Blooming Bump Doula Service
Lewiston, ID Service range 40 miles
Birth Fee
Birth Fee
1 years
Type of practice: Solo practice
Clients per month: 2 to 3
Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
Attends home births? Any Home Birth
I have 7 years of experience as a nanny. I have experience as a patient adovacate due to work as a CNA. I am a certified nursing assistant.
My misson in life is to advocate, educate, and provide support for the whole family. If my fees don't fit your budget let me know and we can try to work something out . My fees will include 2 prenatal appointments Birth education and prep Birth support Breastfeeding support 2 postnatal appointment
Lewiston, ID Service range 40 miles
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= Available. Calendar last updated: 10-01-2024