Alicia Power CD(DONA) Photo

Alicia Power CD(DONA)

Birth Power Doula Services

Cedar Park, TX Service range 30 miles

Birth Fee

$1000 to $1600

Postpartum Rate

$40 to $50

Availability Remarks: I am available M-F 10am-2pm for daytime postpartum doula services. Overnight shifts are available periodically and dependent on my on-call birth doula schedule.

Birth Fee

$1000 to $1600

Postpartum Rate

$40 to $50

Birth Doula Experience

4 years and 109 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

1 years and 7 families served

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, September 2019

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 4 births and 1 to 3 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Some Home Births
A certified midwife must be present at the birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Antepartum doula support
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Special Services
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Volunteer doula with Giving Austin Labor Support (GALS)

Fee Details

I am currently accepting new birth doula clients for $1,200. I regularly offer discounts for repeat clients. My standard package includes at least two prenatal meetings, unlimited availability via text and email, a birth plan draft, access to my lending library, four weeks of on-call support, a backup doula arrangement, continuous in-person labor support, and one postnatal meeting. If you are interested in virtual support or a sliding scale fee then please inquire for discounts. Occasionally I work with a second doula as a co-doula (this is different than having a backup doula). A co-doula arrangement costs $1,600 in order to compensate a second doula for their time. Postpartum Packages begin at $700 for four four-hour daytime shifts. Each additional daytime shift is $40 per hour. Overnight shifts cost $400 per night for shifts from 10pm to 6am. Both daytime and nighttime packages include one planning meeting.

Service Area

Cedar Park, TX Service range 30 miles

Client Testimonials for Alicia Power CD(DONA)

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Alicia was the calm and reassuring presence that I needed in my otherwise anxiety-filled pregnancy. She never judged, shamed, or pressured me into decisions, but instead provided me with science-based evidence and information for me to make my own decisions for our birth plan, and only provided her own opinions when I asked for them.

My pregnancy took an unexpected turn towards the end, and I needed an induction at 37 weeks. Alicia made herself available throughout the early induction process for questions, and checked in frequently with texts and calls. When it was finally time to begin labor, she was with us through it all. When she and the nurses believed my baby was in my belly OP, she provided exercises and worked with me to flip her around (and during birth, baby was no longer OP!). She helped give my husband tasks and ways to help me through contractions and birth, used her wealth of experience and knowledge to reduce my discomfort from nausea and the hospital monitors/wires/IV, and was a consistently calming presence throughout my four-day long labor. Labor presented me with so many challenges, and Alicia supported my husband and I through all of them, and ultimately helped guide me to achieve my goal of a vaginal delivery. I will forever be grateful for her love, kindness, and dedication during a time when I felt weak, scared, and vulnerable.

Should I ever get pregnant again, Alicia will be my first call!


A. Foggett


Alicia is an exceptional Doula. She is kind, honest, patient, a great listener and puts the needs of her clients first. I was very anxious about pregnancy and birth and Alicia created space to listen and educate me which made me feel calm before the birth of my son. Every time we met, I felt like I was a priorty and that she genuinely cared about me. She spent hours with my husband and I educating us on what to expect through the different phases of pregnancy, L&D and postpartum. During my labor, she was a positive, calming and grounding presence for me during a time of uncertainly and stress. She is the best of the best and I whole heartedly recommend her to anyone looking for someone to guide them through pregnancy and birth. 



Hiring Alicia was the most important decision we made leading up to the birth of our daughter. Being my first, I had a very specific idea of how I wanted labor to go. Alicia went over every detail with us in our first two meetings to ensure that we were all on the same page about my wishes, and she shared her many resources and tools. I was unexpectedly induced at 37 + 4 with preeclampsia. I was scared and emotional, but Alicia guided me through my options assuring and empowering me that I was still in control at every step. She joined us at the hospital and set up a beautiful environment for me to labor in (essential oils, spa music, and low lighting). She massaged my lower back during contractions, which was the MOST helpful comfort measure, and she helped me change positions often. I really think I would've asked for an epidural if it weren't for Alicia's support, but I never did. Things took a scary turn when I suddenly felt the urge to push and we weren't able to get a nurse in the room for 10-15 mins. I was in a lot of pain, and baby's heart rate was dropping without recovery. We later found out I was experiencing placental abruption. Alicia was talking me through the pain, and was a calming presence for us during the scariest moments of our lives. I was ultimately rushed to an emergency c-section, and she was there for my husband who was left terrified in our L&D room without time to scrub in. Thank God baby and I were okay, and Alicia immediately jumped in to help me breastfeed once I awoke from surgery. When we got home, Alicia came over and helped me make sense of the sequence of events and my feelings surrounding the birth. It helped immensely to speak with someone knowledgable who had gone through the experience with us. Having Alicia as your doula is an investment you will not regret, whether your birth goes to plan, but ESPECIALLY if it does not. I never anticipated needing her as much as we did, but I am forever grateful to her.

Brittnay Perlo


I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support and guidance I received from Alicia. From the beginning, she consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence. Her prompt responses to my questions not only showcased her professionalism, but also reassured me throughout the journey.

What sets Alicia apart is her dedication to being research-based. Knowing that she approached her role with a solid foundation of knowledge gave me confidence in the decisions we were making. This research-oriented approach, combined with her thoroughness, made every step of the process feel well-informed and thoughtfully considered.

During the birth, Alicia was so helpful. Her ability to provide both pain management and emotional support was invaluable. She not only made me feel comfortable, but also helped my husband navigate the experience, especially as first-time parents. Her presence helped us understand the unfolding events and empowered us to advocate for our preferences.

In essence, Alicia played a pivotal role in ensuring a positive birth experience. I felt prepared, supported, and informed every step of the way. Her impact was not just on me but extended to my husband, creating a sense of comfort and understanding during this significant moment in our lives. I genuinely believe that I couldn't have done it without her, and I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone seeking a compassionate and knowledgeable doula.

Ashley Ward


Alicia is a life changer. Seriously. I had a very uneventful pregnancy and the education she provided me was incredible! Her resources are balanced and scientifically driven. If you're someone with questions or a curious spirit, she welcomed this! She came to our home, got to know us and our wishes, and was the biggest proponent of self advocacy. This ended up being even more necessary when my labor was not taken seriously and she coached us through it all. She gave us great emotional support at the hospital when my delivery shifted gears to a c section, comforting my husband immensely. My family- mom and godmother included, sing her praises. She was a calming presence in what was the most horrible week we had. Our son ended up in the NICU and she came to meet him after. She was a pivotal member of our birthing experience. I can't imagine it being it anybody else. Thank you for everything, Alicia. 



Alicia was the perfect support person for me and my husband during the birth of our first child. She was so informative in our pre-visits and asked all the right questions to prep me for the day. Even with things not going to plan (unplanned induction due to BP), I had a very positive experience due to her support.  Her calming demeanor made me feel like I had some control over a process that ultimately we have no control over. She stayed with me during the long 36 hour labor; kept my husband engaged and allowed him to feel like he was part of the process. As a pediatrician, I thought I would be prepared to make all the decisions and advocate for myself. In the moment, I am so thankful I had Alicia there to do that for me and keep me calm when things weren't progressing as hoped. After my experience with her, I recommended her to friends having a baby this January.  Alicia is their Doula for a baby arriving any day now! 



I hired Alicia to help guide me through my first birth after she was highly recommended by two different friends who also used her services. Alicia was phenomenal and I don’t think my birth would have gone so well without her knowledge and support. She met with us three times during my pregnancy to go over my birthing plan, the laboring process, and postpartum recovery as well as one week after the birth to make sure things were going well. I was especially grateful I hired her because my baby was measuring in the 98th percentile and the doctor kept bringing up c-sections even though I had planned to give birth without medication. If it wasn’t for Alicia, who provided me with science-based articles showing how ultrasounds usually over predict baby weight and talked through all my concerns with me, I would not have felt confident enough with having a vaginal birth.

When I went into labor, Alicia was exactly the type of person I needed to help me through my contractions and pushing. She remained calm and supportive even though I was a mess, kept the room relaxing with scented oil infusers and calm music, and helped me get into more comfortable positions during the contractions. It truly was such a positive birthing experience, and I can’t thank Alicia enough for helping bring my perfect baby girl into this world!

Brigita Biederman


My experience with Alicia has been amazing. She's been present for two of my births. The first one she was actually volunteering at gals which was a hotline for doula. So I didn't know who I would be receiving or if we would get a doula. It was all unfamiliar territory as new parents. She came at the tail end of my labor after I had already been given an epidural and labored for quite a few hours. She was a calm and supportive presence for my husband and I in this time of anxiety and uncertainty.

So when we were pregnant again with our second I wanted to try to have her again but this time be able to support her business. Admittedly, things were a little tight budget wise and we had to decide between her and a different doula.

Alicia was so accomodating, compassionate, and understanding and was willing to work with us to make it possible for us to hire her for our second born. I knew after speaking to her again that it wouldn't be the same with a different doula. Since she ahd been there the first time and offered such a calm, peaceful, and knowing energy.

I ended up having an incredibly quick labor and was only there for about 30 minutes but that support that she offered us was irreplaceable. I might have had my son in the hospital hallway after my water broke if it wasn't for her helping me through and getting the security guards attention to get us a much needed wheelchair. Since my labor was so quick she ended up driving to visit us for our postpartum even though we had agreed to virtual visits based on what we could afford. 

Overall 11/10 stars for sure! And hopefully in the future if we decide to have another child we will be able to hire her again and we'll be in an even better position to support her business further! 

We would highly recommend her services!

Tetiana De Leon


I'd like to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible support Alicia provided to me and my husband during the birth of our son, Luca. Her guidance, comfort measures, and emotional support were absolutely invaluable to us, and we could not have made it through the intense induction process without her. 

When real labor arrived and I was overwhelmed with pain, Alivia provided encouragement and guidance that helped me to cope and stay calm. Her presence was a constant source of comfort and reassurance, and we felt so fortunate to have her by our side throughout the entire process.
Alicia's expertise and compassion are a rare combination, and we feel so lucky to have her as our doula. She is truly great at what she does, and we would be more than happy to recommend her to anyone in need of doula services.

Thank you, Alicia, again for everything you did to help us bring our beautiful son into the world. We will always be grateful for your support, guidance and kindness. 



Alicia was everything our family needed in a doula and more! The time Alicia spent with me before my birth, talking through how things could potentially go was instrumental, as my birth went nothing according to plan! Contractions started at 1.5 minutes apart, and after 5 blurry hours, I decided to get an epidural - Alicia did a perfect job of questioning me (I had planned to have an unmedicated birth), and then supporting my decision. When we had to pivot to a c-section, Alicia made sure I had any questions answered, and also helped me process what had happened afterward. Alicia's knowledge and poise did so much to keep me and my husband reassured, and I'd highly recommend her as part of your birth team!

Alyssa White


Alicia was everything I could've hoped for in a doula. I wanted a medicated birth, and was afraid that would be a conflict with a doula, but Alicia was clear she would listen to and respect any decisions I made about my birth experience. She went above and beyond to support me and my family as we went through a terrible family loss the day before I went into labor - and managed to refocus me and empower me through the delivery of our sweet girl. I honestly don't know how I could've done it without her. Having someone in the room who knew exactly what we wanted and could speak plainly and firmly with the nurses made all the difference in the world. It really allowed my husband to focus on me and I was able to just go into the zone and remain calm because I knew Alicia had our backs. I can't recommend her enough!



Alicia was everything I could have asked for in a doula! She was informed, level-headed, and compassionate throughout the entire process. I felt confident going into my son’s birth. She helped me advocate for myself, encouraged me, and provided practical support for me and my husband. I would highly recommend her services to anyone looking for a doula, and would happily use her again myself. I can’t imagine going through that experience for the first time without her.

Anna Skidis Vargas


Worth every penny and then some!
Working with Alicia was the smartest expense we made when it came to giving birth. As the birthing parent, I felt held and cared for throughout the whole process. It felt like having an advocate, an educator, and a friend in the room. My husband and I felt like we were more prepared than most in our birthing classes, too, because of how much we learned from Alicia ahead of time. 
Surprising no one, my “ideal birth plan” had to shift, but Alicia had gone over possible scenarios, so that I would know what I wanted if things needed to change. In the end, I labored for around 26 hours, and she helped me with positions to try to get baby to drop before and after the epidural, and helped me keep my confidence up with her support. When we ultimately had a C-section, she made sure the folks in the room gave me a play-by-play, helped me understand what was happening, took photos, and supported my husband, too.

TL;DR — Alicia focused on developing a real partnership with us, asked questions we didn’t know to ask, and made sure we went into the birth process feeling very prepared for a variety of outcomes. 100% recommend hiring a doula for your first birth especially, and 110% recommend Alicia.



We absolutely loved working with Alicia! We had such a great experience and I believe every mom should have a Doula at her side during pregnancy and birth.  Working with Alicia gave my husband and I so much peace of mind during the whole process. Alicia is knowladable, calm and present. She truely listens to what you want and advocates for you!

Allison Walgrave


Alicia helped me deliver my son almost 7 months ago, and not a week has gone by that I haven't been grateful for the experience! My first birth was traumatic. Deep down I knew under the right circumstances I could have things go differently the second time, but I was scared and didn't know how. I hoped a doula could help me, and I am so incredibly lucky to have found Alicia! I freeze during stress and so does my husband. I have a history of sexual and medical trauma. Having Alicia there through the my pregnancy, in the most kind and supportive way, I felt like she really understood me and had my back for the beautiful birth I imagined. I felt safe, and if you know, you know. It was wonderful! My husband has commented many times that having Alicia there helped him step in and not freeze, he had direction to follow and it even strengthened my bond with him too. With her support and intuitive thinking, I had the unmedicated waterbirth that I had only dreamed about years before. It was such an affirming experience and I really think Alicia was THE perfect, wonderful, kind, gentle and caring doula for me. I believe whatever birth plan I wanted, she would have supported me 100%. And if that went sideways like it sometimes does, I know she would have supported me too. Alicia helped me believe in myself, and I will always be thankful for her. ?

Lydia Sanchez


Alicia was truly amazing. Her calming personality is exactly what I needed when I successfully had my unmedicated VBAC. Alicia respected the decisions my husband and I made for the birth of our son and made sure everything ran smoothly and as close to our plan as possible. Our midwife also was impressed with Alicia and complemented her. I highly recommend Alicia and appreciate her being apart of our son's birth story. 

Hannah Frome


Alicia was a joy to work with as my doula. I met with Alicia a few times before my birth and she walked me through all the choices I had, and what to expect, and truly made me feel comfortable and knowledgeable about my future birth experience. During my birth, Alicia assisted me at home during the first part of my labor and helped me meet my birth plan goals by the time I got to the hospital. Her assistance during my labor for me and my family was amazing and I couldn't recommend her more. She is kind, gentle, knowledgeable, and a great force to have during labor with you. 



    Today on August twenty-third a year ago our beautiful son was born. We decided to hire a birth doula. For many reasons but two in particular : My last baby was 10 years ago and I wanted a repeat VBAC. So I was nervous about the how I could manage pain with out epidural. I knew that I was going to need so much support besides my partner. When we meet Alicia Power we were really impressed with her. Very knowledgeable and respectful. Took account of all my needs, my wishes. I work in the health field so, I could see the passion In her work. They way she took care of me. She has great bed side manner from my experience. She had so much patience, since english is my partners second language. She explained thigs so well that it left him relieved.  She guided  him on how he could comfort me during labor.  Even     voicing postivie affirmation to him.

Even though I could not have my mother present during the birth because of COVID protocols. I really felt like she displayed motherly affection towards me. She reassured me and made me feel safe. The nurses were even  impressed with her.

I can't say enough about how thankful I am that Alicia was there during my birth. She will always be remembered . She filled my mind with so many beautiful memories. Suggestions she made while I was laboring . Suggestions that made my birthing experience  with my partner unforgettable. 

Isabel Sapriel


I could not be happier that we had Alicia as our doula for the birth of our daughter. When I read the evidence about the benefits of doulas on birth outcomes, I was immediately interested. But when I started looking for a doula, I was surprised by how challenging it was to find someone who was evidence- based, supportive of my preferences and goals, AND warm. Alicia was all three and so much more! I have a medical complication that added complexity to my birth planning, so it was especially helpful to have Alicia there throughout my pregnancy to support me in thinking through my options- with the support of evidence, experience, and without judgement. During birth, Alicia’s ability to support both me and my husband on the most challenging (but ultimately awesome) day of our lives, was an absolute game changer. With Alicia there, we always had someone there to support me, even when my husband had to step away, so I was never alone. We felt secure in having Alicia there as a seasoned pro to suggest and lend a hand with support measures and add her knowledge as we evaluated medial options. Her calm but assured demeanor was such an asset to us as first time parents. As an added bonus, she’s just a great person who is a model for cultivating rich family experiences and raising grounded and happy kids. She inspires me to be an empowered birthing person and a great mom. I have so much admiration for her as a person and gratitude to her as our doula. Thank you, Alicia!



Alicia was kind and insightful in the months leading up to my baby's birth.  She listened to and really cared about my prior experience giving birth (and later brought that context into the delivery room).  She provided lots of resources and a level-headed approach that greatly appealed to my logical, practical mindset.  On the day of the birth, she provided emotional support that brought out the best in my husband and me.  She prompted my husband when he seemed at a loss for how to help, and she provided the moral support I needed to advocate for myself.

Kristin + Cameron


My partner and I learned we were pregnant with our first child and were immediately excited and a bit overwhelmed.  We learned around the same time that this would be a high-risk pregnancy, and we would need to process a lot of new information while preparing for the birth of our child. Given our circumstances, our OBGYN recommended finding a doula to support us on this journey.

After finding her contact information on the DONA International website, we connected with Alicia. We knew Alicia was the right fit for us from our first meeting.  She is incredibly patient and knowledgable -- able to answer any question we asked (or connect us with convenient resources if we wanted to dig deeper!) without passing judgment or making us doubt the process.  In some ways, she was not only supporting our birth, but helping us to find a rhythm of self-trust we are working on adopting as parents.

We worked through prodromal labor for two weeks as the pregnancy neared its end.  Alicia was constantly on call for us during that time, providing suggestions and tips for dealing with those contractions and questions to ask the doctor.  With her help, we were able to determine when to go to the hospital finally.

At the hospital, Alicia helped us with navigating conversations with medical professionals and how to advocate for our birth plan.  Given her experience, she was able to pre-emptively coach us on questions we might receive and help us think through our preferences.  She stayed with us the entire 29 hours we were in labor & delivery and then helped us with the baby's first latch.  We are forever grateful for her support!

tl;dr: We got pregnant and didn't know we needed a doula.  We gave birth and couldn't imagine not having had a doula to support us.  Alicia is one of our first phone calls to set up our medical team if we get pregnant again.


Jesse & Samantha Medina


Alicia Power was our midwife during the birth of my 4th child. All 3 prior pregnancies were vaginal and this was my first cesarean... so I was very scared to say the least! Alicia was kind, gentle, knowledgeable and all around WONDERFUL to help me through this process. She met with me in person and over the phone. She calmed my fears, encouraged my strengths and was there with all her wisdom and personal experience. I truly could never have had the successful birth experience I had if she was not there by my side. I am forever grateful and would love Alicia to be my doula in the future for my other children when I have another, Lord willing. During the birth she helped my husband through the process of supporting me and gave him essential oils to help calm me during the birth. I NEEDED THE OILS!!!! I was so fearful and scared, but once the oils went up to my nose and I breathed in I INSTANTLY calmed and was relaxed. She was an angel from heaven and I cannot glow too much about how much this was a wonderful experience from something that was so very scary and new to our family.



I drafted tens of reviews for Alicia since the birth of my daughter and finally had to accept that no words can do her justice.
We hired Alicia after interviewing several doulas and found that she was the perfect match for us. Her calm, supportive, hands on approach allowed me to have the best birth experience imaginable. She knew exactly what to do and say from the moment she came to meet us in the hospital parking lot to when my daughter was born.
I was terrified of giving birth in a US hospital having previously had a great birth abroad. With Alicia’s support, this birth turned out even better than my first. Something I didn’t think was possible. My goals were to have an unmedicated birth and to feel that I’m in control. She enabled me to achieve both. Both my husband and I are beyond grateful for her support.

Brooke Jackson


We are so glad we found Alicia. She was the science- and evidence-based, caring doula of my dreams! She helped my husband and me through the planning process before our first baby. I honestly can't imagine what it would have been like going into giving birth without her wealth of knowledge. She filled in the gaps that I never thought to ask my ob/gyn team, and took the time to fully explain and help us understand the endless flow of information you receive while pregnant. We always felt comfortable and open with her and she gave me much more confidence about the entire process. 

I had a long induction, labor, and basically hit all sorts of things that weren't in my birth plan (which was beautifully put together thanks to Alicia!), and she made the whole process beautiful and enjoyable (seriously!). She was there to advocate for my wants, to help my partner and me talk through decisions as they came up, and to take pictures at the very moment I met my beautiful baby boy. I am so grateful to Alicia and would highly recommend her to anyone thinking about working with a doula! 

Heather Nirenberg


I am high risk due to age and lupus so I had a highly monitored pregnancy and was induced at Seton Main. I didn't think to get a doula until the last couple weeks of the pregnancy, so I literally met Alicia in the height of my painful induction at the hospital. Until she arrived, I felt prodded and poked at, stressed and inadequate. I wasn't dilating, I was in excruciating pain, baby wasn't moving "enough" and I was exhausted. Alicia showed up right after I had gotten my epidural and finally passed out for a couple hours. I woke up to being completely unable to move my right lower quadrant. I was so out of it, yet she swooped right in with this loving air of calm and confident. She moved my body for me, she had all the tools to help me feel safe and progress, she explained everything that was happening and what all my options were. And she never left. That was huge for me. As soon as she came, my body relaxed and I fully dilated within a couple hours. And during the birth, the doctors wanted to use more unnatural interventions, and with her support by my side, I was able to ask what my options were and see that I could say no. So I did. And I'm so glad I did. After we came home, Alicia paid us a house visit and literally put my breast pump together for me and showed me exactly how to use it while my brain was still too flooded with hormones and first-time-mom craziness to figure it out myself. She was our guardian angel, for sure. If we have another child, I have no hesitation that we will call her as soon as we find out. I can only imagine the empowerment and support she could give throughout an entire pregnancy, based on our experience with her through just my labor and delivery. Alicia. Is. Amazing.

Savanha Esquivel


I was matched with Alicia through Giving Austin Labor Support (GALS) an organization that helps low income families get free doulas. I can't imagine having experienced my positive and supportive birth with anyone else. Alicia was always available for questions and made me feel heard and understood especially when I explained what I wanted from my birth experience. When I was getting through the thick of it she was there to calm me down and her support made me really push through and get to the most rewarding part, holding my little baby bean in my arms. And in the single moment of doubt I had that I couldn't do it she kept me grounded and stayed positive that I could. The act of giving birth is so special and we were so blessed to have shared it with her!! Without the help of GALS and Alicia offering herself to help mothers who can't pay out of pocket  I don't think I would have had the amazing birth that I did. There aren't enough words to tell you how much it meant to us to have her there. 

Emma S.


My husband and I decided to hire a doula when we found out we were expecting our first child, for additional support as we were new to the US after recently moving from the UK. After speaking with Alicia for the first time we were sure she was the right doula for us. We loved her impartial approach to birth preferences and that she backed her advice with science-based evidence, alongside her being calming, supportive and knowledgeable.

Alicia was always available to answer any questions we had during the pregnancy and made us feel really well prepared and informed for the birth and postpartum. However, no amount of preparation could have prepared us for labor beginning during the worst snow storm in Texas for decades! Alicia went above and beyond to support us during a long and difficult labor, and afterwards. We truly believe choosing her as our doula was the best decision we could have made. We cannot recommend Alicia highly enough and we are very grateful to have had her there with us at the birth of our son.

Joyce V.


Working with Alicia was a great experience. As a first time mom I had many questions and concerns about giving birth. Alicia was informative and thoughtful throughout the entire process. She eased my worries and made my birthing experience more peaceful and pleasant. She advocated for me and offered amazing support from the first introduction email to the final push at the hospital. 

You could not be in better hands. I highly reccomend Alicia for any mom to be seeking support. 



I wasn't exactly sure how a doula would help but hired Alicia based on hearing from people how helpful a doula would be. I could not be more grateful that I did! I'm not super crunchy and chose Alicia because she seemed really neutral and evidence based in her approach. 

Alicia was amazing throughout the process. I didn't take any sort of birthing class and Alicia walked me through everything that I could expect, decisions I would need to make, managing pain, etc. I felt way more informed and empowered as a result of our first meeting. 

At 36 weeks, I found out I'd need an induction (something I was really anxious about) at 37 weeks due to gestational hypertension. I texted Alicia right away and she gave me questions to ask my doctor and came to my home a few days later to help me process this news as well as my options for navigating the process. At the hospital, she was amazing with helping comfort me, making the environment more comfortable with music, a heating pad, massages, aromatherapy, etc. I never would have thought of all of that.

Following my birth, Alicia checked in regularly on me and my baby who was in the NICU. She also provided me with advice and resources postpartum and even brought me homemade lactation cookies.

Alicia really helped me have a more positive and enjoyable birth experience even amid some stressful  changes to the birth I hoped to have.
I would highly advise anyone to use a doula and if Alicia is available, to hire her!

Katie McKee


I had the most positive birth experience with Alicia! This was my second pregnancy and absolutely nothing was going according to plan. Alicia's research background and calming presence helped ease my anxiety and gave me a peace of mind that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. My baby was breech from 33 weeks and I was terrified of a cesarean birth. Alicia spent time with me doing Spinning Babies techniques to help my daughter turn and checked in on me multiple times a week. She walked me through what a natural birth and a cesarean birth would look like, showed me comfort techniques, and relayed real birth experiences. And that was all before delivery! The day of the birth, Alicia was my biggest supporter and advocate! During delivery, Alicia helped calm my nerves with her gentle presence and touch. Although I feared the worst, this birth experience was beautiful and more perfect than I thought possible. I am so thankful for her and will definitely be working with her for my next baby. 

Sarah G


Alicia is an incredible doula and we are so grateful she was part of the birth of our second child. We had a lot of trauma and anxiety after a difficult birth experience with our first child, so we wanted to do everything possible to make our second birth a more positive and empowering experience. It was clear from our first meeting with Alicia that she was a perfect fit for our vision for this birth. She provides the perfect blend of sensitive and compassionate emotional support and practical, evidence-based advice. I especially appreciated that Alicia has an extensive background in science and uses it to inform her practice. During my pregnancy, she provided thoughtful and practical guidance for preparing physically and emotionally for the birth. Her support helped me feel confident and ready. 

During labor and delivery, Alicia provided calming, intuitive support that helped me manage my pain and kept me from becoming overwhelmed or discouraged. She anticipated my needs by providing practical advice, soothing touch and massage, and encouragement during rough moments. She also helped support my husband so that he could be responsive to my needs.

Overall, my son's birth was as close to my vision of a perfect birth as I could have possibly hoped for. It was an empowering and healing experience, and having Alicia as our doula played a huge role in making it so positive and joyous. I would strongly and enthusiastically recommend Alicia to anyone looking for a doula. 

Travis Norton


We feel so fortunate that we had Alicia as our doula for the birth of our second child. After a very difficult first birth experience, my wife and I decided we wanted a doula for the second. Some friends recommended Alicia after their positive experience with her, and from the first meeting, we knew we had found a great doula for us. I really appreciate how Alicia acknowledged the difficulty of our first birth and worked with us to develop a plan of action to make for a better birth experience. During our pre-birth visits, she brought a combination of compassion, practicality, and scientific expertise that put my wife and I at ease and made us feel like we could create a new birth story.

During the labor, Alicia balanced a hands-on approach while stepping back and letting it be our experience. She provided guidance and information when we needed it and helped me meet my wife’s needs throughout. At transition points in the labor, she was able to anticipate our fears based on our first birth and offer practical tips and reassurance about how things were proceeding.

Alicia did so much to make it a memorable experience for us. Two things stand out to me: she had a waterproof Bluetooth speaker on hand that let us play a special mix that we still listen to almost every day, and while I held my wife during the birth, she used my camera during to take some some amazing photographs.

Alicia helped create an amazing birth experience for my wife and me. We don’t think it would have been possible without her, and we can’t recommend her highly enough.

Jazmine Vega


Alicia was an absolute blessing to us.

This being my fourth child, but first baby born in Texas, was a little overwhelming, especially since I had a doctor that was not supportive of my wishes to have another natural birth. Having no family here to help us with our toddler, and me having anxiety about being alone led us to consider a doula for the first time and I am so grateful to have been matched with Alicia. She was so knowledgeable and supportive on every level. She showed us all genuine care and comfort through my pregnancy, labor, delivery and post-partum care. She was with me through every contraction, comforting me through each one and cheering me on with every push. She encouraged me to be brave and reminded me that I have the right to be heard and my voice matters; that it is MY birth. With her by my side, I managed to have my birth wishes met, despite a very pushy doctor and felt a care and understanding that I wish I had been given with my other 3 births. We were so grateful to have her by my side during such a vulnerable moment.

She is truly amazing! 

Vivian and Johnathan Frederick


Vivian- I did not have the birth that I wanted. Nor did I have the option. But I did have the two best people there for the job. I had my husband (who was the reason I was there in the first place) and I had the best doula you could ask for. She was there for me and helped me fight for my patient's rights. She helped guide my husband and I though this event. I'm safe and healthy now, and I can never repay Alicia for what she's done for my family.


Johnathan- I am not good at this sort of thing. I thought at first that having a doula would be a waste of money. I fought my wife on this for quite a while. After finally agreeing and meeting Alicia, I still had my doubts. However, as the hours progressed in the delivery room I began to see the reason for having someone outside our family there to help us through. The doctor and nurses were horrible and when my wife began having problems and had to be taken out of the room, Alicia was still there for me. She did everything she could before they forced her out. She even stayed until my wife was out of surgery to find out how things had gone. She called, and even came back to visit the next day, just to make sure my wife was ok.



We found Alicia on Doulamatch. She was the first one we interviewed, and even after we left my fiancé asked if we needed to even interview anyone else, we liked her and felt a connection instantly. Alicia is kind, calming, knowledgeable and made us feel like our opinions were valid and offered any information on anything we had questions about. We are first time parents, and she helped us know what to expect and has just been a wonderful support for both myself and fiancé. During delivery she made me feel empowered and again was just a calming strong presence that both myself and my fiancé needed. I'm extremely grateful for her and loved having her as a part of our sons birth

Sarah E


Alicia is a fantastic doula and a calm and comforting person. I found Alicia randomly through facebook and I'm so glad I did! For my second pregnancy, I wasn't sure I wanted a doula since I had a lackluster doula experience the first time around and was still able to give birth without pain meds--did I really need a doula? After meeting with Alicia, it became pretty clear that we wanted to give the doula thing another go and it was a great decision.

First off, I felt comfortable with her almost immediately and that's saying a lot for a skeptic like me that doesn't warm to people particularly quickly. She's just a really genuine person. Alicia was receptive to understanding my family's particular needs for support and didn't try to push her own perspective.

As for labor and preparing for labor, she had many effective and creative ideas for pain management that were new to me (even though I'd already done this once). She proactively checked in with me leading up to my due date and when I went post-dates (like I did with my first), she worked to help me stay positive that spontaneous labor would come soon and reminded me of all those things you can do to encourage labor and prepare your body. During labor she was a gentle, calming presence for me and a level headed support for my partner. I labored overnight and struggled to stay centered and focused since all I could think about was sleep...but I vividly remember Alicia gently pressing on my brow to help relax my face during and between contractions and this small, small thing had a huge impact. It reminded me to breathe, to release my apprehension, and ride the wave. This is just a simple example of how in-tune Alicia was to the situation and what my needs were--I couldn't have known before labor or during that something like that would've been helpful to me, but it was. Alicia was part of the picture perfect labor and birth of my son, and I am forever grateful.



The Covid19 pandemic hitting Travis County happened to line up with the final weeks of my pregnancy. I was so excited that we had a doula to support us this time around and was devastated that tightening visitor restrictions might prevent us from getting that in person support I really felt like I needed. Almost miraculously, we were able to have Alicia Power from Birth Power Doula Services there with us for the whole 22 odd hour ordeal. She was absolutely incredible. I handled the pain and emotional ups and downs so much better this time around. I felt so much less fearful and so much more confident in my decisions for myself. In a country, particularly a state, where our maternal outcomes are abysmal, these providers are invaluable if you can access them. Hospitals quit allowing them about a day after we were released.

Additionally she offered compassionate support in the weeks prior to L&D, helping me manage my increasing anxiety about the news cycle and create contingency plans so that I would feel empowered and supported no matter how much the rules changed. I wish that every laboring person could have someone in the room with them like Alicia.



The Covid19 pandemic hitting Travis County happened to line up with the final weeks of my pregnancy. I was so excited that we had a doula to support us this time around and was devastated that tightening visitor restrictions might prevent us from getting that in person support I really felt like I needed. Almost miraculously, we were able to have Alicia Power from Birth Power Doula Services there with us for the whole 22 odd hour ordeal. She was absolutely incredible. I handled the pain and emotional ups and downs so much better this time around. I felt so much less fearful and so much more confident in my decisions for myself. In a country, particularly a state, where our maternal outcomes are abysmal, these providers are invaluable if you can access them. Hospitals quit allowing them about a day after we were released.

Additionally she offered compassionate support in the weeks prior to L&D, helping me manage my increasing anxiety about the news cycle and create contingency plans so that I would feel empowered and supported no matter how much the rules changed. I wish that every laboring person could have someone in the room with them like Alicia.

Rachel Wallace


Having babies can be unpredictable and stressful, but Alicia was supportive and helpful through my entire experience. When it came time to birth my twins, Alicia was there by my side and assured me that everything was going to be okay. I credit her a lot for getting me through my crazy pregnancy and delivery, and I recommend her to anyone. Calm, passionate, resourceful, reliable, and knowledgeable are but a few of Alicia's qualities that make her the fantastic Doula that she is.

Birth Availability for Alicia Power CD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-17-2024

Postpartum Availability for Alicia Power CD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-17-2024