Fertile blessings doula services
Altoona, AL Service range 100 miles
Birth Fee
$500 to $1500
Postpartum Rate
Birth Fee
$500 to $1500
Postpartum Rate
2 years and 7 births attended
2 years and 7 families served
Type of practice: Doula agency owner
Clients per month: 1 to 3 births and 1 to 8 postpartum families
Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
Attends home births? Any Home Birth
Fees are based on what packages you chose and can be applied to a payment plan. Please call or email me for information.
Altoona, AL Service range 100 miles
Breanna smith does not yet have any testimonials from past clients. If you are a past client, please share your experience:
= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-11-2024
= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-11-2024