In Harmony Birth: Keli Fortman, HCHI, HCHD, DONA  Photo

In Harmony Birth: Keli Fortman, HCHI, HCHD, DONA

In Harmony Birth

Phoenixville, PA Service range 40 miles

Birth Fee

$950 to $1800

Postpartum Rate

$35 to $45

Birth Fee

$950 to $1800

Postpartum Rate

$35 to $45

Birth Doula Experience

12 years and 545 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

5 years and 40 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • Hypnobabies - Certified Hypno-Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, January 2012
  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, September 2012
  • Hypnobabies, July 2015

Type of practice: Partnership with 2 or more doulas

Clients per month: 3 births and 1 to 2 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Aromatherapy
  • Baby sign language education
  • Baby-led weaning
  • Babywearing education
  • Belly binding
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • Birth pool rental
  • Childbirth education services
  • Cloth diapering education
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Mother blessing celebrations
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Photography - Birth
  • Physical therapy
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Prenatal & postpartum fitness services
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Hypnobabies Childbirth Education Instructor, Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, IPPA Placenta Specialist, Belly Binding, Prenatal Yoga Instructor RYT

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Spanish

Service Area

Phoenixville, PA Service range 40 miles

Certifications for In Harmony Birth: Keli Fortman, HCHI, HCHD, DONA

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for In Harmony Birth: Keli Fortman, HCHI, HCHD, DONA

Post a testimonial for In Harmony Birth: Keli Fortman, HCHI, HCHD, DONA



Having Cali as part of our support team during my birth was such a wonderful experience. This is our first child, and my husband and I felt so much more confident and comfortable during labor knowing that Cali was with us. Throughout my labor Cali offered suggestions for different positions and comfort measures, helped me stay focused on the moment, and provided me with context for what I was feeling and how things may progress as we moved closer to pushing. My plan was for an unmedicated birth, and Cali was able to walk the fine line of encouraging me to reach that goal and supporting me when I decided to get an epidural. She was reassuring and patient even as my labor lasted all night. She even took amazing pictures of the moment my son was born, which is something my husband and I will cherish forever! 

Even though Keli wasn't my doula, she was a constant source of support and encouragement during my pregnancy. Keli shared a lot of her personal experience with me, and provided great resources when I was looking for support to help flip my baby. Keli continued to check in with me throughout my pregnancy and postpartum period.

It was a pleasure working with Keli and her team during my pregnancy, labor, and postpartum period. 



Pregnant with our first baby and not really knowing where to begin, a friend referred me to Keli. My husband and I took private birth classes and post-partum classes in hopes to be more informed, better prepared and confident in decisions we may want to make during our hospital birth. The information Keli provided was extremely helpful. She helped us create birth preferences based on our goals and never once did I feel like she was inserting opinions to change our mind/persuade us in one direction over another. I really feel like this was an invaluable learning experience and I’m so glad we invested the time with Keli!

Dr. Margaret Hager


As a Webster certified chiropractor I have had the honor of getting to meet Keli, and have mutual patients.  She truly cares, and loves her role as a doula.  All of my patients that have been under her care have absolutely loved her.  She is so full of great knowledge, passion, and insight!  I have even gotten to listen to some of her classes, and she is absolutely wonderful.  I have not had any children of my own yet, but when I do one day Keli would be my Doula!  I'm so lucky to know Keli as a doula to refer my patients to, and as a friend!  

Alyssa Thomas


I cannot imagine going through pregnancy and childbirth without Keli as our doula! She is extraordinarily responsive, knowledgeable, and nurturing. It was reassuring to be able to consult her throughout my pregnancies with questions or concerns and a gift to have her by our side during labors and deliveries. I felt braver and stronger with her presence and involvement and much better prepared to make quick and informed decisions about the course of my labors and caring for our new family members. The hospital setting can be lonely and overwhelming and birth is so unpredictable that having someone with Keli's expertise and support as a guide makes an incredible difference. Our family is complete, but if we were ever going to birth again, there’s absolutely nobody else we’d want supporting us and we cannot recommend her highly enough to other families seeking a doula.

Megan Acree


Keli was my doula for the birth of my first child. She was absolutely amazing to work with. She is so supportive and full of helpful insight and advice. Her attitude and demeanor helped me to maintain a sense of calm throughout my pregnancy and during birth. Due to Covid, Keli was not able to come to the hospital with me but her help prior to leaving for the hospital helped me to stick to my birth preferences and to be more comfortable laboring at home for as long as possible.
I also took her Hypnobabies class via Zoom and loved it!! Keli was a wonderful teacher and I truly believe practicing Hypnobabies during my labor helped it to go so smoothly and quickly!



Finding Keli during my pregnancy is hands down one of the things I am most grateful for during my pregnancy. She was my instructor for the Hypnobabies course that I took to prepare for birth. Not only was the course itself phenominal and learning the practice of self-hypnosis, but Keli was an invaluable part of the course. She is super knowledgeable, thorough, and a wealth of experience. She knew the answer to every question I had and was always so encouraging, as well as respectful of my choices/desires. Keli is one of the most genuine, kind, and giving people I have encountered. She genuinely loves what she does and as well as the people she accompanies. I am so grateful that I was able to have Keli's instruction to prepare me. I felt very confident going into my birthing time and I strongly feel that Keli's guidance during my prepartion for child birth helped me to feel that way and to have the smooth birth that I had hoped for. Feeling confident and well-prepared both mentally and physically, is something I think contributed to my overall positive birth experience. My only regret was not hiring Keli to actually be my doula! Perhaps, next time (;

Gabrielle Lennox


Hiring Keli as our doula and Hypnobabies instructor was by far the best decision I made during my pregnancy! As a first-time mom (and mom who had suffered a miscarriage during her first pregnancy), having a resource and advocate was invaluable. We hired Keli pretty early in the pregnancy (second trimester), so we were able to text and call her routinely, and Keli never made us feel like we were bugging her or asking a stupid question (and we asked a LOT of questions). She helped us navigate the twists and turns of pregnancy, create a birth plan, prepare for our OB visits and, through Hyponobabies, learn tricks and tools that helped relieve anxiety and get us ready for the labor and delivery journey. Since we hired Keli during the COVID pandemic, the vast majority of our time together was spent virtually, but that did not hinder Keli's warmth and caring from coming through. We were fortunate that she was able to join us in-person for our birth (which went entirely different from our plan, but Keli continued to support us every step of the way). Even though that was the moment we met in person for the first time, it felt like we had known her forever. And let me not forget to mention that through her doula fee, we got a postpartum visit AND 6 weeks of text/phone support after birth. The postpartum period can be lonely, frustrating and confusing, so having someone who continued to be available and by my side made it so much easier and helped me feel reassured. If I could give Keli more than 5 stars I would, and if I have another baby, you can bet I'll be hiring her again!



I had the privilege of having Keli support me as my doula during the birth of my first child. She was unbelievably helpful in preparing my husband and I for this experience with her vast knowledge and unparalleled experience. I felt so comfortable knowing that Keli had supported nearly every type of birthing scenario and could help me remain calm and focused no matter what turn my birthing took. With her guidance and peaceful presence, I was blessed to have and empowering, and beautiful, unmedicated birth. I truly don't think that I could have done it without her. She encouraged me during intense parts of labor letting me know that my body was doing exactly what it was supposed to and kept my husband abreast of everything that was happening, encouraging him on how he could best meet my needs. I really appreciate how she helped me to adovcate for myself to labor in the most comfortable position for me. 

One anecdote from my birthing day that I will always remember is moments before I breathed my son into this world, Keli noticed an affirmation card I had created for myself for encouragment. It read "I am a bad*ss and I f**ing got this!!" She looked me in the eyes, smiled, and pointed to this card. We both starting laughing! Shortly after, my son was here, and I felt like a warrior!

To this day, Keli continues to check in on me and my little family, which speaks to the type of loving care that Keli has for each of her clients. I am eternally grateful to have had her by my side at one of the most important times of my life. 

Marlena Musselman Fox


Before meeting Keli, I was terrified to give birth. We were connected through a friend from high school, and after talking with her, going through the classes, and preparing for the experience, I felt empowered and actually excited for it! At the start, my husband thought I'd opt for a c-section due to the expected pain, and at the end, he was right there alongside me through the unmedicated vaginal labor. He learned so much through the process and was an amazing and supportive partner through it all. We did not expect that my water would break a month early, but Keli was there to support us through the difficult conversations with the doctors about our birth preferences, and she coached us through almost 36 hours of wait time before active labor really set in. At the hospital, she was nothing short of amazing, supportive, understanding, positive, informative, and honest. We're so grateful to have worked with her and hope to again if we're lucky to have more kids in the future!

Katie O’Brien


I could not recommend Keli enough to any other mamas to be! My husband and I worked with her for the births of both of our sons. It was a no brainer to hire her again for our second child. Keli is incredibly knowledgeable and supportive. She supported me throughout both pregnancies by answering my many questions with information, resources, and options.  I credit her to helping me deliver both boys without medical intervention, and my husband and I cannot imagine my birthing experiences without her.  I highly recommend Keli!! 



We met Keli through a hypnobabies course and knew that we would feel much more confident during our birthing if Keli was present as our doula. That was one of the best decisions we made. She was great at making us aware of our options when our course changed and was such a calming and supportive presence. Keli is very experienced and knowledgeable and always presented information in a way that was down to earth and easily understand. We’re very grateful to have had her support. 



I first met Keli when she came to our home to assist my husband and I with a Hypnobabies Birth Rehearsal.  After spending a few hours with her, my husband and I knew we wanted her with us in the delivery room!  We were so fortunate that she accepted and was willing to be our doula.  Keli is one of the warmest, most encouraging and positive people I’ve ever met.  Just being around her makes you feel at ease and I credit her with helping me maintain that positivity through my birthing time.  She was always checking in with me and sending me encouraging messages – letting me know that “I got this.” 

When I found out that my birthing time would have to begin by induction, I was terrified to think that my birthing plans were out the window.  I am eternally grateful to Keli because she reminded me that nothing had changed and that many beautiful births had begun by induction.  She was with me every step of the way, explaining what to expect, what audio tracks might be best for me…I truly feel she helped me achieve my dreams of having a natural, unmedicated birth!  My husband even had to call Keli in the middle of the night to tell her that I was 5cm dilated– she didn’t hesitate and got right up and out the door so she could be there with us.  Just knowing that she was with us provided us both with such a calm.  We are forever grateful to her!

My husband and I were so honored that Keli was there to share in the first moments with our baby.  She will always be a part of our family! 

Angelina Itri


Wow, where do I start! My husband and I met with a few doulas before keli and I remember just walking out of starbucks feeling SO confident. We both felt stronger and more secure in our birth plan.. She made our "dream" of having a VBAC seem closer and more acheivable for us. Throughout our time leading up to Coltons birth Keli educated and supported us so much. I truly feel like I gained a friend. Her hypnobabies class was so inspiring and motivating, we recomend it to ALL our friends. When it came to Coltons birth I personally feel like Keli played a huge roll in how I percieved my birth while it was happening. She kept me in a calm state of mind and reminded me of all my stength. I cant thank Keli enough for all the love and support she showed us.

Katie Messina


Where to begin?! Keli was and remains a huge part of our family's birthing experience. My husband and I interviewed several doulas and were struck by Keli's vast knowledge and obvious passion for her work as a doula. Throughout my pregnancy, Keli was responsive, thoughtful, and incredibly helpful in assisting me in advocating for myself and my baby's health.  Keli always listened to my concerns and offered unbiased information to help me make the right decisions for me.  Keli educated my husband and I about typical prenatal and birthing norms in the hospital setting, informing us of benefits/risks of various practices that we might experience.  Keli explained all possibiities, and we were able to confidently state what we wanted in our birth plan.  During my labor, Keli supported my husband and I both physically and emotionally.  I found her presence alone to be calming and positive.  She joined us in our home, and with her assistance, I was able to labor at home for awhile before going to the hospital to deliver. Keli helped me to remain calm and focused, encouraged me to maintain strength and hydration, and offered suggestions of various positions to help tolerate contractions. She assisted in the logistics of getting me to the hospital, and then to the maternity ward, which gave my husband a second to park the car and bring in my belongings.  Keli continued to answer my questions throughout the labor, often explaining medical terms again in a way that I fully understood. I felt empowered having her with me. Keli inspired confidence throughout labor and was an incredible coach when it came time to push. I don't think I would have been able to deliver vaginally without her coaching. I cannot say enough good things about working with Keli. She is truly so special. I strongly believe she played a large role in the safe and natural delivery of my son.

Amber Midgley


My husband and I met Keli when we took her Hypnobabies birthing class and I knew I had to hire her as my doula! She is full of energy, very fun, and honest. We emailed and spoke on the phone regularly in the weeks leading up to my guess date and she was always quick to answer any questions and remind me to keep up with my Hypnobabies prep. When my labor began, she was available to us via phone and text in the wee hours of the morning. When things got more intense, we were debating going to the hospital but instead Keli came to our house. My husband said he noticed an immediate change in my demeanor. Her presence made me feel more confident and relaxed. She assured me over and over that I was “doing it” and that everything I was experiencing was normal. Throughout the process she always explained my current options and empowered me to make all of the decisions for myself. When the time came, she left for the hospital before us, so she was there to be with me and carry my stuff while my husband parked our car. She was extremely encouraging while my labor was most intense and as a result, I never even thought about asking for pain relief. I had the birth I wanted and I definitely believe having such an amazing doula was a huge part of my success! In the beginning, my husband wasn’t so sure about inviting a person we just met into such an intimate moment of our lives, but in the end he was extremely happy about our decision. She was a wonderful addition to my birthing team and I will definitely book her immediately whenever I am pregnant again!

Gina Bradley


It‘s hard to even put in words what Keli means to my husband and me. I remember my first conversation with her when my doula recommended her Hypnobabies class. I was slightly skeptical and really uneducated on birth in general. Keli immediately puts you at ease and you know you are in good hands, she knows her stuff! My situation was slightly different, I was strongly advised to try to have a natural birth because of a tumor on my spine where an epidural needle could possibly cause issues with. I had zero knowledge about birth in general and I was walking in blindly as an anxious first time Mom. The knowledge and tools about birth that I learned in Keli’s class are 100 percent the reason I was able to successfully achieve a beautiful Hypnobabies med free birth. My husband and I whole heartily believe Keli was to thank on all our decisions, moves, attitude, tools, etc. to help me ride my waves to meeting our precious little man. We had a lot of tough things occur during my birthing time and we attest all our confidence to her class. She even came and visited us in the hospital which helped me remember all the knowledge I had learned in her class and gave me strength to keep pushing through! She is soooo amazing, whether you take her class, use her as a doula, or anything else, you won’t find better than Keli. She is a birth guru with a heart of gold and passion for helping you achieve the birth you want. Good luck to you reading, the fun has just begun!

Keli Fortman


Reply to below testimonial:

Dear Melissa,

I am so sad to receive your review. Initially I was confused because of the name on the review. I wish I had known how you felt about your experience with me after your birth or received feedback in an email. I spent the next half day with you at the hospital and you seemed happy with me there. When I saw you at our postpartum appointment I understood you were disappointed in the change of birth plans although your disappointment with me was not addressed. I am sincerely sorry you were disappointed. 

I love what I do and care about every birthing mother. When you hired me and prior to the induction we discussed when I typically join you. I reminded you during the induction that I am here to support you whenever you need me by phone or in person. Had I known that you required me at the induction or been asked to come sooner I would have happily come. I am sorry you didn't feel you received the support you needed. 

Congratulations on your pregnancy. You deserve happiness and I wish you all the best and a beautiful birthing. 

Warm regards,




I had Keli as my doula for my first birth. She is kind, compassionate, and very knowledgeable about the birth process. She has a genuine care and calmness about her that is refreshing. With that said, during my birth, which was an induction, my husband remembers calling Keli to see how to best support me. Keli told my husband to keep her updated but would ultimately come to the hospital when I was farther along in the birth process to preserve her energy. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I needed a c-section before hitting active labor. My husband called Keli throughout the process, but without her actually being there a doula is not well informed and cannot best support the mom and dad in real time. Because I was in labor, I did not directly ask her this, but I would've been very firm requiring her to be at the induction with me and not accepting the circumstances of updating by phone. I think I blindly trusted her and thought she would be there when I needed it. When the doctor rushed in saying I needed a c-section, Keli was not there to support my husband and I when I needed it the most. I felt so alone and confused and heart broken cause that was not what I wanted. I finally addressed the elephant in the room in our postpartum visit that I was deeply disappointed not having her there, but no further closure was given. I have now learned my lesson and for hiring a doula for my current pregnancy I always mention before hiring a doula, are you okay with coming in early labor to be a steady support the whole time? Or is that too much for you? Cause the right doula will come when you are expressing needing support, even if it takes their energy (as the laboring woman is exerting all the true energy anyway!) Keli seems sweet and I wish her the best, but I have learned from experience what to hunt for in a doula. My husband has since distrusted doulas so it's been a rough road to find the right one for us this time round. But I wish Keli the best!

Matthew & Kimberly Spair


I whole heartedly recomend Keli! Her support and guidance were exactly what we needed to VBAC our baby girl. Her calmness and confidence in me and my body’s ability to birth my baby was exactly what I needed throughout my pregnancy. When it was time for my birth, Keli was my ROCK. As I hit bumps in the road during a very long labor she brought me back each time and reminded me of my ability. I will never forget her telling me “you ARE doing it” as I doubted myself throughout transition and a very long time pushing. We had a successful/Natural VBAC and I couldn’t have done it without Keli’s physical, mental, and emotional support from start to finish. If you want the BEST, you have found her! ??

Angelina Miller


I first found Keli looking at her website for Hypnobabies. I knew I wanted to take a Hypno baby class and I also knew that I wanted to have a dual at my birth. It was very important to me to have a natural unmedicated birth. After talking to Keli asking questions about Hypno-babies and the Doula Services I knew I had to have her at my March 2017 birth. Her confidence and passion was contagious. She made me realize that I was able to achieve the perfect birth I'd hoped for with the knowledge of Hypno babies. I also had her belly binding and placenta encapsulation services. She went beyond my expectations in every aspect of my birth. Keli makes me excited to plan for a second baby, I couldnt imagine giving birth or doing it again without her!

Britt Ezra Linn


My husband and I took Keli's Hypnobabies class and both of us are SO grateful for it. Keli is beyond awesome, as a teacher myself, I can say with confidence, that Keli effectively engages her  students, she has a warm presence, and is also very grounded (she's not super hippy dippy at all, she's warm and highly educated, and SO relatable, so  even if YOU are hippyish or - totally the opposite- you will easily be able to connect with her). She is plain and simple just a very cool person who offers you her wealth of knowledge so that you and your partner can feel fear free when it comes to birthing. Besides the actual Hypnobabies techniques being great, the childbirth education component of this class truly  aided in both my husband and I feeling very confident about the birthing process as first time parents.  Keli went through all of that information in a way that made it feel much less daunting/scary  then I would have generally imagined, and actually both my husband and I feel really excited about the whole process now!  I feel 100% more confident in myself after going through the Hypnobabies course Keli taught, and my husband said he couldn't imagine NOT taking it. If you are considering this course, or simply wondering about Keli as a person (because you are looking for a doula) just know that it's a no brainer, she's the bomb, and you can't go wrong with her!

Krissy G


We had an outstanding birth experience with our daughter almost five months ago. Our first birth was very challenging and perhaps many choices were unnecessary. We felt better informed and prepared for this birth. We took Keli's childbirth education class and she was our doula.  Keli made all the difference. I understood everything happening during my birthing time and felt confident. Her encouragement and physical support allowed me to remain relaxed. She has a very warm and positive vibe.  I was able to relax knowing she would calmly give me suggestions when I needed it. She met us at our home before heading to the hospital which was just a few miles away. We arrived the hospital at 7cm. She helped my husband and I have a positive birth experience together. We are so thankful for have had Keli by our side. Thank you Keli!

Yana Banerjee


Hands down, the best decision we made in preparing for our birth was taking Keli's hypnobabies class. At each class, we were able to talk in depth about what to expect, potential scenarios, what our options were, and most importantly what tools we could use during through our birth experience. The hypnobabies daily & weekly practices gave my wife the tools she needed to be able to comfortably work through her labor, and as a partner, I felt more and more confident in what I c...ould do to help her. We also felt so well-informed and educated about pregnancy and birth, so we were not really apprehensive at all as the day approached, and instead were just excited.
Our baby was born 15 days past our due date, and Keli was always easy to reach by text when I had questions during those 15 days! When my wife finally went into labor, we were thrilled. We spent 17-18 hours in the birth center working through her labor calmly and peacefully as she progressed from 5 to 9.5cm, and even as she stayed at 9.5cm for several hours. The midwives could hardly believe she was having contractions and dilating so well, because she was so calm, breathing through strong contractions and even taking naps in between them.

Of course, we can't control everything, and it so happened that our little one was wrapped up twice in her umbilical cord and so wasn't able to fully descend, and we had a C-section. So while the last 2 hours of our birth was spent in the hospital, due to circumstances out of anyone's control, we still remember our daughter's birthday as a calm, happy 18 hours or so in the birth center - and that is completely thanks to Keli and her hypnobabies classes. I can't imagine the experience being anywhere as wonderful without her. Thank you Keli!

Kelly Snow


Keli was both my doula and my hypnobabies instructor as my husband and I prepared for the birth of our daughter in February 2017. We started working with Keli when I was 17 weeks pregnant and she was an instrumental part of my positive pregnancy and birthing experience. Working with Keli gave me the knowledge, confidence, reassurance, strength and most importantly empowerpant to have a truly joyful birth. Her positive, uplifting, fun and funny personality radiates from her and is contagious, and was exactly what we needed while enduring 4 days of prodromal labor, 22 hours of a truly amazing unmedicated labor, and finally during my unplanned c-section.My husband and I are so happy we found her, so grateful for all she taught us and the support she offered us. We can not recommend Keli highly enough.

R. Tina Tuli


I love Keli! She has a warm, calming energy that always put my husband and I at ease.  We loved our hypnobabies classes with her and knew right away that we wanted Keli to assist during the birth of our first child.  During labor she was present, engaged and knew when to step in and when to back away and give us privacy.  She also handled the hospital staff and my mom amazingly.  She helped give us the birth we wanted by advocating for our birth plan and I feel that we have also found a friend in her as well.

Danielle Chu


Keli was my hypnobabies instructor. We had a wonderful experience working with her. She is clearly passionate and committed to birth and helping mothers and families alike. She's knowledgable and experienced. We don't have enough good things to say about her.

Jessica Santiago


Keli was amazing to work with, and her positive energy is infectious! From the moment she was referred to me, she provided all the information I needed to better understand the process of placenta encapsulation. This whole experience was new for me, and not many people I know have gotten their placenta encapsulated. So, I really appreciated all the information Keli provided, it made me feel well informed and sure of the decision I was making. She made herself available for any questions that I had in the weeks leading up to my labor, which I was really grateful for.

Not only did she do an amazing job with the pills, she also gave me advice, and really helped me in more ways then she knows. I can tell since I've been taking the pills, my energy is high, my mood is great, and my milk production is incredible!

The package I purchased included the placenta pills, tincture (lasts forever), an umbilical cord keepsake shaped into a heart, and a beautiful placenta art print that I will keep forever! I'm so happy I chose this package, I am in awe everytime I look at the art print, to think that this beautiful art piece was what kept my baby and I connected for 39 weeks! It's just incredible!

If you're thinking of placenta encapsulation, Keli is your go to resource! She is super knowledgable and has tons of great resources! I will certainly be hiring her again if I decide to have a 2nd child.

Rebekah Mackawgy


Kelli was absolutely amazing!!!!!! Such an amazing spirited women!! Her positive energy was the reason why I chose her! I got my placenta encapsulated and it was the best thing ever!!!! I feel amazing! I'm a 2nd time mom so I have allot of comparrsison since I didn't get them last time! This time around I'm currently 2 weeks PP : I have lost over 30 lbs (12 more to go) my baby reached her newborn weight 3 days sooner than needed, my milk is FULL of pumped milk!!!!! (Over 60 oz) my recovery was much faster! And my patience for my son (4 yrs) even with no sleep is great! I always have so much energy I truly feel like myself again in such little time!! I owe it all to Kelli!!! she also made me a beautiful print of my placenta which I have franed in my daughters room! She also spelled the word love with my cord and I am putting in a shadow box! It's beautiful, I would never trust anyone else with such a sacred thing! Definetly will be using kelli again!

Jarrod Orszulak


Working with Keli was a great experience for my wife and I. As (busy) first time parents we didn't have a lot of time to read books, the internet and get all of the unsolicited advice that it seems every other new-parent has time to do. Meeting with Keli helped us to identify the things that were most important and to stay focused and calm. On the day of the delivery it was helpful to have Keli there, explaining the process as things progressed, but also their as an active member of the birthing team for my wife. As for myself it was great to someone to confide in. Although I'd recommend speaking with multiple doulas before deciding on one since it is so important to make sure they are a good fit for your personality and preferences, I would strongly suggest speaking with Keli.

Natalya Utesheva


I am so happy we got a chance to work with Keli as our doula for the birth of our baby girl Sophia. Thanks to her I had a relaxing day leading up to labor (even got a pedicure!) and the labor was so quick that we only spent 2 hours in the hospital. As a bonus, we have beautiful candid shots of our new family - priceless memory for us.

Michael Gorman


We had Keli with us as our Doula for the birth of our little girl Sophia, and wouldn't have had it any other way. She was great throughout the process, and really helped facilitate a wonderful birth experience for my wife. I would highly recommend working with her to future parents.

It was really valuable to have someone with experience that my wife could turn to during difficult times who could tell her that everything was fine, and progressing well, based on experience that I clearly did not have. We would be lucky to have Keli at our next birth, and I hope we are able to.

Birth Availability for In Harmony Birth: Keli Fortman, HCHI, HCHD, DONA

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-27-2024

Postpartum Availability for In Harmony Birth: Keli Fortman, HCHI, HCHD, DONA

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-27-2024