Mariana  Graciano CD (PALS) CPPD (NAPS) Photo

Mariana Graciano CD (PALS) CPPD (NAPS)

Nutere Doula LLC

Seattle, WA Service range 10 miles No more then 10 miles from Lower Queen Anne


Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate


Availability Remarks: **Certified Birth Doula, Certified Postpartum Doula, CLE, Childbirth Educator, NCS **COVID19 fully vaccinated**

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate


Birth Doula Experience

3 years and 41 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

4 years and 46 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula
  • Pacific Association for Labor Support (PALS) - Certified Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, October 2020
  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, May 2021

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 births and 1 to 2 postpartum families

Postpartum limits/restrictions: no illicit drugs

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? No Home Births

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Antepartum doula support
  • Birth counseling for survivors of childhood sexual abuse
  • Cancer patients and survivors
  • Childbirth education services
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Newborn care and parenting classes
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Parenting consulting
  • Photography - Birth
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

NAPS Membership Lead NAPS board NAPS mentor

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Portuguese

Fee Details

daily fees 65U$ min 4 hours shifts *will travel max 15 miles*

Service Area

Seattle, WA Service range 10 miles No more then 10 miles from Lower Queen Anne

Certifications for Mariana Graciano CD (PALS) CPPD (NAPS)

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Mariana Graciano CD (PALS) CPPD (NAPS)

Post a testimonial for Mariana Graciano CD (PALS) CPPD (NAPS)



Mari came to help me after a traumatic birth and early postpartum experience. She has a wealth of knowledge and provides loving, non-judgmental support. Her help was invaluable as a first time mom who was trying to recover. She respected the way I wanted to care for my baby, while making suggestions to help work through issues as they arose. She is a natural with babies and my daughter loved her. Her postpartum support is something I look back on as vital to my healing. She is a wonderful doula and I would wholeheartedly recommend her. 

Thais Ronconi


Mari was key for a smooth postpartum experience. Her knowledge and positive approach were very important for me to handle a full range of emotions and challenges when my daughter was born. She knows it all and provided us with a lot of education, emotional support, guidance and partnership through the 2 months that we worked together. Her encouragement and knowledge about Breastfeeding were also crucial for me to connect with lactation consultants and focus on the long term and not to give up. I highly recommend her and wish every women had Mari as a postpartum doula :)

Pedro Nielsen Rotta


We hired Mariana as a post-partum Doula for January and February in 2024. I could not be more grateful for all that Mariana did during this period. She was professional, responsible, very knowledgeable, and caring. Besides being great in taking care of our baby, Mariana contributed a lot by educating us in many topics around newborn care. My wife is veey thankful for her guidance on breastfeeding. We also attended Mariana's courses at Overlake hospital which were super informative. I highly recommend Mariana as a post-partum Doula!



I found Mari on DoulaMatch as I looked for postpartum support with our first born. We will be forever grateful to her. 

I didn't know what exactly to expect but I knew a doula would be the right investment as we settled in as a family. Beyond caring for our little one as we rested and handled the home, teaching breastfeeding and baby cues, Mari served as a trusted guide as we became parents - she helped us tap our intuition and voice for what's best for our family. Mari is 100% a member of our family now. 

Janae Tallon


Our family was lucky enough to to have Mari as our birth doula and we continued our journey with her as our postpartum doula. Bringing a new baby home is both exciting and somewhat scary. There are so many unknowns and things we were unsure about. Having Mari in early postpartum was both comforting and extremely helpful. While providing emotional support, she has so much knowledge and wisdom to share. There were many days Mari cared for our son while my husband and I caught up on sleep, or she made us delicious dinner that provided plenty for left overs. Having Mari support us during the first 2 months of postpartum opened our eyes to how important it is to have a strong support person for your family. Mari has a heart of gold and cares so much about her clients and babies. We are eternally thankful for the journey we had with her. Mari will always be apart of our family’s life and our son will grow up knowing her and how important of a role she played in his birth story.

Jennifer Wasco


Mari was our postpartum doula and we miss her already! We had our very first baby in August but with no family around to assist and we’re super nervous about what to do and how to do it. Mari was fantastic — she was like that awesome family member who comes in and with no judgment takes on tasks you don’t have time for, gives you awesome tips for taking care of the baby, and, most importantly,  watched after our little one so we had time to rest. Also our son absolutely adored spending time with her. Mari is knowledgeable, kind and an absolute blessing of a doula. She made sure that all three of us were cared for in the whirlwind that was our postpartum "golden month".

Janae Tallon


It was the first meeting with had with Mari where I knew in my heart that my husband and I needed her as our doula. A wave of relief came over me and we immediately felt safe with her. As first time parents we had a lot of questions, some anxiety and more importantly seeking support. Mari was exactly what we needed. During pregnancy we prepared for what the process of birth would look like, and left expectations of a perfect plan out the door as birth is very unexpected. Once I was in active labor, my husband and I felt so prepared laboring at home because Mari taught us many coping tactics. She was there via phone no matter what time it was. We went into labor positive, lighthearted and had a wonderful team of people who really enjoyed her support and suggestions to progress labor. Support is not only for the individual giving birth, but for your partner as well. My husband is a very calm, level headed person but he himself found having Mari there a necessity. Towards the end of labor, plans changed very quickly. While the Dr and nurses were doing their job to keep me and our baby safe, he had the comfort of Mari amongst the chaos going on in the room. Our birth turned into an emergency c-section where I had to be rushed to the OR very quickly while my husband and Mari gowned up. In that moment the room was busy of Dr’s and nurses rushing in. I was in a state of shock and absolute fear, until I saw the both of them walk through the door. I was comforted with warm hands of my husband and Mari. Our son made it earth side, healthy and safe. Somehow there was beauty found in such a traumatic experience for my husband and I. I truly believe Mari was meant for us and our journey. The closeness to one another that we all felt afterwards was so special. I also think it was very important for the nurses to experience such a great and positive team effort with a doula. Mari is no longer just a doula or support person to us, she is our family.



Mari was our doula for the recent birth of our daughter. As first time parents we were coming to basically everything about the process completely fresh and Mari was amazing at helping guide us through it. From the meetings prior to delivery, her recommendations for reading and pain management, to her participation on the day and the follow up afterward we were really happy with the level of support and attention we received. Weeks after our daughter was born we'd randomly text her questions and receive quick, helpful responses.

But more importantly than that, the value we got in having an experienced, supportive person in our corner on delivery day was a huge factor in the success of the delivery and in how we think back upon the whole experience. We're really grateful to Mari for her services and are happy to recommend her to others.

Gabriela Tamburino


A wave of relief came over me in our first meeting with Mari when she described that birth was a shared experience with my husband and I. Her role, she explained, was about teaching us about what we can expect in birth and supporting my husband so that he would be able to be there for me fully. She helped us put together a birth plan that was easy to understand at a glance- my OB was impressed when she saw it!

When it came to my daughter’s birthday, I felt confident that I could have a birth that would leave me feeling empowered- even if things didn’t go according to plan. Mari was just the presence I needed- she followed my lead, gently nudged me when I needed it, and provided strength for us both. Throughout the birth, I turned to her to ground me about my progress. She gave my husband the assurance he needed to focus on me and coach me through. Together, they lifted me up. She helped relieve pressure on my hips when the contractions were worsening and read my cues on how I wanted to push.

Two moments stuck with me the most: 1) during contractions, I felt the need to grunt and moan rhythmically, Mari and my husband joined me which made me feel so comforted and unashamed. I could really be present. 2) when I was pushing and reaching my end, I looked over to Mari to ask if we were almost there. In that moment I had so much trust in her- I knew she could give me the assurance that I needed to give the needed effort.

My husband and I are so grateful to Mari for helping us through this lifetime experience. She helped us have the dream birth we both wanted. Without a shadow of a doubt- this was the best investment for our peace of mind.

Gabriela Tamburino


A wave of relief came over me in our first meeting with Mari when she described that birth was a shared experience with my husband and I. Her role, she explained, was about teaching us about what we can expect in birth and supporting my husband so that he would be able to be there for me fully. She helped us put together a birth plan that was easy to understand at a glance- my OB was impressed when she saw it!

When it came to my daughter’s birthday, I felt confident that I could have a birth that would leave me feeling empowered- even if things didn’t go according to plan. Mari was just the presence I needed- she followed my lead, gently nudged me when I needed it, and provided strength for us both. Throughout the birth, I turned to her to ground me about my progress. She gave my husband the assurance he needed to focus on me and coach me through. Together, they lifted me up. She helped relieve pressure on my hips when the contractions were worsening and read my cues on how I wanted to push.

Two moments stuck with me the most: 1) during contractions, I felt the need to grunt and moan rhythmically, Mari and my husband joined me which made me feel so comforted and unashamed. I could really be present. 2) when I was pushing and reaching my end, I looked over to Mari to ask if we were almost there. In that moment I had so much trust in her- I knew she could give me the assurance that I needed to give the needed effort.

My husband and I are so grateful to Mari for helping us through this lifetime experience. She helped us have the dream birth we both wanted. Without a shadow of a doubt- this was the best investment for our peace of mind.

Nathalia Araujo


Mari foi minha doula no nascimento do meu filho Arthur. Nos encontros presenciais antes do parto ela esclareceu os pontos principais da gestação/trabalho de parto. Levou materiais riquíssimos em informações que aumentaram muito meu conhecimento. Ajudou meu marido a se encontrar neste processo e a me ajudar muitíssimo no grande dia. Ter a Mari conosco no momento do parto nos deixou mais confiantes e tranquilos. Além de todo o suporte como doula, ela tirou fotos incríveis do nascimento do Arthur. Iremos guardar para sempre na nossa memória o milagre e a beleza de dar a luz a uma criança. Obrigada por tudo, Mari. Seu suporte foi fundamental para que o meu menino nascesse de forma tão natural, rápida e surpreendente.



We've had a long difficult path to and through this pregnancy, so we knew we needed a doula who would appreciate our journey, would help alleviate our high levels of worry and anxiety and would provide informative, reliable, experience-based answers to all of our countless questions. This was our first time looking for and hiring a doula, so we were worried (see, lots of worry!) that we might have to settle on someone we weren't completely excited about or that we might regret who we hired.

Mari. Was. Amazing. If I weren't so sleep deprived from being a new parent, I would go on and on, but the short and sweet of it is that my partner and I constantly talked about how grateful we were for Mari and how lucky we were to have hired her. She patiently answered all of our questions, gave us useful tips on what to buy in preparation for labor and for welcoming a newborn, coached us through the various scenarios of what to expect during labor to help us build a birth plan we were very comfortable with and then she has also been great support through post partum.

You may have noticed that in my summary above I didn't mention Mari at the birth process. That is because, due to circumstances outside of all of our control, we ended up needing to rely upon her back-up doula. Thankfully Mari had a VERY solid back-up doula that she had us meet with early on. And Mari had prepped her well so the transition went incredibly smoothly, especially on such short notice.

Can't thank Mari enough!!

Eva Leon


Having Mari in the birthing room was so important and I can't thank her enough for how much I appreciated her. She answered all my questions and helped me make decisions and her calmness and loving care made all the difference. Even after my daughter was born she's been there for me for every question I have and has sent me a variety of resources to help me find answers. Mari is great. 

Mike & Carlyle


Mari was a dream come true! She was so gracious in sharing her wisdom, she was patient with our anxieties and she gently guided us toward a comfortable rhythm and routine with our baby! Her expertise around crucial activities (bathing, pumping and bottle feeding specifically) was invaluable. More than anything, her warmth was a beautiful addition to our new-baby experience. She truly exceeded all of our expectations. We joyously recommend her to any new parents looking for support with their newborn! 

Erica & Tommy


Mariana has been an incredible resource and support throughout pregnancy, birth, and postpartum! This was our first child, so we had tons of questions and didn't know what to expect. I also have a panic disorder, and had many fears about how birth could trigger panic attacks. From the moment we started working with Mari, she helped ease our fears and armed us with critical information to prepare for the birth experience that we desired. With her clinical psychology background, Mari was a great match to help me navigate my panic and anxiety. With Mari's guidance, we entered the labor and delivery process feeling knowledgeable, confident, and prepared. Mari has continued to provide support throughout postpartum, answering questions and providing excellent resources on myriad topics like breastfeeding, sleeping, baths, and others. We are so grateful to Mari!



Mari was excellent. She's was attentive, knowledgeable, on time, and stayed awake and with my wife for the whole labor process (26 hours). Provided far more help to my wife than I would have been able to do. Couldn't recommend her enough. Hope we can work with her again. 



Mari was our birth doula and we can't recommend her enough or express how grateful we are to have had her help throughout our labor and delivery process. She was such a calming presence and helped ease our anxieties and worries about labor while also helping us advocate for our desires throughout our hospital birth. It was a long 26 hour labor and she was there to encourage, calm, reassure, and assist us throughout the whole thing. We appreciate how she was always willing to answer our questions before, during, and after delivery but was never judgemental of our choices and was supportive of whatever we wanted our birth to look like. Would highly recommend her and can't imagine having gone through it all without her support and guidance. 

Kim & Jon


We loved working with Mariana. She was with us at all the critical moments and helped us  decipher through some tough medical decisions with a complicated delivery. We had a early long labor, having to be induced due to pre-eclampsia symptoms and throughout it Mariana talked us through the process filling in the gaps where the nurses left off. She was fun and easy to talk with and that's so helpful during those long hospital waiting hours, while also instructing me in different positions I could do while on mobility limiting meds. Ultimately we had to do a c-section and having Mari there was critical. While my partner was being handed the baby and watching over the med check, Mari held my hand while I was finishing up with the surgery and I'll always remember how comforting that was during that scary time. For my partner she was great about helping him help me when it wasn't clear what to do. We would highly reccomend her.



We connected with Mari through our birth doula, who recommended Mari as our backup birth doula. Our labor, delivery, and birth were not as we planned/expected, and Mari stepped in to support us fully. She guided us through a 40 hour labor, through a hospital transfer, and helped us feel empowered about our care options. She brought clinical knowledge, kindness, intuition, and laughter. She made us feel tended to, ensured we were as nourished and rested as we could be, and stayed up with us for our marathon birth. As queer parents, Mari was beyond competent; she was affirming, thoughtful, and celebratory of us as members of the LGBTQ+ community and of the queer and trans members of our care team. We feel very lucky that Mari was a part of our birth experience and have been working with her for postpartum support as well.



Mari was our birth doula as well as our postpartum doula. She really shined during our prenatal period, helping us to cope with our anxieties around pregnancy and birth. She was so comforting during such a vulnerable time. When our birth didn’t go as planned, Mari stayed with us until the end, making sure we felt supported. Mari’s postpartum support was essential in keeping us sane as first-time parents. Having an extra set of hands provided us much needed rest, allowing us to be the best parents we can be!



Mari has helped us in so many ways on our new parenting journey so that we could calmly plan for the labor and prepare for the baby's arrival.

She guided us on where to seek knowledge, taught us some techniques to facilitate labor, explained basically everything that could happen in labor (including alternative scenarios) and helped us to build a birth plan.

Mari was by our side during our labor giving physical/emotional support (she has miraculous massage hands, btw) and advocating on our behalf, ensuring that all our preferences were met. 

She has always shared her knowledge impartially, respecting our choices above all.

Now we have a huge sense of accomplishment: we were the owners of our labor (which was conducted in an extremely professional way, handled with great sensitivity and a touch of good humor) and when our son arrived we were psychologically prepared!

Mari, thank you for providing us this amazing experience!



We had a great experinece working with Mari!  We were so grateful to have her at our son's birth.  She was flexible with our schedule for virtual prenatal visits, and helped to calm our lingering fears and anxieties going into it.  When labor seemed to be moving slowly she helped us with Spinning Babies exercises which quickly sped things up.  She had a calming presence, offered lots of massages, and worked well with the rest of the care team.  Thanks Mari, for your role in this birth! 



Mariana was our post-partum doula after our daughter's arrival. Looking back at the 3 months she was with us, I cannot imagine what we would have done without her. From the very first day she was here, she was so wonderful and helpful. She was a contstant guide, helping with breastfeeding, holding the baby while we slept or showered and counselling us as new parents. It was such a luxury to know our baby was safe and we could get a few things done or just catch up on sleep. Mariana was always available to listen and help solve any of our concerns. I had such an incredible experience, I now tell all my expecting friends that a post-partum doula is a must-have. Even though they might be hard pressed to find one as incredible as Mariana! 



Mari is such a wonderful, kind, energetic doula. She is new to the doula profession, but already has a great deal of experience and clinical knowledge from which to draw. I also found that her experience as a clinical psychologist was helpful in stressful situations: she remained calm and focused when things became tense and uncertain. We are happy Mari was a part of our birth story. 

Mandee Parker


Having Mariana be a part of our family for our baby's first days was truly special. She was a great support to us and offered kindness, compassion, and fun for not only our little one but for the whole family. One of our daughter's first smiles was for Mariana! 



I had never considered a postpartum doula until a trusted friend recommended Mari. I'm glad I listened. By helping me take care of my newborn during the first few demanding months after his birth, Mari helped me take care of myself too. Whether I was napping, going on long walks, or running errands, I felt completely comfortable leaving my son for hours with Mari, knowing he would be safe and happy under her kind, thoughtful, engaging, and knowledgeable care. Mari also has such a warm personality and sincerely loves children that my older son always looked forward to seeing her when he came back from preschool. Thank you, Mari. Our whole family misses having you around.



If you are not sure about getting a Doula, this is the sign you were looking for to get one! If you can, get Mariana! I was on the fence about getting a doula. Working for an insurance company, I already knew that the services would not be covered and I never knew anyone personally that had a doula for birth or postpartum support. Being first time parents, I knew I wanted to at least have support for the birth. Out of the list of recommended doulas, Mariana was the only one available, it was meant to be.  I got cholestasis of pregnancy during my third trimester and Mariana was always checking up on me. She made me feel so important and whenever I had a question she always made the time to answer. She provided lots of resources as well. When I finally thought it was time, she met us at the birthing center and stayed with my husband and I even when the midwife at the birthing center said I was still not ready and sent us home.  Mariana is very patient and assertive, I felt so comfortable and safe with her. She made sure I was hydrated at all times and fed me honey sticks. After the delivery, I hemorrhaged and had to go to the ER. This is where Mariana went above and beyond. She stayed with my husband for many hours. They stayed behind at the birthing center so the baby could finish getting checked by the doctor. My husband even took a nap with the baby before going home. Mariana, went home with them, showed my husband how to care for our baby while I was at the hospital. My husband was so nervous when I told him to stay with the baby when I was taken to the hospital. When I finally got approval for my husband and baby to come stay with me at the hospital as visitors, my husband came in so confident! Mariana really helped and guided him through a lot and I am forever grateful. Mariana has followed up with me since and is still available to me for questions. She is the best! Thank you Mariana!

Trish and Cam


Mariana was our postpartum doula and she was amazing. She visited before the baby was born to help us make sure that we had everything ready in our home and packed for the hospital. She kept in touch with us before the visit and shared several videos on breastfeeding, burning, etc. 

Her visits were so helpful. She spent time with me on both days with breastfeeding and it made a huge difference! She also helped us figure out baby wearing and made us feel much more confident in what we were doing. She showed us how to give Coleman a bath and did every diaper change and burp while she was here (it was really nice to have the break). 

I highly recommend working with Mariana. She's thoughtful and wonderful with babies. She truly cares about her clients and wants them to feel comfortable and confident as parents. 

Patricia & Adrien


Mariana is an amazing doula who is very knowledgeable and passionate about her work. As new parents, she taught us a lot about our new born and we were so glad to have her during this very special time.  She is very calm and patient with babies and is a very loving person. 

Mariana is also very flexible and professional. Our baby came earlier than expected, and she was able to fit us into her very busy calendar and give us the support we needed at last minute notice. 

We would definitely recommend her and would hire her again if we have another child in the future.

Ardina Rahman


Mariana has been a kind, gregarious and supportive birth doula. She made time for a few partum zoom and in person meetings to get us ready for labor. Then when i went into a 40-hr labor, she stayed us with over 24 hours, helping us get through it. But her true gift lies in the post partum space. She's been very generous with her time on post partum visits, going above and beyond the set duration to care for our little one. She's even doing a separate visit to give kiddo his first bath. Highly recommend working with Mari for birth/post partum, she's been great!



Mariana was a true godsend for our birth. Before labor kickstarted we had a couple meetings to really get to know her. In active labor, she comforted my my wife during the most difficult parts and advocated when I wasn't able to. She stayed with us overnight at the birth center and the hospital. Even after being our birth doula, she has gone above and beyond to check in on our family. I couldn't recommend her enough as a birth/post partum doula.



We absolutely loved Mariana as our post partum doula. She was very consistent in the care of our new born baby boy & genuinely cared and was warm and friendly. She was great sharing tips about breast feeding too. We wholeheartedly recommend her.



Mariana is an absolute pleasure to have as our postpartum doula!  She is caring and very knowledgeable about newborn development, and a great cook to boot. She has made us feel at ease and we cannot thank her enough for the help she has provided to us and our son.



Mariana has been a fantastic doula for us and our newborn son.  She is patient, kind, respectful and super reliable.  She genuinely cared not only about our child, but also about our well-being as new parents who are still figuring out this whole parenting thing.  She was always keen on making sure that we got a break from our boy whenever she came around, which absolutely helped reduce our stress levels and gave us a chance to decompress a bit on those "eventful" days.  Mariana is very knowledgeable about the best tips and tricks for keeping your baby calm and satisfied, and also shared amazing advice with us about the best methods for feeding our baby.  She constantly followed up with us via text to see how we were all doing, and always had something to say that would brighten our day.  Her cooking skills are amazing also, and we loved to feast on her tasty soups, salads and omelettes that she made for my husband and I.  We would whole-heartedly recommend her postpartum doula services to absolutely anyone.  She's the best of the best.

Sophie Hasan


It's hard to put into words how vital Mariana has been to me during my postpartum period.  She has become like family to me, and I look forward to the days that I get to see her. She has helped me with things I expected like laundry, dishes, preparing meals, holding & caring for my baby while I nap.  But she also has provided me with so much more than those things: listening to me judgement-free during my various hormonal emotional breakdowns, helping me declutter my home & organize, provided lactation assistance and reassurance, helping to guide me into getting rest & relaxation, and provided multiple instances of feedback about various newborn behaviors that were making me anxious. She did all of this for me seamlessly, and I trusted her right away.

my experience with Mari has convinced me that every new mom should have a postpartum doula. Mari, specifically, is extremely caring, loving and reliable- what more can you want for yourself and your new baby? Having her in my life has without a doubt made me a better mother to both my sons during this vulnerable postpartum time. I truly don't know what I would have done without her.

Anindita Kar


Mariana is a great human being she is very caring, sincere and hardworking person. She loves her work and has great listening skills. I love the way she cares for my daughter.

Jen Boctor


Mariana has been our post pardum doula for about 2 weeks now. I honestly don't know what I would do without her help. She has been an amazing pp doula and has helped us ease into parenthood. We have a 4 week old and Mariana has so much knowledge with newborns and babies that our transition has been smooth with her help. She also is an amazing cook and helps food prep for us since we have no time to prep for ourselves. I would highly recommend Mariana for pp doula services. We trust her with our newborn and our home! 


Marija Prokopijevic


Mariana has been very helpful around the house. She helps me with laundry, does the dishes, cooks the most delicious food for my family and plays with the baby so that I can get a short break every now and then :) 

Birth Availability for Mariana Graciano CD (PALS) CPPD (NAPS)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-18-2024

Postpartum Availability for Mariana Graciano CD (PALS) CPPD (NAPS)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-18-2024