Cara  Crowe Photo

Cara Crowe

Cara Crowe LLC

Washington, DC Service range 65 miles

Birth Fee

$1500 to $2000

Postpartum Rate

$50 to $55

Availability Remarks: Overnight support offered with extension into daytime hours

Birth Fee

$1500 to $2000

Postpartum Rate

$50 to $55

Birth Doula Experience

23 years and 833 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

18 years and 18 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • ProDoula - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • Birthing From Within, November 2005
  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, November 2005
  • HypnoBirthing, April 2008
  • International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA), October 2011
  • ProDoula, March 2021

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 0 to 3 births and 1 to 2 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Aromatherapy
  • Baby-led weaning
  • Babywearing education
  • Birth art therapy services
  • Childbirth education services
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • Military families support
  • Parenting consulting
  • Photography - Birth
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Prenatal or postnatal massage
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Reiki
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Breastfeeding advocacy, home birth legislation advocacy, doula support during COVID in hospitals advocacy

Fee Details

I work with all moms! Second/Third time mom discounts, military discount. I am a Certified Lactation Counselor and offer in home consultations.

Service Area

Washington, DC Service range 65 miles

Certifications for Cara Crowe

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Cara Crowe

Post a testimonial for Cara Crowe

Andrea Estrella


I cannot say enough good things about Cara! I will start by saying that she is one of the very few people that I trust my baby with, and we wouldn’t have survived the first month without her. She has an incredibly calming presence, is super knowledgeable, and is fantastic with babies.

Cara was my birth and postpartum doula, and I also took birth classes with her. The birth classes were great - she managed to pack all the information we needed in a few interactive sessions. My husband and I felt very prepared for the birth once we completed the sessions. I only wish I had chosen to take her breastfeeding course as well!

I asked Cara so many questions while I was pregnant, and she was always very responsive, had wise and informed answers, and was never judgmental. She was a great resource to have during the birth, even though we had to communicate virtually due to the pandemic restrictions.

As a postpartum doula, Cara took care of my whole family. She helped a lot around the house so my husband could get some rest, she watched our baby and coached us in newborn care, and she made sure I was doing well so I could care for and feed my child.

Cara was an incredible support with breastfeeding. I would not be breastfeeding exclusively if it wasn’t for her! She made sure my milk supply was good, helped me overcome some challenges, and was very encouraging all along my journey. My baby grew at an excellent pace - she is now three months and thriving!

My husband and I look forward to Cara’s visits, not only because she’s a HUGE help with our baby and around the house, but also because she’s such a pleasure to be around. She’s positive, grounded, and truly genuine. One of the things I like most about her is that she carefully watches our baby to figure out what she needs to be content. I’ve learned a lot from her!

I consider myself very lucky to have found Cara! 



Cara was a great resource to have before and during birth. Any questions or concerned I had leading up to my delivery was answered in a timely manner. We met with Cara a few weeks before delivery to review birth plan / preferences and she was extremely helpful in explaining certain options I had when it came to labor and delivery. On the day of delivery, she was an incredible resource to have - she guided me on the best time to go into the hospital and what my options were once there. She helped me with positioning the baby while in labor which made for a very pleasant / easy delivery and she was very calming presence to have around during the entire process. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a birth doula! 



Cara was an amazing doula and such an asset to my birthing experience! We found her through doulamatch and choose her as our doula because she seemed to have a calming energy, even over zoom! This was my second birth and I was hoping a doula would help decrease my labor time and help me with a drug free birth at a birthing center. My first labor without a doula was 48hrs from start to finish, this second birth was 16hrs and I can honestly say I believe that is because Cara was there to give us tips, suggest so many different positions when baby seemed to be a little stuck and encourage me. She brought string lights and essential oils to create a calming atmosphere and with her help I was able to have a drug-free birth that I wish I could have had the first time! It was a healing experience and I would definitely choose to have Cara at another birth or recommend her to anyone!

Caitlin G


I struggled as a first time mom to know what I really needed from a doula. After going through birth and my "fourth trimester" with a doula, I have learned that experience, understanding and passion are key considerations for those looking to work with a doula. Cara clearly has those qualities to offer in abundance. What does that look like? The best way I can sum it up is like this: When I worked with her for postpartum care, it was most impressive to me to see how connected she was, not only with me and my baby, but also her former clients even after birth (and for some years later). To me, that spoke volumes about how Cara views her work.

Cara has all of the adjectives you may expect to ascribe to a doula - she's experienced, knowledgable, compassionate, thoughtful, and non-judgemental. But she also has intangible skills that you may only notice once you work with her- like her intuitive nature to know what you need even before you do and a kindness and empathy that keeps you calm in moments of emotion or stress. As a first time mom, I looked to her for advice on just about everything. I asked her (likely thousands) of questions and she always had thoughtful suggestions and and ideas ready at hand. I know -- without a doubt -- that my family is thriving today because of the wonderful care and thoughtfulness Cara put into her work with us. 

Even in this pandemic, Cara has been so thoughtful on how to provide virtual support to empowers you to have the birth you envision. Now more than ever, I think a doula's knowledge and expertise can really shape your birth experience.

Bottom line: Cara is special! Her range of experiences gives her rare perspective and I feel lucky to have worked with her. 



We are very grateful to Cara for all her support, materials and timely advice to become ready for a natural birth while understanding what our options might be in a scenario where we may have had to face any complications. The classes we received from her and especially the labor chart was exceptionally useful during my labor at home. She was very kind in providing us ample time flexibly via online chats, being smart about planning the logistics during the labor and birth and even sent us her sanitized peanut ball since the hospital was not providing any due to COVID. While we could not have Cara present physically during the birth due to hospital restrictions, we had her available with us on facetime throughout and working with our nurse and midwife to ensure I could know and exercise all my options to manage pain. To give birth in these isolated and strange times without family and friends has not been easy. But having Cara by our side made us (as new and first time parents) feel confident. She helped us see through these times with ease, kindness, providing information, timely and practical advice, and warm reassurances that we could be prepared and go through this comfortably. 

Monica Trueba Neligan


Cara is an incredible doula and general support person for mama, baby, and whole family. She brought such a calming and reassuring presence into the first months of my postpartum life. Cara is a wealth of knowledge on all things baby and was available to me for any questions I had even outside our regularly scheduled support times/visits. Even now she remains invested in our baby girl/my life as a new mom and offers wonderful advice. I had to have an emergency c section and we could not have made it the first couple weeks without her help. Her focus was always on making sure I was well fed, rested, calm, and happy. I could not recommend her enough and miss her! 

Anna Chu


This was my 2nd baby with Cara,  right in the middle of the COVID crisis, and Cara had to be virtual instead of in person for our birth. I wasn’t sure how I felt about virtual support. It worked out beautifully for me & my husband. Cara was on throughout but completely unobtrusive. She calmly reassured & coached us on both comfort measures & positioning; this was especially helpful because the care team took a more hands-off approach than with my 1st (totally safe, but more "let us know when you want us to come in” than “coaching in the room constantly”). I think Cara’s support  was critical to my desired unmedicated birth. The nurse & OB were really impressed with how virtual support worked out, & worked with Cara to help answer questions and keep things moving. I’d absolutely recommend Cara - particularly during such an uncertain time.

Kirsten and Jonathan


After extensive research, we decided on Cara as our doula for our April 2020 birth. With the threat of COVID19, we were not able to have doula support in the hospital with us, so we opted for her virtual support. Cara provided exactly what we needed during our birth experience. Through FaceTime, phone calls, and texts to my partner, Cara provided help to keep us working as a team. She virtually talked us through the implications of all decisions made during our labor experience. She coached each of us effectively through the most difficult points of labor. Most importantly, without her support, I would not have been able to stick with my goal of a natural, medicine free birth.

Her post-partum care has been nothing short of amazing. She has imparted knowledge only a seasoned and experienced doula can, from bath time, to pumping, and more. We are so grateful for Cara and would highly recommend her services without reservation to other expecting parents!


Kirsten and Jonathan


After extensive research, we decided on Cara as our doula for our April 2020 birth. With the threat of COVID19, we were not able to have doula support in the hospital with us, so we opted for her virtual support. Cara provided exactly what we needed during our birth experience. Through FaceTime, phone calls, and texts to my partner, Cara provided help to keep us working as a team. She virtually talked us through the implications of all decisions made during our labor experience. She coached each of us effectively through the most difficult points of labor. Most importantly, without her support, I would not have been able to stick with my goal of a natural, medicine free birth.

Her post-partum care has been nothing short of amazing. She has imparted knowledge only a seasoned and experienced doula can, from bath time, to pumping, and more. We are so grateful for Cara and would highly recommend her services without reservation to other expecting parents!


Iwona Robinson


I always knew I wanted to work with a doula once pregnant. Firstly, I wanted to give myself the best possible chance to have an unmedicated birth and secondly, I was delivering away from my support network and was looking for a knowledgable and compasionate person I could depend on during this lifechanging time. Although my birth and doula experience did not go as planned due to circumstances out of my control (induction during pandemic) I could not be happier to have Cara by my side. Not only is she extremely experienced in all matters pregnancy and birth related but she can also pass her knowlege in a calm and reassuring way which really eased my anxiety. Even though she wasn’t physically present during my labor due to the pandemic she made herself available right from the start and her reassuring voice and expert advice were always just a phone or video call away. Once complications occured she was able to speak to hospital staff and translate all that was going and give her recommendations. She instructed my husband on how to best help me in my effort, provided words of encouragement and was able to take some great snaps of my baby being born all from a computer screen. It was great to have her come to my home in person for a postpartum visit however it was our reassuring phone calls towards the end of my pregnancy and first days with baby that I value the most. I highly recommend Cara for both in person and virtual doula support. 

Lara Henneman


For my second child, I wanted desperately to be able to have a VBAC after having an emergency, debilitating C-section with my first. I thought that having a doula at my side would help to accomplish this goal, and I was right. I was attracted to Cara's years of experience and calm professionalism, and so engaged her to support the birth of my daughter. Before the birth, she shared stories of previous clients, and prior experiences in the actual hospital we planned on using. She was incredibly helpful the day of, sharing ideas and pain management strategies to help get me through the hours of painful contractions. She came early and made sure I could get through the difficult part of waiting and enduring. Then, during the pushing-- so hard-- she was both a coach, cheerleader, and friend. This was a great counterpart to the L&D nurse, who was more of a "cross fit trainer type" in terms of yelling at me to push. I will add that she also made my husband feel useful and supported, and he also appreciated the valuable role she played in our birth.

If you are looking for a doula with years of experience, wisdom, and strength-- in particular to support your goal of having a VBAC-- I highly recommend engaging Cara Crowe. You won't regret it. Good luck on your birth journey!

Alyssa S


We worked with Cara for the birth of my son this past fall. I had interviewed other doulas but Cara has a wonderful demeanor that put me at ease immediately.  Leading up to my due date I interacted with her frequently to discuss some of my care options and also for what I could be doing to encourage labor to start on its own (which it did - on my actual due date even).  During labor she provided support via phone until we decided it was time to meet at the hospital.  Her coaching helped me get through what ended up being a very fast delivery, and when I had complications afterwards that required me to be in the OR most of the day, she stayed with my husband and son to provide support there.  Not how we expected to utilize her, but it was meant so much to me! It made me feel so much better that when my husband had to come see me in the OR, or even use the restroom, etc,  my son was with Cara rather than being sent to the nursery- as wonderful as all the nurses I interacted with were, there's something about him being able to stay with a few constant people during his first hours.  She was also able to help my husband through those first unfamiliar hours with a newborn, which otherwise would have been much more difficult for him when he was also worried about my well being.

Once we got home, our postpartum visit was spot on and she helped me troubleshoot some painful breastfeeding (word of advice - even though I'd already met with two lactation consultants at the hospital, both of whom had great advice that helped get us started breastfeeding, its super helpful to get feedback a little later on also in order to fine-tune).   

Perhaps the best endorsement I can offer is, we've already discussed the fact that we will definitely plan to work with Cara again if we have a second child!

Judy C


Cara did overnight care for our newborn several nights a week for the first three months. She has a wonderful calming energy that was exactly what I needed in the depths of postpartum anxiety. She is reliable and punctual and great at communicating. And of course she was great with our baby, too! I always appreciated her thoughts and proactive suggestions about what we could try, and what just takes time. I did not have a birth doula but I could tell Cara was very attentive to her birth clients as well. 



Working with Cara was awesome! She was positive and encouraging, and so patient when I had two false alarms before I went into labor for real. When it was really time to deliver my baby, things progressed incredibly fast, and Cara's advice helped me get the epidural I was hoping for before it was too late! She was a reassuring and warm presence in the delivery room, and I felt much safer and calmer with her there to support me. 

Kat H


My husband and I cannot imagine labor without Cara's support. We highly recommend Cara as a doula and hope to work with her in our next pregnancy.

Because Cara knows so much about childbirth and has attended so many labors at the hospital where we delivered, she was able to make objective, informed recommendations that were invaluable. Cara also knew us well by the time of the labor and so was able to advocate on our behalf.

Cara helped us navigate a difficult, two-day labor with unplanned interventions, nevertheless resulting in a healthy, vaginal birth (due in large part to her involvement). In brief, I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and induced at 37 weeks. What ensued after, including being confined to bed because I was given anti-seizure medication, affected my plans for a "natural birth." Throughout the ups and downs, Cara was incredibly supportive, particularly with helping us (while sleep deprived) to understand our options and to make difficult decisions. As an example, during the pushing phase, our little boy was stargazing and refusing to rotate. Cara spent hours moving me into various positions, ultimately encouraging our boy to rotate on his own, much to the surprise of the hospital staff. If it weren't for Cara, I am fairly certain the birth would have required forceps, if not an emergency c section.

Also, we took birth preparation classes with Cara, who came to our home and worked around our schedule. She is kind, friendly and thoughtful. We genuinely enjoyed our time with her and feel so fortunate to have worked with her.

Lynn Deavers


We were so happy to have Cara as our doula for the births of our two children, and we recommend her without reservation! Cara is a calm, thoughtful, and caring person who ensured that we had a positive birth experience each time. In choosing a doula, two things were particularly important to us: first, that we find someone whose personality complemented ours and who would work well with us and, second, someone who knew our doctor/hospital and would work well with the team there. With her relaxed and positive demeanor, and her great working relationship with the doctors and nurses at the hospital where we delivered each time, Cara was a perfect fit.

Our first child was born in June 2014 (10 days after her date) and our second child was born in December 2018 (6 days after his due date). When my due dates came and went, Cara kept me calm and suggested options to help get labor going. When labor finally started, each time they progressed quickly; Cara idenfied how quickly things were moving and advised us on when to get to the hospital. Each time Cara met us at the hospital and quickly established a calm, comfortable, and relaxed environment in which to labor. Cara suggested various labor positions, used essential oils, and helped my husband find ways to support me. When it was time to push, Cara helped me to channel my energy and visualize the baby's progress in a way that helped me to feel in control and have peaceful and joyous deliveries. After each of our babies was born, Cara helped me with breastfeeding and stayed to ensure that we were in good shape. Cara also shared photos from each birth that she had discreetly taken, which we will cherish forever.

I credit my two positive birth experiences to Cara! Her calm and positive attitude, and expert guidance and help made them experiences we will treasure. We can't thank her enough! She is a wonderful person and we are so grateful to have had her with us during those special times.

Katie Hardin


I cannot say enough wonderful things about Cara. She attended my first birth in 2015, and she was my first call when I found out I was pregnant with our second baby. We did private education classes with her the first time, and that allowed us to really get to know her. She has a wonderful spirit - very calm and reassuring, yet straightforward and honest. I knew I could trust her advice and deep level of knowledge. Best of all, I think she has the ability to really "read the room." Her intuition is invaulable and allows her to provide the exact kind of support you and your partner need during labor. She knows when to be hands on and more involved, and when to be behind the scenes empowering your partner to provide direct support. She just seemed to know what we needed, when we needed it, and how best to provide it during both deliveries. I delivered at GWU both times, and her knowledege of the hospital, staff, etc was also super helpful. Cara was on call for my labors, but I also loved meeting Kerry. It's wonderful to have a team bc you get to know them both, and it greatly reduces the chance you'll have a back-up doula you've never met at your birth.

Alaina Sadick Goss


The decision to work with Cara and Kerry was likely the most important one we made during my pregnancy as it shaped so many other elements and moments.

Cara was present for the birth of my son. She provided compassionate, present support—emotionally and physically—throughout. She brought critical knowledge to the experience helping us to make difficult decisions and understand what was happening and what power we had to change it at any given time. She helped me turn a difficult labor into a profoundly beautiful birth experience and made sure we felt in control the entire time. It was invaluable and my husband and I can’t imagine having gone through it without her.

We also took Cara’s birth preparation classes, which I would recommend so highly. We enjoyed the classes and learned everything we needed to know. It was also so nice to have the extra time with our doula.

Cara and Kerry have all the wisdom you could ask for and they are so easy and fun to work with. No pressure, no judgement, incredible support.

Danila Bradley


My name is Danila, I am 35 years old and when I found out that I was pregnant of my first baby, I really wanna try natural birth. I have discussed that a lot with my husband and doctor but I havent made a decision until I was 32 weeks. I had a very normal pregnancy, I was eating healthy and doing my exercises. My doctor told me that everything was just fine for having a vaginal delivery that was when I decided to looking for a Doula, I know I need help to achieve my goal.

I started searching for doula when I found Cara and Kerry profile they seemed so nice and experient. We had our first skype meeting and I felt the connection with them. I felt safe and I knew I could trust them.

we had our first meeting and it was great. The childbirth class with Cara was great and very useful mainly for my husband because he has not done any reading about it. For me was crystal clear after the class that I did not want any intervention if was not necessary.

On Saturday Nov 18th I started having contractions around 4 in the afternoon, they were one hour apart, then 30 min, then 20 and when I realized it was 8 in the evening and I was having them 5 min apart we called Cara who was every helpful and calming, told me us what to do. Around 10 I decided that was time to go to the hospital, Cara met us there. I was 5 cm dilatated. Labor went all night. Cara put some essential oils and special lights, coached me with diferent positions to make the contractions less painful. At 4 in the morning I was 9,5 cm, my water did not break so the doctor advice us to do so. Labor will procede faster if She did so. I started pushing, it wasnt easy, but Cara was there helping me and coaching me the entire time. My sweet little boy came to this world at 6:04 am after 14 hours of labor and 2 hours pushing. He was 6 lbs 8 oz, healthy, handsome. I did all natural and couldnt have done without Cara's help.

Miranda Gerson


Cara has supported me in the birth of my second and third babies, and I’ll ask her to be present for the delivery of any future babies too. She’s amazing! Her calm spirit gave me the confidence to trust my own body as I transitioned through labor, and assured my husband that the pain I was in meant labor was progressing. It was extremely important to me to deliver my babies with the least amount of interventions as possible, and with both labors I was able to give birth without an epidural. I dont think I would have trusted my body to do that without Cara.

Margarita O'Donnell


Cara was our doula at the birth of our first child.  We chose her without hesitation to be a doula for the birth of our second child.  Cara was always available and supportive.  She brings a low-key and calm energy to the process.  She is extremely knowledgeable.  We found her ability to explain the process, discuss our options, and give further insight into the hospital procedures to be key when we were in the hospital.  She had many ideas for relieving pain but was also supportive and non-judgmental of my decision to eventually receive an epidural. My husband felt extremely comfortable with her as well. We would recommend her full-heartedly. Our other friends have used her services as well and have been extremely happy.

Becky Carlson


I have used Cara & Kerry (specifically Cara) for both of my med-free, vaginal deliveries and have been very happy with them.  They are very supportive leading up to delivery, are helpful with navigating early labor and what to do, and are a very calming presence during delivery.  Cara also feels comfortable asserting herself to the hospital staff (for example, room temp, needing a birthing ball, etc).  I highly recommend them!

Katherine Karras


We had a wonderful experience with Cara! The Doula involvement in the pregnancy didn't really begin till late in the third trimester, but it was invaluable. Cara and Kerry answered so many questions we had about preparing for birth and gave us wonderful tools, tips, and suggestions to aid in our preparation. When it came to the actual birth Cara was amazing. She knew exactly what was needed and where to find it at the hospital. She was familiar with hospital and provider protocol. She kept my husband involved and came prepared with many things we had forgotten about. I so appreciated her support and encouragement and could not had done it without her! Even when interventions were introduced in my natural labor, she was prepared and helped keep us informed and answered all of our questions. I could not recommend her services more.

Marie Claudet


Cara was amazing during my long labor. She was calm, knowledgeable, suggested positions and coordinated with the hospital staff. Everybody knows her and trusts her judgment. Cara was also a great support for my husband. She explained options and alternatives at each step and reassured him all along. We'd love to have her by our side for our next baby :)

Blakely Bar Lev


Cara was absolutely amazing. She is very sweet, professional, and she REALLY knows her stuff. I had complete confidence that she could help us navigate any birth scenario thrown our way. We chose to have her come to our home for the three class package, and I am so glad we did. It gave us time to get to know her, and she was able to thoroughly educate us on the different hospital birth scenarios. I would highly recommend that package! While I was in labor at home, she came over and was very calm and reassuring. She encouraged me to take on positions that would progress the process--she made me work for it! And I really appreciated that. She made me feel confident in my body, and helped me spot the signs that meant it was time to head to the hospital. She was AMAZING at the hospital. She's such a good coach during pushing, and she helped me find the right way to push for ME--there are a lot of options, ladies! In the end I had a very beautiful, natural birth, and I am so glad she was a part of it!! I will definitely be hiring her if/when we have a second baby--it will be so great to have her as a part of our birth team again.

Ruthie Arbit


Cara Crowe is an amazing doula! She was an incredible support during my labor and showed incredible strength, calm, and respect. It allowed me to trust my body, to move beyond past difficult labor experiences, and to embrace the process. I am tremendously grateful for having Cara as part of my team and by my side.

Lauren Brandes


I had a very positive experience with Cara. Both she and Kerry were very helpful during my pregnancy. I found the baby positioning workshop to be very helpful as well as the relaxation meditations they gave me. I appreciated their approach and wisdom when talking about the kind of birth that I hoped to have. I especially appreciated the information they gave me about induction when that became an option in my pregnancy. I felt very supported in my decisions during the pregnancy and the delivery. By the time we called Cara during the labor, it advanced pretty quickly and she arrived around the time I started pushing. Cara was extremely helpful in keeping me focused and providing guidance during that part of the delivery. Knowing that we would have Cara (or Kerry) as part of our team for the delivery did a lot for me mentally to allow me to have a drug free delivery.

The postpardum visit by Cara was also very helpful. It was nice to feel that support continue past the delivery and to share with her our feelings and experiences of the first few days with our son.

Katie Ly


Working with Cara was a fantastic experience.  She was there with us for every step of the way before, during, and after delivery.  My husband and I are incredibly greatful that we found her and that she was with us during delivery, as she was really able to act as our advocate with the doctor and nurse in the delivery room.  She was also a great resource for us when I was in labor -- my husband was able to text her and either she or Kerry would respond right away answering our questions.  If we have another baby, we'll for sure be asking for her help again!

Simone Garreau


I hired Cara and Kerry to coach me through my labor with my first child. The day I went into labor Cara was on call. I was so happy to have her, but the best part about hiring Cara and Kerry is that both women have such a great vibe and are so calm I know I would have had a great experience with either of them.  In the lead up to my labor I worked a lot on not being scared, and they gave me a lot of great insight to get in the right headspace. I was also happy with their focus on my husband. He wanted to be really involved and they were his coach as well as mine.

I could go on for a long time about my amazing birth with Cara. We had had a lot of good talks about what I wanted in labor in the months leading up to the birth, so I didn't have to answer any questions or make any decisions while I was laboring. Because of this, Cara was able to come in and take complete charge of my well being. It was the most soothing thing I could imagine to have someone who knew exactly what I needed with out having to say a thing. She also knew exactly how the hosptial worked, including secret stashes of ice and juice. She knew all the doctors and midwives as well. She never got in anyone's way while also doing an amazing job of managing my birth and making sure the medical staff was making me comfortable. Every single one of her suggestions for a position change or drink I'd do and it felt amazing while I was in the hardest part of labor. I ended up having an incredible birth that was so chill and quiet, two words I have never heard to describe birth, and that was 100% because of Cara. The woman carries fairy lights with her in her bag to make the room feel calmer and warmer. I mean, you won't be in better hands if you want powerful and calm support during the most vulnerable and important experience of your life. I feel so lucky to have found her and credit her for the most impactful experience of my life.

A Sun


This is our third birth and second natural childbirth and Cara was hands-down the best doula we have worked with! It's hard to describe but she just has this amazing, calming presence that gives you faith that things will be alright. She has so much experience and has four children of her own. I delivered at GW and she was familiar with all the staff and the hospital protocols, and asked for things for me that I never would have thought to ask for myself. She helped us through an incredibly intense, pitocin-augmented labor, and I was able to deliver without any medication for the pain. My husband and I both said afterwards there is no way we could have done it without her.

We also loved that she was non-judgmental, kind, and flexible to meet our needs. I would work with her and her partner Kerry again in a heartbeat and recommend them without hesitation. They are amazing!

Thank you, Cara!

Stacie Fahsel


I highly recommend Cara as a Doula and instructor. In addition to working with her during my  childbirth, we took her most extensive class package.  I started the classes feeling anxious and fearful about birth, and by the end felt much more confident and even a little excited. Cara shared relaxation  soundtracks and strategies that were a huge help in preparation and during labor.  She also helped with optimal positioning of the baby for labor. Before working with Cara I had very little confidence in my ability to go without an epidural, but with Cara's help I ended up having exactly the drug-free childbirth experience I wanted. When my water broke early and I had to go straight to the hospital due to meconium, I was worried that my birth plan was going to fall apart.  But Cara told me just the right things to say to the midwife so that my labor was able to progress naturally.   During active labor Cara used various techniques to help me through contractions and suggested different positions for my husband and I to try.  Cara provided just the right level of support without being intrusive,  so that my husband and I were able to share the experience together.  If we have another child, we definitely want to work with Cara again!

Lulu Liu


We can't imagine what our daughter's birth would have been like without Cara's constant support and care. The childbirth classes with Cara were extremely helpful in preparing us for the birth. We felt very comfortable when asking Cara questions (and we asked a lot of questions!) about different birth interventions and asking her to share her experiences in different kinds of births. In addition, Cara was an integral part of the actual birth of our daughter. Her constant support and guidance gave us the confidence to follow our birth preferences. She allowed me (the dad) to take breaks without having to worry that no one was there to support my wife. My wife says that without Cara, she would not have had the stamina go through with the 15+ hour birthing process. My wife also claims that having Cara there "made the labor process almost fun" and definitely helped her relax and feel comfortable. The best part was that Cara made us feel that we had an advocate at the birth - whether it was asking the nurses for extra pillows or coaching us through contractions - Cara made us feel empowered and supported. After the birth of our daughter, Cara also came to visit us to check on us and our baby. We are truly touched by her concern for our family's wellbeing. We will miss seeing Cara on a regular basis - but plan on keeping in touch! She is a trove of knowledge and advice - we cannot recommend her enough!

Andrea Pittaluga


I had a wonderful experience with Cara as my doula and would highly recommend her. She was a calm, attentive presence and provided extremely knowledgeable advice and support. Even though I had a great midwife as well, Cara as added support was invaluable.  My daughter's birth ended up having an unexpected turn in that I had a very rapid transition that sped things up more than we imagined. Cara was our lifeline in getting us through the hardest parts until we were able to make it to the birth center. Cara was able to help us understand what was going on every step of the way and helped us cope with labor as it progressed.

Jessica Tillipman


Cara was invaluable before, during and after the birth of our daughter. While I was pregnant, she was an incredible resource for both me and my husband (we took one-on-one birth classes with her and recommend them). She eased our myriad concerns (we were first time parents) with her incredible substantive knowledge and her patience with my many questions during the weeks leading up to labor.

During my very, very, very long labor (over 30 hours), Cara was an incredible asset for me and my husband. She provided tremendous support and was crucial to my successful, unmedicated birth. She provided critical pain management assistance and significant moral support during labor. She was also tremendously supportive to my husband during the labor. She gently reassured him that all was well, answered his many questions and concerns and gave him a chance to briefly rest during my labor. The birth experience would not have been the same without her.

Finally, Cara was also very supportive after my labor. She provided useful guidance on breastfeeding and a variety of other postpartem issues.

Overall, Cara enjoys our highest recommendation. Put simply: if my husband and I choose to have another baby, we could not imagine being pregnant without Cara as our doula.

Juliette Gaitan


Cara supported me during the delivery of my second child last year. I went into labor on Thanksgiving evening, but Cara made it to the hospital not long after I arrived. And thank goodness because my midwife didn't make it to my delivery since she had another patient. My labor was unmedicated, very fast and very intense. Cara was calm and attentive, even surrounded by stressed out doctors and nurses. She was nothing short of amazing and I shudder to think what my birth experience would have been had she not been there. Cara was able to communicate with me, advocate for me with medical staff and overall made me feel safe and supported. I was so grateful to have her with me and I highly recommend her!

Sadie White


Cara is an exceptional doula, and our birth experience was wonderful, thanks to her! Because we were first time parents, we signed up for Cara's doula package that included 10 hours of birth classes. The classes were thorough, evidence-based, and helped build our confidence in the birth process and our ability to navigate it. Cara helped us develop our birth plan and checked in with us regularly during the pregnancy. When our baby was found to be breech, she offered advice on methods to help encourage him to turn, including chiropractic care and acupuncture. When these methods were successful, we were overjoyed.

Cara was absolutely incredible during labor! She did so many little things that helped make me more comfortable and relaxed, including setting up a string of little lights in the bathroom, so that we didn't need to use the harsh overhead lights to see. She is extremely patient- I was in labor for 48 hours, and she maintained a high energy level and gentle demeanor the whole time she was with us. She used a variety of coping aids to help me deal with the discomfort of labor, including aromatherapy, massage, and lots of encouragement. Even though it was a long process, she laughed and talked with us during down times, which made us feel calm and empowered in the choices we made during labor. Although I had originally intended to avoid medicinal pain relief, my labor had not progressed very far, even after ~35 hours of contractions. At that point, we decided as a team that I needed rest, and we opted to get an epidural. I was sad and disappointed at that point, but Cara helped me maintain perspective and feel confident that we had made the right choice.

During our postpartum visit, Cara showed us baby wearing techniques that we use to this day.

The birth of our son was the best day of our lives, and I am positive that we would not have had such a good experience if Cara had not been with us.

Anna Counihan


Cara was with me for the birth of my second daughter. My first labor and delivery ended with a cesarean so I decided to hire a doula for my second with the hopes for a VBAC and could not be happier with the outcome and definitely feel that Cara played a big role in the success. She was such a calming and supportive influence and kept me focused on moving around and trying new positions. I checked into the hospital at 5:00 and my daughter came at 9:20, a much better experience than my first 35 hour labor that ended eith a cesarean.  it was such a perfect delivery, it was everything I had hoped for and she even managed to snap some amazing pictures of the delivery :)  she has such a calming and reassuring energy about her, just what you need in the room with you. she was very responsive throughout the pregnancy when I had questions or concerns and both her and Kerry were so encouraging and positive, especially in the final Weeks when I was getting anxious since I was over a week passed my due date. I can't recommend them enough!

Katie Wechsler


Cara was with me for the birth of both of my kids, and she played such an important, invaluable role for each. She helped me through labor with different positions, reminding me to breathe (which I was forgetting to do!), and keeping me focused on the fact that each contraction has a purpose. When it came time for delivery, she worked so well with the doctors and staff, and I credit her for my labor and delivery going so well both times. Cara is such a calming influence and an attentive listener, and she plays that tough role of assisting and being supportive without overstepping. My husband and I often say that hiring Cara was the best decision we made when it came to labor. I cannot recommend Cara enough as a doula!

Tracy Baxley


Cara has been present for the birth of all three of my children (2012,2014,2016). Cara is the reason I was able to have three successful, all natural, unmedicated childbirths. Cara has a gift; a calming and supportive presence that I find crucial to a peaceful birthing experience. My husband also felt an enormous amount of peace of mind knowing Cara was there for our family every step of the way. Her presence really took the pressure off of my husband and allowed him the ability to enjoy the birth of his children instead of worrying about me. No matter what type of birthing experience you prefer, I know Cara will be there to guide and nurture you every step of the way. I couldn't imagine giving birth without Cara by my side and will be forever grateful for the positive impact she's had on my family's life.

Sharon Brett


We had a terrific experience with Cara.  We took a three hour childbirth class with Cara and found her to be patient. understanding, non-judgmental, and reassuring.  She also served as our birth doula.  She was excellent - worked well with the medical staff at GWU, offered suggestions for positons, kept both me and my husband calm, and motivated me to keep pushing (for 4.5 hours). She has a tremendous amount of knowledge and is kind, approachable, and easy to work with. I'd recommend her highly.

Alba Bautista


Cara is a knowledgeable and caring doula whose many years of experience show through right from the start as she prepares you for any type of labor. She began by providing us advice on questions to ask our health provider, suggestions for prenatal supplements, and exercises to help me strengthen myself both physically and mentally ahead of the birth of our first child. At week 35, my husband and I sat down with both Cara and Kerry to discuss our birth plan and preferences in detail. Due to a complication I was induced at 39 weeks, which immediately (and completely!) changed my birth plan. Throughout the three-day labor that resulted, Cara was in touch constantly, visiting when appropriate, advising my husband and I and discussing next steps with us. She is the best guide and advocate to have by your side through any scenario. She’s also very thoughtful—she ensured all the nurses were up to date on my latest health status and birth preferences (we were assisted by at least 8 nurses), and she even brought my husband food. We’re very happy to have had Cara as our doula and wholeheartedly recommend her. No matter what type of birth you hope for, Cara will provide you skilled support and empathetic guidance, and will help you calmly adapt when the birth plan (inevitably!) has to change.

Amy Kossak


Cara was fantastic!  I was looking for a doula to help with a regular birth at a hospital in which I expected to use an epidural once he pain got too severe.  Not the typical doula client (or so I thought!). Cara was on board from the start.  She never pressured me into trying to do a more "natural" birth than I wanted and was supportive of all of my decisions.  Her knowledge, calming demeanor, creative ideas, and hands-on help during the birth, however, made a world of difference!  I fet so much more confident and calm thanks to her.  She was a terrific advocate for me without stepping on he toes of the doctors and nurses.  Overall, I highly recommend her (and her business partner Kerri) if you're looking for a doula!

Tatyana Riley


Cara and Kerry are both awesome doulas. I ended up working with Cara for my birth. She has a lot of knowledge and experience under her belt, but at the same time, she is a real calming presence. Cara recommended books for me to read and sent me relaxation tracks to listen to to ease my anxiety about birth, and it worked like a charm. I went into labor in the evening and was in touch with both Cara and Kerry via email until it got more intense in the middle of the night. Cara talked me through a few contractions over the phone, and then came to our house. My midwife told me not to go to the hospital yet as she thought I was still in early labor and had a while to go. But when Cara came over, she knew right away that I was far along and we all went to the hospital together soon after. She talked me through some of my most intense contractions which helped me to manage the pain. When we got to the hospital I was at 9cm dilated and the baby was born an hour later. If it was not for Cara, I would have delivered the baby at home! With both my husband and Cara by my side through the whole process, I was able to have the unmedicated birth that I wanted. After the delivery, Cara helped me to latch the baby on for her first breastfeeding. Throughout the whole thing, she also managed to capture some pretty touching and emotional photos of us, which are so special and we will cherish for a long time. Kerry also came to the hospital the day I delivered to pick up my placenta for encapsulation, and brought the finished capsules to my house a few days later. I feel very thankful to have worked with both Cara and Kerry, you cannot go wrong with either of them for your birth. I hope they are available again for our next baby.

Charissa Benjamin


Hiring Cara was one of the best decisions I made during my pregnancy. She was of immeasurable help with respect to my maintaining a healthy pregnancy, and provided wonderful nutrition and exercise tips for the third trimester. Taking a pre-birth class with her was great for both my husband and me, and helped keep us calm during labour and delivery. Having Cara as my doula allowed me to successfully conquer one of my biggest fears - giving birth. I had always worried that I couldn't handle the pain and that I wasn't strong enough to have a natural birth. Cara's guidance, meditation tools, and constant encouragement were tantamount in proving me wrong. In the end, I had a wonderful birth and am committed to sharing my positive birth story, much of which was possible because of Cara's involvement. Far too often, we hear negative stories surrounding birth and it simply doesn't have to be that way. If I'm ever pregnant again, Cara will be one of the first people I call; I can't imagine giving birth without her.

Shane Cass


Cara is fantastic and we couldn’t recommend her more highly!

First of all, the classes are great. We were a bit overwhelmed with all of the choices in the beginning… Should we do Bradley, Hypnobabies or something else? One of the reasons we liked Cara was that she knew and drew from many, if not all of the various approaches that child birthing classes offer. For us, this was a great way to learn more about the process and how to prepare for it, while really getting to know our doula at the same time.

My wife’s labor wasn’t easy and didn’t go according to plan, having Cara’s support and guidance throughout the entire process was invaluable.

We wanted to labor some at home and head to the hospital when things really started to pick up, but it didn’t work out that way. Instead, my wife’s water broke around 9pm and labor wasn’t even close to starting. Cara helped us come up with a plan that made sense for us that evening. Following her advice, we rested as much as we could that night and called her again in the morning. Since contractions still hadn’t started, she recommended we pick up a natural labor tincture along with a couple of other things to help move things along. As a Naturopath/Herbalist, Cara has a lot of knowledge in this area, which was very important to us as we were looking to avoid interventions if at all possible.

We are so happy that we met Cara and decided to work with her. Having her in our corner for labor & delivery, and throughout the whole summer, made us feel much more relaxed and in control. The classes prepared us for nearly everything we encountered and our time together in the hospital was great. She’s a fantastic person with a ton of experience and knowledge in a lot of areas - I can’t think of anyone else we would have wanted to share this beautiful experience with.

Julia Becker


This is a very belated but much deserved testimonial! (2.5 years late)

Cara provided great support during my pregnancy. She responded to e-mails promptly and called me often when I turned full term. She tailored our meetings to our desires, helping with my birth plan via e-mail and practicing coping techniques in person at our request since I could not take a birth class.

Cara drove two hours to be with me during labor. She made the ultimately correct call one night that I would not have the baby that night and that she should go home and we should sleep. She came to be with me again the next day when she could hear over the phone that I was in active labor. She chose a good time to suggest we move to the hospital. When I decided to go against my birth plan and get an epidural, she gently reminded me of my plan and that epidural could slow labor. She helped me not feel like a failure for changing my plans. When it came time to push, she helped me to decide if I wanted the epidural decreased, which my midwife had not even brought up as an option. In that way, she was an essential advocate for me.

I appreciated Cara's postpartum visit in which she brought delicious food, helped me with breastfeeding and calming our baby, and filled in the gaps of the birth timeline. We borrowed great literature from her extensive lending library and she came with remedies, birth balls, and other gear during birth. She provided physical support and positioning suggestions. I recommend Cara without reservation.

Katy Garrity


We highly recommend Cara.  She was absolutely wonderful throughout our pregnancy and birth.  She gave us first rate advice and attention and was available every time we needed guidance.  She also helped me keep it together when our little one was quite late in arriving! During labor itself, Cara was magic.  She had an ability to step in when I was losing control and "right" me on the path.  She helped me stay calm and centered.  And she did this without "taking over" our birth.  It remained very much our birth and she helped my husband help me when he needed guidance.  She kept in close contact with our midwives on our behalf and got us to the hospital when the time came.  At the hospital she's the one who saw what position I wanted to be in, even when I didn't know quite what I was going for. And she's the one who grabbed the squat bar and installed it - which I grabbed onto instantly and a few minutes later, our daughter was born. We fully recommend Cara, and have recommended her to our friends.

Tanya Janes


Cara is a wonderful doula! I can't imagine a more lovely, experienced and knowledgeable person to accompany a couple through pregnancy and childbirth. She offers a range of resources, from meditations to her lending library to her delicious red raspberry tea and homeopathic remedies and her childbirth class made us feel empowered and reassured. She's calming, intuitive and a very good listener. I really appreciated her periodic emails to check-in and see how we were feeling and felt totally supported in the months leading up to our daughter's birth. In the delivery room, she was fantastic. I had a very quick progression of labor so she met us at the hospital (GWU). As soon as I saw her, I felt more relaxed and she quickly started creating a calm and comfortable (to the extent possible) atmosphere in the delivery room. Because she was so grounded and relaxed, I was able to relax and remember that childbirth is a completely natural process that my body would know exactly what to do. She gave my husband a cold cloth infused with lavender oil to wipe my forehead, suggested different labor positions, and generally made sure that I continued to feel strong, empowered and relaxed. Her presence, ease of communication with the midwife and nurses, and knowing when to make suggestions and when to listen to me, was exactly right. After our daughter was born, she stayed to make sure breastfeeding went smoothly and told us she'd be in touch to plan a postpartum visit. She came to see us a couple of weeks after the delivery and brought what has become our staple goodnight book, The Night You Were Born. It was such a gift to have Cara guide us through the birth of our first baby. I can't thank her enough!

Galina Kozachenko


This was my second birth and I wasn't going to get a doula - "what for?" I thought. I had been through this before and knew how things went. It wasn't until a colleague of mine had a very long birth and reminded me how intense things could get that I decided - I need a doula this time. That colleague recommended Cara (who was her doula) and when I met Cara, I immediately got the feeling that she would be the right person for my birth. Thank you, Cara, for the best experience in my live - the natural birth!

The first advice you gave me, during our first interview, was to move to GW midwives. And that was the best advice ever. I truly believe that my amazing 4.5 hours labor was only possible because of the midwives and you. You helped me with the tonic tea that I have been drinking more towards the end and that most likely helped me prepare (through Braxton Hicks and mock labor). You talked to me about exercises and poses. The two books I borrowed from you became my bibles – the Active Labor especially. I kept imagining my labor being fast and furious – and it was fast and furious. When you arrived to the hospital, I was so happy to see you – by then I was slightly scared of the intensity of it all, and wasn’t sure how to proceed with pushing. You immediately helped me with the breathing – I was coached to pant which wasn’t helping much. You told me to exhale slowly and lightly – and that immediately worked. You coached me through various pushing poses which I am so happy about – I wanted to try different positions, I hated pushing on my back during the first birth. And the most important element – you reassured me during our pre-labor classes that vocalization is not only ok, but pretty important.  I cannot thank you enough.

The experience was exactly what I envision, and having you by my side was oh so helpful and reassuring that I could do it. And I did it!

Caroline Savage


My experience with Cara was simply superb. I would recommend her to anyone.

Cara offered excellent preparatory materials and consultations, including a visit to our house. As a direct result, we felt going into the delivery as if we knew and understood our preferences, rights and had a plan that made sense and felt good for us. She checked on me often, offering support and tips, such as a great acupuncturist who helped induce labor naturally 5 days after my due date. When my contractions started, I felt strongly that I wanted to labor at home as long as possible, and Cara was on the phone with me and my husband, gauging my progress and giving us helpful ideas of how to proceed. She was in the car on the phone with us when my labor activated quickly, and we agreed to meet at the hospital rather than at home.

Once at the hospital, Cara was a godsend. She was a calming influence, arriving with essential oils and putting me at ease. She knew our preferences for a natural birth and when the hospital staff started to hook up an IV, she reminded my somewhat flustered husband our decision to try just the entry point hook-up instead. Knowing that I had been laboring at home mainly in a forward facing position on the birthing ball, she suggested that I continue in that position - but on the bed - in the hospital. It was just right -- and I progressed from 4cm to 8cm dillation in under 30 minutes. Cara than cheered me on helpfully alongside my husband and the doctor, and based on her education, advice and guidance I ended up giving birth for the first time under 2 hours after hospital arrival. Ideal.

Cara maintained helpful follow-up contact int he week or so following the birth, checking on baby and my well-being on all fronts. She offered great emotional support as well as expert tips on breastfeeding and sleeping especially. I offer my highest recommendation for Cara's doula services.

Jesse Allen


Cara provided support and assistance to us through what proved to be an epic labour (several days long,including 21 hours in the hospital) and helped us tremedously with talking through issues, helping us and hospital staff keep to and respect our birth plana and to know when to depart from it, and providing calm insight and assistance in the week or so after birth when things were quite hectic and problematic for us with recovery and baby health issues.  She felt more like a good family friend than a hired assistant, and was fantastic: we would not hesitate to recommend her and would definitely hire her assistance for any future births we might have.

Ronit Avni


Cara did an exceptional job with the birth of our daughter. Our labor lasted 40 hours (!) and Cara was there round-the-clock, offering incredibly constructive suggestions for ways to alleviate pain, turning the baby (who was facing the wrong way), finding optimal positions and keeping up our stamina to make it through the experience without pain medication (our choice). She was never dogmatic. She found a way to be present throughout and yet to step back when needed to give us the privacy and intimacy we sought. We would definitely work with her again and can't recommend her highly enough. She worked incredibly well with our OB and the midwife who were both in attendance. She was calm, professional, kind, creative and constructive. I don't think we would have made it through such a lengthy and challenging labor without her.

River Finlay


Cara is a wonderful doula. She is kind, listens to what you need and responds accordingly. She will be as active or as laid back as you need her to be. Cara also has four kids of her own so she is also very experienced with birth first hand. We loved working with her. I would highly recommend Cara as a doula.

Jessica Burchick


I'll never have a baby without her! Cara was the calm and guiding presence that I needed when labor was tough. After a long early labor, Cara arrived at my home like a breath of fresh air. She was so calm and encouraging as I rode through each labor wave, and she helped my husband find the best ways to support me throughout. Even though I spent less than 6 hours with her beforehand (with only a first meeting and one class) she felt like such a familiar and needed part of my labor experience. To top off all of the wonderful support she provided during my labor, she took the most incredible pictures of my husband and I working together to bring our daughter into the world. I will treasure those photos, and my entire labor experience, because of Cara. I can't say enough about her - truly!

Nicole Sanchez


Cara was an integral part of having the natural and positive birth experience we hoped for. She was patient and encouraging during our lengthy labor, especially in early labor and transition when progress stalled for several hours. She worked closely with our midwife, suggesting different positions and relief techniques to keep labor moving and keep me encouraged. We were very grateful for her knowledge of a side lying technique that finally got me fully dilated and ready to push. Throughout the labor, she worked well with my husband, allowing him to be my primary support, but providing helpful suggestions and explanations when we had questions.

Cara was always quick to respond to our questions, both during the pregnancy and after birth. Despite having taken another birth class, I found the session we had with her prior to our birth to be very helpful in giving me a more personalized vision for my labor and birth. Her prior experience working with our midwives was very helpful in preparing me and giving me confidence in the choices we made for the birth.
I especially appreciated her calm and confident presence during those times in labor when it would have been easy to get discouraged.

Cara was very professional and worked well with our midwife and hospital staff. She was open minded and supportive of our choices for the birth, providing information and her opinion when asked, never pressuring for one choice over another. Finally, the photos and notes she took during labor were especially helpful in giving me a more complete memory of the experience. We would love to have Cara's support at our next birth!

Sara Russell


With the birth of my daughter I had a lot of medical interventions I didn't want for the birth of my son (epidural and pitocin). Knowing my tendency to get stuck in an unhealthy pattern of thought that would ultimately lead to another epidural ("I can't do it", "I'm too tired") I knew I needed a doula that was not only kind and knowledgeable and, but strong and firm enough to get me to "snap out of it".

When my son was overdue I began to question if my body even knew how to labor naturally...I expressed these fears to Cara and she immediately reassured me of my body's strength. She remained in constant contact....texting her with any little update without feeling like a nuisance. Finally it was time. Cara arrived at the hospital shortly after us and immediately attended to me. She recognized my pattern of coping with contractions and made the perfect suggestions on what to do ("try leaning on the ball", "would you like me to rub your back with essential oils?", etc). Most importantly, she coached my husband through it all and allowed him to also be an integral part in managing my pain....without her, he probably would have said the wrong things at all the wrong times!  While I was monitored for what seemed like forever, Cara began running the shower for what would be my final hour of labor. It was the most peaceful setting...warm, lights dimmed and candles filled the bathroom. After realizing I wad transitionin, I couldn't have asked for a more peaceful setting to do it in. She recognized signs that my body was ready to push and told me to trust it. Shortly thereafter I was ready to deliver my boy.

The strongest memory I have is repeatedly saying "I can't do this". Cara reassured me that I was strong and so was my body. If it werent for her educating me on the signs of transition, I would have given up in the shower. Cara is amazing, an inspiration, and I couldn't imagine my birth without her.

Tanya W


Not even sure where to begin when defining what an amazing doula Cara is. She worked with us for several weeks for birth classes and when the time came for me to be medically induced with my son, she was there every step of the way. Without Cara's encouragement and knowledge my husband and I would have felt very unprepared for the medical inducement, long labor and then the unplanned c-section. When first meeting Cara, I wasnt sure she had the assertiveness to stand up and speak for me when the time came, but let me assure you I was wrong. I was able to fully rely on her to help me as my advocate, all the while respecting our choices. She also took the most amazing photographs even though everything happened so quickly once the need for a C-Section was determined.

After delivery Cara was available via text for questions I had on breastfeeding and came by to check up on us a week or so after our birth.

I would without a doubt hire Cara again even if I knew in advance I needed a scheduled c-section etc. It was wonderful to have someone there with her vast knowledge. If you are reading this trying to decide if you should hire her- do it. She is worth every cent and more.



Our experience with Cara was fantastic. Cara is very knowledgable about the birth process and educated us without using her own opinion towards our wishes or decisions: she helped us understand more about the delivery, what could or may happen, what should we prepare or read, why thinking ahead about our birth plan, … Cara helped us avoid to have an unwanted emergency C-section and was able to guide my husband and I through the contractions by suggesting more comfortable positions, breathing guidance and lots of moral encouragements. She also helped my husband by giving him advices on what he could do to make me feel most comfortable. She allowed me to feel somewhat in control of what was happening: Cara is calm, always positive and reinsuring which is greatly important in labor. Cara stayed about 2hrs after birth and thanks to that, I was able to get my son to latch on before he fell asleep. That was certainly a great start for breastfeeding, especially since he had to be admitted in the hospital's special Care unit later on and placed on formula for a couple of days. I am now breastfeeding normally.

Birth Availability for Cara Crowe

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-24-2024

Postpartum Availability for Cara Crowe

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-24-2024