Jaymie Vincelli Photo

Jaymie Vincelli

Doula Jaymie

Hazlet, NJ Service range 75 miles

Birth Fee

$2000 to $2500

Birth Fee

$2000 to $2500

Birth Doula Experience

3 years and 25 births attended

Birth Doula Certifications

  • ProDoula - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, August 2021
  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, August 2021

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 4

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Baby-led weaning
  • First Aid and CPR
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Parenting consulting
  • Reiki
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Stillbirth and infant loss support
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Jaymie is a proud mother of two. After having a VBAC with a doula she decided that a doula was instrumental in having her voice heard during the time of birth. She knew that empowering women during their pregnancy and allowing them to find their voice was something that she was passionate about. Helping families find the calm within using mindfulness, meditation and breath work is only some of the techniques used to manage labor. Going through and utilizing spinning babies and the rebozo are helpful tools in the birthing space. Whether clients want a natural unmediated birth, or the use of an epidural I am happy to help you get the birth you desire and support you through your decision making process. Always remember… your birth… your choice… your voice! It is an honor and a privilege to be part of your birth team. Jaymie would love to set up some to talk and see if you are a good fit:)

Languages Spoken

  • English

Service Area

Hazlet, NJ Service range 75 miles

Certifications for Jaymie Vincelli

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Jaymie Vincelli

Post a testimonial for Jaymie Vincelli

Springteshya Bieniasz


We cannot express how much we appreciate Jaymie being our doula for my pregnancy and delivery in 2022! I have 2 older children who were born via c-section and I didn’t want that experience again. Together with my OBGYN, Jaymie completely supported me throughout my pregnancy for a VBAC2. My son ended up being 2 weeks late and I went in for an induction. During my induction and labor I had 3 different Dr’s and subsequently 3 different shift changes of staff, each with their own pros and cons. Jaymie, however, was our constant. She stayed with us the whole time, leaving only when she sensed we might like a moment just my partner and I. The entire time, she had in mind what I had said I wanted for my birth plan and helped me stick to that plan as much as possible, while kindly reminding me to be flexible as my baby’s birth unfolded. She has such a calming energy. She and my partner were the ultimate support system! Jaymie even caught the hospital staff before they administered something I am allergic to. She worked flawlessly between us and the hospital staff and I think they were grateful for her presence also. Without going into the details of my birth story, I was able to achieve my VBAC2 and our son was born, healthy and happy! We, and especially I, am so immensely grateful for Jaymie’s kind and gentle energy and support throughout it all. She is such a huge reason I was able to achieve this goal and birth my son without having to have another c-section. Any person or family would be fortunate to have her as part of their support system and I hope to use her as my doula again in the future!

With all of our hearts we thank you Jaymie!
      ~ Spring, Ian & Renzo (Sunny & Darien too)

Birth Availability for Jaymie Vincelli

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-11-2024