Holding Hope Birth Services
Chicago, IL Service range 30 miles
Birth Fee
$50 to $800
Postpartum Rate
$5 to $40
Birth Fee
$50 to $800
Postpartum Rate
$5 to $40
2 years and 20 births attended
2 years and 2 families served
Type of practice: Solo practice
Clients per month: 1 to 3 births and 1 postpartum families
Postpartum limits/restrictions: No smokers
Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
Attends home births? Some Home Births
I work with a non-profit organization so I can provide support to people who may be interested in doula support but are unable to cover the full cost.
Chicago, IL Service range 30 miles
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Post a testimonial for Emily Laning
As a new mom I am immensely grateful for Emily's professional and empathetic assistance and support during pregnancy, labor, and birth of my baby girl. We discussed a birth plan, different labor techniques, and she made me aware of my rights.
I remember that Emily came to our house and prepared my husband and I for that special moment that we were waiting for, to have our baby girl in our arms. She helped me labor at home for a good amount of time to reduce the risk of unnecessary interventions. She helped me manage pain, ease my stress, and reassured me when I needed it most. I felt very confident with her, it was definitely a team effort. Thanks to Emily's support, my husband was also able to do his part and his experience as a new father exceeded his expectations. Emily's assistance after my delivery was also exceptional. She was attentive to me and my baby and encouraged me in my postpartum process. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Emily.
= Available. Calendar last updated: 01-21-2025
= Available. Calendar last updated: 01-21-2025