Eden Birth Services Photo

Eden Birth Services

Hanover, MA Service range 30 miles


Birth Fee

$900 to $1800

Postpartum Rate

$30 to $50

Birth Fee

$900 to $1800

Postpartum Rate

$30 to $50

Years in Operation: 3

Type of practice: Partnership

Clients per month: 4 births and 2 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
We are closest to South Shore Hospital, and have rapport with L&D nurses, and NICU nurses. Both Melissa & Rophe have had their own hospital births and assisted at hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth
We love our home birth clients, and have worked with multiple home birth midwives in MA. Rophe has had her own home births & Melissa has assisted at them as well.

Fee Details

We work with clients to customize care to meet their needs. Casey & Mandi each are also Newborn Care Specialist & PAIL advocates. We offer overnight support (8 hour shifts) and can accommodate daytime hours as well.

Service Area

Hanover, MA Service range 30 miles

No Doulas Yet

This partnership is probably just getting started setting up their group profile. As of now, it has no associated doulas. Check back later!

Client Testimonials for Eden Birth Services

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I couldn't say enough great things about Eden birth services. If I ever choose to have more children I will definitely be choosing Eden birth services. I wanted a natural unmedicated water birth etc.The second I came in contact with Rophe she was nothing but supportive. She connected me with her partner Mellisa.Mellisa was always supporting me and providing me with information that helped and  anytime I felt  any negative feelings she would pray with me. She was always here to listen and talk me through my strong emotions. I was told I had to be induced at 38 weeks and 5 days. That was not expected at all. I was petrified. I went to the hospital and I refused to get induced because of fear. The morning of my baby girls birth,Mellisa was supportive no matter what choice I made she had set up pretty lights and gave me a ball with essential oils on it and it helped incredibly with my anxiety. I decided that my anxiety was to high, I was so exhausted from the pregnancy and the stress and being up for a few nights. So I decided to have a C-section. She was there every step of the way. I was having a panic attack in the OR for quit a while. She prayed with me and finally got me to lay down. Mellisa rubbed my temples and literally put me to sleep. Mellisa is literal magic lol. The doctors were finally  able to give me some anxiety meds and give me the spinal and I had fallen asleep and next thing you know I hear my beautiful baby girls cry. After birth she took lovely photos,she continued to support all of us and helped Everleigh latch so I could start my breastfeeding journey. She continued to check up on all of us which was so beyond sweet. My postpartum visit with her was so beautiful. My Everleigh loves Mellisa,  She offered to help and support us anytime and prayed with me. I will forever recommend anyone to Eden birth services no matter what type of birth they choose. Amazing people and amazing services.thank you Eden birth services ??

Sarah Tureman


If you are working with another doula, drop them right now and call Eden Birth Services!! I cannot recommend them more highly... especially Rophe Mason! Me being anxiety ridden, an over thinker, a second guesser (neurotic at times... more times than I care to admit LOL), and needing to know ALL the details and then some... Rophe was there for EVERY question and qualm I had! Never judging me or making me feel stupid, but constantly encouraging me and continually building my confidence in  the knowledge of birth and my birth preferences. I gave birth in a hospital that operates largely as a trauma hospital, so treats birth with the same urgency and intent. That being said, the medical jargon ran rampant. But Rophe didn't skip a beat, at every turn she let me know just exactly what they were saying, why they were saying it, and all of the possible options/outcomes that would come with it. SHE WAS A GODSEND! I felt safe, I felt known, and I felt confident in making decisions because she made me feel that ownership. I couldn't have asked for a better advocate, and I am SO glad we had her by our side during the most important day of our loves (riddled with decisions that having someone as knowledgeable as her beside you to walk through them with was CLUTCH!). With hospitals being very much about the BUSINESS of birth, she helped us bring our baby boy into the world with intimacy and love. There will never be enough words to accurately convey just how grateful we are! 

Michaela Dunford


Melissa was such a blessing to us as we navigated induction at 41 weeks and 4 days. I'm not sure what my unmedicated labor of a 10lb baby boy would look like without her!

It brought me such peace to have someone on my birth team who knew and could advocate for my desire for the least amount of interventions possible. Having been under the care of 4 different midwives in a period of 12 hours that were strangers to me, I was so comforted knowing that Melissa knew me and was on my team. Melissa drove through a blizzard and made it to the hospital just when I needed support the most. Though my eyes were closed most of labor, I relied on listening to encouragement and her gentle guidance during the labor process when I didn't feel like I had any control. She walked in and immediately got to work and helped involve my husband applying counter pressure, which made the biggest difference. He was so grateful she was present to support us. She helped my baby to latch after he was born and was so supportive with all my questions during the postpartum period. She captured beautiful moments that I look back on and treasure! I am so grateful to have discovered Eden Birth Services. It was truly such an honor to have Melissa present during my labor and the birth of my son. 

cassi wallace


This being our first pregnancy my husband and I were a little overwhelmed and weren't sure exactly what to expect. We chose to use a doula for this exact reason! Rophe was amazing from start to finish and made sure to keep us informed through the entire birth. As a first time mother I loved being able to contact Rophe leading up to the birth with any questions that I had regarding my pregnancy. Rophe met us at the hospital and was by our side the entire time helping me through labor pains and supporting my husband as well. She was amazing at helping my husband stay involved in the birth and it gave me peace of mind knowing someone was their to support him, we will definitely be using Eden birth services with our next pregnancy and we highly recommend them! 

Christina Cassidy


My spouse and I knew we wanted to have a natural childbirth, a friend recommended her doula, Melissa.  From my first contact with Melissa I knew the Eden Birth Services was exactly the support we were looking for.  She provided so many resources to prep and was stellar at the bedside during the birth.  Her gentle and consistent encouragement assisted with the success of my natural birth goals.  In addition she took amazing photos throughout, capturing the spirit of baby's arrival and our first moments as new parents!  



I cannot recommend Rophe and Eden Birth Services enough. I was referred to Rophe by a local midwife who recommended her, and I reachd out in my second trimester. We had an initial zoom call to meet each other and so that I could ask some initial questions, and I had no reservations about working with her from the beginning. She was always available to answer any question I had, I could text her at any time about any random pregnancy related thing (which was super helpful and reassuring since this was my first pregnancy and I had no idea what I was doing!) 

She shared a lot of helpful resources so I could educate myself, as well as her own opinion and experience on things when I asked. I was birthing at South Shore Hospital so working with someone who was familiar with the facility and staff there was also important to me - by my due date in Dec 2021 she would have worked with dozens of mothers birthing at the same hospital, so that was a big plus. I was 2 weeks past my due date before the baby dcided to make his debut, and when the time came she was right there on speed dial alleviating any concerns I had from the time I got to the hospital til the moment we realized 'this baby is coming soon!' and she was in my room within 20 minutes. She was a voice of calm, support, and reassurance throughout the whole birth experience. I wanted to have an unmedicated birth but wasn't sure if I'd be able to handle the pain - thanks to her coaching and guidance and helpful support in discussions with the nurses and midwives I was able to avoid any unnecessary interventions, labor without any pain medication, and have probably as close to a 'dream birth experience' as I could've hoped for. 

On top of that, I had gone for the placenta encapsulation and asked for them to make a print of my placenta as a keepsake - I was floored with how beautiful it turned out. 

11/10 stars for Eden Birth Services. 

The Longo Family


Working with these amazing woman was a great experience! Melissa was so informative & supportive throughout my entire journey. My labor was on the longer side with a few speed bumps along the way to meet my little girl. Melissa was a HUGE help not only to me but for my husband as well. She also captured photos for us as our daughter made her way into the world. We felt so comforted to know we had her with us guiding us through the day and helping me to stay on track with my birth plan. So grateful for my experience, thank you!?? 

Sydney Mullen


My husband and I were expecting our first child in June 2021 and while we'd done as much research and taken all the virtual courses we could to feel prepared, we decided to choose a doula who could assist us in the process as we were still anxious about the first time. We chose our main doula, Jenny Putnam, who called in Rophe Mason as her backup as my due date was just before July 4th when Jenny would be on vacation. We're so glad she paired us with Rophe as I ended up needing to be induced and ended up giving birth on July 4th.

Rophe met with us and Jenny at our home ahead of time and was informed on our birth plan, concerns and questions. We felt very at-ease with her approach and manner as she offered respect, support and encouragement which gave us peace of mind having her on our team. 

Rophe was thankfully close by to our hospital for being on-call the morning of the birth; she was a great support to myself and my husband and encouraged him in his coaching and in my labor techniques; and she really took charge in the birthing room making sure we were calm and informed of what was happening as well as speaking up for our wishes and working with the nurses throughout the entire process (which sped by in only 4 hours of active labor and birth!). 

We could not be more pleased with our choice of Jenny and her recommendation of Rophe and plan to use them again in the future. You'll be in the best hands with these caring and experienced professionals for your birthing needs!



I asked Melissa how we could help expecting parents to hear about our experience, since she was foundational in the confidence and listening that defined our daughter's birth. As the father, i could observe the opportunities she created for the mum to stay connected with the experience in highly positive ways. Despite this birth being a rapid labor, great communications with Melissa - and her efforts to take everything into account - meant that she reached us in time to help deliver in a warm, peaceful atmosphere. From early meetings to birth plan through delivery, recovery and a caring post partum visit, we're so glad we found Melissa's kind help & presence.

Andrew Cavallo


When my wife told me she was interested in a homebirth for our second child, I was a little nervous that a lot more responsibilities would fall on my shoulders during the birth, not being at a hospital. We both agreed that hiring a doula would be something that would ease both of our minds, as long as we could find the right one. Eden Birth Services wildly exceeded my expectations. Melissa met us multiple times before the birth to go over our birth plan and how we wanted her to assist us. During the birth, she showed up promptly when we needed her. While she was at our house, she was the perfect amount of present. By that, I mean she was NOT the center of everything. She didn't take away from the birth being primarly my wife and my experience bringing our new child into the world. She was, however, an expert standing by to give us suggestions and fill in with whatever task we needed her. My mind was at ease that I had someone there to help care for us and provide insight that I honestly couldn't have as a man. She guided me and encouraged me to be the best support person for my wife that I could be during the experience. I would recommend Eden Birth Services to any man out there that wants to provide his partner with the best quality care and comfort. They were knowledgable and respectful while bringing the best out of me in an admittedly stressfully and exciting time in our lives.

Sarah Cavallo


After having a hospital birth and just about every intervention you can think of with my first child, I knew I wanted to have a homebirth the second time around. My midwives were amazing, but I knew I also wanted the extra support of having a doula and that Melissa would be the calming presence I needed during labor. Melissa checked in frequently during the last few weeks of pregnancy to see how I was doing. At 38 weeks I found out my baby was breech. Melissa and Rophe not only provided resources to encourage the baby to turn, but also emotional support. After a lengthy discussion with my midwives, I decided to proceed with my home birth plan, even if my baby was still breech when I went into labor. Melissa was supportive of my birth plan and responded right away when I told her contractions had started. She was a huge support to me during labor - she suggested different positions, made sure I stayed hydrated, read my birth affirmations, and provided many words of encouragement. After my son was born, Melissa stayed for several hours making sure we had everything we needed, and even helped put my toddler to bed. Having a doula can help tremendously, and I would absolutely recommend Melissa and Eden Birth Services to anyone expecting! 

Heather saitta


Rophe was amazing to work with! She helped get me through the most challenging moments with a perfect combination of comfort, support and  tough love. She was always available and flexible making me feel like I was her only client. She was very hands on with her approach which is just what I needed. If we have any more babies she will be with us for sure!

Gina Marie Crane


When I got pregnant for the first time I felt very unprepared and lost as to what to do next. I had heard of doulas in the past but was skeptical of using them. Once I met Rophe, however, we immediately clicked and I knew she was someone I wanted to help me through one of the most stressful times of my life. From the quick responses to home visits Rophe made me feel so comfortable going into my labor. She endured we were educated on our options and were in control of our birth. On the day of, laboring at home and nervous, everything went away once Rophe showed up. She came in and immediately got to work, helping me be as comfortable as one can be during labor. She was there to make sure I stayed the course and thanks to her I delivered my beautiful baby boy in 10 hours on my time and under my expectations. Labor is never perfect, and even mine came with some hiccups, but I felt so much better having her there during that time. I would highly recommend Eden Birth Doulas and I can't wait for them to help me with our next baby!

Tessa Sullivan


Melissa entered the birthing room and immediately went to work on setting the mood of the space. The twinkle lights and aromas subconsciously brought everyone who entered the room down into a calm, peaceful mindset. Melissa was flexible as she worked well with the large number of different providers that took care of us. During the extended labor of my twin girls, with everyone else focused on the babies, it was nice to have someone solely focused on me. Melissa was creative in different comfort and copying tools while always making sure I had enough energy and water. She wore several hats as she even found time to professionally capture the experience with her wonderful photography. The birth of my twin girls was not as I had expected it to be, with its many different twists and turns, however I could not be happier with the entire experience. Thank-you! Tessa 

Kate Goodenough


Hiring Eden Birth Services to support us throughout pregnancy and birth was the best decision my husband and I made leading up the birth of our first child. I cannot imagine going through 9 months of pregnancy without Rophe. She checked in periodically and held me accountable to go through the birthing education courses - which included exercises and positioning routines, diet/supplement suggestions for easier labor, and general education in what the birth experience can and should be like. She coached me through an injury early on, helping me to find the pelvic support I needed to continue to workout and maintain an active lifestyle right up until birth. She helped me write a birth plan and during delivery she ensured the hospital staff respected my wishes to the extent possible - which they did, resulting in the most beautiful experience I could have ever imagined. When I went into labor in the middle of the night she was in the car within minutes on her way (and even got pulled over en route to make it in time!). She met us before we went to the hospital while I was in back labor to reposition and engage our baby, which she did quickly, and supported me through transition and in the car ride to the hospital, making it to the delivery room just in time to push. Throughout the whole labor she ensured my husband played an active role - forcing me to focus and use the breathing techniques she taught us, especially as the contractions got more intense. I had the natural, unmedicated birth I wanted - feeling my son swiftly enter the world - and spent a full 1.5 hours of skin to skin with him directly after birth. To say I couldn’t have done it without Rophe is an understatement. Doulas are a must if you want an advocate, educator, and coach in your corner -  and Eden Birth Service is just that.

Samantha Arias


It's hard to know where to start because words can't explain the wonderful experience I had with Rophe. But I will try my best. Rophe is a person full energy, positivty and light. A light to her that brightens up a room. 
My labor and delivery went totally opposite of what we spoke about which in reality is just apart of the journey. We can't expect the plan to go just as planned. And Rophe was there the whole way. She reminded me of my strength, power and encouraged me to remain positive. She pointed out the parts that I did accomplish as part of my plan to help keep me going after 36 hours of labor that resulted in a csection. I don't know how to thank her enough for all she did from the time our partnership started and beyond. Always responsive and attentive to all my questions and concerns. 
I am so happy and blessed to have had her as my doula. Rophe you are just amazing! Thank you again! 

With lots of love,



Zoe Arnold


Eden Birth Services has been more helpful than I could have imagined in my birth and postpartum experience, especially being remote.  My baby had a rough start to breastfeeding, and Rophe was a huge support in that time. She connected me to a local IBCLC who evaluated my baby's mouth and found a tongue tie (Rophe suggested looking for this!). After addressing the tongue tie, our problems resolved! No more pain or triple feeding. I have also received support in the form of countless questions answered about postpartum recovery and all things baby! Eden Birth Services has been a tremendous resource for me - everyone could benefit from support like this. 

Kayla Heinrichs


I had the absolute best, most amazing, birth experience with Melissa. Herself and Rophe were so helpful in all things pregnancy + postpartum. Whatever you may need, they are equipped and ready with referrals and great advice. Everything is run like a well oiled machine, from detailed birth preferences ..to back up doula plans incase of emergency.. and everything in between. I had a long labor, but the entire time I felt so comfortable and so capable, having Melissa by my side. I also had Melissa photograph my birth- which is an amazing addition to a doulas services. I truly don't know how anyone goes through labor without a doula- hiring her was the best thing I did for myself this pregnancy.

Kat Waken


My husband and I were so grateful for Eden Birth Services and their expertise these past few weeks! We are due in February, and we had the privilege of consulting with Rophe. She not only created a birth plan for us, but she also provided us with resources to help us make informed decisions about aspects of birth we hadn't considered. She was supportive of all our decisions, informative in answering any questions we had, and above all, she didn't push her ideal birth plan on us! She helped us create the one that worked best for our family. Walking away from our conversation with her, I feel more confident as a future mom and ready for this next phase of life. I would encourage anyone to work with Rophe and Eden Birth Services. You will absolutely feel more prepared and empowered for birth!

Birth Availability for Eden Birth Services

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-17-2024

Postpartum Availability for Eden Birth Services

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-17-2024