Laurie Craft, MA Photo

Laurie Craft, MA


Seattle, WA Service range 12 miles no ferries

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate


Availability Remarks: Drawing on my counseling background, I offer *therapeutic* postpartum doula services. I focus primarily on your emotional well-being while supporting postpartum healing, newborn care, feeding, etc.

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate


Birth Doula Experience

12 years and 100 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

12 years and 50 families served

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, May 2010

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 2 births and 1 to 2 postpartum families

Postpartum limits/restrictions: No smokers, please.

Attends hospital births? No Hospitals
I am only attending out of hospital births at this time.

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
I specialize in home and birth center births!

Attends home births? Any Home Birth
I specialize in home and birth center births!

College Education



Special Services Offered

  • Baby-led weaning
  • Babywearing education
  • Birth counseling for survivors of childhood sexual abuse
  • Cloth diapering education
  • Elimination communication education
  • Miscarriage support
  • Parenting consulting
  • Therapist or counselor
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

Please note that my postpartum doula rate reflects the *therapeutic element of my services. I also reserve a few sliding scale spots for those who need it. I invite you to visit my website ( to learn more about me, my background, specialties, services, and fees. Or email me if you have any questions.

Service Area

Seattle, WA Service range 12 miles no ferries

Client Testimonials for Laurie Craft, MA

Post a testimonial for Laurie Craft, MA

Ashley W


I had a wonderful birth experience with Laurie as my doula. I knew she was the one that I wanted by my side for the birth of our baby from our first meeting together. She has a very calm, easy going, and caring energy about her and after chatting non-stop for an hour, I felt completely comfortable and confident in her abilities to support me.

My husband and I found our pre-birth meetings with Laurie extremely informative; she learned more about my husband and I and the type of birth we were hoping for, we discussed the birthing process and how she could help support me. I appreciated the articles and other birth resources that she shared with me after our meetings.

I'm so thankful that Laurie was there for me during my labor, from the beginning to the end. From the time she arrived at my house she stayed with me the whole time through the whole night, helping me get through the contractions and back labor. The pressure from the back labor was extremely strong; I honestly don't know if I could have had the natural birth that I wanted without Laurie. She was right by my side the whole time supporting me and also stayed for a couple hours after the birth to ensure I was ok. She captured the most amazing photos of our first moments with our baby, I cherish those photos and tear up a little bit every time I look at them.

I highly recommend Laurie! She will be my go-to doula if my husband and I decide to have another baby.

Maxima Patashnik


Laurie was an amazing Doula for our family. From the first time we met her we felt comforted by her tremendous experience, her warmth, and her caring. 

Laurie helped us think through what kind of birth we wanted, craft a birth plan that reflected our wishes, and ensured that we communicated this well to our healthcare team. Having Laurie available throughout the pregnancy to answer questions and provide support was wonderful.

Though we didn't have the birth we pictured, Laurie was there when we needed her and her calm, steady support and presence were invaluable. We were so fortunate she was there to guide us through the birth process. We would recommend Laury to anyone! 



I would absolutely recommend Laurie!!

Laurie was knowledgeable, thorough, and reassuring at our meetings before the birth. During the birth, she offered guidance and support for both me and my husband. She helped me cope during contractions and figure out which positions worked best for me as I labored. My husband appreciated her suggestions for how to be both present and helpful throughout the labor.

We asked for an exercise ball early on in the labor and Laurie realized it needed air. She patiently worked with multiple nurses to find a pump that worked and inflated it to a proper level for me. It turned out that exercise ball was one of the best tools for me during labor and I greatly appreciated her persistence.

We met again with Laurie after our baby was born and we valued Laurie's ability to help us reflect on the birth, appreciating both the challenges and the things that went well.

I believe that we had a positive birth experience thanks to Laurie's comforting presence and thoughtful suggestions. Thank you Laurie!!



We found Laurie through Doula Match and we were so happy we did! She helped prepare us before and really listened to the things that were important to my husband and me. When the time finally came (I was 2 weeks late) she was responsive and there when we needed her. She remained calm and present through the process. She was knowledgeable and many helpful ideas.  She was supportive and helped advocate for my wishes. I don’t think we could have gotten through the birth of my beautiful daughter without her! Highly recommended!! 

Whitney W.


My husband and I were undecided about whether to hire a doula until I was 37 weeks pregnant. At that time, my father-in-law suffered a traumatic brain injury and we were devastated. Our emotional reserves were so low, meanwhile I was facing a high-risk birth due to issues with my placenta. We needed someone who was knowledgeable and compassionate to walk with us through our daughter's birth since we were already struggling and had no family in the area. The moment I met Laurie I knew that I wanted her to be our doula. Her kind and calming demeanor helped put me at ease as I told her about my father-in-law's horrible accident and the risks we were facing with our baby girl. Laurie supported my desire to have a natural birth and we discussed strategies to help me communicate effectively with my midwives. After our first meeting, I felt so relieved that Laurie would be there to help us.

I went into labor that very day. We were shocked, since I had almost 3 weeks left until my due date! Throughout the birth Laurie was there to support both me and my husband. She helped me find the words to request that a heart rate probe not be inserted into my baby's skull. She modeled how I should be breathing during the pushing phase to make each push more effective. When my husband went to the foot of my bed to help deliver our daughter, Laurie stood beside me and helped me endure the last few pushes. She calmed me when I had to undergo a procedure to extract a portion of the placenta that was stuck inside me. Also, most dear to my heart, Laurie took photos of our baby's birth. I look at them almost daily. 

Laurie talked me through my first moments of breastfeeding, which was so valuable because I had not yet had time to take a breastfeeding class. After we returned home, Laurie came to visit us and answered the many many questions we had as new parents. I am so grateful that she was there to walk beside us as we became parents for the first time.

John and Colette


Pretty much every non-traumatic thing that could go wrong with our pregnancy did go wrong, from not getting our birth plan even down to our home remodel that was supposed to be done in the first trimester lagging on until weeks before the birth. We were supposed to be at a birth center but when the amniotic fluid tested low and our baby didn't do well on her stress test, they sent us to a hospital- but not even a hospital in Seattle. We had to go out to Issaquah. Induction was required, back labor happened, an epidural happened. One by one, every point of our plan was cancelled. Other than two aspects- Laurie was there, and the baby came out healthy with no surgeries required. We had been late adopters of having a doula, contacting Laurie a few months before the due date but she turned out to be a godsend. She was a calm, steady presence throughout the process. She was a walking talking birthing class unto herself. She advocated for Mom's wishes at the hospital. She helped coach Dad through the process and made sure he got food and breaks from backrubs throughout the two days of labor. And in the first few months of Baby's life she has been a invaluable resource for us as new parents. And her demeanor is both kind and authentic. We would happily recommend her to anyone unsure about how to do this crazy process. 

Abby Durden


We loved having Laurie as our post-partum doula.

My husband and I knew next to nothing about newborns, and have no family and very few friends in the area; we were completely overwhelmed, especially when our baby turned out to be colicky. The days Laurie came to help were the days we always felt the most sane. She is calm, caring, and very, very smart. She brings a wealth of experience, as well as an abiding passion, to her job. She was the perfect person to play such a delicate and crucial role in our evolving household. I highly recommend her. If we could, we would hire her for life!

abigail vizcarra perez


Laurie guided our research and helped us face our fears of hospital birth. She took the time to understand the concerns we had about becoming parents. We were pressed for time and under a lot of stress having just moved across the country in the second trimester. She was able to say and do what we needed so that our birth went better than we could have dreamed. Working with Laurie strengthened my relationship with my partner and prepared us to greet our baby daughter with courage we didn't know we had. Her strength and intuitive posture were contagious. When we felt lost she gently guided us back to the path we wanted to take. The things Laurie taught us about ourselves as individuals and as a family will serve us for the rest of our lives. An opportunity to work with Laurie is not to be missed!

Drew Gillies


Laurie will always hold a special place in our lives, as she spent one of our most important days with us—the birth of our little girl. We loved having her supportive and empathic personality present with us during the birth, and she was a tremendous practical help both on the day and in the weeks following. We can’t recommend her highly enough, and any new mom would benefit from her tremendously, both for birth support and post-partum support.

Katherine Laxton


My husband and I decided to hire a doula because 1) I wanted to be prepared for having a natural birth and 2) we didn't have a lot of active support from our families because they live on the other side of the country. Laurie Craft was the perfect fit.  She helped my husband and I mentally prepare ourselves for childbirth and parenthood through a variety of methods.  She also helped us for weeks after the baby was born when we didn't have any family support. She was always on time and extremely generous and flexible with her schedule. Laurie was an extremely helpful and effective coach for both of us.  While I ended up needing to have a c-section, Laurie was a critical piece that helped me through it.  I was  terrified of having an IV, extremely sick from the anesthesia and very disoriented after the surgery.  Laurie was the calming presence that got me (and my husband) through all of it.

Of the MANY things that Laurie did for us, here is an example: Post surgery, I was puking sick, disoriented, and tired while trying to figure out how to breastfeed my baby.  During this time, we had a "temporary" nurse because my normal nurse went on her lunch break.  The temporary nurse was rude and rough.  She kept telling me how I was doing it wrong and needed to do it "her way" using the football method.  She kept grabbing my boobs and my baby and shoving us all around.  It made me very uncomfortable, angry and frustrated.  Because of the time Laurie had invested in learning about me, my preferences and how I react in situations, Laurie calmly approached and took over the situation perfectly.  Its hard for me to explain exactly how she did it, but she made the rude temporary nurse go away and helped me learn how to successfully breastfeed my baby. I didn't have to deal with the awkward confrontation with the extremely rude, pushy nurse...Laurie did. :o)

Debra Barclay


Laurie was present for both of my birth experiences. My first was an unexpected scheduled cesarean, and my second was a planned vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)  Laurie was an invaluable resource during my prenatal period, as I met many challenges with my care provider (she was throwing me curve balls, scare tactics, and false information regarding my birth). Laurie was consistently a strong, calm, and incredibly supportive voice through it all. She gave me the support and space I needed to find my voice, my strength, and my conviction. She let me trust myself at a time when my needs were being ignored by my care provider. She was my strength when I didn't think I had any left in me. Her prenatal presence -her strength and belief in me- allowed me to find my inner courage, and to act on it. She was my grounding.

When it came to laboring, Laurie was exactly what I needed. She was strong, quiet in her presence, consistently providing me with warmth and encouragement and guidance. When I think about it now, it was kind of like she was a guiding angel ony shoulder! She also really helped my husband to have a role in labor - otherwise I think he would have felt unsure. With Lauries guidance both prenatally and at the labor, he found his role and confidemce to participate!

When my labor took a turn and I was faced with a cesarean birth, Laurie was there. Supportive, calm, reassuring, and loving. She helped orchestrate a beautiful, empowering birth for my family,  and I would not hesitate to recommend her to a loved one. I hope to have her attend our next birth (in the future! :))



    I don't know how Laurie arrived at the name "Calm Doula Services", but it is so right. From our initial interview to final postpartum appointment with Laurie, she had such a calming presence. When I decided to change my birth location from the hospital to birth center at 36 weeks, Laurie was so supportive and helped me to be confident in myself and my ability to give birth. Our pre-birth meetings helped us get to know each other and allowed for my husband and I to air our concerns and expectations. As I watched my due date go past, Laurie helped us to get through the tough last days, and assured me I would not be pregnant forever!
    During the birth, Laurie was available by phone as we labored at home throughout the day. When I decided I needed her, she arrived within an hour. She helped with some additional coping techniques for lower back pain and let us know when I had “the look” and we should move to the birthing center. As labor continued, Laurie helped with things like snacks and keeping hydrated so that my husband could focus wholly on helping me cope with contractions. Laurie also assisted with gentle reminders of breathing and coping techniques as things got intense. It was a huge comfort to me to have someone I trusted with birth experience to ask questions when things were hard and long. When we got the go ahead to push, Laurie’s help with positioning got my daughter out fast.
    Laurie was a huge help as a postpartum doula too. I struggled with breastfeeding and I loved having her to talk to (and support me) about the idiosyncrasies of my situation. She also taught us about baby-wearing, helped keep me fed, allowed me to have nap-time, or cleaned up the kitchen. She would help with whatever we needed, baby or house-related. I am so glad that we were blessed with Laurie during our transition into parenthood. I would hire again without hesitation!

Chrissie Blocher


My experience with Laurie was amazing and my husband and I are so thankful for her care and support throughout our pregnancy and birth. Our labor did not follow our birth plan (shocker!) but we felt totally prepared for all that happened. After a long labor our baby was in distress and we ended up with a c-section, despite this being far from what we wanted or anticipated when we were faced with the situation we were able to embrace our reality with joy. Laurie gave us clear information about all our options when it came to the birth of our son. We felt like we had been able to make good choices that enabled us to have the best birth experience, and hospital stay possible for us. She was a faithful and nurturing companion throughout my pregnancy and I felt totally at peace when my contractions started knowing she would soon be at my side. She guided me through breathing exercises and labor positions which kept me calm and focused. Knowing she was making sure my husband had the information and resources he needed to support me was also a gift so I could just concentrate on bringing our baby into the world. I have loved looking back over the notes she carefully took for us during labor. They are a priceless memento of the details of our baby's arrival and I will always treasure them. Her authentic care for our family in our birth preparations and in our first days as a family of three was a true blessing.

Alexandra Fleming


We interviewed several doulas before choosing Laurie. While nearly all of them had excellent credentials and experience, Laurie was the one we felt most comfortable with. She has a cool, laid-back style paired with a compassionate, listening presence. Considering the vulnerable position she would see us in, this felt like the most important criteria in making our decision. Laurie met with us 3 times before the birth. We talked extensively about our previous birth experience, my reactions to pain, medical interventions, basically every scenario we could dream up. I really think that preparation was the key. When I finally went into labor, I felt like a marathoner who had trained perfectly. I was ready to face the contractions and, unlike in my first labor, handle them without pain meds. Laurie provided support by phone throughout and then came to the hospital when we asked her to. Her calm demeanor was very much appreciated when my labor picked up VERY fast and I felt out of control. She did not make me feel bad when I asked for pain meds (which I ended up not getting, due to time) and helped smooth over personality issues with the hospital staff. I think her joy at seeing our little boy emerge was genuine. She really treasures and enjoys being present at a birth. Later, Laurie came by for two post-partum visits. She held my son and listened to my sleep-deprived rambling. Again, she was calm, sympathetic, and kind. She helped us talk to our 3 yo daughter, who was having some adjustment isssues, and work on our relationship with each other. Laurie's background as a therapist is clearly evident in her doula work. She really helped our family have the ideal birth experience and transition into life as a family of 4.

Gingi Cabot


 We had the pleasure and privilege to work with Laurie as a postpartum doula during the first few months after delivering our son, and I can't recommend her highly enough! She was incredibly helpful on both a practical and emotional level in adjusting to being new parents.  We will be forever grateful for her insight, humor and calm, caring demeanor during that time in our lives. Laurie is an intelligent, sensitive, and experienced postpartum doula who excels in mothering both new parents and their their infants. Never one to tell you what to do, Laurie is excellent at conveying the complexities of parenting a newborn and helping you come the conclusions that best suit your family. My husband and I both adored having Laurie in our home and trusted her without question in caring for our baby; we only wished that we could continue having her work with us as we raise our child into adulthood! 

Jenny Dire


Not only does Laurie possess a breadth of knowledge when it comes to postpartum care for mom and baby, most importantly she embodies a sense of calm and stability that is vital during those first few weeks at home with a newborn. She very quickly established an alliance with my 4 year old son which allowed me the time and space to really get to know my new baby. Her ability to walk into a sometimes chaotic situation and slow everything down greatly reduced my anxiety and eased our transition into a family of four. Laurie is extremely perceptive and emotionally attentive and I'm grateful for the way she helped empower me as a parent. I highly recommend her services!

Jenn Boelter, Licensed Midwife, Licensed Massage Practitioner


Laurie is a delight to work with.  She connects well with her clients, senses emotional and physical needs and with a "Calm" response, meets those needs.  She is caring and goes the extra mile when its needed.  And, she is knowledgeable, offering couples an excellent advocate when transfer to the hospital from home or birth center becomes necessary.  I highly recommend Laurie's doula services!

Jana Dilley


Having Laurie as our doula really made our birth and the first few weeks with our daughter much easier. I can't imagine having done it without her. Laurie is a low-key and soothing presence, and was really helpful in answering our questions and concerns. We really appreciated Laurie's background in psychology and her thoughful, open-minded approach to her work. 

Heather Maisen


 An amazing advocate and a nurturing guide -- Laurie was a key part of the birth of our son Finn. As first-time parents, we had a lot of questions and she listened to all of our hopes and concerns with equal attention. During the birth, she was a beacon of positive energy for both of us. She’s a gifted doula who helped make the birth of our son a memory we will cherish forever. Heather, Mike and Finn Maisen June 2011.

Jessica Ryan


I am so thankful that my husband and I decided to hire Laurie as our doula. She was amazing. Before our birth, she was fantastic at answering questions and being available for anything we needed. I emailed her numerous times in the final weeks of my pregnancy with fears and anxieties. She not only responded quickly, but she seemed to have the exact thing to say that I needed to hear. What I loved most about Laurie is a little hard to describe. It's her personality and presence. She has this perfect mix of calm, peaceful, and kind. It's apparent she loves doula work and was made to do it. She is a careful listener and very insightful. She asked questions of us - things we hadn't thought of before but were very grateful she brought to our attention so we were able to talk through, be educated, and make decisions we felt good about. Laurie's knowledge before and during labor was so helpful. It helped me do what I needed to do most: relax and feel confident that her support would help us have the birth we wanted. I also appreciated her honesty. When she didn't know the answer to a question, she would say so but then research the answer and get back to me. In the end, I'm amazed at how natural it felt to have Laurie at our birth. I was able to labor and deliver without the use of any drugs or other major medical intervention. I am so pleased that this is our birth story. We couldn't have done it without Laurie.

Heather Henderson


The following words will not adequately describe my experience of Laurie as our Doula.  Throughout the birth and postpartum, Laurie was open, available, supportive, and beyond caring.  Her kindness and strength helped to make me birthing process an unbelievable and amazing experience.  During the pregnancy Laurie made ever effort to get to know me and my husband and what both of us were expecting during the birth.  The morning my water broke I couldn't wait to call Laurie to let her know.  Throughout the day she kept in touch but allowed my husband and I the space to process what was happening and what we needed.  When things started to progress Laurie was there every step of the way.  I was amazed at how attuned she was to my needs and what type of support I would most respond to.  Laurie was an amazing blessing during the entire process and her support didn't stop there.  Laurie stayed a week after the birth to support all of us as we stepped into our new lives.  She was always there to offer advice, techniques, and support through the new transition period.  I could not have asked for anyone better than Laurie to journey along this path with.  She brought more love, support, and strength then I would have ever known to ask for.  

Birth Availability for Laurie Craft, MA

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-15-2024

Postpartum Availability for Laurie Craft, MA

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-15-2024