Certifications for Danielle Bianco

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Client Testimonials for Danielle Bianco

Go to DoulaMatch.net to post a testimonial of your experience with Danielle Bianco

Rachel Foran


Danielle was an absolute godsend for us! She assisted us with pre-delivery childbirth education one-on-one classes, as well as postpartum and lactation support after our daughter was born. Danielle brings her own experiences as a birthing person and parent in addition to her training as a doula, and specifically in baby sleep and lactation. We consistently felt like we were working with someone incredibly knowledgeable and experienced. In addition to all this, Danielle is understanding, down-to-earth, and hilarious. As new parents with a history of full term stillbirth, her combination of compassion and authenticity, in addition to her expertise, was deeply reassuring. Danielle came to our home several times in the months after our daughter was born to provide specialized feeding plans tailored to our daughter and our lifestyles. She also continues to be available over text and the phone for any questions related to feeding, sleep, or general baby care. We often reach out to Danielle in addition to our pediatrician because of how much we value her opinion. We are so grateful that Danielle was part of our postpartum support community and we would recommend her to anyone seeking prenatal, birth, or postpartum doula care. 

Nicole Held


Danielle was an essential part of our birth journey. She made herself available for any and all questions leading up to the birth of our daughter, and walked me through solidifying our birth plan, which immensly helped calm my nerves leading up to the birth. We also had Danielle with us for a few post-partum sessions which I would highly suggest, especially those that don't have family nearby. Her knowledge in everything baby related is vast, and backed by data. I also really appeciated that she never came to us with any judgement and approached our needs in an open and kind way that completely respected that what might work for some doesn't work for others. On top of all that, she's an amazing cook! She made us a meal after baby arrived that was both delicious and nutritoinal. I could not recommend working with Danielle enough!



I am so happy I chose Danielle to be my doula. I would recommend her to anyone, I'm sure she would be totally game for whatever your ideal labor and birth plan looks. I am a L&D nurse so I had the advantage of first working with Danielle, she is loved by our hospital staff, she is able to strike the balance of keeping her client center; respecting and empowering their choices but also creating a beautiful open team environment. As a first time mom the plan was to labor at home as long as possible with Danielle's support to guide me. I liked that plan, I was kind of attached to that plan. But my baby had other ideas, I ended up with a long induction in hospital. Danielle was so helpful in supporting me through that transition from the plan in my mind to be at peace with what was unfolding. My experience was better for having her there, she was in contact with us throughout the induction process and was willing to come as soon as I thought I needed her, which happened to be right in time for my epidural placement. Danielle was there to keep me flip flopping in bed to help bring baby down, she helped shape a light and relaxing delivery space, was instrumental in helping me focus my breathing between pushing, helped support my pushing positions so that my husband could be an emotional comfort to me and rotate out cold compresses at her initial instruction. I can honestly say that despite my labor being not at all what I had envisioned in my head, I loved my delivery, it was such a joyful space to bring my daughter into, I felt so surrounded and supported and I was very lucky to have Danielle there. Danielle was also an excellent resource to have postpartum, I had some postpartum anxiety and breastfeeding troubles. I know she was busy during that time but she never made it seem that way, she always responded to me so quickly and made me feel seen, providing a judge-free support I could be open with. Danielle is awesome. You should hire her. Email her now.

Lauren Fitzmaurice


Hiring Danielle to be our birthing doula was hands down THE BEST decision we made during our first pregnancy. Danielle’s knowledge, experience and genuinely calming nature proved to be absolutely invaluable from the moment we brought her on. I ended up having an EXTREMELY quick labor resulting in an unmedicated birth that I wasn’t exactly anticipating. Danielle was by our side talking us through every single moment, massaging me through contractions and helping my husband to stay calm in order to help keep me calm. I am confident that my labor would have looked very different had Danielle not been there with us through it all. If I could give one piece of advice to any expecting couple (first pregnancy or not!) it would 100% be to hire a doula. SPECIFICALLY Danielle, of course! Thank you Danielle, for being such an integral part of our pregnancy and birthing journey. For answering all of our burning questions and keeping this anxiety ridden, overwhelmed , overstimulated new mom calm cool and collected. I never imagined I could or would feel so cared for and relaxed about giving birth. Jamie and I absolutely adore you and we will be back for more! (when the time is right of course ;) )



I am so grateful for Danielle's personalized attention, empowerment, and dedication! We had a really wonderful experience with Danielle as we prepared for the birth of our 2nd baby. We delivered in a hospital setting and she even sat in the car with me on the way to help me feel comfortable. She was familiar with our hospital and partnered so well with the staff there. One of the things that really helped me during labor, is that Danielle would suggest different positions that I wouldn't have done myself. She was very encouraging of my husband as a birth partner and was there for everything we needed. I'm so glad to have had Danielle by my side during this life milestone and I'd highly recommend her to everyone!



I highly recommend Danielle as a birth doula. She was always available for a quick call or when I needed to talk and she always listened to my concerns and suggested solutions that were actionable and in line with my goals. She is very friendly and made me feel like she was very prepared for the possible twists and turns in the birthing process. She met with us to go over our thoughts and feelings towards birth and really listened to any concerns we had and tried her best to keep our desires at the forefront to help us achieve the best possible birth experience. I also felt confident because she knew my doctors and midwives along with where I was birthing since I had never birthed there. She also was knowledgeable and willing to accommodate any additional resources I wanted to incorporate ie Hypnobirthing (which I also highly recommend). Luckily I had a quick labor and was able to labor mostly at home, but it was nice to have Danielle as the safety net when at the hospital and she really did a great job getting me through at the end and helping me to take it one surge at a time. If you are at all considering working with Danielle you should definitely do it and you will not regret your decision!dz

Rachel Lim


I would not have the confidence I have today as a new mom had it not been for Danielle's guidance and support during my early postpartum weeks. Danielle is incredible and she somehow gets so much done while keeping you at ease. As a postpartum doula, Danielle not only helped with the simple things, like picking up groceries or baby supplies, but she also provided invaluable advice and wisdom on all things, from self care to baby care.  I was especially grateful for her coaching when it came to breastfeeding. My baby and I were having trouble with latching and I was very stressed about whether my daughter was eating and gaining enough weight. But Danielle taught us so many different strategies to find what would work for us and soon enough my baby was in the 90th %ile just from exclusively breastfeeding! I also was amazed by Danielle's ability to whip up deliciously nutritious and healing meals with anything we had around. We're so thankful Danielle was with us during those early weeks and can't recommend her enough!

Ezzie and Justin


As first-time parents wishing to experience an unmedicated birth, we were searching for a doula, and immediately upon meeting Danielle, we knew she was the right person to accompany us through this journey. Her vast experience, calm demeanor, and great communication made us feel more at ease about the process. The many resources we used for learning about pregnancy and newborn care were almost exclusively recommended by Danielle. We also took her newborn care class, which was very helpful not just for learning how to take care of our baby but also of our relationship as fresh parents. During all phases of labor, Danielle either made herself fully available or guided and supported us at the hospital, and was the reason we were able to go through with our desired unmedicated birth, about which we only have positive feelings. We are deeply appreciative of Danielle and could not recommend her enough as a doula! 

Sasha Woodard


We knew the moment we interviewed Danielle she was the doula for us, and she did not disappoint! My goal was to have a natural hospital birth and that is exactly what I had, BECAUSE of the guidance and support I got from Danielle. As my labor progressed and the contractions got closer together, Danielle just knew exactly what I needed and when I needed it! I would get so confused when my doctors explained certain procedures to me, so having Danielle helped me to feel confident and knowledgeable! This was my first baby and I already know that I want Danielle at all my future births! She is the absolute best!!

My husband was also so grateful Danielle was there! She helped him feel more involved in the process so he could better support me! After our babygirl was born, my husband looked at me with the biggest smile, and told me he understood why we chose Danielle. Hiring Danielle was one of the best decisions we have ever made!!! 

Danielle & Andres


When friends or family ask me about my experience having my daughter (6.28.22) I can't help but immediately think of Danielle and the incredibly invaluable role she played. Danielle was the exact down-to-earth, calming, confident and prepared (ask her about her doula-box full of everything and anything you could possibly need at "go-time") energy and support I hoped to have beside my husband and I during labor and birth. Having changed healthcare providers 3 times for different reasons, Danielle was the perfect, steady reassurance I needed that everything would be okay. I so appreciated that she was always a text away and really loved the inclusive and body-positive materials and language she uses — all of which answered many of my questions (without me having to sift through google!). What gave me so much peace of mind was knowing she would be there to speak up and advocate for us at the hospital in regard to helping the providers there stick to our birth plan as much as our situation would allow! She was amazing at guiding my husband in terms of supporting me during labor — she had him use all different balls/massagers to help with my lower back, a rebozo that did wonders, a heating pad, ice chips and water at the ready, you name it! I’ll also always be grateful that when my husband ate something kind of smelly (lolol) that made me feel incredibly nauseous towards the very end of labor, she quickly put some lavender essential oil on a tissue which helped me feel better instantly!! Such a savior! She also encouraged many different labor positions, all of which led to our daughters delivery around 12 hours after arriving to the hospital. Ultimately, giving birth to my daughter was such a beautiful, empowering experience and I am so grateful for Danielle’s support every step of the way. For anyone seeking an experienced, human-centered, affirming doula for their labor and birth I recommend Danielle ten-fold. 

Samantha Hayes


My partner and I were so grateful to have had Danielle as our doula. From the moment she told us she would open her books for our birth month, she made us feel like family. Her endless support continued throughout pregnancy and postpartum. With it being my first pregnancy, I was looking for someone who would provide the nurturing touch that the medical field lacks. She absolutely fulfilled that need, while also providing so much knowledge and wisdom along the way. I immediately felt comfortable enough to get her opinions on EVERYTHING and she was very quick to respond to texts, calls and emails. She made the day of my son’s birth so comfortable and relaxed. It was worth every penny to have her by my side, making sure I was aware of everything going on and prepared for things to come. She spoke up to medical staff on my behalf, and made sure I got skin to skin time after my c-section. There were a few other times she made requests for me, which I didn’t even know about until after the fact - she handled it so gracefully! She got along with everyone in the hospital and just felt like another member of the team. She also made sure to take plenty of photos of me and my spouse’s first moments with our baby - I will cherish those photos forever! I would recommend Danielle to anyone - especially queer families who want that extra support and understanding from a beautiful soul.



I can’t express my gratitude enough for all the support and knowledge I received from Danielle.
I am a queer identified, single mom by choice and before I gave birth, I chatted with several doulas & lactation consultants to see who I felt the most comfortable with considering my unconventional path to motherhood.  From our first contact, I immediately felt comfortable with Danielle.
I knew I wanted to breast feed, but my son had trouble latching (to the breast and bottle) and I was also under-producing.  Danielle helped identify a lip & tongue tie my son had (which my pediatrician did not see) and recommended a dentist for the revision.  After the procedure there was improvement in my son’s latching.  Though he still struggled with fully latching to the breast, likely due to me under producing and his frustration, Danielle worked painstakingly with us, helping us in so many ways for him to latch. 
As a first time mom, I was disappointed that I was under-producing and only able to give my son a bit of breast milk a day through pumping, Danielle always made me feel proud of what I was able to produce.  She continuously checked in with me on my mental health and wanted to make sure I wasn’t getting too distressed.  When I decided to stop pumping and go fully to formula, she was incredibly supportive and made me feel empowered with my decision.
Being a first-time mom and having a newborn is so challenging and I was overcome by how overwhelming it all was. Danielle was such a calming, reassuring, and knowledge presence.  I am incredibly grateful to her and highly recommend her.

Jessyka Kakoullis


Danielle was such an incredible support for us during our labor and delivery. We immediately felt comfortable and supported by her when we met while I was pregnant, she has a very warm, calming presence that puts you at ease and she clearly loves what she does and makes you feel important. Danielle was integral to our labor and birthing experience, she guided us every step of the way and advocated for us when we didn't know how to do so ourselves. She was gentle and confident and knew the factual information when we had to make tough decisions- presenting us with the information that even my midwife couldn't. I truly don't know how everything would have turned out if she were not there and I'm so grateful we were able to lean on her when things got painful or confusing or scary. She made me feel like I was fully supported and that was SO necessary when trying to stay calm to labor and push out a baby!! I can't recommend her highly enough, she is a gift to this world and to mothers and mothers to be!! 



Danielle provided postpartum support in the weeks following my 3rd baby's arrival. While I wasn't a new mom, I greatly benefited from having the extra hand to support the transition to a family of 5. My little one was also born a few weeks early and we had difficulties getting her to gain weight. I benefited from Danielle's expertise as both a lactation and sleep consultant. She helped me get on a schedule of feeding and pumping such that my daughter caught up on weight gain after several days without gains. She was also responsive and happy to answer questions, either in person or by text. I've 

Nicole and Alex


I don't know how we would have made it through those crazy first postpartum weeks without Danielle. She's everything a new parent isn't: cheerful, calm, and confident. Her advice comes from considerable experience, both with clients and from raising her own family. Her wise counsel, coupled with a sense for exactly what neglected domestic duties could use taking care of and a willingness to do them, was indispensible for us. Thanks to Danielle, we got to spend more time being full present with our new baby. Truly invaluable.



When I found out I was pregnant, and then eventually reached the second trimester, I knew that I wanted to find a doula. I knew that I would be susceptible to just going with what a doctor might tell me, mostly because I don't know much better. I wanted that outside voice of a doula to help me understand my options, and just be a guiding prescence through it all. But I did know for certain, I didn't want someone who would sugar coat anything, or keep reassuring me that I am a goddess etc. I wanted someone down to earth, caring and knowledgeable. Enter Danielle. We immediately got along on our initial consult call, and I knew that she was the right fit. I thankfully had a pretty uneventful pregnancy, besides some fibroids that were just monitored throughout. Because of those, I wasn't really sure what kind of birth was in the cards for me.  When it came time for labor, she was the exact presence that my husband and I needed in the delivery room. She came prepared with everything to help make the space open and comforting, rather than sterile and blah. We all played card games together as my contractions progressed throughout the day, and eventually she was there to help me change positions as I couldn't ignore the contractions anymore. She knew exactly what I needed, even when I didn't. And from my husband's perspective, she was truely a god-send in helping him find ways to assist, without making him feel like he wasn't being useful. He really felt as though she valued his support more than anything, and together they helped me power through 16 hours of labor unmedicated. I never really thought I would be capable of it, but truely having Danielle there in addition to the amazing midwife, OB and nurses on call, made the room magical, and helped me forget about an epidural, right after I would think about it.  I would highly reccomend Danielle to literally ANYONE and everyone. Thank you for helping us welcome our daughter in such a beautiful way. 

Chiara Crepaz


Danielle was AMAZING! I knew she was going to be the perfect doula the first time I spoke to her on the phone. I didn’t have to ask her any questions, she anticipated me with all the answers I needed. I wanted a doula because I was a ftm and I didn’t want my birth to be traumatic in any way. I also didn’t want to feel pain. My birth didn’t go as planned but up until I was transferred to the hospital, I had a dream labor thanks to Danielle. She knew exactly what I needed without me saying anything. She showed up with some serious Mary Poppins style cart and she never stopped taking care of me. She knew when it was time to give me a massage or when I needed counter pressure. She knew when I needed to drink, eat, pee, walk, talk (I talked A LOT! And she listened), being encouraged, feeling empowered. She decorated the room with candles and took care of dimming the lights. She took care of my husband when he couldn't take it anymore. She supported me in every decision of mine. She was with me from about 6pm til the next day at 1pm. Never took a break, always trying to find a way to take my pain away. She stayed even when they told me I was going to need a c-section and my hope for a normal vaginal birth vanished. She had somewhere to be in the afternoon and I couldn't believe she was going to go after being up for so many hours! Anyway, I am SO glad she stayed. The hospital environment was so scary to me. It was so good to have her next to me, reminding me to breath every time a contraction kicked in. I didn’t know Danielle before my birth but during my labor it was like I’ve always known her. She made me feel comfortable and she never made me feel like I was too much even when I was screaming my head off or when I was crying like a baby because things were not going the way I wanted them to go. If I have a good memory of my labor and birth it’s because of Danielle. I’ll be eternally grateful to her.

Heather McQuiston


When we started looking for a doula, we knew we wanted someone that understood and honored how scared our birthing space would be. Being first time parents, labor and delivery is daunting to navigate with not a lot of helpful information to women without being scary. I heard plenty of horror stories as telling people I was pregnant and wanted true support that would honor my wishes and fight for them when/if I was not being heard. My birth did not happen exactly how I was hoping however, it was perfect given all the excpetions and I could not have done it without Danielle with us. She brought a warm and claming presence from the moment we met with her and knew our needs and desires to make this birth memorable in the best of ways. Not only was she my guiding light as the person giving birth, she comforted and guided my fiance through what he could do for me and our baby. Going on this journey with Danielle was one of the best decisions we made while I was pregnant. I can't wait to work with her again in the future!

Asia Gonzalez


Having Danielle as my postpartum doula was one of the best decisions we made in our pregnancy/postpartum journey. From the first day I came home from the birthing center she was an immediate source of comfort, relief,information and resources. I was in a breast feeding first time mom crisis and she immediately jumped in and guided us. We had trouble even making the simplist decisions and she took that pressure off and helped us where she saw we needed help. I feel so grateful to her because she helped make those first few weeks so much less frightening. She would glide in and know exactly what to do and sometimes that was just listening, other times it was reminding us to eat and making sure we did, taking the baby so we could nap or shower. She kept us informed and supported with her rapid fire text of resources locally we could utilize which really was priceless and when she wasn't here she was a text away. We are proud we were smart enough to choose her. 

Erin H


Working with Danielle Bianco has been everything we could have hoped for. Danielle was our birth doula, she encapsulated the placenta and we also worked with her as a post-partum doula and night nurse for the first few weeks - she is completley indispensible. 

This was our first pregnancy and throughout the pregnancy Danielle provided support via text and phone with very fast responses. We had 2 visits pre delivery to get really comfortable with each other and for Danielle to show my partner how to be the most helpful during early labor and beyond. She helped us write our birthplan, taking the time to really explain what it all meant and what we might encounter at the hospital. 

On the day of the birth, Danielle arrived with her magic box and spent some time with us at home, coaching me through the contractions with breathwork and massage. Once transferred to the birth center Danielle kept my partner and me in the moment, continuing to support through various stretches, breathing, movements, aromatherapy and just being a real anchor for us. After an incredible labor and water birth Danielle spent time with us and our newborn to get the first feeding session done. The lactation support was not available at the hospital and without her help we would have struggled to get this going so early on. 

As a night nurse, we were able to get some real sleep while she took care of our baby, those hours of sleep made all the difference during the first 2 weeks. 

As a post partum doula, some of our greatest lessons have come from Danielle! Lactation support, sleep tips and generally how to handle a tiny new baby without screwing up. Danielle has a way of making you and your partner feel really comfortable while delivering invaluable instruction and information. She cooked dinner for us, did baby laundry, made lactation support snacks, taught us how to pump and bottle feed, the list goes on. 

We love Danielle!

Alexandria Dunn


Danielle is better than Mary Poppins.  Not only did she help with my daughters, she also cooked, she cleaned, she folded laundry.... her hands were never empty. She even stocked our freezer with delicious postpartum foods that have become favorite recipies.

Thanks to Danielle's breastfeeding expertise and experience, we discovered that both of my daughters had tongue and lip ties and were able to get the necessary therapies and procedures.  If not for Danielle our girls would still be suffering from nursing/eating problems.  She also figured out how to get my newborn to sleep!!!!

Danielle and I became friends over the course of working together and I will be forever grateful for everything she did to help ease the transition from one child to two children. She has been a source of encouragement, advice, and affirmations.  Having two under two is almost impossible, I really don't know if we could have done it without Danielle's help.  If you are considering hiring a doula: CALL DANIELLE



Danielle was an absolute lifesaver. Her post partum services, along with lactation support and sleep consulting, made having our second child (with a two year old) as graceful and easy as it could possibly be. She is an incredible cook, an invaulable rescource and always knows how to help out, even without being asked. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for support.



Working with Danielle was one of the best decisions I could have made for me and for my family after welcoming our second baby. From the moment she arrived at our home, she was a calming presence with an abundance of knowledge around postpartum and newborn care. She supported me for nearly two months, and she was often the reason we could prepare a warm meal, have clean dishes and laundry, and also a much needed nap. I highly recommend Danielle; her passion for her work is obvious and her support is unwavering. I feel abundantly grateful to have found and worked with her.

Reanna Adelstein


After enduring 50 hours of labor followed by an emergency c-section with the delivery of my first child, my husband and I decided to hire a doula for my second pregnancy. I knew I would be attempting a VBAC and I would need additional support.  We are so happy and grateful to have found Danielle.  Danielle is quite simply amazing.  We could tell how special she was on our first introductory phone call when she patiently listened as I confided my traumatic experiences with my first labor and delivery, while validating my feelings and providing comforting wisdom and advice from her experiences that allowed me to finally let go of residual pain and guilt.  After we hired her, Danielle was first, and foremost, my advocate, listening to my needs and helping me understand and navigate the decision-making process.  She also was only a phone call or text away when I had concerns or felt overwhelmed.  She provided research and information so that I could better understand my doctor’s recommendations and advice.  She helped us draft both a vaginal birth plan and an “if necessary” c-section plan with, frankly, far more detail than we could have possibly created without her assistance.  She also trained my husband in massage techniques to help with contractions that proved essential in reducing contraction pain.  After my water broke, she provided critical advice that helped us to perfectly time the trip to the hospital.  At the hospital, she managed the labor process with an expertise and ease that allowed the doctors and nurses to truly focus on both my medical needs and that of the baby.  She was by my side throughout that day, providing consistent reassurance and making everything less stressful.  I honestly don’t believe I would have had a successful VBAC without her.  I would hire her again for a future pregnancy without question and I highly recommend her!

Monique Erickson


Danielle is such a special person, and I struggle to quantify the myriad ways she helped our family become a family. As our post partum doula for the first three months (and then some) of our daughter's life, Danielle was by our side through it all. As knowledgeable as she is kind, she is fundamentally there for you when you most need it. Having a baby in a pandemic, separated from family and friends, is no joke. In Danielle we had a cook, a confidante, a sounding board, a teacher, a caretaker for the parents as well as the child, and, most of all, a friend. I’ll always be grateful to her for what she has given us, not just to me as a new mom but also to my husband, our cats, and of course our infant daughter who loves Danielle fiercely. Danielle is, after all, her very first best friend. So thank you Danielle, for your love, your tirelessness, your support navigating lactation consultants, infant chiropractic, birthdays, sad days, fun days, and everything else that life threw at us those early days. Not only could we not have done it without you, but also you made it fun, beautiful, and full of magic. Thank you. With love, Monique, Avalon, Ethan, Benji, and Ziggy

Lynsey Rost


I cant say enough about Danielle!  She was absolutely awesome at helping me throughout my whole pregnancy and after having my son too.  I had several obstacles come up during my pregnancy and Danielle was there to help me overcome them and come up with alternate plans when I needed to.  She was so supportive when my birth couldnt go according to plan due to complications and really was there for me to talk through it all.  She was super helpful with breastfeeding tips and suggestions for working with my son's lip tie.  She also encapsulated my placenta for me and explained the entire process to me.  Danielle even explained it all to my very curious eight year old son who was super interested in how the placenta got processed for encapsulation.  Im so happy I chose Danielle as my doula and appreciate her and her knowledge so so much!  



I am so glad that I decided to work with Danielle as my doula. Her warmth and steadiness were apparent from the beginning, which proved tremendously helpful during my birth. While our pre-birth meetings were very informative and helpful, it was her mental, emotional, and physical support during labor that I was most grateful for, as well as her responsiveness and advice during the last few challenging days leading up to the birth, and the immediate post-partum period. She also struck a good balance between providing information, but then giving me the space to make my own decisions. I wish every new mom could have a doula like Danielle!

Charissa Yong


Danielle's virtual doula service was the best investment I can make! I was pregnant with my second child and she helped me figured out what I can do differently for my second birth. She provided me with some great resources and was available to answer any of my questions before, during labor and after birth via text/phone call. I had a quick birth and no postpartum blues, all thanks to her guidance and the best birth plan that works for me. Thank you Danielle for everything and the BEST birth experience I had ever had. I highly recommend her!



I can not say enough about how wonderful Danielle is and how invaluable she was during my pregnancy & birth. She was always ready to support me and supply insight and evidence based info when I had questions during my pregnancy, and she was committed to helping me have my "home birth in the hospital". When my son was born a month early during a long and intense unmedicated labor, she was with me through it all. From being the only member of my birth team that could provide the right counter-pressure during my back labor, to helping me stay focused when I was exhausted and had to make important decisions, her presence, patience, and advocacy were remarkable. I am so grateful Danielle was such an important part of my journey to motherhood.

Nicole Drost


Danielle was encouring supportive and loving through out my entire pregnancy. She helped me so much with education and all of my questions for the doctor. Because of her I was educated on my rights. During my labor and delivery she was truly outstanding! She taught my husband how he could be helpful ( many men don't know what to do) she had him do pressure points and breathing techniques with me. My labor was 20 plus hours and when my husband needed sleep at 3 am she was there. She was by side the entire time holding my hand breathing with me. I could not have done it without her. She is amazing!!

Leah Greenwald


We had a great experience using Danielle as our birth doula.  She met with my husband and I twice at length for prenatal visits where she told us about her training and all of her resources that she uses during labor.  When I went into labor, she met us at the hospital and suggested different methods and positions to try. She also spoke to the nursing staff about what would make me more comfortable.  Danielle also has the sensitivity to know when the couple needs time to themselves and also made that clear to the staff.  She came equipped with essential oils, her ipad with Netflix and music, rebozo, made sure I drank water and held my leg during pushing!  She took pictures of the baby and stayed until we were ready for her to leave.  She also works on a sliding scale and believes everyone should have a doula.  I'd highly recommend her!

AnnMarie Chionchio


Working with Danielle as our doula was such a great experience.  I knew almost as soon as we met that she was the right choice for us.  We covered a lot of info at our initial consult, as well as discuss any thoughts and expectations I might have for working with a doula.  She was very thorough, professional, supportive and comforting during our (2) prenatal visits.  We were in touch via text and email throughout my pregnancy and sent me so much helpful info on any topic that I was inquiring about.  I felt supported, she made me understand that she heard me and would do anything she could to help me have the labor and delivery that I truly wished for.  My water broke at 11:30 at night and she was there for me as soon as I called, keeping me calm, walking me through everything that I should do next, and she was there for me every 2 hours when I called her that night!  She was there for me at the hospital when it was time to go, and supported my fiance and I through a challenging labor and delivery.  Danielle stayed for a while after the birth to establish breastfeeding and gave us both a warm hug on the way out, once we were all settled with our new baby. I have and will continue to recommend her services to any friends and clients of mine in the future.  A truly caring and supportive birth attendant.

colleen lutz


During my pregnancy I was so grateful to have Danielle. She has a wealth of information and was able to explain things to me as they came up. Danielle brings a warm calming presents to any situation. She was there for me from the very beginning. She came to my home and helped me labor through contractions. When we went to the hospital she was an incredible support. Suggesting different labor positions, helped me understand what the nurses were doing and come prepared with essential oils, a rice sock, an ice packs, a birthing ball (just to name a few things). I would recommend Danielle to anyone looking for a doula, her service is priceless.

Birth Availability for Danielle Bianco

= Available. Calendar last updated: 10-07-2024

Postpartum Availability for Danielle Bianco

= Available. Calendar last updated: 10-07-2024

Doula profile, calendar, and testimonials available at DoulaMatch.net