Farmington, MI Service range 60 miles
Birth Fee
Birth Fee
2 years and 5 births attended
Type of practice: Solo practice
Clients per month: 1 to 2
Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
Attends home births? Any Home Birth
Prenatal and postpartum visits, a backup doula for the birth, text and phone support during pregnancy.
Farmington, MI Service range 60 miles
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Post a testimonial for Danielle Loukotka
Danielle is an incredible doula. She covered my birth in June of 2022 and was integral to the success of my birth, all the way from preparing and thinking through what I wanted my labor to look like, through the day of early labor as I was navigating when to call my provider and when to head into the birthing center. When we did go in, Danielle met us there right away and proceeded to be a completely calm, present, and supportive present throughout the labor. I had a longer active labor than I was expecting and Danielle was integral to managing it. She somehow knew when a contraction was coming and every contraction for hours she would come over, apply a strong yet gentle counter pressure that was game changing, and then would quietly recede when the contraction ended to let me have some space as I readied for the next one. It felt like she just had this natural ability to read what I needed and when. The pushing stage was harder than my previous birth and Danielle was there to get me through it, working with my husband to encourage me and to assure me that I could do it and would not be stuck with a baby inside me forever.
After the birth, Danielle waited until we were ready for her to leave, making sure we were well setup and had what we needed. She was attentive and kind following the birth as well, checking in with us and scheduling a post partum visit to check in and discuss the labor.
I would absolutely recommend Danielle. She is knowledgeable, calming, empathetic and supportive. All the things that make a great doula!
The day of my firstborns birth my wife was given two high blood pressure readings that forced the pregnancy center to pass us off to a hospital after 4 or more hours of pregnancy. As the back up hospital that we had lined up was full, the pregnancy center and I argued out next steps, while Danielle was supporting my wife. Danielle quickly jumped into action to help us transition to getting to our secondary hospital.
At the hospital Danielle was really able to shine as a doula. I quickly realized how important the right doula for the birth of your child. My wife and I were extremely tired having already been up for nearly 24 hours already and the nurses admitted my wife during a shift change without connecting her to vitals machines or manually taking vitals. Danielle quickly took action to support my wife in this matter getting her help. Over the next 48 hours Danielle stayed with my wife and I in the hospital to see us through. Danielle and I swapped out supporting my wife in everything that she would need from major to minor stuff. While I was also trying to manage doctors, nurses, and "the plan", along with my minor needs at this point too: Eating before the hospital cafe closed at times from reduced staff, sleeping, bathroom breaks. If it had not been for my wife hiring Danielle to be our doula, I think I would have lost it and been in the mental ward or a hospital bed myself not long after my wife had the baby. Danielle also stopped the hospital staff from strong arming me in one direction with some of the team of 20+ hammering me and my wife in their direction to get things done fast, and against my wife's wishes.
Suffice it to say Danielle has completely changed my mind about the doula profession. A great doula makes all the difference. If you are on the border about getting a doula then rest assured knowing that Danielle is one of the best doula's out there, SHE IS A GODSEND!
= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-11-2024