Ebb & Flo Birthing Services LLC
Ferndale, MI Service range 83 miles
Birth Fee
$1200 to $1500
Postpartum Rate
$30 to $40
Birth Fee
$1200 to $1500
Postpartum Rate
$30 to $40
23 years
10 years
Type of practice: Solo practice
Clients per month: 0 to 2 births and 0 to 2 postpartum families
Postpartum limits/restrictions: No smokers
Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
Attends home births? Some Home Births
Midwife must be present for planned home birth.
Perinatal Mood Disorder Training Mental Health First Aid Relationships Skills Training Emotional Intelligence Trauma Informed Training Advocate for LGBTQ Families Southeast Michigan Doula Project
Congratulations on making the first step towards authoring your narrative. This is your journey and I would love to support your ups and your downs. If you want a DOULA, you should have a DOULA. I am open to discuss pricing and birthing options on an individual basis. Teens and birthing families with income challenges please reach out to me.
Ferndale, MI Service range 83 miles
Post a testimonial for Keisha Watkins-Dukhie
I was connected with Keisha during a surprise pregnancy with my third child. I wasn't in a great place being pregnant at that time, but I got through it. I think part of getting through it was having Keisha to talk to. Keisha is personable, kind, caring, and understanding. She is knowledgable, and experienced and is truly a great support person. Most of the support I have received from her has been on the phone or through text and I really appreciate all the time she has spent with me. I didn't get the birth that I planned for but that was totally a failing of my body, and not attributed to my support system at all. Even though I couldn't get the birth we had planned for Keisha was still there for me and my husband throughout delivery though there wasn't much for her to do. I truly appreciate her services, prenatal, through delivery, as well as postpartum and I recommend her for antenatal support. Talk to her, meet with her, and if you mesh, vibe, connect, whatever you want to call it, definitely utilize her services.
Keisha is a wonderful person to have as your doula. Our experience with her was a walk in the park. We truly connected with her so much that she became family. Her services are impeccable. She is knowledgeable and makes sure you are well informed about your options. During labor and delivery she was there for emotional support and pain management. She is compassionate and caring. I have no complaints about Keisha. If you want someone to be in your corner throughout pregnancy and delivery I highly recommend her and guarantee you will not regret it.
= Available. Calendar last updated: 11-21-2024
= Available. Calendar last updated: 11-21-2024