Kerri  Evers  Photo

Kerri Evers

The Doula Sisters

Brooklyn, NY Serves families in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Staten Island

// Doula Sisters

Birth Fee

$3500 to $5000

Birth Fee

$3500 to $5000

Birth Doula Experience

20 years and 800 births attended

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, January 2010

Type of practice: Partnership with 1 other doula

Clients per month: 1 to 3

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Acupressure
  • Aromatherapy
  • Baby-led weaning
  • Babywearing education
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • Childbirth education services
  • End of life doula services
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Infant massage education
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Parenting consulting
  • Photography - Birth
  • Prenatal or postnatal massage
  • Reflexology
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Safe Families. Brooklyn Community Connections.

Fee Details

With 20+ years as a Birth Doula I’ve worked in almost every hospital in NYC and have created wonderful relationships with many of the OB’s, Midwives and nurses over the years. This helps me to create a positive and supportive experience for you during your labor and birth. My rate reflects my experience and understanding of pregnancy, labor, birth and parenthood. Reach out with any questions!

Service Area

Brooklyn, NY Serves families in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Staten Island

Client Testimonials for Kerri Evers

Post a testimonial for Kerri Evers

Razie Altholz


We hired Kerri for the birth of our third child following a wonderful experience abroad with a doula and then a hard pregnancy and birth without a doula during early Covid. I heard about Kerri through a friend and from our first call I felt like she understand my birth history, the impact Covid had on my previous experience, and my desire to create a better, more supportive and warm environment for the third birth. Kerri and my husband also got along really well which only added to the experience of working with her. You never know what birth will look like but Kerri was there every step of the way to advocate for me, manage contractions, and make sure my wishes were met. This will probably be our last baby and we're forever grateful to Kerri for a beautiful and supportive experience bookending this chapter in our life. Love you Kerri!

Jo Lees


I don't know where to start in describing how completely brilliant Kerri is. Kerri was present at the births of all four of my kids which ranged from planned home birth, to induction with epidural to pitocin induction with no pain relief... and she worked her magic at every single one of them. The deep peace and confidence she brings into the room are palpable. Kerri always knew what I needed before I did, she was able to read my needs incredibly accurately and always had a tool in her belt for the specific challenge I was facing at that moment. Kerri's skills and experience are immense and her care and compassion cannot be beaten. I consider myself extremely lucky to have been able to have Kerri at the births of all my kids and I cannot recommend her highly enough. I will always be deeply grateful for everything she brought to all four of my births. (Also she's excellent at husband banter during the calmer moments ??). 



Simply the best dula in town. Kerri is the best friend, mother, advocate, life coach ! She really has your back and makes things go as smoothly as they possibly can. She keeps the temperature down and her eye on the ball. Couldn't recommend her enough ??

Emily S


Kerri is warm, knowledgeable, and loves what she does! She supported my husband and I throughout our first pregnancy and gave great tips on managing pain during labor. I could not have had for a better doula to be there during my first birth experience because she truly helped make sure I had the birth I wanted. Kerri continued to support me beyond labor and delivery, especially when I had challenges with breastfeeding as well as dealing with clogged ducts. We are so happy Kerri is our doula again for our second pregnancy. I could not recommend her enough!

Katie Sieber


I worked with Kerri during both my pregnancies and it was the best decision I made. Kerri was available to answer questions, calm my fears and build my confidence before and during labor. She helped me view birth as something to be excited about instead of scared and I know both deliveries went so well partly due to her. Kerri is a wealth of information, support and compassion. I ended up in the hospital during my pregnancy and she was quick to join us there as we navigated that uncertain moment. Kerri is a magical human and helps bring magical little humans into the world.



Having Kerri by my side for every step of my pregnancies and births has truly been one of the best decisions I have made in my life. 

She knows exactly what to say and do in each moment to keep you calm, happy and focused on the beauty ahead of meeting your baby. 

Both of my daughters are peaceful and content and I can't help but feel a big part of them being such is because of there beautiful entry into this world with Kerri's support and guidance.

I had two scheduled caesarean births and still even being scheduled had to have her. There are so many unplanned and wierd things that can and do happen during birth, Kerri handles it in the very best supportive way. 

Her postpartum follow ups were uplifting and filled with knowledge of how to. 

I simply would never have a baby without Kerri Evers. While I do have a loving and supportive husband, here like most things in life, there is nothing like a women's touch. 


Saskia Maarleveld


Having Kerri as your doula is the single most valuable thing you can give yourself as an expectant parent. She makes everything so comfortable, funny, informative and special. She is endlessly supportive, attentive and kind. Her presence during my pregnancy and birth make me want to have a third child just to spend more time with her! I have recommended her to many friends who have all also had excellent experiences. She goes above and beyond for everyone and has such love for her profession. Seeing how much the medical professionals she works with at the hospitals light up when they hear her name or see her come into the room is so comforting. She is very respected. Having her as part of your birth experience is a true gift, and I will always be thankful to her!



I had an unbelievable experience with Kerri! Our visit with her at 35 weeks made me feel so much more prepared about going into labor and confident in our birth plan. Also being about to reach her 24/7 via phone call/text in the weeks leading up to labor was so helpful as I had lots of questions about mucus plugs, etc. and she was always reminding me to stay hydrated and sit on the ball! Her guidance and assistance during birth was SO amazing. All the women in my family have had to have C sections with their first borns and I was so happy that I was able to deliver my baby vaginally, which I attribute in large part to Kerri's help! I pushed out a 9lb+ baby in 15 minutes! Along with all of her expertise, Kerri is also just a joy to be around, funny, and very down to earth! I couldn't recommend her more! 

Alyssa B


How could I possibly describe the wonders of Kerri Evers in 2,000 words. TLDR; she is incredible and I cannot recommend her more. I genuinely believe I look back on my birth experience positively (despite a failed induction and needing a c-section) was because I had Kerri by my side.

Longer story: I wasn't even sure I wanted a doula. Around 26 weeks I had the most excruciating back pain and realized there was so much going on inside my body that I didn't understand. That is what prompted my decision to find a doula. Kerri was actually recommended by my OB. OBs usually are wary of doulas but my OB said that there was only 1 doula she would recommend and that doula was Kerri Evers

Unfortunately, my birth experience was far from what I had hoped. I was induced at 37 weeks due to high blood pressure. After letting Kerri know what was happening, we were texting constantly with the hopes that she would join us in the hospital once I was in active labor. I remember texting her "this isn't looking good - I have been stuck at 3cm for a while now and given how long it's been I will likely need a c-section. I don't want to waste your time by having you show up and that be the outcome." I then fell asleep and when I woke up Kerri was in my room strategizing with my labor nurse. She spent the next 7-8 hours (after I begged my OB to give me more time to see if I could dilate further) putting me in different positions and massaging me constantly. It was heaven - which I know is a crazy thing to say about labor but it was true. Unfortunately, nothing worked and I did need a c-section but I was able to be at peace with the decision because I genuinely felt that we had done all we could - and that was because I had Kerri there helping me. I would have had no idea what to do on my own.

She is simply the best decision I made (the worst decision was eating for 10 throughout my pregnancy - I will try not to do that the next time!).

Katie Sieber


Kerri made our birth experience truly magical. From start to finish she was a source of comfort, information, support and laughter!

Kerri has an uncanny ability to know what a person needs to hear and the kind of support they need in any given moment. Working with Kerri was the best choice we made for our growing family! She views labor as a birth day party and we felt that way the whole time. Our son came into the world in a joyful and calm way and we owe so much of that to Kerri! She's truly the best human. 



Kerri was recommended to me by my midwives group and I’m so glad we decided to work with her. She was incredibly supportive in the lead up to delivery and when labor finally started, I was so relieved to see her waiting for us at the hospital that I cried. My labor and delivery was kind of dramatic with lots of unexpected surprises. Kerri was so calm and loving and her obvious experience and expertise made my husband and me feel like we could handle anything. I didn’t understand the work of a doula until I was in the middle of it. It’s intense, long and 100% hands on and Kerri never even broke a sweat or seemed the least bit tired (and she must have been!). She felt like a member of the family to me, like having a mom or a sister to go through the process with. But she also knew when to give us space. She knows all the nurses and they clearly love her too. Her existing relationships with hospital staff was a major asset. Kerri thought of everything, little things I would need on hand that I never could have anticipated, like Listerine (who knew Listerine would be so wonderful to have?), hair ties, keeping track of my personal stuff like my clothes, purse and shoes (if it were up to me and my husband, I would have never seen these things again we were so distracted), a handheld fan, a foot massage... I could go on and never cover how much Kerri helped me face the challenges of childbirth, a process that I had never endured before and was pretty nervous about. She’s funny, intuitive, caring and patient. She felt like an instant friend and we love her! 

Mason and Nicole Ingram


We simply could not imagine our birth story without Kerri. This woman is magic. She instantly became family when we first met her, but it was in the hospital that we truly saw her shine. Kerri is patient, kind, and commanding all at the same time, and is tremendously gifted at navigating the many nuanced relationships and interactions with nurses, doctors, and family members alike. She knows her way around the hospital like a boss...all the care providers and staff loved her, she slept in her clothes in the shower (who does that?!), and used her bag of tricks to create a soothing, peaceful environment in the birthing room.

Kerri brought such a sense of calm while also encouraging us throughout my labor and empowering my husband to be present with me in it. Even though there were some complications and things didn’t go according to plan, we could not have imagined a more beautiful birth experience. We owe much of that to Kerri‘s expertise and advocacy. She’s also quite a ball of fun. We couldn’t recommend her more highly! #1 fans over here!

Josh Saul


We hired Kerri as our doula for the birth of our first child in January 2020. This was the best decision we could have made. 

Kerri is a complete professional and a master of her trade. She  encouraged and guided us as we changed doctors to a OB practice that was a much better fit for us and she was always available via text and phone throughout the prenatal period to answer all our questions. And her prenatal classes were extremely informative and did a lot to ease me and my wife’s worries. Lastly, she has a great sense of humor which is very important. 

During my wife’s extremely intense37-hour labor, Kerri was an absolute rock star. She always knew how to diplomatically elicit the best care from hospital staff, she advised my wife on all the options available to us (including ones the doctors and nurses didn’t tell us about) and she even guided my wife through a two-hour period of the labor by herself when I was so exhausted I had to take a nap.

In short, Kerri made a very difficult pregnancy much smoother. It scares me to think what kind of shape my wife and baby son and I would be in without Kerri ... I know we would be much more stressed and would have had a much scarier and harder pregnancy without her. 

I reccomend Kerri 100% and think she is the absolute best. Thank you Kerri!!

Alexa B


Kerri was hands down the best addition to my birth team. She is patient, kind, funny, supportive and she really REALLY knows her stuff. She is highly experienced and she is an advocate for her patients always. She made myself and my partner feel very comfortable with an otherwise foreign experience. She was very inclusive of not just my needs but my partners needs as well from the very first prenatal visit. She was extremely flexible when our living arrangements changed just 4 weeks before my birth and we relocated almost 45 minutes away from our original location. Kerri was not only a birth doula but she was there 24/7 for me after my labor and birth, which was complicated. She supported me for weeks post partum and never was annoyed by a text or call. She has become a part of our family and a household name for sure! She is a great addition to any birth team and will positively impact any labor and delivery experience. 

Abbey Mackay Budge


Kerri was an outstanding doula. She connected with my husband and I from the moment that we met. Beyond her bright sense of humor was an intuitive awareness as to how I needed to be supported during my pregnancy and labor. Like a genuinely caring sister, she instinctively knew what to say and when to say it. I will never forget her words of encouragement to my husband and myself. My home birth flowed smoothly under Kerri’s guidance, she truly had such an understanding as to where I was in my labor. Kerri is incredibly passionate about her work as a doula, and we are so grateful for her. We want Kerri for our future births and she will always be such an important person in our lives.

Jaclyn Lindsey


There were no amount of classes that could have prepared me for my birth experience (and I took 24 hours worth of them!). Kerri showed up at just the right moment to give me and my husband a sense of calm and peace in what we were going through, which ended up being an unexpected and unpredicatable situation. She was assertive with the medical team when needed, was my advocate throughout, and was able to somehow nurture both me and my husband at the same time. To have a doula who could play such a wide role, communicating what was going on, ensuring the staff knew what I wanted at all times, and keeping me grounded - she's an absolute miracle worker. Besides my husband, here is no one more I'd want by my side during labor and can't wait to go through it again with her!

Gillian Herring


Kerri has been my doula for the birth of both of my babies, and I wouldn't even consider having another one without her by my side. She is genuine, loving and incredibly skilled. With my first labor, I was heartbroken that things didn't start the way I was expecting (my water broke with no consistent contractions + meconium), and Kerri knew I wanted an intervention free labor and delivery. She was incredibly positive yet honest, and helped us work with the hopstial staff to try and achieve this in a way that would honor my desires but also keep me and baby safe. She was reassuring and helpful when my husband and I were overwhelmed. She knew exactly how to support me (physically, emotionally) while empowering my husband too as well. While he would hold me and rock with me, she would be rubbing my back, or help me move my hips--she also encouraged him to take charge and assured him that what he was doing was good (and very practically she was able to give him breaks if he needed.) I also have very specific memories of moments when I wasn't sure I could continue, and it was as if she was reading my mind and would look me in the eye and say, "YOU GOT THIS MAMA!" For me, she was the perfect balance of calm and loving, but also tough. In the end I didn't have to be induced and had an unmedicated birth. I truly belive that because Kerri encouraged and pushed me I was able to achieve it. My second birth was FAST and furious, and because of her intution and experience, Kerri told us we needed to leave for the hospital despite us thinking it was too early. I wouldn't have made it through that car ride without her (nor would we have made it to the hospital in time). After our baby was born she even stayed a few extra hours to ensure breastfeeding was going well. Kerri has the unique gifts of empowering you to trust your instincts as you labor, assuring you of your incredible strength, and lovingly caring for you throughout your journey.

Lindsay Anthony


Kerri is a DOULA ANGEL in my experience - and I didn't even experience a normal delivery.  Kerri was present for the birth of my first baby - by c-section. She was a key decision maker in our process to move to c-section after 24 hours with no progression. She worked as a partner to my husband to make the best decision for US, which was to get the baby out safely and quickly.  Kerri had so much TLC for me as I was suffering from a rare, and itchy, form of PUPPS. She poured water on my legs, convinced the doctor's to prescribe me an anti-itch medication, and generally filled our space with love and peace as we tried various tactics to progress after my water had broken.  Kerri has now worked with nearly all of my extended group of friends - and become like a sister to all of us.  We don't call her Mama Kerri for no reason - she embodies this role each and every day leading into your labor and beyond!

Birth Availability for Kerri Evers

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-14-2024