Inka Brown Photo

Inka Brown

New York, NY Service range 50 miles public transportation or lyft

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate


Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate


Birth Doula Experience

10 years and 60 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

9 years and 25 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • BEST - Certified Birth Doula
  • HypnoBirthing (Mongan Method) - Professional Doula Training Certification

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, October 2013
  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, February 2014
  • BEST Doula Training, April 2017
  • HypnoBirthing, August 2018

Type of practice: Independent contractor with a doula agency

Clients per month: 1 to 5 births and 1 to 6 postpartum families

Postpartum limits/restrictions: The sky's the limit!

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Baby-led weaning
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • Childbirth education services
  • Cloth diapering education
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Pelvic floor health education & support
  • Prenatal or postnatal massage
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Professional member of Evidence Based Birth and VBAC facts

Languages Spoken

  • Ukrainian

Service Area

New York, NY Service range 50 miles public transportation or lyft

Certifications for Inka Brown

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Inka Brown

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I HIGHLY recommend working with Inka! Inka was my doula for my second child and made the whole process go so smoothly and fast. I knew I wanted an unmedicated birth and Inka was wonderful guiding me through. She was so respectful, gave advice when asked and knew how to support and encourage when I just needed someone to listen. She also spent so much time with me - coming over to my house to go through plans, practice exercises and movements, breathing etc. When i began labor and went to the hospital, i was only 3 cm but decided to stay and walk around. Inka walked with me and we went all over the hospital - doing lunges and different exercises to help move baby along. And sure enough... I went from 3 to 6cm in 2 hours! Then we moved into the birthing center where again she would take into consideration the station and position of the baby and help me move my body accordingly. I went from 6cm to pushing baby out in another 2 hours!!! The whole experience was incredible and empowering. Inka knew when to be there and also when to step back so my husband could be involved! I'm so grateful for Inka and this whole birth process.

Katherine & Chris


Inka made the birth I hoped for possible and I truly believe it wouldn’t have been without her presence.

We hoped to have Inka for the birth of our first, but she was already committed to other births. The difference in experience from my first birth to the second is in large part to her impact. As an unexpected bonus, the guidance she brought to my second birth actually put into perspective some negatives around my first birth, allowing me to find more joy in that experience.

The prep work was fantastic. My husband and I appreciated the explanation of the birth process and corresponding exercises to prepare the body for delivery. Even more impactful were the conversations around the type of birth we hoped for. Her questions caused me to pause in all the busy-ness of late pregnancy and really consider what I wanted. When I proposed that the theme of the birth as “fun” she fully committed to aligning her approach with our experience. I laughed multiple times during labor, which is a pretty amazing feeling. She also brought hypnotherapy and healing touch into the preparations. The level of relaxation I achieved during the touch sessions helped make space for me, which I very much needed. The hypnotherapy session is one of my favorite memories. I loved the imagery that was created through her guidance and the practice of preparing with intention. 

The labor itself was great. Inka provided suggestions for how to position my body, how to relax my mind, and how to reset myself throughout the process. She used the space to our advantage while we were at home, and continued with physical support at the hospital. Our goal was to labor at home as long as possible and Inka facilitated that totally, and provided very sage advice for a rather uncomfortable car ride!

I know anyone who has a birth is going to be so lucky to have someone as thoughtful, present, and flexible as Inka.



My husband and I adored working with Inka as our birth doula! This was our first pregnancy and Inka helped guide and prepare us for our birth experience. Inka’s calm and gentle demeanor, and her array of expertise, helped us to envision and plan for our ideal labor and delivery. Inka incorporated many skills and tools of her own in our preparations (Spinning Babies, Hypnobirthing, healing touch), and was also quick to help us with referrals to other resources & providers both during pregnancy and postpartum (an online birth education course that my husband found very helpful, lactation consultant, and pelvic floor PT). During labor, Inka was an excellent support for both my husband and me, and she brought a very calming, grounding energy to the day. With her experience, support, and guidance, we labored at home much longer than we would have otherwise (which was one of our goals!) and labor and delivery went very smoothly. Inka helped advocate for us in the hospital as our birth unfolded, making helpful suggestions and asking helpful questions of the medical team in support of our birth plan. I am so grateful we met Inka and had her on our journey!



Inka was wonderful! She help guide us through the birthing process and experience. She really helped us get our minds in a good place in preperation for our daughters birth. She answered all of our questions in a way that we could understand. Though our labor and hospital timeline ended up being quite quick, she arrived at the hospital on short notice and was a great support while there. We would highly recommend her to anyone searching for a knowledgable and professional doula! Thank you Inka!

Taylor Dressler


From the moment we met with Inka I knew she would be an invaluable member of my birth team. Every prenatal visit I came away feeling even more confident about childbirth. From the physical exercises we did, to the conversations she sparked between me and my husband, Inka was exactly what I needed from a doula. My labor was nothing like I had planned (induced, 30 hour labor) but Inka made us feel comfortable and relaxed the whole way through. We absolutely love Inka. She was such an integral part of my son's birth and  I don't think I could've delivered this baby without her!



Inka is amazing! We hired her to help with the birth of our first child and could not have been more happy with the result.  We found out that our baby was presenting breech during our week 34 doctor visit. During our first prenatal visits Inka instructed us on positions and techniques to help get our baby to flip (spinning babies). We were successful and I was able to deliver vaginally! During our second prenatal visit, she shared her wealth of knowledge and talked us through everything to expect when we went to the hospital and helped us finalize our birth plan. 

Inka's support, guidance, and flexibility during labor was invaluble. She helped coach and guide me during labor and was there to support my husband so that he could be dedicated to supporting me. Inka knew just what to say and do to empower me and keep me centered and relaxed as possible. She is an expert at reading the room, and struck the perfect balance between advocating for me when I needed it and stepping back when I needed to discuss changes in my birth plan with my doctor. She worked seamlessly with the hospital staff at Tuoro and was a calming and positive energy in the room. 

Maerin Laskey


Where do I even start? From the moment I saw Inka's photograph on the Nola Nesting website, I felt an instant draw towards her and immediately knew that I wanted her as my doula. Boy, were my instincts correct here. I consider myself to be a pretty strong and independent person, but when I say I could not have given birth without her (despite having a very supportive husband, as well!), there is no truer statement. She was with me for a 30+ hour labor, calmly and warmly supporting me through every contraction. Her presence is calming, her input vital, and use of her is essential. Having her as my doula was easily the best decision I made regarding my delivery. If you are searching for a doula, look no further. In my mind, she is the best out there, and I'm forever grateful for her presence during such a special time ♥?



Inka was incredible. I had a great labor and delivery experience (my first child) and she is a big reason why. Inka was supportive of my preferences to labor at home as long as possible and she helped give me the confidence to advocate for myself at the hospital. My husband was unsure about having a doula but was so grateful for her help and guidance during labor. Inka is knowledgeable, caring, and supportive. I hope to have her by my side for future children. 

Madeleine Hollier


I chose Inka as my doula because she was a good listener and had a calm presence. Both of these qualities served me and my husband well in preparing for birth and during delivery. 
Inka is certified in Spinning babies and healing touch. She showed us exercises that helped prepare me for labor. As a result, I had a great, unmedicated delivery. Having Inka there made a huge difference. My husband and I felt supported. She did a great job of advocating for me  while in the hospital.  Before delivery, when I asked, she shared lots of information with me so that I could make informed decisions for the birth of our first child. 
My husband was very skeptical in the beginning when I wanted to use a doula. In the end, he was her biggest fan. When we made the last payment, he said, "that's it?..Inka is worth way more than that."

Jillian Guinta


I highly recommend working with Inka! Among her many excellent qualities, her wisdom, kindness, experience and familiarity with the birth, postpartum and medical experience made her my ideal doula. Immediately after we had constructed my ideal birth plan, an emergency situation made that plan impossible. Throughout it all, I am most grateful that Inka was quickly accessible and/or at my side, to help me better understand my medical situation and make the best available choices for mine and my baby’s health and safety.



I was so greatful to have had Inka's support during my pregnancy, labor, and delivery with our daughter (first and only child). Our daughter was a surprise (I'd planned not to have children) so I was very apprehensive about pregnancy and birth, both the physical and psychological aspects. Inka was so instrumental in helping me prepare and I attribute my easy labor and delivery to her calm presence, knowledge and techniques. Everything went way more smoothly than I could've imagined! I am very impressed with Inka's dedication to continually seeking out new information and training (such as Hypnobirthing, Spinning Babies, etc) and would recommend her to anyone looking for support and evidence-based techniques during their pregnancy journey.

Elisa Sanchez


Inka is a dedicated and knowledgeable doula. She helped my family so much during my pregnancy and birth of my second baby. My labor and delivery took about 20 hours and she stayed from the beginning to the end. During my pregnancy, Inka provided information and training for hypnobirthing techniques and positions that were useful to move the baby during labor. She encouraged me to ask questions at the hospital and gave me information I needed about my options during the labor and delivery stages. She was available and communicative during the months leading up to childbirth when I had questions or concerns and she checked in on me at times as well. Inka also came to visit me postpartum to support, check in about breastfeeding, and discuss my labor and delivery. We are all very grateful for her support :)



Ruth and I had a wonderful experience with Inka. She's the absolute best, and made the birth a pleasure. She helped remove a tremendous amount of fear and anxiety. She helped with figuring out the process. She really cared for us once the baby was born. She's also a complete expert, a calming presence, and now, a great friend to us and our new baby.

Birth Availability for Inka Brown

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-30-2024

Postpartum Availability for Inka Brown

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-30-2024