opportunity to get sleep. She has a beautiful singing voice and as I'd drift off to sleep I could hear her singing to my twins. I knew they were in good hands. Looking back, I don't know how I could have made it without her support. I would recommend her doula services to anyone! Thank you, Chloe.

Alissa Mercer


Chloe is one of the most amazing women I’ve ever met! She has a calming demeanor, and truly goes beyond the call of duty as a doula.

During our two visits prior to my “Labor Day”, I knew immediately that Chloe was a great fit. She was extremely knowledgeable, informative (great teacher), very understanding, intuitive, and a great listener. I really enjoyed our visits and probably kept her longer at our home than I should have! Visiting with her was like visiting with a longtime friend!

My water broke on my due date and I had to rush to the birthing center due to my group strep B status. I called Chloe and she arrived at the birthing center soon after we arrived.

She was attentive (without me feeling “smothered”) and made sure that I was comfortable throughout the whole labor. She recommended different positions that were very helpful. She made sure I had my JBL playing scripture music in the background.

Towards the end of my labor, Chloe intuitively asked me if I was ready for her to start the tub water after my contractions seemed a little more intense. Thankfully, she started the water when she did because I birthed Joshua in a shallow bathtub 4 minutes after getting in!

Chloe was with me from the beginning to the end and I can’t imagine not having her there. I wish she’d been there with my other three!

Several days after Joshua was born, Chloe stopped by to check on me and blessed me with some amazing lactation cookies, some beautiful roses from her garden and prayed a beautiful blessing over Joshua. She also wrote out Joshua‘s birth story from beginning to end… I don’t think she realizes how much this meant to me.

I can’t say enough wonderful things about Chloe! The Lord used her in my life in a big way and her presence during Joshua’s birth was one of the high points of 2022! ??



As a first time mom I was very nervous about the prospect of labor and giving birth. My mom thought it would be in my best interest to reach out to a doula and I'm so glad we did. I'm not sure how I would have made it through labor (back labor) and delivery without Chloe. She is simply AMAZING! I was super impressed with her knowledge, skill (rebozo, massage, positioning, counter pressure techniques, etc.),  compassion and calming demeanor. She gave us great advice and was there in the middle of the night to help me labor at home before ultimately going to the hospital. As soon as she was able she was right there by my side at the hospital, continuing to be a pillar of support for both me and my husband. She took photos, notes, acted as our advocate with the hospital staff, provided comfort and supported me during the biggest moment of my life. Without Chloe my birth experience would have been very different and I'm so thankful she was there. 

Chloe also shines as a postpartum doula too! My son took to her right away and loved the kinder music! 

We had a wonderful experience with Chloe and would not hesitate to hire her again if we decide to have more children. We think of her fondly as not just our doula but also a new found friend! Thank you so much Chloe!

Katrina Taylor


I am a first time mother. My baby was born one month and one day ago. I still don't have all of the words to describe Chloe's support during my labor (and before). I am still processing that day as I bond with my beautiful baby girl. Chloe showed my husband and I some great exercises and shared helpful information during prenatal home visits while also welcoming me to access her resource library. Little did we know that the last home visit would be just days before my baby was born. I had to be induced three weeks early and didn't get to have my home, water birth. However, Chloe was there through my labor and helped me with every contraction, paying attention to my hopes and desires that were shared before. She supported my husband, who claims he would have been lost without her. They made a phenomenal team. She reminded me that labor is empowering, even in the toughest moments (I was unmedicated per my birth plan). She communicated with the hospitals staff and advocated for me. She took the most amazing photos of my girl and our little family within her first minutes of life. We signed up for post natal care, which was incredibly needed. I was able to get some naps in as she held my baby or folded my laundry when we had only been home for a few days and things were still a blur. Chloe provided me with notes to reflect on my labor experience, things I may have forgotten. I can't recommend her enough, as she is kind, caring, compassionate, and professional. I will always be grateful that she was part of my birth story!

Jamie Roulstone


I can't think of the words to accurately describe the thanks we have for Chloe. I'm so glad my husband and I hired her, she radiates kindness and gentleness, and is full of valuable baby information for first time parents like us. She's an amazing doula and we made a friend in the process! Thanks Chloe!!



To put it simply, Chloe was our Guardian Angel.

Lydia was our firstborn, and I was walking in to a birthing process that I knew nothing about (ladies, we need to talk about having babies more often).

I knew I wanted to give natural birth a shot and needed someone who was able to help with pain management.

When Chloe visited our home she wore a mask and washed her hands before getting started. She introduced me to side-line release, which was a game changer for my hip pain. We made our way through multiple excersizes to help reposition baby and reduce back pain as well.

The day I went into labor I called Chloe to meet us at the hospital as I had been induced, and the contractions were getting to my head.

Chloe helped me move through the first 12 hours of my 24 hour labor without any intervention.

She used a tennis ball to endlessly rub my back, spoke kind words of encouragement to me, and even helped my husband defeat a full blown panic attack. If there's anything to say about Chloe, it's that she is the most kind-hearted person I may have ever met.

Upon the end of the first 12 hours, I was told mistakenly that I was 9 inches dilated when I was only 5.

Being utterly exhausted, I let Chloe and my nurse know that I needed something for pain. Chloe was so supportive of my decision to get an epidural. I just needed relief to have the energy to bring Lydia into the world safely (again 24 hours).

Lydia was born August 25th at 7:39am. Chloe was given permission to take photos on my phone of her birth and I am so greatful that she did. 

I don't know what we would have done without Chloe at that time, or for postpartum support.

Thank you, Chloe for being our Guardian Angel.


Tiarah & Jerod


I truly don’t have the words to explain how much we treasure Chloe & the experience we had with her as our doula!  I’m writing this much later than I had wanted to, but the memories are fresh in my mind as if they took place just yesterday. We chose to have our 2nd baby at home after our first baby was a traumatic hospital birth. From the moment I met Chloe, I knew that her calm & very present demeanor would be exactly what I needed throughout my labor. Boy, was I right! She was SUCH a support to me AND my husband while in labor, & knew exactly what to do when I simply didn’t/felt overwhelmed (even little things like reminding me to use the bathroom when I needed to. Get some liquids in me. Etc.: When you’re in labor, these things slip your mind but they’re important) & was also sure to tell me when things were going wonderfully. She was such an encouragement & truly “got me through it”. I love the role she played in helping my husband help me in the best way that he could, too. He said he was SO thankful to have her there. Her voice, oh my. The $800 is worth it just to have her voice in the room! Haha, she’s so grounding & I cannot even explain how wonderful it was having her talk to me + coach me when I knew I needed it. She even typed up the most beautiful birth story for us after our baby was born, something I wouldn’t have had the mental capacity to do so soon after my baby was born. So precious and priceless. We loved having Chloe over & getting to know her through our prenatal visits, she has such a beautiful soul. I loved how she prepared us, the laughs we shared, tears and all. We may have had a home birth, but just knowing how much she loves babies & serving growing families, Chloe is perfect for every birth situation (home, C-section, you name it). We will NOT be having a baby without her. No one like her!

Brandie & Daniel


I was referred to Chloe by a patient from my office and knew from the kind words she would be a great addition to my birth team. My husband was skeptical of the idea of a doula at first but was soon convinced. I can't tell you how grateful we are to have had Chloe with us on our Birth journey with our baby boy because it was far from the plan I had originally made. It was a very long 39 hour labor that ended in a c-section but with Chloe by my side every step of the way I felt like I was educated, supported, and encouraged to keep going. She spent the first night in labor with us at home, then came with us to the birth center where she had insight on how to help my body & my baby move the birthing process along. We were then transferred to the hospital due to complications & Chloe was right there by our side. She made me feel safe in a new environment & she was there to help me through the emotions of my plan not going as expected. We can't thank her enough for being the peace, love, & encouragement we needed to bring our baby into the world. If she wasn't there to guide & support us I feel as though my birth experience would have been a very traumatic one but because we had her with us I am at peace with the whole process, I know that I made the best decisions for myself & my baby even in the most intense moments. My husband is so glad we had Chloe there to help support us because as much as he felt he was ready to be my primary support person during the birth no one could have predicted all of the turns of events that happened during our labor & without her experience we would have been lost. After baby was born she came to visit & brought this beautiful birth story all typed out with excatly what happened down to the minute which is going to be a treasure we keep forever. We would HIGHLY recommend Chloe as a part of your birthing team no matter what your birth plan is because her presence is unforgettable. 

Katelyn H


Chloe was an incredible part of our birth and would not have had the same wonderful experience without her. The entire labor, she was coaching me through each contraction with breathing techniques, position changes, and comfort measures that were all spot-on and extremely helpful. Her calming voice and presence gave me the reassurance and support I needed to give birth to my first baby. Both my husband and I felt so cared for and supported by her every step of the way. Her personal touch and attention to detail when it came to the birth as well as the prenatal and postpartum visits were so helpful and her heart and passion for what she does shines through with every interaction. We would highly recommend her to anyone and we definitely hope to have her attend any future births! 

Alyce Thistle


Chloe is seriously an angel sent from above. This lovely person sat by my side through about 40 hours of labor and made sure I had the support I needed the entire time. It is safe to say that my labor experience went almost completely the opposite of what I had planned -- a natural birth at a birth center that ended up with me transferring to a hospital after 30+ hours of stalled labor and mencomium in my fluids, getting an epidural, but thankfully being able to deliver vaginally after another several hours of labor. Chloe was there through it all, counting me through the contractions, giving me options for positions to make laboring eaiser, rubbing my back, helping me visualize and breathe my way through labor. She was there when I got my epidural, which was the scariest part for me and the thing I dreaded most. When I felt like I couldn't do it anymore, she kept me going. My husband and I could not have gotten through it without her. Though she did her best to prepare us beforehand by meeting with us, giving us tips and tricks, and talking us through how the birth might go, she was even more invaluable there in the moment when things went haywire and we needed someone calm to guide us through. I am so thankful I had the opportunity to work with her and cannot say enough to recommend her to others. She is truly gifted at what she does!

Sarah and Jeff


Chloe was a godsend to my husband and I for the birth of our second child in two years, our daughter Maya. A few weeks before the due date we had to abruptly change birth plans from a home birth with our local midwives to a hospital birth with the nurse midwifery team at Providence in Everett due to rising blood pressures. The exact same thing had happened with my first child's birth, and I had an emotionally difficult experience with his birth due to an induction at 39 weeks and several parts of that process that didn't go so smoothly. I resolved that if I had another hospital birth, I'd do my best to have a doula. Chloe just happened to be available on such short notice, so I met with her and felt so comfortable right away. She offered so many resources, but most of all affirmation of all I was feeling and openness to what I wanted my birth experience to be and how she could help support that. My husband was less convinced that there was much value in hiring another person for our support team, but in retrospect he said he got it and that it was great that she was there. My birth experience this time was so much different from my previous birth; I felt more confident, like I had someone I could rely on for experienced ideas about what to try next, how to interpret what was happening, and also who would take some of the pressure off of my husband. After I birthed our daughter, Chloe stayed with us for a few hours while they got us settled in and stablized me (I wasn't sure I wanted the specific medication they were going to give me, so Chloe helped me feel confident asking about my options). Chloe also visited us at home after the birth, and gave us a typed copy of the timeline of the birth, which was really neat to have. Overall, Chloe provided incredible support both before, during, and after our daughter's birth, and I would highly recommend her to any family seeking a birth doula.



Where to start? First off, I want to thank Chloe for all she did and does for women. I do not know how I would have navigated this exciting but intimidating new experience without her.

My husband and I were so impressed with Chloe from the moment we first met her. My first birth was an emergency C-section. With this new pregnancy, I thought I would be fine knowing that I had experienced some form of birth prior. However, at week 37 I decided I wanted/needed help. We were so blessed to find Chloe. She came to our meet-and-greet with a folder filled with very helpful info that quickly calmed my initial fears. Chloe listened to me ramble on and throughout it all provided an air of comfort and confidence. Once selected as our doula she quickly made arrangements to meet for my 2 prenatals since my date was fast approaching. Chloe not only verbally stated I was her top priority, she also proved it with each meeting and knowledgeable response to my endless questions.

At our first meeting, I stated I needed someone that could provide assertive confidence when I got to a point that I didn’t think I could do it. She provided that and so much more. Chloe offered emotional support and through it all telling me that I needed to trust my body and that my body knew exactly what to do. Of course, she was right!

This birth experience sure was different from what we’d planned (another C-section) but with Chloe’s help and presence, it was still a joyous and beautiful event. Thank you, Chloe. It helped to have Chloe there and her advice – it helped me deal with the medical staff more easily. Chloe helped me process my fears and disappointments as plans unraveled.

We cannot thank Chloe enough for everything she invested in our birth – she was exactly what we needed, always supporting us in everything. Chloe Wilcox, for all of that and so much more, I thank you. You will always have a special place in our hearts.

Danya Joy Youngblood


Chloe was such a huge support to me and my husband during the delivery. She arrived just in time as I was entering "active labor" and I was worried that the pain would be too much for me to bear for the remainder of the delivery. She assured me that my pain ceiling was close and that I could do it. With that knowledge, I decided to proceed without any pain interventions and hopped into the labor tub which immediately brought the pain level down a notch. She held my hands and let me squeeze them during each contraction and my husband (who was in the tub with me) would squeeze my hips to help counter the immense back pain that I had. With the two of them at my side I was able to manage an intense and quick labor and baby was born only 3 hours later! With each contraction, I heard Chloe whisper encouraging comments to me, telling me that I could do it and validating the hard work and effort that I was doing. When it came time to push, she continued to soothe me with supportive phrases and iced my forhead with a washcloth to help me fight off the nausea. My husband also felt hugely supported by Chloe and he (on his own accord) wrote her a lovely thank you text which I wish I could include here in this testimonial. After we delivered the baby, she stayed to ensure that I was confident in getting baby to latch on to my breast and to make sure I ate something since I was so hyped up on adrenaline. A few days later she checked in on us and brought me some beautiful flowers and the most delicious lactation cookies I've ever tasted! She also gave me a detailed account (in writing) of our delivery story. I was so touched and appreciative of her attention to detail and I would whole-heartedly refer her to any one of my friends who is looking for a compassionate and experienced doula. I look forward to hiring her again!



Chloe was an excellent choice for a doula. She was so helpful leading up to my birth, and when my baby was 10 days past her due date, I needed help and support determining how to move forward, particularly for me emotionally. I loved that she was so available to me during that time, a reassuring sage of advice that got to know me personally to determine how she could best support me in the ways I needed individually. This is so important in the birth process, and Chloe really gets that.

My hope for my labor experience was that it would be full of positivity, inner and outer strength, that I would trust in myself, God, and those around me for confidence in my health and the health of my baby. I wanted my baby to come into the world in the most gentle way possible, and to be received in gladness and joy, and that is exactly what happened. Chloe was a big part of that, and I am very grateful. 

Also I have to say Chloe has such a warm personality, and also is quirky in the best way possible. For me, this meant she was someone I could be totally vulnerable with, knowing that I would be received in love and without any judgment. I also felt very comfortable sharing my faith in God with her which was an important element in my birth experience.

Some particular things I appreciated that she did:

1) take the time to get to know me for personalized care
2) checked in on me periodically throughout late pregnancy and early pospartum
3) prepared a timeline for my birth story to help remember the details afterwards
4) helped me process my birth at postpartum visit in a very encouraging way

Sarah Young


Chloe attended the home birth of our first baby, and we could not be happier with her service! It was a long hard labor, and Chloe kept me calm and focused throughout it. She has such a calm, reassuring demeanor, and when I almost gave up she kept me going. Her support in the days after birth were invaluable as well, as I recovered and figured out being a new parent! 



Chloe attended my labor Sep 2018 with my first baby. I knew when I first met her that I wanted her by my side when I was going through the birth process. Chloe is amazing! She was warm, attentive, calm, and compassionate. From the time I entered active labor, Chloe was with me holding my hand and helping me breathe through every contraction. I have an anxiety disorder and gave birth without pain medication. I was planning to use nitrous oxide during my labor, but with Chloe I totally forgot. She is knowledgable, and radiates a calming presence I cannot even describe. I can't imagine having another baby without Chloe by my side.

Rebecca VG


Great! She was very instructive and nuturing during the pre-natals. As anxious as I was, she was very calm and reassuring, which made me feel relaxed and in good hands, which would also be true in during labor and beyond. I had a very fast labor, but she forsaw such and was at my house very shortly after "the call". The birth occurred at home, but my midwife was stuck behind traffic. So, as things were quickly progessing and a desire to push came along, Chloe positioned me to slow things down a bit and coached me to stay calm until the midwife arrived. It was an incredible wild ride, and my husband and I were so glad to have her help there! I'd also been worried about post-partum depression, and in the early baby days, she provided wisdom or more re-assurance! I am very thankful for Chloe!

jina muri


I can confidently say that i would not change one thing about my birth experience thanks to the help of my husband and Chloe. Let me give you a little background. I scheduled 4-5 interviews and Chloe was my 3rd. I arrived with a list of 20-40 question beyond the "Tell me about yourself" and "Why did you become a Doula?" Chloe was so warm, steady, and instantly put me at ease. She is not pushy whatsoever but she has attended enough births to know what is going on, where the towels are kept in the hospital, and recognizes the different stages of labour a FTM would have no clue about. Overall- my husband and I were BLOWN AWAY by our experience with Chloe. Chloe is the epitome of warm and nurturing. She is keeping up with the latest birth information, but most of all it is obvious she is passionate about what shes does. Chole is the total package and honestly you do not need to look any further than this amazing woman. My husband and I agreed Chloe was our rock through my 27 hour all natural birth and I doubt I could have done it with anyone else. I can write a novel on this phenomenal woman but I will leave you with this. My husband and I would scrimp and save to pay double Chloe's fee to have her at our next birth. She is exactly what we needed and truly a God send

Jen Kinney


The best decision we made hands down was to hire Chloe to be our doula. She's the only doula we interviewed because she passed the two most important factors: 1) by the end of the interview I felt like I would be comfortable with her seeing all my bits, and 2) she wasn't going to judge me or shame me for any decisions I made during labor (e.g, getting an epidural). Throughout my pregnancy she was always available to ask questions and wanted to be kept in the loop with what was going on and how I was doing. I really felt like I had made a friend so that when it came time for the big day it didn't feel at all like there was a stranger in the room with us. We met a handful of times before I went into labor, and she visited me when I was admitted to the hospital for complications. My actual labor and delivery were pretty traumatic and I don't know what my husband and I would have done without her there. Seriously. And after I was released from the hospital she even came over and folded laundry! She is not only an amazing doula, but an amazing and special person. My husband and I already know that if we have another baby we will absolutely hire Chloe again. I miss her already!

Jongeun Wu


My husband and I were very happy to have Chloe as a doula. My favorite part about her is that she is very knowledgable and responsible. Since it was my first pregnancy, everything was new to myhusband and me. When my water broke at 5:30am, she answered our call immediately and guided us every single step. She was sitting right next to me during the labor and helped me to focus. Also, she is such a great listener and communicator. She understood what our expectations were and respected the way how we wanted my labor to be like. During the labor, I completely trusted her and my labor went very smoothly with her help. She always wanted to make sure I was hydrated enough and breathing properly. After I gave a birth, she wrote about birthing story of my child and it was very impressive and memorable. It shows all the details what we had been through that day. We were very happy with Chloe’s performance so we will definitely hire her again for my second child.

chris jazmin


My wife and I are extremely happy with Chloe. She is very punctual and always seems up to date on all the new techniques. The Mid Wife thought we would be in for a 3 day labor, but Chloe had a lot of tricks up her sleeve and good info on how to quickly and safely induce. We interviewed multiple Doulas before we picked Chloe and it just seemed that her Energy is what we needed. She was calm and cool when she needed to be and turned into a ball of energy when my wife was getting exhausted from pushing. She also has many visual aids to help and many techniques for pain management. Working with Chloe you can tell she takes a lot of time and care to make sure her clients are taken care of. She makes amazing lactation cookies, and has the energy for the entire labor. My wife and I will totally use her again and we will be suggesting her to all of our family and friends.

Cassandra Tuffey


The natural, unmedicated hospital birth of our second child was everything I hoped - totally supported, beautiful, empowering and full of healing after experiencing disappointment and regret over my first birth. I credit much of that to our amazing doula! Chloe was my comfort, reassurance and peaceful voice in the midst of all my fear, freeing my husband to be my strong and loving husband. She used her wealth of knowledge about birth and bodies to offer helpful suggestions throughout pregnancy and labor. At my worst during labor, exhausted and full of fear, she kept me grounded with comforting words, humming a soft tune, gripping my shaky hand. Like she knew just what I needed in the moment. Though this birth went beautifully and exactly as hoped, I have no doubt that Chloe would have been totally supportive and loving in the face of anything unexpected. This pregnancy was fraught with numerous concerns over baby's health, extra monitoring and much anxiety. Every fear expressed to Chloe was met with understanding, comfort, love and wonderful advice. I sent her so many emails with my fears and frustrations, and each reply was exactly what I needed at the time. Baby was breech until 38 weeks, and during those weeks of worry Chloe had lots of helpful information about our options. Thankfully baby turned on her own, all other concerns were dismissed and we went on to have an amazing birth! Chloe has not only been called to help women and families, she has been blessed with a gift. Her demeanor is calm, joyful, comforting, relatable and honest. Our first meeting felt like I was chatting with a long lost friend. She truly loves this work, loves helping women and families, and wants to make the world a more peaceful place by supporting them during the amazing transition of birthing a baby. I'm so glad I found Chloe. My only regret is not having her at my first birth. I hope we decide to have more kids in the future because I would love to have her as my doula again!

Brianna Parks


Where do I even begin on how amazing having Chloe as our doula was!?

My husband and I began searching for a doula when we found out we were expecting our second baby. Our first birthing experience was not a pleasant one and I was looking for anything we could do proactively to have a better experience the second time around.

We met with Chloe and one other doula but immediately felt drawn to her calm demeanor. We met with Chloe twice for prenatal appointments during which she went over our desires for labor. Our baby was presenting breech from about 32 weeks on. Chloe was so supportive during that time, we were in contact frequently to discuss different things I could be trying to flip baby.

After weeks of trying everything baby just wouldn't budge and I was scheduled for a csection. I was totally overwhelmed with losing our desires birth experience and terrified on major surgery. Chloe was so supportive, she was willing to come sit with me and talk it over before the surgery. Chloe met us at the hospital the morning of the procedure and her presence was invaluable! She stayed with us in the waiting room and kept me calm. Our hospital only allows one support person in the OR but Chloe was able to talk with the nurse, doctor and anesthesiologist and was able to join us in the OR. It was so amazing to have her in the OR, she was able to stay with me and keep me focused while all the crazy was going on around me.

Long story short I LOVED having Chloe as a part of our team. If/when we decide to have more children Chloe will be one of our first calls!

Ruth Linari


I wanted to try to have a natural birth as I had witnessed some births while in nursing school that I believed could have had better outcomes if the mother had been able to move more. I was fearful of the feeling of being stuck in bed with an epidural.  I also especially wanted someone who would support not only me but also my husband. Chloe was so helpful through out labor and as I was hoping supporting my husband who at some points was pale simply from supporting me and not being able to easily take breaks. She helped us to try other positions to manage labor and contractions. We enjoyed her calm and confident manner, and sense of humor. When had started to think about having a doula when we heard about the statistics of how outcomes are improved with doula support, we where unsure if the cost would make sense to us. We thought Chloe's fee was very reasonable and even felt like paying a little extra so that it could be saved for another family that might have more difficulties with the cost. We had a "Textbook" first time labor, and where even able to not use the the monitoring belts and just have periodical checks. I was doubting myself during transition and wondering if I needed the epidural but with encouragement, and checking my progress was able to continue and refocus. Her assistance was invaluable to us and we will probably use her at our next delivery also.

Tuya Senff


My husband and I are so grateful to have had Chloe as our doula. She was wonderful for the preparation, labor and birth. She was insightful with ideas and direction on how to deal with my pregnancy. Chloe's experience was exactly what I needed to have a successful "All natural vaginal birth"! I don't think I could have felt as strong as I did without her support.She was everything I needed and more, like having a trusted friend with the added benefits of doula training. She even wrote us our labor story and baked us some lactaion cookies after we had gone home from the birthing center. I'd definetly use her again when we deside to have another one. I would not hesitate to recommend Chloe to my friends and family, and would highly recommend her services to anyone.

Tuya Senff

Bonnie Moore


I am so thankful that my husband and I got to work with Chloe! I wanted a drug free VBAC in the hospital and Chloe was able to help me achieve that. She had a bag of tricks and suggested various positions to labor positions that helped me get through each contraction. The birth of my 2nd daughter went better than I could have ever imagined! Prior to going into labor she met us several times and we went over some pain management techniques that were very helpful. After I gave birth she also came by for a visit and wrote up a beautiful story of my daughters birth that I will forever save in her baby book.

She really has a passion for what she does and is great at it, I would highly recommend her for anyone looking for a Doula!

Rachel Stahlecker


We are so grateful for Chloe. Her calm, comforting presence and wisdom made all the difference. Her support was incredible and both my husband and I felt heard, validated, and respected leading up to, during, and after the birth. She brought such a joy to the whole experience and I have whole-heartedly recommended her many times already to friends and strangers, too!

Danee Maynard


Chloe was amazing! My husband and I could not imagine going through that day again without her help. She has such a calm caring manner which put me at ease while managing to focus me on the task at hand. There were a few times I started to lose my focus and panic but she was right there at my side to boost my strength and help me cope.
Chloe was there for us throughout the whole experience. She was on the phone checking on me once I let her know contractions had started and came over once we were sure they were progressing to help us labor at home for a while. She was great at suggesting new positions to try and to make sure I changed these positions often to help things along. After my water broke at 12:30 am we labored a little longer before going to the hospital where it seemed to take forever to be admitted. The bed was very uncomfortable in triage where they only let one person be with you and my husband couldn't seem to comfort me like I was needing so he had Chloe come back to help me. This was much appreciated once she came in and helped me with counter pressure and reminders to breath and that this contraction would be over soon making what felt overwhelming at that moment seem like much less of a mountain to climb.
Once we were admitted I was having back to back contractions and felt the need for an epidural which I don't know if I could have stayed still enough to get if Chloe wasn't there to help me manage the intensity of those contractions. Things went pretty smooth from there though it was a very long day she was there for me every step of the way. My son was born after 37 minutes of pushing with constant encouragement and hand holding at 7:37 pm. I will definitely hire Chloe again if we have a future pregnancy, I feel blessed to have found her for this one!

Bekky C


I decided to hire a doula for the delivery of my second child because I knew my husband would be unable to attend the birth and I wanted to make sure I had extra support. I loved Chloe's gentle energy as soon as I met her. I appreciated the time she took getting to know me before the birth and we talked a lot about different techniques to deal with pain. I ended up having back labor and it was much harder than I expected but Chloe was so helpful. She had lots of ideas of different positions to try, she spent a lot of time rubbing my legs and feet since they ached through the contractions and she helped so much with my breathing. She manages to be soft-spoken and gentle, yet provides a strong presence which kept me grounded when things became overwhelming. When I was sure I couldn't get through another contraction she was my cheerleader, reminding me of the end goal and of my own strength. I am so grateful I found her and had her with me during my intense birth experience. She really was there for me every step of the way.

Keiko Foss


As first time parents, my husband and I felt like we needed as much assistance as possible with the birth process. We met Chloe through doulamatch.net.  After reading the reviews we decided to meet in person. Chloe impressed us with her calming and caring demeanor and reassured us about what her role would be on the big day.  Although our baby decided to make her appearance three weeks early, Chloe was right there with us.  She was a huge help in getting us through some intense back labor, and comforting and encouraging during the pushing stage.  After the birth, Chloe continued her support role which included some awesome home-baked cookies!  I highly recommend Chloe as a doula; she is a complete professional and truly cares about her clients.

Serene Robeson


We were blessed to have Chloe assist with our recent birth. She was a great listener who took time to hear our priorities and concerns before labor, during the birth experience, and in our follow up visit. During our labor she was a source of calm encouragement and strength, and she adapted quickly and calmly to meet our needs. She is caring, gentle, perceptive, and positive, and it was so assuring to have her as part of our team! My husband and I enthusiastically recommend Chloe to anyone considering a doula for their birth experience.

Michelle Wammock


I met Chloe through a friend of mine who had recently worked with her during the birth of her son. She highly recommended her as she had, had a rather tramatic birth. My previous birth was a csection due to my son being a bottom down breech, knowing that I wanted to attempt a vbac, I felt confident that Chloe would be able to handle anything my vbac all natural attempt would throw at her.

On August 13th I started having semi regular contractions that progressed through the day, by 12am on the 14th contractions were regular and progressive, I asked Chloe to come to the house around 2am, by 4am we headed to the hospital. Labor was pretty intense through out the day, but with Chloe and my husband by my side we made the day go by pretty smoothly. By the time I had entered the transition stage of labor I didn't think I could do anymore, but Chloe made sure I was in the correct positions to ease pain and have my labor progress as it should.

By 722pm on August 14th we had our 8lb 4.6oz 20inch baby girl just the way I had wanted ALL NATURAL!

I wouldn't have been able to do it without Chlor and her guidance as a doula!!!

Thank you Chloe!!!!

Caitlin Battershell


Chloe was a lifesaver during my birth experience.  To start with, my son was a little over a week early and while we were prepared for his birth, there was much my husband had to do prior to going to the birth center.  Chloe was able to be there and support me through my contractions while my husband gathered all our bags and prepared our food to bring.  Additionally, my labor progressed quickly and Chloe guided us in knowing the correct time to call them midwife and drive over.

At the birth center, my son's breech presentation was realized and we all headed to the hospital for an emergency C-Section.  Once again, Chloe was irreplaceable as she coached me through painful contractions while I was in triage waiting to go to the operating room.  I felt the need to push and she had a trick to help!

Chloe's help was invaluable to me and I highly recommend her as a doula.

Callie Pinz


Chloe was such a joy and blessing to have during my last pregnancy.  I did not have a doula the first birth and it was tough.  Chloe met with me several times before my labor began and we worked on different laboring and birthing techniques to help me with pain.  She met me at the hospital and did not leave till after the birth of my little guy, which ended up being almost 36 hours.  My water broke before my contractions began so I wasn't needing much support so instead Chloe played and sang songs with my 4yr old and kept her busy.  Once the contractions started Chloe was by my side helping me breath and relax.  She even slept on the floor to stay close by.  During my pushing she was right their helping my husband and mother, encouraging me.  Overall I would say Chloe is amazing!  She is a sweet, caring, kind, and gentle person that I now have a wonderful friendship with.  She helped me beyond words through my labor, longer without medication then I ever imagined I could do.

Shirlena F


Chloe was my doula for the homebirth of my fifth baby.  As a doula myself, I am picky about who I want at my births, and I know about what qualities are important in choosing a support person.  Chloe has a gift of nurturing which suits her well for the role of a doula.  She is intuitive about a laboring mother's needs and offers support with a quiet and unobtrusive presence.  Her gentle spirit, trust in the process, and reassuring words provided a source of strength for everyone present at the labor/birth.  My husband was able to enjoy the process more because Chloe was there to help him as well, providing breaks when needed, discussing progress, and going around the house getting comfort items so that he could stay present with me.  She helped us to feel supported and nurtured as we welcomed our baby.  The birth was beautiful and all that we hoped it would be.  Chloe helped make it special through her tender care and attention to little details that we had mentioned were important to us.  We are glad she was a part of our homebirth!

Birth Availability for Chloe Wilcox. CD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-26-2024

Postpartum Availability for Chloe Wilcox. CD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-26-2024