Barb Davis Photo

Barb Davis

Fort Worth, TX Service range 50 miles


Birth Fee

$1250 to $2450

Postpartum Rate


Availability Remarks: Expert advice from birth through age 5! Popular Topics Include: • newborn sleep • pumping and returning to work • starting solids • developmental milestones, leaps, regressions

Birth Fee

$1250 to $2450

Postpartum Rate


Birth Doula Experience

11 years and 400 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

11 years and 125 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • MotherMe Doulas - Certified Birth Doula

Postpartum Doula Certifications

  • MotherMe Doulas - Certified Postpartum Doula

Doula Training

  • MotherMe Doulas, August 2013

Type of practice: Doula agency owner

Clients per month: 0 to 12

Postpartum limits/restrictions: No smoking inside the home.

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
I support virtually in all locations!

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Some Home Births
Must have a licensced midwife or other medical professional in attendance - I cannot support free births due to insurance limitations.

Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Aromatherapy
  • Baby-led weaning
  • Babywearing education
  • Childbirth education services
  • Cloth diapering education
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Newborn care and parenting classes
  • Parenting consulting
  • Pelvic floor health education & support
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Tarrant County Breastfeeding Coalition Member Founding Member: Inclusive Birth Workers of Tarrant County Previous Tarrant County Birth Network Regional Coordinator

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Spanish

Fee Details

Education builds confidence and confidence builds a better birth! Prepare for Your Best Birth™ with professional birth & parent coaching Barb will prepare your for YOUR best birth through a combination of calls and video chats during your pregnancy and 4th trimester. Support Includes: • Unlimited calls, texts & video chats • Trimester-based calls to educate & empower • Your Best Birth™ Checklist • Birth Planning Session • Postpartum Planning Session

Service Area

Fort Worth, TX Service range 50 miles

Certifications for Barb Davis

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

Report any issues or concerns with certification images.

Client Testimonials for Barb Davis

Post a testimonial for Barb Davis

Amy Tucker


Barb has been a huge help in the first year of my baby's life. This is my first child and I have had so many questions that I refuse to trust to Google. Barb is very knowledgeable on everything from when to start solid foods to how to make sure I have alone time with my spouse. I highly recommend her services to parents in all stages!

Bridgitte C


We worked with birth | Fort Worth for postpartum doula help! They were such a dream! Everyone we worked with or communicated with was always so patience, kind, and empathetic. We had both Amandas come do overnights for us, and there aren’t enough wonderful things we can say about them! Both women were full of knowledge and guidance; they both took great care of our family. Barb is always so responsive and happy to help in any way she can! We would definitely work with them again.

AA Martinez


The birth of our first child was, unfortunately, a traumatic experience for our family.

We faced last minute unexpected birth complications, an underweight premature baby, lack of immediate family around us turned what was meant to be the happiest time of our lives into a living hell.

A friend of ours highly recommended to us to work with Barb and her team after having worked with them.

As I commented elsewhere, there is nothing in this World that we can do to pay them for EVERYTHING they did to help us.
Knowledge, compassion, professionalism, care, love are the most outstanding values that the Birth Fort Worth team gave us.

In all honesty, we don't know how else could we have managed to get out from the hole we were in without Barb, Mary and Meagan .... They took care of our baby in those nights while my wife was in hosptial (with me by her side) and later, recovering at home. They taught me everything I now know about diaper changes, feedings, sleeping. Mary alrerted us of a potentially serious complication (breast duct blockage) and with her problem solving we avoided it. Meagan coached us about how to manage our baby's reflux and heartburn. Without her knowledge, I probably would not have pushed our Pediatrician to prescribe our baby with NEXIUM quickly enough. Her endless crying days dissapeared almost immediately.   

I think of them as God-sent Angels but they are much more to us and to our baby girl - they are part of our family.

Thank you Barb, Mary and Meagan and God Bless your lives and the many families that you continue helping every day. 


Summer Haffner


We welcomed Barbara into our home for a personalized class before the birth of our second baby, and what a wonderful decision it was! Barbara brought her own professional slideshow and handed us a binder to refer to down the road. She taught us all the typical birthing information, but with a warmth and consideration unmatched by any instructors we had encountered before. Well-educated and armed with the most recent evidence-based practices, Barbara empowered us to decide what was best for us and our new arrival without the judgment and scare tactics employed by others. She felt like a friend from the first interview. I would recommend Barbara Davis to anybody, just as our midwives recommended her to us.

Kelly Wolfe


I've been torn on what exactly to say about Barbara and the services she provided for me and my family. It has taken me a lot longer than I would like to admit, to figure out how to put into words just how wonderful Barbara was. Barbara is extremely knowledgeable about everything labor, delivery, postpartum and breastfeeding. She was a great source of comfort and support throughout my pregnancy as well as during labor. She was the female voice that I needed during all my "I think I'm in labor" moments, and this was my 2nd pregnancy, I should've known better! But of course, just as Barbara would like to remind me, every pregnancy is so different. When it came down to labor and delivery, again so VERY different than my first time around, she knew what I needed when I didn't. When I needed the unwavering support and the voice in my ear telling me,"you can do this, you've got this" she was right there being that voice. Even though I may not have utilized all of Barbara's services to her fullest, due to a fast and intense active labor, the suggestions, support, and techniques she did provide me with was more than I had ever expected. She even remembered to take pictures of my son being born admist all the chaos. My husband and I are so grateful having had a chance to meet Barbara and use her. We have both agreed that if and when we ever have another baby, we will definitely be hiring Barbara again!!

Jessica Beverly


My experience with Barbara Davis as my Doula has been exceptional so far. I am 41 weeks pregnant right now, and I'm still waiting for my baby to arrive. So, I have not been through the birth experience with Barb yet.

I have taken birthing classes with her, and they were very helpful and informative. I learned a lot, and I feel better prepared to face labor and delivery because of her classes. She was also fun and interesting to listen to. A two hour class was doable because Barb has a great personality for teaching. No worries about a monotone speaker with Barb!

She also has been very flexible with us. I had to change a doctor's appointment that she was supposed to attend, and she easily rescheduled based on my needs. She interacts well with both my husband and I, and we feel very comfortable around her.  She has checked in on me as well, and she answers questions I have via text quickly.

We are looking forward to having her help us through our first birth experience when the time comes. I have confidence that I won't regret having her there for encouragement and help for both my husband and I. I would give her 5 stars if that were possible :)

Katie Hermann


My husband and I had Barbara as a part of our birth team for the birth of our second son. While I already had the experience of one natural birth from my first, I was nervous going into the second birth now that I knew just how challenging it would be physically, mentally and emotionally. As soon as I interviewed Barbara I felt relieved by her confidence and her encouragement that I could have the birth that I wanted and not be fearful about it. Her role in our birth story, including both prenatal preparation and post partum follow up, was irreplaceable. She gave me confidence through her help with my birth plan, as well as her home visit to give my husband and I comfort measures for laboring at home. The better I prepared, the less anxious I became. When the day arrived that my son was born, I had no fear of the task that was ahead of me and Barbara stayed with us every step of the way. She encouraged me through contractions, and provided ideas and techniques to keep my labor progressing. After my delivery it was such a blessing to text or call her with the smallest of questions, and her breast feeding advice was invaluable! I'm so glad that we found Barbara to be a part of our birth, I would not have the birth experience that I hoped for if she had not been a part of it.

Chance Chatellier


My husband and I were planning a home birth for our first child. Nervous about the unknown, we knew it would be wise for us to have a trained and experienced person there with us for our birth. We felt it would be necessary to keep my nerves calm and it would also provide much needed assistance for my husband! He’s a rock-star, but I hated the thought of him having to do everything for me all alone. We fell for Barbara the first time we met her! Her confidence put our worries at ease. She never let us down. She knew her stuff and was always there to support, no matter the time of day. I attribute my peaceful homebirth experience to Barbara’s cool, calm and collective nature. She was everything I needed her to be right when I needed her to be it. I would recommend her to any and everyone I know. She’s a master at her craft and I will have her at my next birth!

Alexandra Nance


My birth story wouldn't have been the same without the support from Barbara.  Being that this was our first child we wanted a support system who would help us acheive our goal of an unmedicated birth. Not only was she a HUGE help to me but also to my Fiancé. Post-partum was so much easier with her help and advice as well. She showed me great tips to make nursing easier. I also had her encapsulate my placenta and truly believe they made all the difference in helping avoid the baby blues, my milk supply and hormonal headaches. She did everything beyond our expectations and when we are ready for baby #2 Barbara will be the first person to call!

Alexandra, Brandon & baby Liam

Emily Mire


My husband and I began working with Barbara when I was 10 weeks pregnant. I had an immediate connection with her and knew that I wanted her with us as we began this journey. Barbara was always there to answer questions and point me to resources during my pregnancy. As we began to really prepare for labor and delivery, Barbara did a great job of helping us see big picture and prepare in the best way possible. Once my labor started, I was even more thankful to have Barbara by my side. Labor was long and hard and there were some hiccups in our plan, but Barbara was with us every step of the way. The encouragement she provided to us was invaluable. When I was ready to give up, Barbara was always there reminding me that I was doing this and my body was capable of doing this. Instead of labor being scary and full of unknowns, Barbara helped make that day one of the most empowering days of my life. She advocated for me and I wholeheartedly believe that she is one of the biggest reasons we were able to have the birth we wanted and deserved. After seeing how Barbara worked with me, my husband, and my midwives, I am so honored to have had her be a part of the birth team that was by my side as I brought my baby Earthside.

Kyle Townes


Barbara was an extremely helpful and knowledgeable doula. She was quick to respond to my inquiries pre-labor (and post-labor!) and would supply me with researched articles when I requested that type of information, which was really appreciated!

She was never too busy to meet with me, talk on the phone, e-mail or text. She had ideas to help me during labor that I wouldn't have thought of, and was understanding and supportive when plans changed.

She was helpful in directing my husband during labor as well. What a great woman and supportive figure during my entire pregnancy and labor!

Lindsey Jordan


Barbara Davis was an amazing doula! I had very specific goals and expectations for my birth and barbara did everything in her power to give us the tools and support to make that happen. When my birth took an unexpected and negative turn Barbara was there helping us talk through the options and make the right decisions. She was incredible supporting my husband and I during what turned in to an emotional birth. I was soooo thankful she was there!mi highly recommend her services to anyone!

Amber Quarles


First let me start with what an amazing birth experience we had using Barbara. I truly believe that without her help and information, things would not have gone so smoothly nor been so enjoyable. Barbara is so excited about making sure you get all of what you are hoping for in your birth experience. She is willing to go above and beyond for you and your family. Having all the knowledge to answer any questions you may have and if not knowing the answer, getting you one. Also knowing tons about breastfeeding, placenta encapsulation and postpartum. We could not have ask for more with Barbara, she is a wonderful person inside and out and so very passionate about what she does. She is a hands on doula knowing several techniqes to help relax you and help relieve pain. For instance, I had severe back pain and she squeezed my hips with every contraction which helped take the edge off. She walked the halls with us keeping us calm and collected. This in turn helped keep my husband free so he could help me emotionally. She made sure everyone stayed on track with our birth plan. She even took beautiful pictures and wrote us a timeline of the night of our birth. Which was amazing because the night was a bit of a blur for me, hearing her experience brought to life my experience. We have been so blessed to get to know her and to have her be apart of such an important time in our lives. Highly recommended!

Brigitte Pittman


Barbara Davis was an awesome doula. I had a relatively high risk pregnancy (identical twins) and she helped to give me confidence that I would be able to have a good birth experience. She was able to work well with my husband and I both and really knew how to intuitively step back and let him lead or step in when she was needed. She was attentitive, caring, and knowledgeable. I would recommend her (and often do) in a heartbeat.

Heidi Beck


We wanted this birth to be different. I longed for my dream birth. We decided to hire a doula and see what would be different. From the moment she walked in my front door I knew Barbara would be what we needed.  When I went into labor she encouraged me all day with ideas and suggestions and when we got to the hospital the fun really started.  Barbara joked with us and made light converstation as we walked around the halls.  We were not locked away in a room by ourselves.  When it came to crunch time Barbara switched to caring for me and zeroed in on exactly what I needed to help me push through with no medication.  After 4 1/2 hours of walking, talking, hip spreading, mopping my head and neck and allowing me to push her away only to pull her back when i needed her Barbara helped me welcome my Kody into the world.  It was my dream birth and it would not have been without her. Thank you Barbara, thank you.

Hollie Mann


My experience with Barbara Davis is one I will never forget.  I found Barbara the week of my birth and I was thrilled she was able and willing to assist me with my scheduled induction on such a short notice.  Without Barbara's support and methods, I don't believe I would have had the birthing experience I dreamed of having, an unmedicated birth.  It is often that out of nowhere, I find myself beaming ear to ear, reflecting on my amazing birth experience.  I would do it all over again, thanks to Barbara's help.

Amanda J'lane Arrington


My doula, Barbara is a friend of the family that I decided last minute to use during our labor. Before going to the hospital I was apprehensive about doula practices. I believed it was a little silly to have a bed side cheerleader and that you could either handle birth or you couldn't. I must say my opinion has done a complete 180. From the beginning, it was nothing but relaxed positivity. It didn't feel forced, awkward or silly. Her demeanor was genuine and only made me feel supported and positive. I had just had my water broken at 4 cm and Barbara suggested I try the birth ball to assist with the contractions. O Thank God she did! I truly believe that made the difference in my ability to handle the intense contractions that come with induction. Beyond being able to move with the contractions, Barbara was contastantly rubbing my back and providing me with a heat pack to help keep my loose. It was amazing!!! I credit my natural delivery 100% to Barb! I now make sure to tell everyone that not only are doulas amazing but that if you want a positive birthing experience Barb is the only choice you have!

Birth Availability for Barb Davis

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-03-2024

Postpartum Availability for Barb Davis

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-03-2024