Victoria Calleja Photo

Victoria Calleja

All Things Birth LLC

Phoenix, AZ Service range 60 miles

Birth Fee

$1200 to $1300

Postpartum Rate

$40 to $50

Availability Remarks: Overnight and 24hr shifts available. I will travel for 24 hr jobs or overnight shifts with free accommodations.

Birth Fee

$1200 to $1300

Postpartum Rate

$40 to $50

Birth Doula Experience

15 years

Postpartum Doula Experience

15 years

Birth Doula Certifications

  • International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA) - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, December 2007
  • International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA), May 2016

Type of practice: Solo practice

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
Badge for Banner hospitals that have them

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth
I do not attend unassisted births

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Aromatherapy
  • Babywearing education
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • Childbirth education services
  • Cloth diapering education
  • First Aid and CPR
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Parenting consulting
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

I have experience with breech birth, VBAC and VBA2C. I am a trained Newborn Care Specialist and can provide overnight support. I run a monthly meetup for Newborn Care Specialists.

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

Reduced rates for repeat clients, first responders or if you have a deployed partner.

Service Area

Phoenix, AZ Service range 60 miles

Certifications for Victoria Calleja

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

Report any issues or concerns with certification images.

Client Testimonials for Victoria Calleja

Post a testimonial for Victoria Calleja

Tiffane Stakich


Victoria was our childbirth educator. Since this was during COVID, we had virtual classes. From the very first class, we were impressed by her. The amount of knowledge she has is remarkable. I mean she really knows a lot. We were so impressed by her. I knew I wanted to hire Victoria to be my doula. She was amazing for both my pregnancy and delivery. She offered unlimited contact and support. I even remember calling her after I tested positive for group b strep. I was so freaked out and felt horrible. A quick phone call, and she knew exactly how to calm me down in just a few minutes. She even came with me to one of my late term appointments. At 41+6 weeks, when I finally went into labor, she was there every step of the way. I honestly don't know how I could have gotten through it without her. I had a very long 47 hour labor. We had multiple trips to and from home and the birth center, until we finally transferred to the hospital.  Victoria knew what to do every step of the way. She knew my birth plan, and helped me stick to it as best as I could. When we needed a change, she gave me the courage to make an informed decision. She helped me use my voice at the hospital. Victoria knew when to hold my hand, when to rub my back, when to be encouraging. Even though my husband was there the entire time, she was able to help me in a way he couldn't. She was incredible. I am forever grateful to her for her loving support and knowledge about all things birth. She also encapsulated my placenta. The pills have really helped me during this postpartum period. When we are ready to have another baby, I will without question, absolutely hire her again. One million percent. She is amazing and I feel like we really got lucky to have her. She can anticipate your needs before you know them. She is so professional as well; very courteous.I felt like she even helped my husband get through the long labor. We just love Victoria, and so will you. 





Victoria was wonderful with my newborn son, and her insights on breastfeeding, pumping, and cloth diapering were a huge help. I would hire her again.



My experience with Victoria’s postpartum service was excellent.  This is our first child and we had no idea how to take care of newborn (we had never changed diaper before). Victoria was perfect for us. She is very knowledgeable and answered all the questions we came up with. She also provided breastfeeding support, which was really important for me. Overall, her service was very helpful and awesome. I highly recommend her to anyone planning for the arrival of a new baby.

Iris Alvarez


I was very blessed to have Victoria as my doula. She was mine and my husband’s Bradley Method instructor and was extremely knowledgeable and friendly. We decided to hire a doula to have extra support during the labor and delivery process and we are so very glad we had Victoria by our side. From the moment we asked her to be our doula she was attentive and ready to answer any questions. This was my first baby and I knew I wanted a natural birth. She helped me to stick to my desire of having a natural birth even when it became extremely difficult. She provided a tremendous amount of support to my husband I throughout the entire labor and delivery process. It was in all sincerity the most challenging experience of my life and having her there was so comforting as she was loving, kind, provided information, and was my cheerleader. She was with me through the entire process and worked closely with my midwife and nurse to meet my needs. I don’t think I would have been able to stick to my original plan without her. My husband actually said “next time we are hiring her again.” He saw what a huge role she played and understood she provided support he was not able to which was completely okay. After the birth, she stayed with us to make sure we were settled and even came over to check on me and our baby girl a few days after. I cannot begin to emphasize what a huge gift it was to have Victoria as our doula. She is such a blessing! Our little family is forever grateful!

Havi Ashkenazi London


I always thought you get a Doula only if you feel like your partner/couch won’t be able to provide the support you need, I have a very supportive husband, therefor for my first delivery I didn’t get a Doula and I had a very difficult and traumatic experience, I spent most of the time fighting the medical team to avoid interventions. For my second birth I contacted Victoria, we met and she explained her role in the birth process, she was nice, warm, understanding and very knowledgeable. Both me and my husband felt she was a good fit for us. She came to our home twice to talk about different aspect and to create a birth plan which in the process opened my eyes to so many aspects I wasn’t even aware of the first time.Victoria periodically texted me to see how I’m doing and if I need anything, there was an open line of communication and support during the pregnancy.When the time came she was immediately available for me, I texted her during the night and in 4:30am she came over when I felt I really needed her, she attended to my needs and pain, was come and supportive, she gave my husband the room to participate as much as we both wanted. She helped accelerating the process with natural methods. When it was time she suggested we should go to the hospital and we went together she helped mitigate between us and the medical team and explained the different stages we were in. My birth was supper fast and baby was naturally out in 2 hours with no interventions!!! during that time Victoria helped relief the pain, rotate the baby who was looking up, maintain my mental strength and instructed me during pushing.I had a really good second experience and I feel like most of it was due to her presence.She visited me at home after birth and made the placenta peels which worked like Magic.

I would recommend using Victoria’s help as a Doula to anyone who asks, she was incredible and we appreciate her being a part of our experience.

Kathy West


Contacting Victoria was the best choice I made in preparing for bringing baby home. I already had support during birth, so I scheduled Victoria for post-partum support when I got home and my husband was back at work. She came a few times a week and I was so grateful.

The first time, she cared for my baby so I could sleep. Knowing I didn't have to be aware of the baby let me nap so deeply. While I was asleep, Victoria tidied up my home. We arranged future times so that she could pick up my older daughter from school on her way to my house, which was so helpful. And then she helped me keep things tidy so I didn't get buried in a mountain of laundry and clutter.

Victoria also provided post-partum support in terms of information for me that I didn't even know to ask for. She connected me with different groups online that were helpful. She brought documents and answered questions. She kept checking in to make sure how I was doing.

My home and my mind felt calmer and more ordered after Victoria visited. I let her know what was important to me and she was such a support in helping make it happen.

Emily Brand


We hired Victoria to support us with both of our births, the first a cesarean breech birth in September 2014 and again with our VBAC baby this past December 2016. The support Victoria provided for us as our doula began far before the delivery room!  I tend to reflect a lot, and sometimes overanalyze; having the support was helpful for me to get in touch with my instincts and not hyper-dwell. The support isn't just something you get at your birth, it's something you can get during your pregnancy. I did not expect our first son to be breech, and Victoria provided the resources I wanted to help flip the baby. She also made herself available to debrief my OB visits and look at options. Even though our birth was cesarean, I still felt her support was extremely valuable, especially with breastfeeding and getting that first latch.

Our second birth was a major whirlwind. If it weren't for Victoria, we would've had a very unexpected homebirth!  When Victoria came to the house she recognized that I was in transition and we needed to leave for the hospital. She sat with me in the backseat, massaged my back, and helped me to relax, focus, and empower myself during my contractions. My husband is a fantastic birth coach, however, there is no way he would've been able to do any of that while driving! Somebody had to take charge and get us out of the house, and Victoria was that person for us. My husband needed her guidance and direction as well, otherwise we definitely would have had the baby in the bathroom!

Postpartum, I still use Victoria for questions and resources regarding breastfeeding and postpartum depression. If there ever is a baby #3, we would hire her again in a heartbeat!

Mandy Atteln


As first time parents, my husband and I were so thankful to have Victoria by our side throughout the whole process! We signed up to take Bradley Method classes, as it was so important for us to be as informed as possible to make the entire pregnancy / birthing experience be the best it could be. Victoria was our instructor, and we just loved her from the beginning. She is extremely knowledgeable and always willing to talk through questions and concerns. We knew right away that we would love to have her as our doula as well. She met with us ahead of time to discuss all of our hopes and concerns. She was right there anytime I had questions leading up to the big day as well. Finally, on the day I went into labor, I felt confident and excited! She had helped both my husband and I understand the entire process, so we were ready in every way! Having her right there with us was incredible. Even though my husband felt prepared, he always says that having her there took all the worrying and questioning off of him as far as when we needed to go to the hospital, etc. He could just relax and be present with me. Because she knew all of our wishes, she was right there making sure everything played out exactly as we had hoped. Having our daughter was honestly the most beautiful, meaningful experience of our lives, and we will forever be in debt to Victoria for that. I wish everyone could have a birthing experience like we did. It is so empowering! We highly recommend her!

Ashley Bora


Victoria is amazing. We met her through our Bradley birthing classes as she was our teacher. We were nervous and figured it would be best and probably ease our minds to have Victoria with us during the delivery, so we decided to have her as a doula that was in 2012. She has so much knowledge and was a major difference maker as to how everything ended up panning out. ( my son was frank breech Which created some challenges and complications for delivery). My birthing experience was great and I firmly believe it was because we had her there to educate us on decisions to be made but also as a support system for us. She has attended the births of all 3 of my children and the last 2 I'm not even sure she was needed but she made us feel comfortable and I refuse to have any babies without her being around. My husband may not admit it but I think he wanted her there more than me just because It puts him at ease so he can do his best help em through the whole process. She is always there for before the birth ( available for questions etc), will most likely beat you to the hospital (which is great because she is loads of help in triage) and is great assistance afterward as well visits to see how everything is going and help you with any challenges you may be having.

Heather Schenck


We used Victoria twice for the birth of our boys and couldn't be happier. She was amazing and had everything we needed. She helped with changing positions and trying different techniques to help with the baby's position and pain management. I would highly recommend victoria to anyone.

Cassie Ehard


Victoria was absolutely vital to the amazing birth experience I had. It's impossible to explain everything she did in under 2k characters. These are some highlights.

During transition, I began to start tearing up & she told me, "it's ok! sometimes we just need to cry. So cry!" It was the most important things that anyone said to me during my labor. It allowed me to let go. When the midwife reminded me I had asked not to have a waterbirth, Victoria reminded me that I could always change my mind. I love that she made sure to remind me that I was in charge, w/o ever pushing an opinion on me. She also always knew exactly what to do. I feel like she was perfectly in tune with me.

When it became apparent that my baby needed to be delivered quickly for her safety & mine, Victoria kept me focused. When I said, "I can't!" She told me, "You can!" I had a VERY fast labor & it became scary & overwhelming. When I began to "lose it," Victoria was my center. She kept me confident & helped me regain control. She made me feel safe. Through it all, Victoria kept me at peace. While the midwife was responsible for my medical health, Victoria was there for my physical, emotional, & mental health.

I'm so grateful she was my doula, especially bc my husband was not there. having someone who I was comfortable w/ & who had so much love for my baby and me was invaluable. She stayed by my side for the entire labor and postpartum period. Even during the newborn exam, she stayed w/ ME. When everyone, self included, was preoccupied with the baby- she was preoccupied w/ me. She followed up w/ me not just for my postpartum period, but for YEARS. She was gentle when I needed gentle & she was stern when I needed stern. She was hands on when I needed that & she gave me space & kind words when I needed that. I do not know what I would have done w/o her and I can't recommend her enough.

Mercedes Bethay


I think trust is a HUGE part of the Mom/Doula relationship, it was not difficult to put my trust in Victoria. She speaks from years of experience and knowledge. When it came time for my labor to start Victoria was there quickly and I immediately felt at ease. As my labor progressed she was observing me constantly without me even knowing, it just felt like friends and mothers talking and hanging out. Victoria knew what to watch for as things progressed and soon we were driving to the hospital. Being that I chose a hospital setting I could not have delivered my baby without Victoria. She was my strongest advocate and helped my husband and I make the best decisions. I had the drug-free, vaginal devlivery I desired with the help of Victoria.

Christina Balgas


I don't know what I would have done without Victoria! I was so worried about having a hospital birth and was so scared that i would be forced into things i didn't agree with when i got to the hospital. Victoria made it so my experience would go as closely to planned as possible. When things didn't go as i planned she was open minded and helped me understand what would be best for me and my son. To have someone on your team like that is unexplainable. My husband was so happy to have her there as well. He constantly looked towards her for advice and she always was prepared and knew what to do. Although we took the Bradley Method and my husband was as ready as he could be he feels that without Victoria things would have been so much harder. She makes it convenient for you and your husband to enjoy the experience and make the most natural decisions. During labor Victoria motivated me to stick with my birth plan, had so many tips and tricks to keep me as comfortable as possible and stayed by my side the entire time. There were times when i would choose to have her by my side vs. my husband! Im so glad we had her there for this experience and will have her there for all our future babies as well!

Crissa Raymond


I am truly thankful for making the last moment decision to have a doula. Victoria offered more support than I could have ever imagined. While I had my spouse and family by my side, I feel I could not have gotten through my birth without her. From the little moments of helping me through being queezy, the gritty job of completely setting up and dismantling our birth pool, the perfect preparation of my placenta, to the rough moments after my birth when I needed hands to hold through the pain and when I was in trouble and needed to transfer to the hospital... Victoria is an excellent doula. I would choose her time and time again to assist in our birth.

Stephanie Narry


Victoria attended the birth of my second child.  With her assistance I was able to have the unmedicated birth I wanted.  She instinctively knew what to do to help me through my contractions and helped to guide my husband to assist as needed.  I am looking fodward to working with her again and having her attend the birth of my third child.

Emily Stonham


Victoria was invaluable on my VBAC journey. Before the birth she helped us research so that we could make informed decisions, and she gave great insight on things to consider for our birth plan that we hadn't thought of. My labor progressed very quickly once I arrived at the hospital, and my husband and I were both grateful to have Victoria there, especially during the hectic time when my husband was rushing to park the car as I was being moved to a room. Victoria spoke up to remind hospital staff to please keep things quiet as she could tell they were disturbing me during contractions. Her calm guidance and coaching helped refocus me when it came time to push, so I was able to have the peaceful VBAC I had hoped for.

Stephanie Rodriguez


Being pregnant for the first time makes you want to do everything right throughout your entire pregnancy. Having several friends that had a doula assist them during labor and delivered at a birthing center made me want to take that route.

I got to know Victoria through her series of her Bradley classes in November 2013. Only being 5-6 months pregnant and not due till March 2014 made me feel like I'd be prepared early before having Derek.

Throughout the classes I felt like I gained a lot of knowledge and felt at ease and not scared of going through a natural non medicated labor. Not only was I learning valuable information, techniques but also caring out a healthy pregnancy due to Victoria's knowledge of healthy eating and lifestyle.

Leading up to my 8th month of pregnancy I had only gained 12 pounds throughout the whole pregnancy. My husband and I got a shocking surprise on February 27th. Halfway to the hospital to get checked for what i thought was a UTI my water broke. Looking back and remembering that early morning I realized the I labored down my son at home by myself with the techniques I learned with Victoria.

As great as a person she was throughout the classes she always made it flexible to take her classes. With this being said she rushed to the hospital to assist me in having my son. In 5 minutes she talked me out of having an epidural after the nurses insisted. She helped me block out the pain, the noises, and any negative distractions surrounding me. Because of her classes I was able to come up with a birth plan that was accepted and followed my the nurses and doctor. With Victoria's help I was able to have my son Derek in 4 hours of being admitted in the hospital.

My husband and I plan on having more children in the future and have asked Victoria to be our doula during the pregnancy and birth of our future children.

Michelle Fenn


My husband and I used Victoria as our doula after taking her Bradley Method birthing class for our son Josiah. My labor began about 8 in the morning in which I labored at home with just my husband until about 1 when Victoria showed up. Both of us seemed to relax as soon as she got there because we knew we were in good hands. We headed to the hospital around 4-430. Upon arrival Victoria requested that my dilation not be shared with me because I seemed to have mentally blocked my labor the two days previously, which turned out to be a great suggestion. Although I was unaware of this, I was 5 centimeters when we got there. Once in the room I spent a good chunk of time in the shower with scalding hot water on my back to help with the pain. Victoria was incredibly helpful. She not only helped me through each contraction, she also made sure my husband was doing okay and that I knew he was struggling so i could reassure him that I was okay. Once it was time to push she was right there helping me through it with encouraging words and direction. I felt secure and safe knowing that she was there to make sure that my voice was heard despite me not being able to talk at that point in the labor. As soon as my son was born I lost track of everything else but I still knew she was there and that she was ensuring that all my wishes on my birth plan were being upheld. I was blessed with a perfect, healthy baby boy through an amazing natural birth. I truly believe that my experience would not have been as perfect and inspiring had she not been there. Both my husband and I felt expenentially safer and more comfortable in our plan with her being there. We defintiely plan on using her again for all future babies!

Alyssa Schwartz


Victoria made it so easy to decide that having her as our doula would strengthen our confidence and commitment to have the labor I wanted.  Working with Victoria erased any fears I had about birth. She was calm, collected and supportive from our first meeting until our little guy arrived.  After my experience with Victoria, I highly recommend to all my pregnant friends (especially first-time moms) to find a doula in their area to help them have the empowering birth that I had with my son. Victoria is an essential piece to the peaceful, smooth labor I experienced. She is so knowledgeable, confident and professional. My family had never heard of a doula before and were in town to witness everything a doula offers from the support of laboring at home, to joining us in the hospital, breastfeeding support and placenta encapsulation. They left the experience with Victoria so thoroughly impressed and now recommend doulas to expecting families.  Everyone should experience birth with a doula!! Thank you Victoria for being such a positive contribution in bringing our son into this world!

Alanna Sharp Bowen


Victoria was awesome and super helpful.

Birth Availability for Victoria Calleja

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-25-2024

Postpartum Availability for Victoria Calleja

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-25-2024