Carina Bishop  Photo

Carina Bishop

Baby Belly Doula and Placenta Encapsulation

Boise, ID Service range 30 miles

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate

$35 to $50

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate

$35 to $50

Birth Doula Experience

17 years and 102 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

4 years and 16 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, October 2006
  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, June 2020

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 3 births and 1 to 3 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth
Any home birth with a doctor or midwife present

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Antepartum doula support
  • First Aid and CPR
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

I volunteered and served as a board member to Treasure Valley Doulas organization for four years.

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Spanish

Fee Details

Congratulations on your pregnancy! My services range from antepartum to labor and birth to placenta encapsulation and postpartum support. Contact me for a free consultation!

Service Area

Boise, ID Service range 30 miles

Certifications for Carina Bishop

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Carina Bishop

Post a testimonial for Carina Bishop

Jessica DeAngelo


As transplants to the Boise area, without family around we decided to hire Carina as our postpartum doula after the birth of our second baby.

She has been such an incredible support for our entire family during this time. She has a vast knowledge of all things baby (and toddler) and offers helpful suggestions. When she's in our home, it's like Mary Poppins style magic. The laundry is done, my daughters room is picked up, the dishwasher is unloaded and the baby is happy. I frequently find things she's done that I've been meaning to get to, but haven't had the time. 

She has even helped with our three year old toddler from time to time, engaging in imaginative play and helping me figure out how to manage tantrums and providing helpful suggestions for potty training. Even though we've worked together for a few months, she always asks me if there's anything I'd like her to accomplish during her shift or checks in to see how we'd like some done or handled. 

She's become a part of our family, a dear friend and we absolutely adore her! Carina has been such an invaluable part of my postpartum recovery, I would recommend her to any family looking for additional help. 



Carina has been a GREAT help before and after our son arrived.  She helped organice our move to a new place.  She also does placenta encapsulation and i fully trust her doing it in a clean and safe environment.  She did mine and it helped w/ post partum.  She is so kind, generous, thoughtful and you definitely need her on your side.  Thank you, Carina! 



During my whole pregnancy, I was indecisive about whether I wanted to use a doula or not. I was having a home birth, so I couldn't decide if I wanted an extra person in my birthing space.  It wasn't until I was 37 weeks pregnant, at a birthing class that I decided to hire someone. I interviewed 4 doulas, and was very lucky to have found Carina. She and I had just spoken via text and phone call when I decided that she'd be a good fit for me. I was supposed to meet her in person on the same day that i began having contractions. Ten days early! I texted her that I was having contractions and she (without meeting me) agreed to come be there for me. She was a calming presence and had a soothing voice. She reminded me to relax my shoulders and use a low voice during transition. She used counterpressure intermittently on my hips when my husband was speaking with my midwives. She was such a support for me and she took some of the pressure off of my husband. After the baby was born, she helped me with latching while breastfeeding and it was her advice that got my baby to latch! With her experience, she knew what I needed before I did. Having her in our home while our baby was being born was such an easy decision. Her presence relaxed me between contractions, and I had only just met this wonderful woman! I would hire Carina again so quickly. We were so lucky to have found her at the very last minute. 

Lynn Maher


Carina was wonderful as our doula. As first time parents, she was indispensable in getting my husband and I prepared before the birth experience. I had planned an unmedicated birth and then of course plans went out the window with a sunny side up baby. Carina was there through a long medicated labor, providing support and assistance. Her experience was essential in helping us feel much more confident in our decisions during a complicated birth. We are so grateful and will definitely hire her again for our second.



Simply the best! Look no further, call Carina! She was so wonderful for our family and we are forever grateful ????

Amber Murrer


Carina was amazing. She came to our home and answered all of our questions before hand as well as had great information and material for us for our own use. Because of a medical reason we did end up having a c-section, but Carina was amazing before and after the surgery. She helped with breastfeeding and the post partum appointment helped me really feel good about being a mom during such a crazy transition. I recommend carina to anyone and will be using her for our next baby!

Jill Sulgrove


Working with Carina was a great experience. We hired her a bit late compared to most people, I was 38 weeks pregnant, but she was quick to schedule our consultation appointments, provided us with helpful handouts regarding her services as well as additional info about pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum care. I went into labor at 11:50pm the night before our due date, a Saturday night and she responded to my husband's texts right away and came to our house the moment I felt I needed her there, around 2:30am.

On our way to the birth center she even stopped at the store for us to pick up a few items we hadn't yet purchased so we didn't have to think or worry about it. While I was in labor Carina was the one who provided me with a cold towel on my forehead and neck and kept me comfortable with constant words of encouragement while also hanging back when my husband stepped in, she was definitely tuned in to what both my husband and I needed when we needed it. 

I pushed for several hours before my husband and I were encouraged to try a more aggressive position which included me sitting on his lap facing him and Carina standing behind him holding my outstretched arms and fully supporting me while I lowered myself between his legs to push during each contraction. She was emotional strong for us as well as physically strong. She played a key role, along with my husband, in helping me to finally deliver my daughter into this world and I am so thankful she was there. 

Carina also provides the service of placenta encapsulation (I encourage everyone to look into this option) which we had her do for us. Since giving birth to my daughter I've felt very emotionally stable and confident as a new mom and have basically been on cloud nine, I do give credit to the placenta capsules I've been taking. When you do the research behind it it becomes clear how and why it makes perfect sense to move forward with this postpartum option.

Felissa Eve


Carina Hays is a wonderful doula and anyone would be lucky to work with her. She attended birthing classes with me and even did my placenta encapsulation. My husband appreciated her because he said she was able to communicate with me during the birth at a time that he wasn't able to know the right things to do or say. If we have our next baby in Idaho, we will definitely hire her again.

Felissa Eve Miller

Jenny Kindig


My first child was born via emergency c-section and although she was a happy, healthy baby girl the experience was tough and turned out to be a lasting emotional experience for me. Always wondering “what if.” I did a lot of research and learned how doulas greatly reduce the need for intervention during childbirth so I chose to have a doula for the birth of my second child. Carina was wonderful doula. Everyone always seems to have an idea of what is the best birthing approach and Carina did a wonderful job listening to me and what I wanted the experience to be like and she didn't try to sway me in any particular direction. She also gave great suggestions and words of encouragement which helped build my confidence level. The day of my son’s birth she was QUIET yet ASSERTIVE. She recognized what was working and suggested changes when things were not going well. She had a mutually respectful relationship with my OB which was also important to me. My son’s birth was an epidural-free VBAC (my goal!) and one of the happiest days of my life.

Christie Herwy


After taking classes, reading books, and speaking to friends, we chose to have a Doula for the birth of our first child. The decision to have a neutral support person was prompted by the desire to provide my husband with backup during my labor. So we chose to work with Carina for the birth of our baby girl.

In the weeks before the birth she spent time with us to ensure we knew what to expect of her, the hospital and ourselves during labor. She explained the pros and cons of pain management, different birthing techniques and how to determine an appropriate birthing plan to guide our experience. She was very respectful of my husband’s wish to be the primary support person.

During my labor Carina spent over nine hours with us at our home assisting with pain management, suggesting different positions to further the labor process and helping to keep us mentally focused. Sixteen hours into labor we transitioned to the hospital. At this point I decided to receive pain medication. Carina stayed with us until we suggested that she go home and rest while I slept. During this time Carina was in constant contact with my husband offering suggestions and support over the phone. She returned to the hospital in the early hours of the next day.

After reflecting on the process we were happy that we had Carina there for support. The demands that labor put on us were intense and overwhelming. Carina helped my husband feel confident and educated during the process, which in turn helped me. We would recommend Carina as a Doula for your birth. She has a nice calm demeanor, provides the information needed to make educated decisions and is respectful of the birth plan that is right for your family. Having a baby is the most amazing event. Carina helped make this experience wonderful.

Christine Herwy

Kelli Kennedy


Carina was extremely supportive during the labor of my second child. My first labor was very, very long, so I went into my second labor hoping to go natural but not wanting to beat myself up if I was unable to do it. Carina supported this decision. We met several times before I went into labor and she explained that even if I ended up getting an epidural, the longer I could go without one, the faster my labor would be. I really hoped to not need medication as my due date drew closer....and then passed. On day 9 after my due date, my doctor induced me. Carina was extremely encouraging as my labor intensified. She kept reminding me to just get through the current contraction and to take each one, one at a time. When I asked for an epidural several hours into it, she was very encouraging for me to hold on a bit longer. I did, but ultimately decided I really needed help with my pain management. Once I made that call, Carina was totally supportive of my decision and did not make me feel like a failure in the least. Looking back on the labor and birth, I honestly would not have changed a thing about my birthing experience.

Rachel Schupbach


I wanted as natural a birth as possible. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that having Carina there by my side to assist during the birth of my daughter helped prevent unnecessary interventions. Her expertise gave me guidance and the ability to make informed choices at the time that I was most vulnerable

Birth Availability for Carina Bishop

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-05-2024

Postpartum Availability for Carina Bishop

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-05-2024