Rebecca Wender Photo

Rebecca Wender

Present Body LLC

Brooklyn, NY Serves families in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens


Birth Fee

$1500 to $3000

Birth Fee

$1500 to $3000

Birth Doula Experience

3 years and 62 births attended

Doula Training

  • Ancient Song Doula Services, January 2021

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 2 to 4

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education



Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Acupressure
  • Aromatherapy
  • Baby-led weaning
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Prenatal or postnatal massage
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Reflexology
  • Therapeutic bodywork

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

My full fee is $2500 but I do offer sliding scale as needed based on income limitations, solo parenting, financial emergnecies, etc. and am happy to discuss that option if needed.

Service Area

Brooklyn, NY Serves families in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens

Client Testimonials for Rebecca Wender

Post a testimonial for Rebecca Wender

Scarlet Kim


Rebecca was our incredible doula for our second baby. She was warm, supportive, and knowledgable. She helped us through the late stages of a very difficult pregnancy and prepared us for an induced birth. During the induction, Rebecca helped me get through about 12 hours of pre-epidural labor and weather the contractions through movement, bodily support, and massage. She was encouraging but never pushy, she felt like the most natural partner to have alongside my husband. After the birth, the nurses told her that she was one of the best doulas they had ever worked with and although our experience is more limited, we agree! I would recommend Rebecca wholeheartedly to anyone searching for a doula for their pregnancy.



As first time parents we weren’t sure what to expect in working with a doula. When we met Rebecca we felt instantly comfortable, and sensed right away that she was someone we could feel supported by throughout a process that, at the time, we couldn’t actually imagine. She was warm and generous and clear; we consistently felt so attuned to.

I’ve never had the experience of meeting someone and then so quickly they are literally holding me through the most physically and psychologically demanding transition of my life. And if there is one word that describes the experience with Rebecca it is holding.

She was unwaveringly present throughout a very long labor, even staying several hours after the birth while I was in an unexpected procedure. When complications arose before the birth she was candid and clear, explaining and supporting all my options. She centered our needs and desires while gently offering her own guidance.

Because of all this, we feel Rebecca is intrinsic to not only our child’s entrance into the world, but also our transformation into parents. We cannot overstate how grateful we are that she saw us through.

Sarah Hughes


Rebecca was my doula for the birth of my second child. For my first child I had had a very long labor and multiple transfers (from our home to a birth center and then from the birth center to a hospital), so for my second I was hoping to stay at home for the whole labor and delivery. Rebecca was recommended by a local midwife whose daughter attends the same daycare as my older child, and I am so happy we found her. She put me at ease throughout the final few months of my pregnancy, striking just the right balance of helping me remember and review important information while not reiterating things I already knew as a second-time parent. When I mentioned that for my first birth I hadn't found the hypobirthing techniques to be very effective in managing discomfort, she suggested I read The Bradley Method, and it was totally transformative for me during my labor - she really understood what I was looking for and what might work for me. As a parent of two kids herself, she was also able to suggest books to help my older child prepare for the arrival of a sibling (even some specifically about homebirth) - my son loved reading the books she recommended and I think they helped him so much in his transition to being a big brother. During the labor itself, she was with me the whole time, providing much needed counter pressure/massage and once again striking a perfect balance between giving helpful encouragement and feedback and sitting back and letting me do what I needed to do on my own. Her calming, steady presence allowed my partner and midwife to deal with all the logistics of the birth - setting up the tub, gathering all the supplies, etc. My daughter's birth was exactly what I'd hoped for - truly a wonderful experience at home - and Rebecca's follow-up was also great. She came by a few times to see how we were doing, was a wonderful listening ear, and helped recommend a lactation consultant who was also great. I can't recommend Rebecca enough!

Abby Loomis


Choosing Rebecca as my doula was one of the best decisions I made during my pregnancy. Rebecca is a fundamentally kind, warm, empathetic, informed, receptive and grounded person who helped me navigate my pregnancy and birth plan (or lack thereof) with ease. I had a lot of anxiety around birth and was very open to medication/ C-section/ induction as long as the baby was safe. I was worried that a doula might pressure me to go a more "natural" route. Rebecca struck a perfect balance of both supporting my decisions and offering an alternative perspective to that of my very pro-induction, pro-medical intervention hospital. When I was induced and went into labor, Rebecca showed up at 3:00 am with a salami sandwich (my request) in hand. She helped me through contractions, rubbed essential oils on my ankles and chatted with me once the epidural kicked in. When I tearfully decided to go ahead with a C-section after 3 hours of pushing, Rebecca was there for me. She was also there right after to help me nurse for the first time, and took my placenta to a friend of hers to turn into capsules! She followed up with a visit after and has been in touch since. I am now so grateful to consider her a friend. I cannot recommend her enough! 



I can't imagine going through the experience of having our daughter without Rebecca. It was our first, and we were a bit nervous and without family in the area. I clicked with Rebecca instantly during the interview, and knew she would make us feel so comfortable and supported.

During my two day labor, Rebecca went seriously above and beyond. She offered my husband her yoga mat and actually slept on the floor when he couldn't sleep sitting up anymore. She massaged me when my back hurt, suggested ways to try moving the labor along when traditional methods stalled, and sourced coffee, snacks, and blankets. She encouraged me to try a little longer without medication (at my request) but was totally supportive when I eventually lost steam and wanted an epidural. She even had connections to another doula in the hospital and they both helped for awhile! 

Rebecca also met with us before and after childbirth to check in and offer education, support, and her network, including connecting us with a lactation consultant. 

Rebecca, we love you and feel so lucky to have found you! You are an absolute gem and a powerhouse of womanly wisdom.



Rebecca was a doula for our birth in June 2022. We're a queer family with a non-traditional family formation and a nonbinary Baba, and we were so lucky to have her for our first birth. She was a welcome reprieve from the systemically homophobic medical complex that was involved in our pregnancy journey, allowing us to bring our fullest selves to our birth experience. She made us all feel part of the process in ways that were organic and genuine.   

Rebecca was the best doula we could have imagined. She was extremely empathetic and warm, meeting with us beforehand, answering our questions, doing research on our behalf and asking around when she didn't know the answer to something. She was a trove of information and listened to all our concerns, never hurrying us and always taking all of our anxieties seriously. 

During the birth, Rebecca was an incredible advocate, talking to the doctors, talking to us, and bridging between us all while firmly being on our side. She knew exactly when to push the doctors and nurses, and when to not. She was also great after the birth, visiting us and talking through the birth, discussing what we would have done differently, what went well and what didn't. Rebecca made us all feel heart and important. 

Rebecca was the best doula we could have imagined. We would unconditionally recommend her. I don't know how we would have navigated our birth experience without her. 



I had an extremely positive experience with Rebecca and wholeheartedly recommend her. She was our Doula for our second child, having given birth to our first abroad. I didn't realize the ways in which our previous Doula had been lacking until we got to know Rebecca and I saw all the ways she could support us. From the first meeting discussing our hopes for the birth, to her helping us think through how to adjust to being a family of four, she was incredibly thoughtful and had very helpful suggestions. 

When it turned out I would need to be induced,Rebecca was very supportive in walking me through all of the steps and the ways in which I could advocate for myself, and was on call and ready to come as soon as we said we needed her. I believe that my induction was successful and with limited intervention in no small part thanks to her advice and calming presence. She was also very attentive after the birth and checked on us many times to make sure we were settled and had what we needed. 

Overall it was a very positive experience. 



Rebecca went above and beyond as a doula. She met with us multiple times before labor to discuss what our goals and concerns were for birth. She was easy to talk to and gave her extremely knowledgeable input without being pushy or trying to sway us into specific decisions. 

When it came time for my husband and I to go to the hospital, our initial plan of avoiding induction went out the window due to unexpected gestational hypertension. Without Rebecca’s support, I would have felt far more concerned, confused and scared by the medical interventions the doctors and nurses were suggesting. Rebecca was immediately available on the phone. She wasted no time in helping us assess the situation and develop a new game plan that we felt good about. She came to the hospital and was there in-person with us for three days. None of us expected labor to last that long, but having Rebecca there made us feel like we had a strong advocate who understood the ins and outs of all the new information and terminology being thrown our way.

Rebecca was truly a positive presence in the room. She had the best smelling massage oil and very relaxing Brian Eno playlists. Rebecca knew that it was important to me that I avoid a C-section unless absolutely necessary, and she spoke up on my behalf to countless nurses, doctors and midwives. She worked so well with every medical professional we encountered, and she never added an ounce of tension or stress to the process. 

Rebecca respected my wish that my husband be my main support person during my labor, and she was able to constantly center us during the process. I loved having Rebecca as a guiding force while we weathered the journey of labor and am so glad she was there to help my husband and I usher my daughter into the world. Even in the moment, my husband and I were acutely aware that my birth experience could and likely would have been far scarier and more stressful without Rebecca.



Rebecca was my doula for my midwife attended homebirth with my first child in 2024 and I also saw her for several prenatal massages throughout my pregnancy. I would recommend her for both without reservation! I knew I wanted to work with her after our first conversation. She’s knowledgeable, down to earth and non-judgmental. She is warm, wise and also exceptionally strong! (You will be grateful for this when you’re hugely pregnant and trying to get into labor positions or in and out of birth pool.)

My labor was uncomplicated but also not textbook and Rebecca was a steadying force for myself and my husband throughout. She communicated with my midwife during my labor, and even stepped into the birth assistant role when it seemed like the birth assistant wasn’t going to arrive in time. She made our family feel cherished in those first hours after birth. She was both physically and emotionally supportive when I had minor complications after birth. Her post partum support was also excellent and most welcomed including a lymphatic massage that helped drain fluids from my giant swollen feet. 

jessica trugman


Rebecca genuinely loves her work.  I could feel it in every ounce of support she gave me. She has the very special talent to hear even your most muddled up thoughts and needs and translate them into action.  She also has an incredible knowledge of the body and movement that was crucial in my labor during which Rebecca was also my calm in the storm.  I truly wish every birthing person could have Rebecca on their team. 

Taylor Ramsey


Rebecca played such an important role in my birth that I can't imagine having done it without her. I was on the fence about having a doula because I had convinced myself I could learn everything I needed from a birth class. Little did I know that I'd end up having a 40-hour labor and in the end, I almost had a c-section even though a vaginal birth was important to me. Without Rebecca and my doula's advocacy, I probably would have ended up with the surgery. She stood by my partner and me through all 40 hours and never faltered in her support. It's also an incredible bonus that she's a massage therapist. She spent time leading up to the birth talking carefully through what we wanted for our birth experience and had materials to teach us the birth process. Beyond her diligent preparation for all our meetings, Rebecca is just simply a kind, intuitive, strong woman with a giant heart who works to make the world a better place. If you have a marginalized identity and are worried about finding someone who can be an ally, Rebecca is your person. Having her there so intimately with us during some of the most important moments of our lives makes her feel like family. Looking back, I would have paid half my salary to have had her there. It was that worth it. 

Marisa W. and Jared C.


We highly recommend Rebecca. We are first-time parents and went into this journey with limited knowledge. She helped us through a handful of minor complications during pregnancy with wisdom, empathy and attentiveness. She struck the perfect balance between being truly client-centered with offering her own experience and expertise. She helped us to meet our own goals and desires without judgement -- and without being shy about guiding us in filling in the many blanks in our vision. She was also an incredibly tactful advocate for us during the delivery, and the most steady hand in the room. Her fantastic prenatal massages were truly a gift during the third trimester--and in the delivery room! We are forever grateful for her!

Birth Availability for Rebecca Wender

= Available. Calendar last updated: 08-02-2024