Meredith Coronato, IBCLC, LCCE, CLC, NCS, PMA-CPT Photo

Meredith Coronato, IBCLC, LCCE, CLC, NCS, PMA-CPT

Motherling Birth & Postpartum Support, LLC

New York, NY Serves families in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens Serving Central and Northern NJ, NYC and Philadelphia

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate

$70 to $85

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate

$70 to $85

Birth Doula Experience

12 years and 400 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

12 years and 100 families served

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, January 2012

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 0 to 3 births and 0 to 2 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
Also offering vibrational sound therapy during pregnancy, labor and postpartum

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Belly binding
  • Belly casting
  • Childbirth education services
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Prenatal & postpartum fitness services
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Reflexology
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Therapeutic bodywork
  • Vaginal steam/peristeam services
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Baby Friendly Committee at Capital Health Central Jersey Family Health Consortium Safe Kids, central NJ

Fee Details

Flat fee covers two pre-natal visits and one post-partum visit. Payment plans are available. Newborn Care Specialist, Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.

Service Area

New York, NY Serves families in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens Serving Central and Northern NJ, NYC and Philadelphia

Client Testimonials for Meredith Coronato, IBCLC, LCCE, CLC, NCS, PMA-CPT

Post a testimonial for Meredith Coronato, IBCLC, LCCE, CLC, NCS, PMA-CPT

Sara T


Meredith provided us with incredible support postpartum for a few months. Having her with us on the first day home from the hospital was key.. to suddenly be home and have your baby there is a bit of a shock!! She makes it much easier and has an incredibly easy going and comfortable vibe-- we felt in safe hands right away. Meredith set us on a positive trajectory in many ways -- she supported me tremendously on a very difficult breastfeeding/pumping journey which took me from extreme under supply to nearly full supply in 6 weeks. But more than that, Meredith was simply a critical support to me all around in terms of making sure I was getting solid rest stretches (enabling faster recovery from a c section, making splitting night duties with my husband a non-issue), answering all our questions, pointing out things we didn't know to ask. Highly recommend! 

Jen Crawford


My wife and I hired Meredith as our birth doula. Our son ended up being breech and required a scheduled c-section. Meredith therefore came for an overnight shift the first night back from the hospital—I can’t say how valuable this was. We were both exhausted and I was recovering from the surgery and trying to breastfeed. I was having challenges with my milk coming in and my son was jaundiced. I was so tired I couldn’t make rational decisions about how best to keep him healthy. Meredith helped us get started on a triple feed schedule that made sure he was improving by the pediatrician appointment the next day and that supported my breastfeeding goals.

Through several subsequent postpartum visits, Meredith helped me navigate my breastfeeding challenges. It can be easy to get overfocused in the early days of parenthood on the problems. Meredith helped guide me in making choices that allowed me to enjoy this special time with my son.

Her advice both before birth and after was absolutely invaluable. Before birth, she coached me in what questions to ask my obstetrician to address my concerns and how to plan for the hospital, including changing that plan when we learned it would be a c-section. After birth, in helping my wife and I figure out a rhythm for caring for our son, and in helping me to navigate a difficult breastfeeding situation so that I could still bond with my son through breastfeeding, make sure he was getting as much breast milk as I could produce, and getting enough to eat. I think my wife and I had far fewer arguments in those early days because we could always reach out when we needed advice!

Meredith was also very sensitive to our concerns as LGBT+ parents, including coaching us on how to advocate for ourselves with hospital staff.

I am very grateful to Meredith for all her help in guiding us through the biggest transition of our lives.

Marina P


We had Meredith for nights for about a 7 week time period starting from birth. She was a pleasure to have in our home and very loved by our baby. During the 7 week period we established my breast milk supply and routine, something I likely would have given up on if not for Meredith’s expertise. I highly recommend her if you are seeking postpartum care with an interest in breast feeding. Outside of the clear expertise in breastfeeding, I got to know my baby much faster with Meredith’s experience in babies.



Meredith's support was absolutely essential during the prep, labor and birth of my first child. She made me feel safe and prepared going into the birth process. She asked questions that helped me clarify my values and solidify my birth plan. When it was actually time for my baby to enter the world, she was constant support during my 3 day labor. I felt like I had the support I needed to stick to my birth plan, and when unexpected issues arose during delivery, Meredith was there to reassure me and my husband, keep us calm, and help me find the strength to birth my daughter. After the birth, her support in lactation made me feel confident as an exclusively breastfeeding mom. Meredith is easy to be around, knowledgeable, calm and competent. You will not regret hiring her to support you during your birth process! 

Christina Yurchak


The best thing my husband and I ever did was hire Meredith and Kat as birth and postpartum doulas. Their care was truly life changing and I am grateful every day that they were part of our lives during the birth of our son and the first few weeks after. Meredith and Kat are professional, incredibly knowledgeable, non judgmental, extremely experienced, warm and caring. They were the support system for all three of us and helped us navigate a difficult birth and the rollercoaster of the weeks that followed. They are incredibly helpful with breastfeeding and I was able to successfully breastfeed and establish a great milk supply due 100 percent in part to their guidance. They helped us take care of a medical issue with our son very early on and jumped right into action. They made me feel extremely comfortable to ask any questions about what was going on with body and put me at ease with all of the postpartum changes my body went through. They were such a source of comfort during the early nights and I looked forward to seeing them every night. They were so incredibly loving and engaged with our son. I truly trust him with them like they are family.

Justin Byrne


The best decision we made in preparation for our son was hiring Meredith and Kat as our birth and postpartum doulas. I don't even like to think about how our son's birth and first few weeks at home would have been without them. They were knowledgeable, caring and extremely professional. Most of all, they made us feel safe at a time where we would not have otherwise. 5 stars are not enough.


PS - Meredith and Kat, Pace misses you!

Errin Tamari


Meredith was an absolute life saver.  She was here the day we came home from the hospital and was an incredible support during this huge life transition. As first time parents we needed the knowledge and expertise she provided and having her made a huge difference in setting us up for success. I'm beyond thankful for her and felt that both myself and my newborn were in incredibly good hands as she is an exceptional resource. Anyone would be EXTREMELY lucky to have her!


When I first suggested it, my husband thought a doula was a Mediterranean dish, but he quickly admitted that hiring Meredith & Kat was the best decision we've ever made. I was nervous that having someone in our home overnight might interfere with bonding, but the opposite turned out to be true--I was able to lavish my baby with stress-free snuggles because that was my only job.

The whole "well I'm going to get up to feed the baby, so I might as well do it myself" thing is so wrong. During his night feedings, they kept us in this drowsy half-awake state so I could get restorative sleep in between and my husband could recharge for the morning. Best of all, we didn't have to spin our wheels trying to figure out what our baby needed. Impossibly, I did zero baby-question googling while in their care! Our experience was 10,000 times better than anyone I know so if you do nothing else, hire Meredith and Kat!! 

Mary H


Meredith was the best decision we made for our second child post partum care. She made recovering from a C-section while nursing a newborn feel manageable and less overwhelming. She was extremely trustworthy, responsible, knowledgeable, personable and a pleasure to be around. I had an instant connection with her. I trusted her to help me care for my newborn and she's exceeded my expectations. Her support and guidance for me nursing and recovering made my post partum experience a worlds a difference from my first baby.  I can't wait to add another baby to our family in the future and have Meredith be apart of our next chapter. 

Theresa Moriarty


If you need a short, quick answer: 1. You absolutely need a doula. 2. Hire Motherling- Meredith and Kat. The best of the best of the best. End of story, you can move on. If you want the longer explanation, here goes. Kat rubbed my legs, and my hair as I rested and waited for my baby girl to enter this world. Her gentle touch, and warm nature is what the world needs more of. I was safe, and cared for as well as informed from Day 1 working with Motherling. Meredith taught my baby how to eat and now, at 6 months old my girl is happy, healthy, and growing perfectly. I credit Meredith and Kat 100% for my incredible pre and post natal care. All my questions were answered and I felt calm and prepared to give birth. Even when there were hiccups in my birth plan, I was confident and cool because I had Kat and Meredith by my side. I had an incredible, joyous birth thanks to Motherling and their expertise, knowledge and support. Post-partum is so difficult, but it was easier with such pros by my side. The best choice you’ll make is choosing Motherling.

Larissa Yosafat


Hiring Meredith for birth and postpartum doula support was easily the best decision that we made during my 40 weeks of pregnancy. She provided truly invaluable support, guidance, and recommendations leading up to my due date, making herself available for (LONG!) 33 and 36 week meetings, as well as for anything that I needed via text message.

When my birth ended in a quick, emergency c-section due to a knot in my daughter's cord, she said all the right things to make me feel like I hadn't "failed", something that no one else proved capable of. She went above and beyond after the birth, visiting us at the hospital to help with breastfeeding and to make sure we were doing okay. I am 3 months PP and my daughter and I have had an incredible and generally very easy BFing journey, something that my husband attributes to both of us attending the "School of Meredith".

Having Meredith in our home for the first 6 weeks after we arrived home was also an incredible experience. She helped us not only to get some invaluable sleep and continued to support our breastfeeding journey, but also helped suggest sleep schedule transitions, understand cues from our daughter, helped me troubleshoot various issues with pumping and oversupply, and made us feel confident that we were doing not only the best we could, but great. I never felt at all anxious or worried when I handed our daughter over for the night, probably because I knew she was being looked after someone who loved and cared for her just as much, and was likely infinitely more well-rested. 

Even once our PP services came to a close Meredith has continued to check in and make sure we are doing well, and I fully intend to use her incredible IBCLC-fueled wealth of knowledge over the next year as I continue breastfeeding. We truly cannot imagine having survived without Meredith, and can't imagine that there is a warmer, more caring, or more educated doula out there. 

Meredith E


I was looking to encapsulate my placenta and found Meredith on Yelp as the number one recommendation. I read all her excellent reviews and she was the only doula I reached out to for next steps.

I was sent an abundance of very helpful information and had very little follow up questions. I immediately decided Motherling was the right fit for me and signed a contract.

The pills helped immensely with my mood and anxiety. I would recommend all mothers to encapsulate. I wish I had a bigger placenta so I had more! The pills helped so much that after I ran out, I reached back out to Meredith for a PP therapist. She was so helpful and kind about this next step.

If you are considering a experienced, kind and calming doula, I would look no further than Motherling.

Ellen Rielly


I cannot say enough good things about our experience with Meredith. I never thought I'd want a doula but being pregnant with my first child during a pandemic made me want as much support as I could get. My husband was initially worried about being a third wheel, but after the fact says he can't imagine going through the process without her. I wanted to try for an unmedicated birth but was open to the idea of an epidural if I hit my limit. Meredith was incredibly supportive of this from the get go. I found our prenatal visits super informative and the questions she asked really made me think about the best ways for me personally to manage the pain of labor. My contractions started close to midnight on my due date and progressed much quicker than we were expecting. Meredith met us at the hospital at the perfect time - just as I was having a major contraction in triage. She jumped right in and provided guidance to my husband so the two of them could help me through it. I hit a wall a little more than halfway through my 18 hour labor and somehow Meredith was able to give me the perfect quick pep talk to help me stick to my plan of having an unmedicated birth. She was invaluable in helping us navigate the quick decisions that needed to be made during labor and worked seamlessly with the nurses to help get the baby into the right position. After the baby was born she gave us plenty of space and privacy but was also able to help with the first latch. She was available via text message in the week following the birth for my many questions and even provided recommendations for an oral surgeon to evaluate my son's tongue tie. In short: Meredith was warm, funny, attentive, supportive. I cannot imagine my labor without her and cannot recommend her highly enough. 


Sarah Daily


It was initially a struggle for me to even convince my husband that we needed a doula, but after the birth of our first baby, he was SO glad we had Meredith and tells everyone else that having a doula is well worth the money!

From the moment we met her, we felt completely at ease and knew she was the perfect fit for our personalities. While our birthing class included detailed explanations of the all the interventions that would be offered, having Meredith there to help us talk through them and make decisions in the moment was a huge help during my 26 hours of labor. I did not want a c-section, and truly believe that having her there helped me make the right decisions to have the birth that I wanted. She was invaluable in coaching me through painful back labor, and even used our camera to take magnificent photos that we still cherish 7 years later.

When we found out we were pregnant with baby #2, Meredith was our first call so we could get on her schedule early. Don't hesitate in hiring Meredith, who is a fantastic communicator and a great ally for any new parents.

Lauren Cannata


Meredith was actually recommended by my OB when I explained that I wanted to do an unmedicated birth. It was important to me to have someone that would be on the same page as me, but would also strongly defer to my OB on all things medical. We met with Meredith and immediately loved her. She is super warm and helped us navigate all the questions we had. We had a couple of prenatal appointments where she showed us some pain management techniques. She also provided a ton of helpful resources via text and email - not only related to labor, but also guidance for us as a couple heading into parenthood. Additionally, she explained that in the event that I had to have a c-section, our investment would go toward her postpartum doula services.

At 38 weeks - my baby had flipped breach, I was showing signs of preeclampsia, and was headed in for a c-section. Meredith was checking in regularly and offered to come to the hospital to help with lactation, but unfortunately the hospital Covid policy wouldn't allow. Instead, we planned to have her come stay overnight with us once we were home.

Meredith arrived around 9pm and immediately helped to fix my latch. She had provided some breastfeeding resources to me via text, but having her manually guide me through the process was super helpful. She stayed the night in the bedroom with me and the baby, giving my husband a bit of a break, and helped out with everything from diaper changes, soothing, and stimulating milk production. She was so incredibly helpful with her guidance and tips and just general support and encouragement.

Previous to her visit, I wasn't sure if we would need her services in the event of a c-section. Now, I can't imagine that we would be where we are at without her help! I'm hoping that we will be able to use her for our next birth, and if it's another c-section, we will absolutely have her come for a postpartum visit to help get us off to a great start.

Annie Guzman


I'm overcome with so many happy emotions regarding Meredith and the inspiring work that she does. To say that she exceeded our expectations is an understatement. Meredith was a part of such a special day in our lives. She is forever imprinted in both our hearts and memories. If you’re considering hiring a doula, look no further. Meredith has such a glowing and positive energy. She makes you feel so comfortable and her knowledge is undeniable! Meredith was our advocate! She always supported our decisions and helped us come up with the best possible birth plan. Jesse and I really felt at ease knowing Meredith would be by our side. The day of our baby’s birth, I had Meredith to my left and Jesse to my right. Jesse was able to help me through the labor because of her coaching. During my intense labor, I was able to hear and see Meredith shining her light to help me get to the other side. I can look back at that day and see her smiling at me, coaching me, and wiping the sweat from my brow. She stayed with us until an hour after our baby was here. Goodness, she helped carry me over to the bathroom right after! I have to say Merediths timing is always perfect and she came to do her post partum visit at the most crucial time... right when I needed her. She came when I was really feeling the effects of baby blues, sleep deprivation, and the disappointment of how hard breastfeeding was for me. She helped me through to the other side again, she showed us the most magnificent pictures she was able to snap for me, she delivered my placenta pills (miracle pills), but most importantly she gave me the strength, courage, and motivation to continue on our breastfeeding journey. I have to say with every part of my heart that Meredith was the most incredible partner to have during this life changing journey and if we are blessed in the future with another miracle... we will happily find her and hire her again! 

Scott Ikuss


As a guy, I have figured out two life rules when it comes to helping your wife with this whole process after having been in the trenches:


I usually serve as my wife's living, breathing Google -- Siri with a good head of hair -- Alexa with an attitude.  I am usually the one with all the answers for her:

What time does 16 Handles close? (10 pm in Summer)  Do we have Dear Aunt Gertrude's email address? (  How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (112) I can help with all of these questions.  However, when it came to this process, I was COMPLETELY in the dark and worse -- there didn't seem to be a place to get the answers because everyone's experience is so specific and personal to them.  Is that twinge she just felt a contraction or revenge of the DanDan Noodles from last night -- I have no idea!  But, you know who does?  MEREDITH.  

Never was I more at ease about what my wife was about to go through than when we were with Meredith.  She was SO knowledgeable about all aspects of childbirth -- medical, practical, procedural, even spiritual (and trust me, I'm not into that stuff #incesnsemakesmeincensed) -- and she was invaluable in helping us figure out what our choices were and what options were available to us with each choice.  Meredith not only provides the best personal support I've ever experienced, but she also empowers you as a couple to take control of feeling great about the birth because you know you are ready and informed.

I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely NO chance you will regret your decision to work with Meredith.  And if my inspired prose above doesn't convince you, JUST LOOK AT ALL THOSE ACRONYMS AFTER HER NAME.  You could have a really solid round of Scrabble with just those.

In closing -- she's the best; just hire her.

Amanda Ikuss


It’s challenging to express all of the ways Meredith provided support in just 2000 words! Meredith was the single reason why I did not have a C-section. My water broke and contractions never started. She helped us manage what we could do and how to decide when to be induced. When we got to the hospital, I was only 1.5 CMs dilated. She helped me into various positions to progress my labor. I was committed to a natural birth but after 8 hrs and a high dose of petocin, I needed an epidural. Meredith was supportive of my change in decision.The restriction of motion and the temperamental baby monitors, made the nurse put an oxygen mask on me. The mask freaked me out and I started to have extreme anxiety. Meredith calmly suggested I take off the mask, she put a calming peppermint oil inside, and suggested I hold the mask up to breathe in and move the mask away to breathe out. This small bit of control and mobility soothed me. After about 17 hours, I was finally 10 CMs and they prepared for a vaginal delivery. B/c we had previously discussed gravity-favorable positions (& how to advocate for them), I was able to deliver on my side. Following birth, she supported us as I struggled w/ breastfeeding & transitioned to pumping. After 2 days of pumping every 2 hours, I had my husband go out & buy formula. We text Meredith (who was on vacation) that we had questions. At midnight, she counseled us through a teary phone call and then followed up w/our post-natal visit where she gave us suggestions on formula, handling of breastmilk, sanitization, pumping strategies and even diaper tricks! While I’ve tried to paint the picture of our experience, the hardest thing to convey is the comfort she provided. Meredith is warm, incredibly knowledgeable, funny, personable, respectful and was instrumental to setting us up for success. In such a short time, Meredith has become so near and dear to our family!



Meredith was a fantastic support during labor. She was actually a backup doula because our original doula had a family emergency. She stepped in at the last minute and was efficient, professional, and really we couldn't have asked for a better doula. I wanted a doula because it was my first time, I didn't want to do loads of research on labor and delivery best practices, and I preferred an unmedicated birth. She partnered with us to make sure we understood our options, that our preferences were communicated to the hospital staff at the right moments, and that the delivery was as seamless as possible. The hospital staff seemed to jive with her personality and we were able to have quite a bit of freedom throughout. It was great having someone there who knew the ropes of both the hospital and delivery. She knew good positions and breathing techniques to keep me focused and the baby moving. Would highly recommend.


Evan Madden-Peister


Meredith was our birth doula and we had an incredible experience with her. My partner and I both felt instantly comfortable with her, and felt there was no need to interview anybody else. She was everything we expected from a doula, and much more.

Our pre-natal visits were extremely informative, and comforting, providing us with all of the details and outlook we needed to go through the process strongly and comfortably. She was always available to us, and communicated extremely clearly. She was a guide in walking us through the pre-natal period and helping us create a birth plan, but walked an amazing line between guidance and co-creation (fantastic listener).

Meredith was particularly helpful in that our birth didn't go exactly as planned, and she was invaluable in taking us through that. During birth, she gave us all of the resources (exercises, encouragement, physical/emotional support) we needed, making sure that my partner was properly informed, supported, and heard. She even took some amazing pictures of the birth and first few moments of the life of our child!

We also had a great post-partum visit where Meredith showed us amazing tricks for comforting and feeding our new daughter, and recapped/closed out the entire journey in a powerful way.

All in all, she is the perfect guide, coach, and companion. We could not recommend her more highly!

Randall Snare


Meredith made my pregnancy, labor and new baby experiences even more joyous. She provided enormous support, both physical and mental. My son came a week late, and I really struggled with waiting and was stressed about a possible induction; Meredith was always available over the phone and talked me through all my feelings. She helped me realize what I could and couldn't control and that really calmed me down and helped me to be more open to alternative birth plans.

My labor was not what I planned but was the best day of my life. I have no doubt the exercises she instructed my husband and me to do contributed to a wonderful and fast delivery.

She's simply a great person to be around. She has so much positive energy, really listens and offers just the right guidance. She also has a great relationship with hospital staff and for me, really felt like part of the team of caregivers. And afterwards, she was crucial in helping my husband and me transition to life with a new baby.

Basically, I would have 8 kids so I could work with her more often. She is the best.

Jennifer Hendricks Sullivan


Meredith is simply incredible. Both my husband and I are so grateful she was present for the birth of our son. She has remarkable intuition, and was able to seamlessly support me, and also my husband, through 28 hours of labor that deviated completely from the natural, drug-free birth we wanted and had planned for. She just knew exactly what we needed, and what to do, at every moment, which was incredibly reassuring to us once we had to deviate from our original birth plan. The first half of my labor was drug-free and she expertly applied counter-pressure to lessen the pain of the contractions and help me cope with the pain. She moved me in and out of various positions on the hospital bed and atop the birthing ball to see what might work best. 12 hours into labor I decided I wanted an epidural and Meredith supported that choice without judgment. Finally, when it was time to push, it was Meredith’s voice that I listened for as she instructed me how to move my body and breathe in order to push efficiently and effectively. Ours was a long process with humorous moments when we laughed, and some tense moments when Meredith suggested she leave us alone for a few minutes so I could have a good cry. She was utterly amazing from beginning to end, and has continued to support us during the postpartum period with placenta encapsulation, weekly visits and a number of overnights with our son. Asking Meredith to be our doula was the best decision we made when creating our birth plan.

Kaitlin Severini


Meredith came to help us with our son the week he was born, and was our postpartum doula for seven days. She came highly recommended through a friend, and my boyfriend and I couldn't be happier that we hired her. She is the number one reason I am still breast-feeding and breast-feeding very successfully. She is kind, knowledgeable, and efficient, and she doesn't need guidance: she just takes care of things, and she knows intuitively when your baby, you, or your partner needs something, be it food or a back rub or getting outside in the sun for fifteen minutes. Meredith never felt like hired help or a stranger, but instead like part of our family. She helped me through the roughest part of the postpartum journey, the first night home, made more difficult because my milk was delayed. She stayed with me all night. Because of Meredith, I felt supremely prepared to be on my own with my son for the days and weeks and now months that she is no longer helping us, and I can't stress how important and valuable it is. Above all, I feel that because of Meredith, I am a better mother. I doubt there is a higher praise than that.

Courtney Young


Meredith offered us fantastic support before, during, and after labor. In her prenatal visits, she walked my husband and me through the whole labor process and helped us figure out the coping mechanisms and communication approaches that would work best for us when I actually went into labor. She effectively coached me through 47 hours of labor at home and at the hospital, where her presence was essential to keeping my husband and me calm and panic-free. I really don't know what we would have done without her when the hospital staff left us on our own for long stretches of time. She helped me get through each contraction with really effective verbal and physical guidance on how to manage the pain, and she did an amazing job of explaining what was going on medically at each stage. She was practical, knowledgeable, non-judgmental, and incredibly intuitive about what my husband and I needed from her each step of the way. I felt like I had a real advocate with her at my side.

Tom Mayer


As a dad, I would recommend Meredith highly. I appreciated how experienced she was; it gave me confidence that she would know how to handle almost any situation that might arise in our pregnancy. But more importantly, her experience gave her excellent intuition about how to work with my wife -- and with us as a couple -- in a way that felt comfortable, supportive, and encouraging. She was never judgmental, always accepting of our choices, and helped us walk through a number of important decisions in a really helpful way. During labor itself she was fabulous. She gave good advice, had a great bedside manner, and knew breathing exercises and physical positioning to help my wife get through painful contractions. During long periods when hospital staff was attending to other patients she kept us calm (which especially helped me from freaking out during my wife's labor pains), and she was amazing with the docs and anethesiologists, knowing just when to advocate for our interests at tense moments. She came to visit post-partum once we had the baby home as well. Very impressed overall. By the end I felt like we had become friends.

Elizabeth McNamee


Meredith was a wonderful labor doula. Before labor, Meredith was informative and helped us prepare as best we could for delivery. We had two prenatal visits and also exchanged texts and emails in which she shared helpful resources and showed us some hands-on preparation (e.g., exercises to get baby into optimal position). When we went into labor, Meredith was calm and reassuring presence. When things were unfamiliar or scary (and as first-time parents there were lots of unfamiliar and scary moments), Meredith helped us understand what was happening. For instance, when a complication arose during delivery, she talked us through what was happening and prepared us for the various things that might happen next. It was during those moments we were especially grateful to have Meredith in the delivery room.

We also really appreciated that Meredith was there at the moment of delivery because she took a handful of pictures -- she captured the look on our faces when my husband and I met our son, and having those images is something we'll always treasure.

Meredith was also a tremendous resource to us in the first few weeks home from the hospital. We had some trouble with breastfeeding at first. We hadn't scheduled our postpartum visit yet, and so I texted Meredith in the middle of our first night home to see whether she could help. She came over that very same afternoon and helped us troubleshoot our breastfeeding issues. She followed up over the next few weeks via email and text to make sure we were still doing well.

All in all, we were so lucky to find Meredith and to have her as our doula!

Sarah Talent


From the second we met, I knew Meredith was special and that she would be the perfect person to have by our side on delivery day. And I can honestly say.. I was right! I have never been so happy than I was to have Meredith in the delivery room with me and my husband. I truly don't know what we would have done without her. I delivered our beautiful son 5 weeks early.. so to say my husband and I were unprepared for delivery and his birth would be an understatement! Meredith got us through it all with ease and smiles and with that calming personality and sensibility that we needed. She was able to work with my husband to figure out how he could best help me.. while she seemed to just do everything I needed to stay calm and in control. When it came time to push.. I felt so confident that I could do this.. because of her. After my son was born there were some complications with me.. but luckily Meredith was still there to remind me to breathe and help me get through it. It was also wonderful that my husband could attend to our son, because Meredith was helping me. I know that I could have given birth without Meredith.. but I'm so lucky and happy that I didn't have to. She made what could have been a scary and painful experience be pretty amazing and actually easy to get through! I'm so glad we met her.. and so grateful she was able to help us get through this. I couldn't recommend her enough!

Hannah Orowitz


I am extremely grateful to Meredith for supporting me and my husband through our son's birth.  Despite having a high risk pregnancy and being induced (using pitocin, not part of our birth plan), with Meredith's guidance we were able to have the natural/drug-free birth we had hoped and planned for.  That alone probably tells you everything you need to know about Meredith's skill and compassion as a doula, but should you want more detail, keep reading!

In our initial meetings, Meredith spoke to us at length regarding our preferences and what tools/techniques we thought would work well for us (e.g., guided imagery, touch, sound, aromatherapy, accupressure, etc) and then expertly employed those techniques during my labor.  She is a great communicator and extremely intuitive - as just one example, she guided my husband in assisting throughout my labor and was able to sense moments where he wanted more or different involvement and addressed his needs accordingly while seemlessly continuing to support me.

Separate from her interaction with us, Meredith also expertly communicated with our OB and the nursing staff tending to us, clearly communicating our wishes while maintaining positive and productive relationships with everyone.  In particular, I was amazed with Meredith's partnering with our OB to move me through positions and techniques that helped me remain as comfortable as possible while also progressing my labor (as an aside, Meredith is also a pilates instructor, and her extensive knowledge of kinesiology and body mechanics is incredibly useful when it comes to labor!).  Our OB also loved working with her and, as a testament to her strength, asked for her contact information to pass along to other patients.

Meredith surpassed every expectation we had for our doula.  If you choose to work with her you will not be disappointed!

Kristina Giles


Meredith is truly AMAZING. I had an 81-hour labor, 72 of which were natural. She was with me and my husband the whole time providing support and guidance. There's no way I would have made it so long naturally without her-her stamina and optimism fueld my own. She knows so much about the body, and was able to do a lot of positioning work to get the baby's head engaged, part of the reason labor took so long!

When I finally had to make the decision to go on an epidural because my baby was OP, she gave us the support and encouragement we needed to feel good about this decision, since we had really hoped for a non-medicated birth. In the end, I had a successful vaginal delivery, and couldn't have asked for more. The hospital staff and doctors also felt very comfortable with her, since she worked with them and us for the best possible outcome.

Meredith has a wonderful, kind soul and made us feel so comfortable and confident in the birthing process, which can be quite new and scary for a first-time couple. We feel so lucky to have found her!

Christine Angino


Labor is unpredictable so it's important to have a strong support team. Meredith was key part of that team. She aided me and my husband in having a wonderful birth experience. Meredith found what grounded me during my contractions and enabled me to focus on my breathing and the moment instead of the pain. Even in the wee hours of the morning, somehow she never seemed to lose energy or focus. When I started to get overwhelmed, she immediately brought me back. I can honestly say that I remember the labor and delivery as a positive experience. I am grateful I chose Meredith to be at our side.

Edyta Riley


Meredith was a wonderful addition to our birth team comprised of Meredith, my husband and me. At our initial meeting with her, I was immediately drawn to her energy, confidence, personality and personal and professional experience. We left the meeting knowing she would be the best doula option for us. Having Meredith as part of our team gave me a lot of confidence leading up to the labor as well as during labor. She taught us many great coping techniques during our pre-labor meetings and really listened to our preferences and made great suggestions on things we should check in with our doctor about or think about prior to the big day. During the birth, Meredith brought just the right kind of energy to the experience and anticipated many of our needs. She greatly helped us achieve the birth we had wanted to have – we loved working with Meredith and highly recommend her as a doula.

Angie Lee


I'd like to start off by saying, we could have never done it without Meredith! I mean we probably could have, but it wouldn't have been nearly as fun or gone as smooth. And having her present with us made the experience all the more memorable.

We were referred to Meredith by our childbirth educator whose also a doula. She was 1 out of 6 doulas we interviewed, and we knew almost instanteneously that she was the one we wanted to share our amazing experience with. Her aura was so warm and bright and we clicked right away. It felt as if I had known her prior to meeting her before our interview!

Labor day came and she was at my house in a jiffy. When we finally got to the birthing center, Meredith was a natural. I didn't have to vocalize my needs. She jumped right in and her and my husband were this dynamic duo that could have conquered the birthing world one pregnant woman at a time! From massage to counter pressure to something as simple as wiping my face with a cool cloth, my labor was a breeze. Meredith seldom left my side and I'm so glad she was there laboring with me. I can't say enough about her that would do her justice. She made our birth preference dreams come true. We love her and consider her a great part of our lives now. We are more than ecstatic that she will be able to see what a beautiful baby she helped deliver grow and blossom. This year we are truly thankful for her.

Monica Hernandez Truitt


My experience with Meredith was really fantastic. She came to me as a recommendation from a friend and it felt like so natural to wok with her.. Everything just fell into place. Even though we had met only for a few weeks, her warmth and strength made me trust her with my most vulnerable states during labor. Her strong and calming voice guided me when times got hard. At every moment she kept us focused and at ease. She kept the order in my times of confusion and reminded me of the joy that was soon to come.

We tried to have a natural birth but I ended up having an epidural. I think that because I felt so much support, I was able to take the decision calmly and confidently knowing that I had done my best with her and my husband helping me. It was an amazing help to her hands- on experience with the delivery as well as her company. But most of all , it was amazing to share that moment with her when the baby was out and we were all in bliss, celebrating life.

Jessica Johnson


I cannot imagine going through my very first labor without Meredith. I looked forward to the experience as an adventure (to ward off negative thoughts and fears). All the information Meredith gave me before the big day and all the doctor speak she decoded during the actual labor helped so much. We can really fear the unknown, but this was much less of an issue for me with all her advice. And she had great techniques to alleviate the pain of my contractions. Because of her help, I don't look back at my labor as a traumatic experience, but as an adventure I'm looking forward to having again in a couple of years!

Rika M. Y. N.


I can't even imagine what my postpartum experience would be if I didn't meet Meredith. She was really caring from the day we've met, when I was helpless and had no clue what to do with a newborn. Meredith was like a superwoman who came into our life and did everyhing for me, from straighten up the place, laundry to prepare meals. She always made sure that I was comfortable with whatever she did for me and my newborn daughter. I had a tough recovery from c-section on top of fussy baby, and she helped me get through each step without rushing me. She was the one to encourage me to take a nap, shower or take a walk when I didn't know how to manage my time with a baby. She is so knowledgable and resourceful, always had answers to any questions I asked whether that's breastfeeding related or baby related. She is an amazing cook as well and prepared me lots of nutritious food so that I eat well and healthy as a nursing mother. For example, she made me delicious veggie burger patties from scratch on her day off(!) and brought me, stock up fruits, salad and soup so that I have enough food when I didn't have any help. She is just the type of person who goes above and beyond without being asked. She called or text to check in with me to see how I'm doing with a baby even on the days she wasn't working for me, and provided me with a back up person when she was not available to make sure that I had a help. She is simply a wonderful, loving, thoughtful and cheerful person. My husband and I can't say enough good things about her and how fortunate we were to be able to work with her. Because of her, I will always have a great memory about my postpartum experience. She is also the very first person who cared for our daughter in her early life and we will always love Meredith.  Any family who can have Meredith's company is a truly lucky family!!

Kacey Kaufman


Meredith was our doula for our first born in September 2013 and was AMAZING from start to finish.  From the moment I let her know I was in labor, I knew I was in excellent hands.  She was the perfect match for my husband and I and helped us both feel relaxed from the start.  She came to our home and was able to intuitively know what kind of support my husband and I needed.  She knew when to take charge and when to allow us to have private, more intimate moments as a family.  I felt very strongly about having a natural childbirth and did not anticipate BEGGING to be transferred to the hospital for an epidural.  Meredith knew just what to say to remind me that A.  I absoluely could do this.  B.  Why my initial choice was important for me.  and C.  If I still wanted to go to the hospital because I chose to, not because I needed to.  Because of her gentle encouragement and honest information, I successfully had my son the way my husband and I dreamed of.  Meredith is very calming and nurturing.  She was not only a source of support for me but was also very important for my husband who couldn't have imagined supporting me without her there.  I strongly recommend Meredith to any woman no matter what their birth plans are.  She was integral in mine and I will forever feel connected to her as she shared the happiest moment of my life with us.  LOVE HER!!

Lauren Stanley


Our experience working with Meredith was extremely positive. I wanted to have a natural birth, and my husband and I came to feel that we would both need and want support from someone more experienced than us in order to manage and cope with the events of the labor. From the prenatal visits through labor and delivery and postpartum, Meredith was friendly, professional, accessible, and knowledgable. She was an amazing support to both of us during labor, helping me cope both mentally and physically with the extreme pain of contractions, overwhelming exhaustion, interfacing with the doctors and nurses, advocating on our behalf, helping us to avoid unwanted interventions, keeping me hydrated and off the fluid drip that would have kept me from moving and drinking fluids the way I wanted and needed to, reassuring my husband and giving him someone to talk to about what was happening and how he could best support me in the midst of the insanity and confusion that is labor. I really can't say enough positive things. Having Meredith as our doula was one of the best decisions we made - we both couldn't stop talking afterward about how we couldn't have carried through with the natural birth if she hadn't been there. Although my husband is amazing and extremely supportive, this was our first baby, I had terrible back labor the entire time, and ended up having to be admitted to a regular labor and delivery floor rather than the birthing center we had hoped for.  Had Meredith not been there I think we would have crumbled under the pressure of the situation itself and certain less supportive nursing staff and I would have ended up with an epidural that I really did not want. As mentioned my husb is wonderful, but having a third, objective person there to help me cope was exactly what I needed. It was also reassuring to know that if my doctor had not been on call during my labor we still would have had a consistent, familiar face on our team.

Birth Availability for Meredith Coronato, IBCLC, LCCE, CLC, NCS, PMA-CPT

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-22-2024

Postpartum Availability for Meredith Coronato, IBCLC, LCCE, CLC, NCS, PMA-CPT

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-22-2024