Ogden, UT Service range 100 miles
Birth Fee
Birth Fee
0 years and 2 births attended
Type of practice: Solo practice
Clients per month: 1 to 2
Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
Attends home births? Any Home Birth
As your doula we will have 2-3 prenatal visits, but if you feel you would like to meet more we can as many times as you’d like with no additional fees. You will be able to call or text me with questions whenever something comes to mind! Once you hit 36 weeks, I will be on call. I’ll come to you when you’re ready and stay with you throughout your labor. I will stay with you as long as you need or want after baby is born making sure you are settled, cleaned up and fed and your baby is nursing. We’ll have 1-2 prenatal visits, but again you’re always welcome to have more if you’d like!
Ogden, UT Service range 100 miles
Post a testimonial for Karissa Wallentine
Karissa is so knowledgeable when it comes to all things birth! She knows not only what to do but why to do them and how it works. She helped ease my nerves about my natural birth and helped me all along the way. I would recommend her as a doula to anyone! You'll not only find a doula but a confidant and a friend.
= Available. Calendar last updated: 11-14-2024