Sheri Gorman Photo

Sheri Gorman

Birth and Postpartum Services

Tacoma, WA   Service range 30 miles


Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate

$55 to $65

Availability Remarks: Offering both daytime and overnight support!

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate

$55 to $65

Birth Doula Experience

4 years and 16 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

4 years and 12 families served

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, March 2019

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 3 births and 1 to 3 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Baby sign language education
  • Baby-led weaning
  • Babywearing education
  • Childbirth education services
  • Cloth diapering education
  • Elimination communication education
  • First Aid and CPR
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Newborn care and parenting classes
  • Parenting consulting
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Sleep educator
  • Sleep support consulting
  • Stillbirth and infant loss support
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

On the board of my local twin group-Tacoma Parents Of Multiples and an active member of my children’s school PTA

Fee Details

Fees are based on daytime or overnight shifts!

Service Area

Tacoma, WA Service range 30 miles

Client Testimonials for Sheri Gorman

Post a testimonial for Sheri Gorman

Janna Ryan


Sheri is so knowledgeable and kind! We hired her for post partum doula support. She took great care of us while providing us referrals to trusted local providers. She has empathy and offers advice in a way that's empowering and never judgemental. We were so lucky to have her support. ??

Ankita Ryan


We had Sheri support us in the postpartum period as an overnight doula with our newborn (8 weeks to 14 weeks). Sheri took careful notes of things we needed help with - baby feeding schedule, my pumping schedule, health specifics for the baby. She took great care of our baby specially through bouts of gas issues and acid reflux. She made observations and provided referrals where we needed help. She was meticulous with our baby's paced feeding, upright positioning and burping. She helped me pump in the night by bringing washed pump parts to me and refrigerating the pumped breastmilk. We appreciated her being so thoughtful and thorough in her ways. She was also very punctual and helped both me and the baby with our schedules.

Anna Frerichs


We first worked with Sheri 2.5 years ago when I gave birth to my daughter. She was absolutely wonderful and supportive during the birth. When I was pregnant with my son, hiring her again was a no brainer! She helped me find resources and prepare for the birth. She was a huge help during the birth, helping to explain things to me and deal with anxiety and pain. And she was wonderful and attentive at the postpartum visit! We love her. 

Anna Frerichs


Sheri was an indispensable part of my birth experience! During pregnancy she was a wonderful resource to lean on for birth preparation and pregnancy information, always sending info and links for what we talked about. She was nurturing, warm, and knowledgeable. She was my advocate during the whole birth experience. During my induction, she stayed overnight and provided the support we needed, putting our needs and comfort ahead of her own. My pushing phase ended up being long and challenging, and honestly if she hadn't been there I don't know if I would have been able to get through it without interventions as she was constantly by my side and helping me start to push through contractions and rest/hydrate in between them while the nurses were busy with everything else going on. She also took some great birth photos for us. We 100% hope to hire her again for our next baby! 

Therin Fenner


My younger self might have thought you'd need less support with subsequent births, but my older self is wiser. I am so, so grateful to have worked with Sheri in the post-birth period of my third child. Sheri was incredibly professional, caring, and knowledgeable. I felt comfortable with her right away; she stepped very capably into the swing of things to help with our newborn and chaotic household. She gave order to our home and my thoughts; it's hard to convey how helpful it is to have someone to process the birth and postpartum experience with, in addition to all the tangible help. Sheri often sent me resources (sleep charts, milk storage guidelines, etc.) based on short conversations we'd had earlier, leaving me with a really wonderful sense of having been listened to, as well. I'd highly recommend working with Sheri to anyone looking for some extra, highly competent support postpartum. It's a very worthwhile investment!

Lindsay G.


Quick summary- Sheri is attentive, nurturing, caring, supportive, knowledgeable, and experienced. If we were having another baby I would ask her to go through it with me again.

Detailed summary- I wasn’t sure what I would need or even what I was asking for, but with COVID and having my parents caring for our toddler, and now living further from the hospital I knew having more help on call would be better than not enough. I had heard people say it was great to have a doula but I kept thinking “do I really need that?” “Why is it so great?”

1.) support for me AND my partner. My husband is not always sure how to help or when to help- Sheri built a relationship with both of us prior to labor and delivery so she was able to help guide my husband how to help me with massage and counter pressure during labor. I had Sheri, my nurse, and my husband all helping me through - I felt incredibly supported- REALLY helped when contractions became stronger. My husband now asks why hospitals don’t offer doulas as a package deal at the hospital. He felt supported too.

2.) she’d help explain things, provide resources  prior to our sons birth and during labor delivery.

3.) when my son was breech she helped us with spinning baby positions and exercises to help turn the baby.

4.) she seemed to know when to lean in and help and when I needed space to digest information or was feeling overwhelmed by other things.

While we don’t plan to have another baby I would have Sheri by my side in a heart beat for another birth. You can never plan for exactly how your birth is going to go- nurses are great,  my practitioner was also great- but having the same person - who is also knowledgeable and experienced advocating for you by your side through the whole thing is huge. I am so glad we chose to have Sheri by our side and that she chose to join us for our birth story.



Sheri was a wonderful doula for our family! In the early days of covid, where everyone was unsure of what birth would look like we were able to plan for several different scenarios for hospital covid restrictions and action plans for go time. She was flexible and though we lived close to each other the hospital was far. We met a few times virtually and in person before I went into labor. During my 3 days of labor and 3 tirage visits before I was admitted, Sheri was instrumental in my laboring at home and making sure that my birth plan was being followed once I was admitted. 

It was important to me to have someone who could help make sure that our birth plan was being followed and supporting both my partner and I during all of labor. I wanted my partner to feel like he could be present and not have to worry about running around or micromanaging. Sheri was able to make that happen while helping support my labor process. This was particularly helpful when my partner or I needed to get what little sleep we could.  I was able to trust Sheri, she made sure that I was being heard by the staff and helping me advocated for myself.

Postpartum, Sheri was a great resource and continued support. Having a baby and becoming a “pandemic-parent” on top of a first-time parent was scarry, Sheri checked in and continued to be supportive in my mom journey. We have no family in state, so Sheri really filled that gap for us. I am an awkward person and would usually not want an audience for something like giving birth, but Sheri made me feel comfortable. I am endlessly thankful for her role in completing our family and by helping me bring my baby girl earth side.


Birth Availability for Sheri Gorman

= Available. Calendar last updated: 02-06-2025

Postpartum Availability for Sheri Gorman

= Available. Calendar last updated: 02-06-2025
