Thalia Cove Photo

Thalia Cove

Little Cove

Duncan, BC Service range 65 miles Cowichan valley & Victoria/surrounding areas


Birth Fee

$900 to $1200

Postpartum Rate

$30 to $40

Availability Remarks: I am grateful to be providing full spectrum holistic doula support. Due to having a small child at home I do not provide night post partum care.

Birth Fee

$900 to $1200

Postpartum Rate

$30 to $40

Medicaid and Third Party Insurers

Currently approved to receive payments from the following programs:

Birth Doula Experience

0 years and 2 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

0 years and 2 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • Wise Woman Way of Birth - Certified Doula

Postpartum Doula Certifications

  • Wise Woman Way of Birth - Certified Postpartum Doula

Doula Training

  • Wise Woman Way of Birth, March 2024

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 3 births and 1 to 3 postpartum families

Postpartum limits/restrictions: No smoking in the home.

Attends hospital births? Some Hospitals

Attends birth center births? Some Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Baby sign language education
  • Babywearing education
  • Cloth diapering education
  • Miscarriage support
  • Reiki

Training Documentation


Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

TENDING TO PARENTS, COMMUNITY & SELF. Supporting folks on the path to a healthy, self-empowered and harmonious pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Supporting physiological birth through education, deep trust & advocacy. As a Holistic Doula, the care I provide addresses the mind, body and spirit. I support you in connecting to your intuition, helping you understand your beliefs about birth, addressing fears, increasing awareness of your body and most importantly, trusting your innate ability to birth new life. My comprehensive birth package is currently at a reduced rate of $900 as I am a newly certified Doula, rate will increase as of Sept.1 to $1200. All clients booked before Sept.1 will receive the reduced rate. My package includes three prenatal appointments, text and phone support during pregnancy, birth support and one post partum visit.

Service Area

Duncan, BC Service range 65 miles Cowichan valley & Victoria/surrounding areas

Certifications for Thalia Cove

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Thalia Cove

Post a testimonial for Thalia Cove

Hillary Wakefield


I am eternally grateful that I had Thalia as my doula during the birth of our daughter. This was mine and my partner’s first baby, so everything was all new to us. Thalia helped to create my birth plan ahead of time. During our prenatal appointments, she made me feel very confident in my ability to birth my own baby exactly how I wanted to: drug free and at home. During my labour, Thalia went above and beyond to provide stellar support. She had lovely essential oils for aroma therapy. She brought me delicious electrolytes and fed me snacks in between the waves. She massaged me, provided words of affirmation and encouragement, and knew when to offer suggestion of a change in movement or position. She could intuitively tell that a contraction was starting without me saying anything, and was always able to apply the exact amount of pressure that I needed to my back. My labour went on for 37 hours and included some twists and turns that I didn’t expect, like two trips to the hospital (one to ensure baby was head down, and then again for a shot of morphine to get a nap after I had been labouring for 24 hours and was still only 3cm dilated), having my water broken after labouring for many hours, use of a catheter, a shot of oxytocin, and a five hour pushing stage, a large portion of which was on my back. Despite all of these unexpected elements to my labour, I never once felt like I couldn’t go on, like I wanted to give up, or overcome with fear. I attribute a great portion of this to Thalia’s calm confidence and belief in me. After I birthed my daughter and subsequently the placenta on our bed, Thalia went to our kitchen and cooked us a healthy, delicious and warm postpartum meal. This was in the middle of the night after supporting us for 37 hours. Thalia was the MVP of my birth experience. I never want to give birth again without her!

Birth Availability for Thalia Cove

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-19-2024

Postpartum Availability for Thalia Cove

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-19-2024