Certifications for Katherine Lee, PCD, RYT, RPYT

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Client Testimonials for Katherine Lee, PCD, RYT, RPYT

Post a testimonial for Katherine Lee, PCD, RYT, RPYT

KP Wang


As new parents from another country, having a baby was both exciting and a bit scary. Katherine made everything so much easier and happier for us.

Our baby arrived earlier than expected, but Katherine was able to make room to care for us. When she stepped into our home, we felt very relaxed and reassured. She took sincere care for both the mother and the baby. She taught us how to change the diaper, feed, bathe, carry, play and exercise with the baby. She is an expert to ensure baby grows in a healthy way. She is also knowledgable for postpartum recovery with traditional Asian background including message, spa, herbal tea and well nutritious dishes. Without her help, we wouldn't be able to recover both physically and mentally in just a few weeks. Katherine introduced us to various professionals based on our requirements, which include the psycologist, LC, physical therapist, etc. We benefited a lot from her help.

Katherine made sure we take care of ourselves. She reminded us to rest and eat well, which was something we might have forgotten in the busy days with a newborn. We were totally overwhelmed both physically and mentally. Katherine's caring relieved our stress, and we felt empowered to take care of ourselves with our new family member going forward.

Her support made a big difference for our family, and we're really grateful. If you're a new parent and you need someone who is not just good at baby stuff but also a caring friend, I highly recommend Katherine. She's been a blessing for us in this special time.



Katherine was an excellent doula that always worked to make sure we felt supported through the whole process.  She made sure to bring a lot of love and support in all forms (in-person, calls, texts), and you could always feel like she was doing the best that she could because she cares.

I would say that she would be an excellent match for families that want to proactively build the care plan for their child.  Katherine would always tried to present all options at any decision making points and would always follow the family’s lead.  I appreciated the flexibility she provided during our time together and how she went beyond to support our needs, even if it was not within her normal services.  For whatever task or questions we would ask of her, she would make sure to provide support and resources as soon as she could.

We really appreciated her help as we navigated our new adventures and challenges, and I hope she’ll be a great match for other families in the future.

Lu Zhang


It was the wisest decision we made to have Katherine as our postpartum doula. She was not just physically taking care of our newborn, myself and my husband but also gave us a lot emotional supports. She made us delicious and nutritious food, gave myself and the baby amazing massages, taught us how to handle the newborn. She made my first month of maternity like a true vacation.



Katherine was absolutely great during our first 6 weeks postpartum. She made me feel confident in my own abilities, gave me permission to just be with my baby and helped out with household tasks. I highly recommend her for your postpartum needs!

Hannah M


Im so grateful that I found Katherine for my postpartum care. She took great care of me, always making sure Im well hydrated, cooks all three meals and even make sure I’m eating a dessert / snack between my meals so that I’m well nourished for breastfeeding. Katherine doesn’t just takes care of me, she makes sure that my husband and baby are well fed too. We’ve learnt so much from her on how to take care of our baby. We love her very much and highly recommend her. 



Postpartum recovery and figuring out how to take care of my first child was the most challenging experience I've had. It wasn't until Katherine came that everything started to make sense. Katherine helped us gain confidence on becoming first time parents. She also needed little to no instruction on how to help out in our home. Within 2 visits from Katherine, I felt so rejuvenated that it gave me time to take care of my daughter. She also paid close attention to my health and everything I needed. We couldn't have done it without her!



Katherine is like like an angel, she is super caring and kind. Having her help after giving birth was such a pleasant experience. She quickly helped us get organized after we returned home from the hospital with a newborn. She helped us set up schedules to ensure we get as much sleep as possible. She cooks nutritious and delicious meals, and always makes sure there are healthy snacks for mom. She is not only great with a newborn but also our older one's favorite. My four-year-old daughter always looks forward to the time Katherine is with us. We feel very lucky to have Katherine during the golden month. Hope more moms get to enjoy the precious time with their newborns and be taken care of by Katherine.



I was incredibly lucky to have Katherine as my postpartum doula. From the very first interview, I knew she was the right choice for me. She was so considerate and attentive to my needs, taking detailed notes and sending me resources to help me prepare for the arrival of my baby. Even though I gave birth a week early, Katherine was quick to offer her support. Her thoughtfulness and consideration were evident in small gestures like bringing her own postpartum belly band for me to try, saving me the frustration of dealing with an ill-fitting one. Her care and compassion during the postpartum period was invaluable, and I was amazed by her multitasking skills. She was able to take care of both the newborn and my other 4 year old child, freeing up valuable rest time for my husband and me. I couldn't have asked for a better postpartum doula and I would highly recommend Katherine to anyone in need of exceptional postpartum care.

Yuling & Aleks


Hiring Katherine for our postpartum support was one of the best decisions we made. We immediately felt so nurtured and comforted on her first day of support at our house. She always makes sure I'm well taken care of, well fed and hydrated and rested. Katherine is very hardworking and capable of multitasking at the household, she cooks delicious and nutritious meals for us that the whole family enjoy. Katherine is expert at newborn care and parent education, I learnt so much tips from her on how to take care of my newborn son, she has a very good taste of baby music too. Katherine is very talented as she's double as a yoga instructor, she taught me gentle yoga that's helping for relaxation at home, I feel very grateful for her help! I highly recommend Katherine as a postpartum doula.

Crystal and Andy Park


One of the best decisions we made was to choose Katherine as our postpartum doula. She has been such a great resource to us in these first weeks with our newborn. We had a complicated first few days after birth at the hospital and Katherine was available by text to answer all of our questions and provide emotional support. During our visits, Katherine attended to both our baby and to us. She was a great source of information, provided hands-on instruction for different skills that were new to us (baby's first bath, belly-binding to help my wife's body recover from labor) and normalized our fears and anxieties as first-time parents. We even woke up from a nap to delicious lactation muffins she had made while watching our baby! Katherine went above and beyond for us. We are thankful for her care!



I would recommend Katherine to anyone! I hired her for postpartum support for about two months, and as a first time mom I cannot imagine what would I do without her support. She is very professional, understanding, accessible and caring for our entire family, and she was willing to go extra mile to support us whenever she can. We learned a lot newborn care from Katherine, and all these knowledge helped us so much when we are on our own. We really appreciate Katherine's help and we feel so lucky to work with her.

Weina Sun


Katherine truly is a huge help to our family! She is caring, thoughtful, patient, professional, and more importantly, she loves our baby from the bottom of her heart, and she really cares about our family and my health! We've learned a lot from her, and we appreciate her expertise! She has all the tips and tricks to take care of the baby and soothe him. Our baby boy loves her! Also, my parents really enjoy working with and learning from Katherine! She not only coaches my husband and me about how to care for our little boy but also works with my parents and walks them through everything about caring for a newborn. Our family is so happy that we chose her and we so appreciate all of her help! Another thing is that Katherine is so resourceful! After I delivered our boy, I didn't have breastmilk. Katherine encouraged me and gave me a lot of guidance and support, and finally, I had my colostrum. After that, she helped me hire a lactation consultant, and with their help, I finally had breastmilk, which was like magic for me as I had never thought that I would have breastmilk for my baby. We are so thankful for Katherine! If you are reading this and wondering if Katherine would be a good fit for your family, well, let me tell you, she is awesome, and she is such a huge help to us! I fully trust her and enjoy having her with our boy! Katherine is also a language talent, and she can speak good Chinese with my parents who don't speak English. That was so wonderful! Again, we like her, and would love to continue working with her!!!

Elizabeth M.


We were so incredibly grateful to have Katherine as our postpartum doula. We struggle to adequately convey the lasting impact she had on our family and can’t recommend her enough!
During our first month with our daughter Katherine’s nurturing care made a huge impact on my ability to recovery from delivery and bond with my baby. She made meals and snacks that were both delicious and nutritious to make sure I was well fed. We enjoyed learning new recipes and continue to make them. During long sleepless nights I was comforted knowing Katherine would arrive the next morning to help care for me and my baby.  She really went above and beyond accomplishing much more than I would think possible during her visit giving me more time to rest and relax with my baby.  When I struggled emotionally, her empathetic support helped me to cope and get my bearings as a new mom. She was able to offer such rich perspective having helped so many other people through these first months of parenthood. 

Boya Gou


Hiring Katherine is the best decision that we've made since she is such a life-saver for our postpartum life. Katherine is very caring, patient, encouraging, and considerate and will always find a way to help us. She took very good care of not just my newborn baby, but everyone in my family. She made sure that I always have things to eat and drink while feeding the baby, and that me and my husband get enough time to rest during the day. We were nervous as new parents about taking care of our newborn, but with Katherine's help and all the helpful information she provided to us, we are confident that we can be great parents that provide the best care we could for our newborn.



I am so lucky to have Katherine as my doula!!When my friend referred her to me,she said Katherine is the best doula in universe! This is so true!!Katherine makes delicious cookies for me,she is so experienced         at taking care of baby and she cares about my emotions!I will remember her for ever!



You and baby are well nurtured by Katherine. She sweeps in and takes care of you - making delicious frittatas and golden milk tea for you, feeding and putting baby to sleep, and folds your clothes and cleans the bottles. Katherine is amazing, gentle, and relaxing - I highly recommend her to help you transition into motherhood with a new babe.



We are so grateful we were able to find Katherine to help support our family when our son was born! Katherine was there from the moment we arrived home from the hospital to help nourish us, care for myself and baby physically, help with household chores, and help us gain confidence as new parents. She has a nurturing and calm presence, and immediately helped us to feel at ease with her working throughout our home. Most importantly, we completely trusted her to care for our son. We learned a lot from Katherine and would not have had as smooth of a transition to parenthood without her. We would highly recommend her to anyone for postpartum care!

Roja Kantamale


Twin babies and no help from our family based outside USA (due to travel restrictions), Katherine helped us a lot through the tough (but exciting) times starting from Day1. After a week, me and my husband were so confident with her skills that during her day slots we literally went to up to catch the missed overnight sleep, without having to worry about the babies.

Katherine went extra mile in helping with household chores AND went with us on all outdoor visits (doctor visits, passport appointments). I also liked the soothiness atmosphere she used to create during her presence.

In all, yes she took good care of us.



Katherine helped me with my twins for about 4 weeks. She has lots of experience with newborns. She tought us so many ways to play with my babies. We felt so lucky to have her. 
She also took great care of me. I was  exhausted. Katherine was my heroine. When she came, she took care of everything. She gave me massage to relax, she took care of all chores like bottle washing, laundry etc. She did everything fast and neat. 
Katherine made me many tasty snacks. My entire family love her cookies. 
I already referred Katherine to my friend. My friend also loved her a lot.

Laura Van Beek


Katherine is exactly what our family needed when we brought home our first baby. She gently takes the drivers seat and makes the transition home as smooth as possible. But the support starts even before baby arrives. She helps mom prepare for birth no matter what that experience looks like. She's the most nurturing, compassionate, intuitive, and proactive care taker. I can't speak highly enough of her ability to "take the edge off" the new parent learning curve all while helping create a cozy nest for baby to grow in. We love Katherine and our little girl does too. 



Every postpartum mom deserves a Katherine in her life!
She is compassionate, friendly, and has an amazing work ethic. As soon as she arrives, she washes up and inquires about me and what I might need that day – usually beginning with “what can I get you to eat?”  She’s so nurturing and helpful, from cooking delicious, nutritious meals, to folding laundry, to playing with and singing to the baby. I cannot say enough good things about Katherine; we absolutely recommend her!



We are so glad we chose Katherine to be our postpartum doula. We were lucky enough to have a relatively smooth postpartum period, but Katherine found so many ways to add value and help us get some much-needed relaxation as we adjusted to life with our new baby. Katherine made sure we were well fed, helped with household tasks, and most importantly, showed us creative ways to engage with our baby and meet her needs. Katherine has a calming presence and is so easy to talk to about the many questions and doubts that come up during the first weeks, and she was always full of helpful suggestions to make things easier as we settled into our new routines. As first-time parents, we would highly recommend Katherine to anyone who is thinking about hiring a postpartum doula.



We love Katherine! Katherine was our postpartum doula, but she was supporting me even before the contract officially kicked-in. I leaned on her for support and guidance, and she was always there.  She went out of her way to help me at every step. She truly cared and provided resources, information, and support to speed up my recovery. Katherine prepared small snack boxes for me and put them at all location where I sat to rest or nurse. I was really touched by the thoughtful gesture. She helped keep my house in order, cooked for us, took care of my new born and she was very patient with my older kid- reading to her, feeding her, and playing with her, while I rested. With Katherine around, I missed my family much less than I would have otherwise. I cannot say enough good things about her. She is a blessing for new moms and their babies!




Katherine came to help us since the first week of my postpartum . We loved her so much that we extended the contract to over a month! Katherine takes good care of the three of us. She is very gentle and loving when she handles the baby, regardless of it being changing diaper or playing games or giving baby a bath. She is very flexible in meeting our needs. She adapts her cooking to Asian flavors and we love every dish she cooks for us. Katherine is also very patient in addressing all our questions and concerns about taking care of a newborn. Her guidance is always practical and hands-on, which gives us confidence and set us up for taking care of the baby on our own. We are so fortunate to have Katherine to help us in this most challenging chapter of our life as new parents.



Katherine was a calm and caring presence during an uncertain time for us as we started to get to know  our baby. She was wonderful at anticipating needs and offering advice and support based on what she observed - we didn't always know the best questions to ask or what we didn't know! She also cooked and baked us lots of yummy treats to keep us going - I especially loved her lactation cookies!

Florence Fernandez


Katherine was my doula from July - August. During my pregnancy Katherine contacted me often to ask me how I was doing and if I had any problems I could let her know and she would give me advise on how I could deal with it. My son arrived 5 weeks earlier than expected. She came to the hospital the next day and talked me through what I can expect in the coming days in terms of my recovery and how my husband can support me. My first impression of her was fantastic. She gave me a lot of guidance when I had questions and was unsure what to do. When I was stressed out because I was unable to make a pediatric appointment, she was there to help me call the clinics and demand that someone provide me proper postpartum care. She was always just a call or text away to answer my questions and reminded me to call her no matter the time of day if I needed any help. During the months that she cared for me and my infant, I was able to rest and recover. She cooked for my family fabulous meals for lunch and dinner and baked awesome lactating cookies and muffins. She taught me many important lessons from how to take care of myself mentally emotionally and physically to how to soothe,bathe and care for my infant. Whenever she came to my home, I felt a sense of calm come over me as I knew I could leave my child in her hands and she would care for him like her own. Katherine is someone you can also open your heart to about anything you are going through emotionally. She would listen to you and offer you resources and advise without judging you or making you feel inadequate. After her time with us was over, she would regularly check up on us to make sure that we were coping well. She is someone that will treat you and your family like her own. I would highly recommend Katherine to anyone who is seeking care but especially to first time moms who are trying to navigate the first few days/weeks of motherhood. She will be invaluable to your recovery and sanity.



Katherine was a great support when our son was first born and our daughter was growing into being a big sister. At the time my husband traveled a lot so Katherine would come help whoever needed it most - me, big sister or baby brother. She was easy and comfortable to be around and would willingly step into any task - folding laundry, tummy time, cleaning up from dinner, reading books. I appreciated having her make the first few months more special. Having an extra set of qualfied, calm hands was helpful and she was rested so able to be so patient with us all!



I had Katherine as my postpartum doula for 2 months and I cannot praise her enough. She made my transition very easy and gave me confidence as a new parent right away. She is always very encouraging and supportive. she took care of me and my husband with nutritious food and snacks. Her oatmeal cookies are super delicious. She is also the kind of person whom you would feel comfortable being around. She is also very attentive and does not need a lot of guidance to go about the house. She picks up the house routine quickly and she gets everything done she’s asked for. She was great with my newborn too! She was really patient and had taught us different ways to calm our baby and play with her. Her guidance was invaluable to us and we were really lucky to have her as our doula. I would highly recommend her to any expecting family who is looking for a postpartum doula. She can make your postpartum journey so much easier!



I initially did not consider getting a doula as I thought my husband and I would find a way to work through postpartum on our own. When it became clear that we were not going to get family support, my husband and his friends suggested we start interviewing doulas. I was still skeptical, but in a short amount of time my doubts and dismissiveness completely went away. The change and transition we went through were unimaginably powerful, and we are forever grateful for the care and support that Katherine provided each of us.

I remember the first time talking with Katherine - she made us feel comfortable and cared for right away. With the birth of our son I needed to recover, and at the same time we had to get adjusted to caring for our son 24/7. Katherine met us where we were, paid careful attention to our individual differences and needs, and guided us through with a personalized approach. One of my favorite memories is watching Katherine singing to our son. We've learned many interactive songs and exercise movements from her. Another favorite is sharing our thoughts and questions as first time parents with Katherine each morning. Katherine's calm presence and expertise provided us with a great amount of comfort and assurance. Katherine is an excellent communicator. We so appreciated her check-ins, follow ups, and reminders throughout the week. Last but not least, she is an excellent cook! Everytime Katherine visited us we were well fed, introduced to new ingredients, and given delicious cooking tips. 

I would suggest all expecting mothers to schedule an interview with Katherine. Katherine's guidance was invaluable for us to transition into a family of three. 

Maria Herzanova


At the first place - I would highly recomend to get a doula.  My whole experience with birth was great thanks to doula and even just as important it was to get help from a carring and knowledgable person after the baby was in my arms. Katherine is very committed and compassionate person, she is kind and funny as well :) I think, she had those doula genes in her bones even before she got the "stamp" certified.  I never forget what a lifesaver it was when she showed up with nutritious soup in my house shortly after my baby was born. So supportive and so much needed. Thank you Katherine for all your support than and even now!



Rowina Parayno


Katherine went beyond our hopes and expectations for a doula! After having our first child four years ago and not receiving the proper crucial support in those early days as a new parent and therefore suffering from postpartum anxiety as a result, I decided to prioritize my mental health and make sure our family got the help we needed as we expanded. We were looking for someone that could help with meals and make sure we are fed, could assist and trust with our older 4yo, and was just there as someone who felt like a substitute family member who we could spend our day with, especially during a pandemic when we haven’t seen family in over a year. She met all of the above criteria the whole time she was with us! And her food was amazing.

Other things that meant a lot to me: making sure I had something to drink while nursing and something to snack on after; teaching me gentle exercises and stretches that helped me recover after birth, especially with SPD, that I didn’t even get from PT; giving me good life advice as a more experienced mom.

This postpartum time was so much brighter and happier compared to my first and I’m so grateful to Katherine for being a big part of it!

Susanna Saigal


Katherine has been a blessing not only for me and my twin newborns, but for my entire family. I wasn't quite sure what to expect from a postpartum doula. She has a natural talent for knowing just what I needed even if I didn't. She is intuitive, takes initiative in everything she does and leaves nothing as a burden for the new mother. She can quickly pivot from one task to the next and provide the most well rounded care for mom/baby. She's an excellent cook and applies her love and interest for different cuisines to her meals making sure they are packed with healing nutrients. She radiates positivity and energy that can be felt by the entire household. My mom and MIL who were visiting would look forward to her visits as much as I did, remarking how invaluable she was. She has a special bond with infants. She's also gifted with older sibling interaction. My toddler would ask about her on her days off and speak fondly of her "golden milk" that Miss Katherine would sweetly make her a small personal serving of on her days with us. We know she will be an amazing additional and complement to the entire family wherever she goes next. We will miss her dearly. 



Katherine is an amazing Doula; I can’t say enough good things about her. My wife and I, had multiple doulas during first 6 month to care for our baby girl, but nobody comes close to Katherine in terms of being qualified, exceptionally caring, passionate, and she bonded with our daughter on Day1. She helped us for more than 2 months, 5 days a week. She is very intuitive, understands needs of baby and the family. She has many tricks and tools in her bag to entertain/engage the baby. Since Katherine joined our family we are emotionally, mentally and physically at ease and our daughter loves Katherine. She smiles as soon as she hears Katherine in the morning.

Katherine is a great cook, a go getter. Once you give Katherine orientation of the house and baby, that’s all needed. She blends in and becomes part of the family.  She will make sure your family’s life is easy in any way possible. I highly recommend Katherine as a Doula, any family will be lucky to have her during postpartum phase. She was GOD SENT for our family and I can’t thank her enough. Katherine goes above and beyond her duties to help the family, she sincerely loves her job and that’s what matters in providing great care for families!


Sonali Sheth


We hired Katherine a few months into my postpartum period. Our baby was in the nicu for ten weeks and had special feeding needs. I was pumping and bottle feeding. I wasn't breastfeeding. Katherine was extremely attentive to my family and my needs. She was just amazing at anticipating our needs and learning the in and outs of our household that by the end she would do things without being asked. She was very efficient. I loved that she cared for me, the mom, by making sure I always had water and food nearby. She checked in with me about my emotional needs as well. We did a yoga session which was amazing.  Her cooking was delicious and nutritious as well. She taught us some life changing hacks on how to soothe our baby and infant massage that we still do today. I liked that she was goal oriented and got the tasks done even if it meant staying a few extra minutes. She would be in the background cooking or doing laundry but would know when to jump in to help us with our baby. Overtime she felt like a member of our family. I have the highest regards for Katherine and the work she does.  She is probably the best postpartum doula out there. If you need additional help at home, she is the way to go!



Katherine has truly been a breath of fresh air and made our first week postpartum dreamy. She is knowledgeable and efficient but, above all, genuine and caring. Katherine helped give us an added confidence boost as first time parents to take great care of our baby. She has a wide range of skills and makes excellent meals! I cannot recommend Katherine highly enough. 

Minette Stewart


Katherine taught me prenatal yoga. She was always calm, kind, and welcoming. I appreciated the no-judgement attitude and openness she facilitated in class, as well as her  knowledgeable suggestions for common pregnancy woes. Without a doubt, Katherine will help you feel supported during the childbearing process. 

Jesse Oona Hays


Katherine Lee was a gentle, caring and supportive doula during my pregnancy. She is a compassionate and loving woman whom I trusted wholeheartedly during my pregnancy. She has a gentle touch and an in-depth knowledge of the holistic, herbal and natural approach to pregnancy, delivery, and tending to a baby.



Katherine was wonderful post partum.  I had a 6 year old daughter and a newborn.  She came and supported me with what I needed, even before I knew what I needed!  My experience with friends and family who wanted to "help" was more them wanting to come and hold the baby while letting me take care of my older daughter, do household chores etc.  Katherine was the opposite.  She helped support me with bonding with the baby.  She fixed my daughter snacks, helped me with breast feeding, brought me good snacks and fluids, and did some household tasks so I could rest and be with the baby.  She was wonderful.  She is very professional and it is clear she loves to help moms and babies.  I highly recommend her.  

Reham Madbouly



I have known Katherine Lee since 2015 when I took her prenatal yoga classes. She was so caring, attentive, knowledageable and was all about making sure that every mother is feeling inspired, comfortable, happy, supported and loved. She has extensive knowledge and experience which is paired with her deep passion for the emotional, mental and physical well-being of the whole family through invaluable support she provides with kindness and care. Knowing how this time can be for mothers, babies and the whole family, Katherine is best at helping you navigate through this wonderful experience with confidence, calm, ease and harmony where the whole family can enjoy such a wonderful journey. Katherine is so loving, caring, supportive and most passionate about motherhood, babies and building communities that help parents and children thrive. Her approach is very nurturing and gentle personalizing her experience and knowledge to every mother, baby and family's needs while they go through such a special and amazing journey in their lives. You can rely on Katherine being your advocat, knowing she will always be there for you no matter what with all her heart and soul walking the walk with you and your family giving you the assistance, support, comfort and confidence you need with encouragement, motivation, and inspiration. I highly recommend Katherine if you are looking for a deeply passionate, experienced, empowering and genuinely loving, caring and kind postpartum doula to support you, your baby and your family making this beautiful journey smooth, enjoyable and special.

Thank you,


Robin Jamison


Katherine helped out after we had our 3rd child.  I'd highly recommend her.  She was great with helping out with my baby and our older children loved her as well.  She was very attentive to my needs.  She checked in several times during my recovery to see if I was doing ok and to offer me additional help as needed.  

Postpartum Availability for Katherine Lee, PCD, RYT, RPYT

= Available. Calendar last updated: 08-15-2024