Nipuna Dasi Photo

Nipuna Dasi

Gaia Tree Birth Services

Bellevue, WA Service range 10 miles $20 travel fee per visit for pro-bono clients

Postpartum Rate


Availability Remarks: Weekdays: “sunrise” 5 am - 9 am or between 3pm -10 pm. Weekends: open availability Overnights: up to 4 non-consecutive nights/week.

Postpartum Rate


Postpartum Doula Experience

12 years and 85 families served

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, July 2001
  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, January 2011

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 4

Postpartum limits/restrictions: My working hours are Monday through Friday, 2 - 8 pm, weekends, and I also do overnights between the hours of 10:00 pm - 6 am. I can schedule outside of these hours for special circumstances. I am a strong advocate of genital integrity.

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Antepartum doula support
  • Baby-led weaning
  • Babywearing education
  • Belly casting
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • Cancer patients and survivors
  • Cloth diapering education
  • Elimination communication education
  • Henna belly designs
  • Infant massage education
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Parenting consulting
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Healthy Start Mentor for Teenage Mothers. Volunteer instructor at Single Mothers Transitional Housing Shelter. Parent and Family Coach

Fee Details

My goal is to support all families. My rate is $60/hr in shifts of 4 hours day, 8 hours overnight. Package discounts available. If you are in need of reduced fee services, please contact me.

Service Area

Bellevue, WA Service range 10 miles $20 travel fee per visit for pro-bono clients

Client Testimonials for Nipuna Dasi

Post a testimonial for Nipuna Dasi



We're so glad we found Nipuna! She was a blessing for us - warm, always on time, super resourceful with mom groups and centers she suggested, and just amazing with our baby. She really focused on my recovery and made sure I felt supported, even whipping up a recipe to help with my milk supply. We had a tough start with feeding, trying everything from syringe to tube feeding, and she was skilled and patient through it all. Plus, she always wore a mask, keeping our little one safe. Can't recommend her enough!



With becoming a new mom it's served with a lot of blessings and a lot of new anxieties. Nipuna did an excellent job explaining awake my fears and reassuring me to calm my anxiety. She was very insightful and the most helpful! 
Thank you! 

Dee Turley


Nipuna was incredible! Not only did she really help get our baby on a schedule, she also was very willing to support in other ways like folding laundry. Nipuna was very considerate, she found an awesome substitute when she wasn't available to work, making sure we were in good hands and support was continued in her absence. Nipuna was a pleasure to work with! 



Nipuna was great to have around during the first couple of weeks.  She helped out with laundry, feeding and dishes so my husband and I could get a little more sleep.  I would definitely use her again and appreciate the experience!

Mia Kim


Nipuna is an absolute gem!She is the sweetest, gentlest human being and at the same time, she is one of the strongest most resilient woman i’ve ever had the privilege to know. Nipuna works with us as a night doula. I love so many things about her, i literally wrote a list to make sure I do her some justice. I absolutely adore Nipuna. Here are some the things I love about her:

-She is super responsive via text
-Extremely professional, punctual, and very friendly
-Never provides overbearing and forceful advice, and always listens to what the client needs instead
-My baby LOVES her! I wake up to a clean, happy baby every time she is with us.
-Has extensive knowledge of how to take care of a sick baby, she has taught us how to take better care of a baby that’s coughing.
-Extremely flexible in her hours
-Helps with house chores

I had such a hard time giving my infant into strangers hands, but Nipuna exceeded my expectations in every way. Please text me 917-426-4218 if you have any questions about Nipuna, i’m happy to be a reference! We are a tech family living in Redmond.

Tarachandra Peacock


Having Nipuna around during my wife's pregnancy was very nice, she would lighten up our home with her loving and caring energy which helped us to be comfortable when it was time to give birth to our daughter. during the birth she offered great advice that I am grateful she gave to us. Days and weeks after the Birth she would come over to make sure if we had everything, cooked meals, clean, and hang out with my two sons and the baby while I was at work. I am very thankful to have Nipuna in our lives.

Nicole Elizondo


Nipuna came to give me a hand after I had my baby boy in Feb...right after that my toddler broke her leg, I was so overwhelmed with 2 kids under 2 years old that I had to carry I really needed her. Her help was more than I could of asked for, she helped keep our laundry from taking over the basement, she helped prepare snacks for myself and my toddler, she interacted with my daughter so I could take care of my son...she even assisted at doctors appointments which was a HUGE help! I cant say enough about Nipunas sweet ways, she has left a lasting impression on myself as well as my 22 month old, who always asks when Nipuna is coming over. If you need help I would not hesitate to ask for Nipuna, she cooks amazingly, she gets so much done in such a short period of time, shes very positive and supportive, she just brightened my day when she was around. Ive told her this before, and I still mean it, I wish she could just live with us haha! Please feel free to contact me for a reference.

Yeon Ju Kim


I want to share my experience with Nipuna.
I had met her before I gave a birth little girl at the first time. I wasn’t sure what do I need to prepare for new baby. I am foreigner; I am not familiar in American system of birth. When I interviewed Nipuna, She has lots of information that I can learn. Her attitude was respectful of my culture and very supportive. I felt very comfortable to talk with her for over one hour. So I decide to hire her after I gave a birth.
My expect deliver day was delayed one week, but she willing to understand my situation and gave me some articles about baby breast feeding, delivery information.
After I discharged hospital, she came to my house right next day and took care of me. She asked me what I need first. So it was easier to work with her. She brought some baby carrier and stuff from herself for me that I can try to use. At that time I wasn’t sure which product is good on me.
When I felt sleep, she was took care of baby. She let me get full of rest. She mostly helped me cleaning baby clothes, shopped some stuff, holding baby. What I liked best she has lots of information that I need; how can find good doctor, where is the place I can go for breast feeding, how can I give a baby shower, and how can use some products that I don’t know. I asked many questions and she kindly answer or search more information for me.
She is good for my visitors too. When my mom was visited me, my mom couldn’t speak English but Nipuna was smiled and tried to communicated. My husband also felt fine with her.
My baby liked her also. Nipuna wore cotton clothes all the time so that the baby doesn’t get any bad rash on the face. She didn’t make up on her face. She didn’t use strong perfume. She has children, so I liked to hear their stories too.
I want to recommend to other people Nipuna. She is outstanding baby sitter, very kind, professional for baby.

Leah Marston


I recently had my third child and my birth doula put me in touch with a couple of post-partum doulas, including Nipuna. Nipuna was very prompt, friendly and professional in her communications with me. She understood the challenge of parenting 3 children, since she is also the mother of 3. I also appreciated that she understood my experience of having my youngest in the NICU for a few days, since one of her children had a short NICU stay as well. She was an excellent "mothers helper" to me: getting lunch for my older girls, playing at the park with the older girls when I took my newborn to a drs appointment, watching the kids so I could grocery shop, etc. It was very helpful to have an extra set of hands and my girls really enjoyed their time with Nipuna. I encourage others to contact her to help support them during their post-partum period!

Avani Lange-Parker


I am writing about my experience as having Nipuna as my birth doula. She was amazing and I feel so happy and lucky to have had her by my side for my birth, I feel because of having her there for support I was able to avoid a csection, with all her knowledge and encouragement to have the birth I wanted. She was very calm and supportive in my decisions and knew exactly what I wanted when I wanted it, When I was in labor and was not able to speak up about what I did and didn't want and when I wanted to ask a question about a decision I was being asked to make at birth she was right there reading my mind asking the questions or giving alternative suggestions to the matter. I am thankful for Nipuna and was really happy to have her.

Postpartum Availability for Nipuna Dasi

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-20-2024