Harber Holistic Birth
Noblesville, IN Service range 30 miles
Birth Fee
$500 to $1200
Birth Fee
$500 to $1200
1 years and 7 births attended
Type of practice: Solo practice
Clients per month: 1 to 3
Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
Attends home births? Any Home Birth
••Bronze: $550 - 1 prenatal visit including birth plan - Labor and delivery support•• ••Silver: $750 - 2 prenatal appointments including birth plan -labor and delivery support - 1 postpartum appointment•• ••Gold: $1,200 - 3 prenatal visits including birth plan - labor and delivery support - 3 postpartum appointments -lactation support••
Noblesville, IN Service range 30 miles
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= Available. Calendar last updated: 10-05-2024