Olivia Genin Photo

Olivia Genin

Nurturing Bee LLC

Madison, WI Service range 10 miles


Birth Fee

Not specified

Postpartum Rate

Not specified

Birth Fee

Not specified

Postpartum Rate

Not specified

Birth Doula Experience

1 years

Postpartum Doula Experience

3 years

Doula Training

  • Lifespan Doulas, November 2021
  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, March 2024

Type of practice: Solo practice

Service Area

Madison, WI Service range 10 miles

Client Testimonials for Olivia Genin

Post a testimonial for Olivia Genin



We absolutely love Olivia from Nurturing Bee Postpartum Doula! After seeing her incredible work with my sister's twins (who are four months older than ours), I knew I had to have her help with our twins. Olivia had previously worked with a different postpartum service before starting her own business, and it's clear that her experience and passion make her exceptional at what she does. She’s also been a postpartum doula for another friend of mine with infant twins—She should specialize in twins because she’s simply amazing with them!

From the very first night Olivia came to our home, I was blown away. My daughter was going through her witching hour, and as a first-time mom, I was struggling to calm her. Olivia walked in, and within five minutes, our daughter was calm and content. I was in awe. Olivia is a pro, and from that moment on, I was completely sold. Not only is she a baby whisperer, she taught me parenting tricks and helped me with my breastfeeding / pumping journey, as she is a lactation specialist & certified doula.

Olivia was our lifeline, especially during those difficult early months. She helped us with nights a few times a week for several months, and also stepped in during the daytime when we were between nannies. The bond she formed with our children was so special—they’ve never laughed as hard as they do with her, and it’s clear they adore her just as much as we do!

Still today, as our twins just turned two, I'm still referencing the advice she gave me to my friends who have just become new parents. I can’t recommend Olivia enough. Her warmth, expertise, and genuine love for the babies she cares for make her an invaluable resource for any family. If you’re considering a postpartum doula, do yourself a favor and reach out to Olivia—you won’t regret it!

Jeremy & Kristina


Our experience with Olivia was wonderful!  This was our first time seeking a doula for overnight help, and we were glad we did.  She is kind, trustworthy and reliable.  She took great care of our son, and also assisted us with laundry and dishes.  We would recommend Olivia to other parents seeking overnight care.  It was extremely helpful for getting rest and recovering after a c-section.  Thanks, Olivia!

Cassandra Hawkins


Oliva came into my world when I was in my 3rd trimester. We met at a professional conference and hit it off immediately. It was clear she was extremely passionate & dedicated to her career. I felt very comfortable with her right away & knew her presence at my upcoming home birth would be beneficial. My partner was supportive but not birth saavy & not wanting to be hands on during birth. I needed to be surrounded by strong, nurturing women who didn't need to be told how to support me, but would do so intuitively. I also needed someone to be able to manage/direct the other people in my birth circle (my mom, kids, fiance & MIL) as everyone besides myself was "worried" about my homebirth. Oliva did just that. She checked in with me often the last few weeks, she sent words of encouragement as I passed my due date and was on the road ready to roll when my labor started. I labored incredibly fast - the entire time she was reassuring me that I was capable & to focus on my baby. As soon as the baby was born she was taking photos for me & helping me clean the baby. As the mifwife was doing some checks on me & baby, Oliva folded laundry from the dryer, asked me if I needed food/water and made sure my postpartum space was calm. She was a breath of fresh air. I would recommend her to anyone! 

Birth Availability for Olivia Genin

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-10-2024

Postpartum Availability for Olivia Genin

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-10-2024