Luipa Khandker Photo

Luipa Khandker

Blissful Birth NJ

Edison, NJ   Service range 40 miles

Birth Fee


Birth Fee


Birth Doula Experience

9 years

Birth Doula Certifications

  • Childbirth International (CBI) - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • Childbirth International, October 2022

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Some Home Births
I support home births, as long as a medical provider is present

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Childbirth education services
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Languages Spoken

  • Bengali
  • English

Fee Details

If you are in need of a doula, please reach out to me. I frequently offer pro bono or discounted services. Birthwork is truly a calling for me and my goal is to support you and your partner in whatever specific way you need.

Service Area

Edison, NJ Service range 40 miles

Certifications for Luipa Khandker

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Luipa Khandker

Post a testimonial for Luipa Khandker

Helena M


When we first met Luipa we immediately she would be our doula. During the call, she made it clear that she was going to support me and my partner throughout my birth experience, which brought them comfort and confidence. When we met in person for the birth workshop, Luipa explained every detail and had us practice labor and breathing positions. Most important of all was Luipa's positive attitude towards the unexpected. When we shared uncertainties or doubts, Luipa was welcoming, non-judgmental, and helped us see every situation from an optimistic perspective. Her presence during birth was absolutely fundamental to help me overcome the challenges I faced and be confident in my choices. In addition to that, Luipa is quick to read a room: she understands what is needed and makes sure it is addressed. We relied on her to have our voices heard when we were overwhelmed, and she exceeded our expectations. I recommend Luipa without hesitation, she is truly a fantastic, caring doula.

Marisa J.


I highly recommend Luipa as a doula on your birth team. After a long and difficult first labor with epidural complications, I knew I wanted to try an unmedicated birth the second time. My husband and I asked Luipa to be our doula knowing that we felt unprepared the first time on our own to handle the intensity and duration of labor. She was an integral part of our team and I would not have been able to achieve an unmedicated birth without her. About a month before my due date, she came to our house for a consultation and education session. Even though we’d gone through labor before, my husband and I found ourselves asking questions and learning a lot. My husband and I agree that having her there once labor started was completely worth it: she helped us to assess where I was in the labor process, was hands-on in alleviating my pain with massage and pressure the entire time, gave suggestions for positions to try when I would start to get tired, was encouraging and positive, reminded me to go to the bathroom and sip water, and was an advocate in the hospital. She was an active part of our team but never “took over” my husband’s role as primary support person; she enabled him to do his part to the best of his abilities. These things are not small – they can make the difference between an exhausting/difficult and positive/empowering experience. Regardless of the birth you envision, I am absolutely certain Luipa can help you to achieve a positive and beautiful birth.

Lubaina Ahmad


Luipa was my doula for the birth of both of my babies. My son was born premature due to pre-eclampsia and hellp syndrome at 36 weeks. I wanted a natural birth with no epidural and thanks to Luipa I was able to do this. Not only do her pain management techniques work, she has a calming peaceful presence, is extremely knowledgeable, and has the perfect balance of providing guidance but letting you take the lead. She was wonderful once again when I birthed my daughter, this time opting for the epidural. My husband and I could not be more grateful for having had her as our doula. 



My husband and I are super grateful to Luipa for being an incredibly kind and knowledgeable doula! We had no idea we wanted a doula early in my pregnancy. As I got close to childbirth, I started looking into tips on having a no-epidural birth. Given that both of us were clueless for our first baby, we decided it would be a great idea to have a doula.

Right after we chose Luipa, she set up a visit to our home and gave us a personal presentation on the basics of childbirth. The presentation was super informative and helpful. She also showed us massages and postures that are helpful during the painful phases. Leading up to delivery day (it was a long wait!), she was always available through message for me to ask any doubts I had. Finally, when the day arrived, I called Luipa early in the morning when I started to feel contractions. She had a video call with me to gauge where I was and we synced up a few times. She immediately made a plan to come to our home and helped me labor for almost an hour more at home. We got to the hospital and I was lucky to have a quick delivery after that. Luipa really helped me get through intense contractions in the comfort of my own home before heading to the hospital. Throughout the process, she helped us by giving us basic childbirth knowledge, answering lots of questions, and helping us navigate the whole childbirth experience. Thank you Luipa!

Birth Availability for Luipa Khandker

= Available. Calendar last updated: 01-24-2025
