Birthing the Lovely Way
Lilburn, GA Service range 50 miles
Birth Fee
Postpartum Rate
Availability Remarks: .
Birth Fee
Postpartum Rate
2 years and 4 births attended
2 years and 2 families served
Type of practice: Solo practice
Clients per month: 1 to 2 births and 1 to 4 postpartum families
Postpartum limits/restrictions: Feel free to schedule a free phone consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!
Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
Attends home births? Any Home Birth
Complete Care Package 1 prenatal visit in person(virtual visits and phone support also available) 12 hours labor and birth support 30 minutes after birth 1 postpartum visit including breastfeeding support if needed (virtual and phone support also available) Additional hours and visits are available as an add on. *Payment Plans Available *
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Post a testimonial for Dana Lovely
Dana Lovely, was my doula back in 2002 and she was amazing their aren't enough good things to say about her. She got to the hospital in a timely manner ready to go and be there for me! She helped calm me when I needed it through the contractions and helped with walking my baby out and doing squats, it was a long day and she stayed with me the whole time! I would have her again as my doula.
= Available. Calendar last updated: 02-17-2025
= Available. Calendar last updated: 02-17-2025