Intuitive Birth
Aurora, CO Service range 30 miles
Birth Fee
Birth Fee
2 years and 50 births attended
Type of practice: On-call doula service
Clients per month: 2 to 3
Attends hospital births? Some Hospitals
Hospitals within a 25 mile radius of Aurora, CO
Attends birth center births? Some Birth Centers
Attends home births? Any Home Birth
$1800 includes: -One free consultation -2+ prenatal visits to help form a detailed birth plan, education on stages of labor, specific desires and concerns surrounding the birth and baby care in order to provide catered care for the upcoming birth -Help writing and reviewing a birth plan/preferences -Unlimited contact by phone or email throughout pregnancy -On-call 24/7 beginning 2 weeks before due date until baby arrives -Continual labor support (whether at home and/or hospital) whenever requested, unlimited hours -One postpartum home visit within two weeks of birth, and more if nursing/newborn help is needed -Take pictures during the labor process and birth of baby, if desired -Placenta Encapsulation -- Additional $300
Aurora, CO Service range 30 miles
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= Available. Calendar last updated: 11-06-2024