Kerry Burke Photo

Kerry Burke

At Peace Birth and Wellness

Trenton, NJ Service range 40 miles covering Central & South NJ Some of North Jersey. Also available for some of Pennsylvania.

Birth Fee

$1650 to $2500

Birth Fee

$1650 to $2500

Medicaid and Third Party Insurers

Currently approved to receive payments from the following programs:

Birth Doula Experience

4 years and 250 births attended

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, November 2017

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 4 to 6

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
Labor support for birth of your choice

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
Labor support for birth of your choice

Attends home births? Some Home Births
Only with licensed midwife attending

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Aromatherapy
  • Babywearing education
  • Birth pool rental
  • Cancer patients and survivors
  • Childbirth education services
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Full spectrum doula services
  • Infant massage education
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Newborn care and parenting classes
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Prenatal & postpartum fitness services
  • Prenatal or postnatal massage
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • TENS units rental
  • Therapeutic bodywork
  • Vaginal steam/peristeam services
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

My prices are set to include the abundance of pregnancy support and education that comes included with our birth support. There are various options for your budget.

Service Area

Trenton, NJ Service range 40 miles covering Central & South NJ Some of North Jersey. Also available for some of Pennsylvania.

Certifications for Kerry Burke

Click a certification thumbnail to view the full size image.


Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

Report any issues or concerns with certification images.

Client Testimonials for Kerry Burke

Post a testimonial for Kerry Burke

M. Curry


Somewhat last minute, we finally decided we wanted to hire a doula...our friends referred us to another doula who was not available so she referred us to Kerry as they work closely together and we are so happy that she did! Kerry is very responsive and great at communicating.  The first thing we noticed about Kerry is how intelligent and knowledgeable she's actually quite remarkable.  She has a helpful, comprehensive answer for any question or concern you could have...and she is extremely well-spoken to boot. She's great at explaining things in a straightforward, helpful way that is easy to understand and take in but that also gives you all the information you could need or want which is a huge talent in and of itself. Kerry came for her initial visit and we liked her immediately - she is warm, kind, smart and did a great job of putting us both at ease.  She involved me and my husband equally + made him feel like he was part of it which was so important to both of us. She checked in with us prior to delivery, picked up my phonecall when my water had broken at 3 am and was wonderful in explaining what was going on and what potential next steps were etc. She stayed in touch when we got to the hospital and made her way there as soon as we asked her to...and supported us through a VERY long labor and a tough atmosphere that was not very welcoming to doulas or alternative ways of doing things. She kept her cool and professionalism, found ways to work with the difficult staff and most importantly, made us feel supported throughout a very emotional, scary and challenging experience (including via little touches that actually meant so much like tidying up the messy room when my husband and I walked the floor and putting tea lights all around, having and holding a fan to my face for hours :) etc). Kerry clearly LOVES what she does, she is very fair, wildly smart and very sweet - what else could you want?! Highly recommend!



I consider myself extremely lucky to have found Kerry through DoulaMatch. There was an immediate sense of comfort and ease during our initial phone conversation, and I immediately knew I found the perfect birth doula for me! We easily connected - she was kind, compassionate, honest and knowledgeable. She was attentive to my questions/concerns and promptly sent me helpful information to address them. Kerry suggested meeting with my mom (also my birth partner) together so we can discuss as a team how we can best support one another and how she can best support us. This was a great collaborative approach, and of course, similar to my initial experience with Kerry, my mom felt the same ease and comfort. In the weeks leading up to my delivery, Kerry consistently checked in with me and promptly answered my numerous questions and sent me additional information to help me make better decisions. She was so easy to communicate and work with and was a great sounding board for decisions. During my induction, Kerry was a consistent source of comfort and encouragement. In addition, she had great suggestions for positioning, pushing/breathing, which helped me greatly. She made my mom and I feel so well supported throughout the entire process. Despite the intensity of inductions, I can look back on the experience with fondness because Kerry created such an easy and comfortable atmosphere. I couldn't imagine going through this process without her by my side, and I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a birth doula!



My experience with Kerry was wonderful! I am so glad I had her as my doula. She is extremely knowledgeable and brings calmness during your labor. She helped me keep my goal of going all natural, and kept me in my zone. My husband and I both loved her, and would recommend her to everyone! 

Nicole Keephart


Kerry was great! I found Kerry cause my friend had her baby back in March and said she couldn't have imagined that experience without her. Kerry explained everything about choices we made in our birth plan and was informative on things we didn't know anything about and helped me make informed choices. At 32 weeks my daughter was breech and Kerry helped me with massage to try and get the baby to flip. She suggested a whole list of things to do but my daughter didn't budge. We ended up having our daughter via C-section and Kerry transitioned very easily to help us post partum with the baby for the first couple hours after birth. Which was an amazing help because I was bed bound and my husband really appreciate the extra set of hands along with someone who knew babies. First time parents. We would most certainly welcome Kerry back if we have a second baby and also I will be reaching out for massages through out the year! 


Cindy B


I had never heard of a Doula until a midwife at the practice I was going to.  Originally I thought I could do it all but shortly realized there were so many aspects of childbirth that I wasn't prepared for.  So I went in search of a doula who would get me and help me through the process. 

Talking with Kerry was easy.  She's up front regarding ideas and choices.  She'll provide you what she thinks is the next best step and respects your wishes if you disagree or want to do something else.  She helped find out information about progress of various things when I couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on around me.  She was positive, helped keep me calm, and provided me a place to focus amidst all of the chaos brewing around me.  She provided a perspective I didn't have and helped me craft questions to ask my medical team when I was floundering. 

I'm truly greatful for all of her help and support considering I gave birth several weeks ahead of schedule; which I'm sure threw her schedule into chaos.  That being said, she handled things beautifully, ensuring she had multiple back-ups in place in case there were more than one of us in labor at the same time.  Things worked out and all of her clients obtained her amazing help when we needed it. 



Kate V


I’m such a fan of having a birth doula and highly recommend it. I’m so proud and amazed at the experience I had in labor and delivery. I can’t imagine not having Kerry At Peace Birth and Wellness there with us. Pandemic (at least in NJ one support person and a doula are allowed in) or not I’d say having a doula is such a good choice. She’s been so supportive, comforting, has so much knowledge. To me, having her there for support was better than trying to read all the books or take classes. My husband loved having her there as well. They made the perfect team. There were a few times when she asked if I needed space for privacy and I said no please stay, I needed her comfort and guidance :-) she's a new friend 

Kelly Phillips


Kerry was absolutely worth her weight in gold, and I can't imagine going through another childbirth without her now. She provided so much helpful information long before I went into labor, and really helped demystify much of the birthing and labor process. When I ended up being induced, Kerry came right to the hospital to start working with me and my husband. She walked the halls with me, helped me with different positions, showed me how to get the most out of the yoga and peanut balls, and was all around just incredibly supportive and encouraging.

When my delivery resulted in a c-section, Kerry agreed to go into the OR with me, while my husband waited outside to receive the baby. She sat by my side and stroked my hair and kept me calm. I have no idea how I’d have managed without her presence. She even snapped an epic photo of my son as he was revealed. When my doctor hit some complications, Kerry continued to stay by my side and provide comfort. She could have easily bowed out at any point, but she remained until I was stable, and she made sure to check on my baby and husband, even as I was being wheeled out to another unit for another surgery.

Kerry has such immense compassion, paired with plenty of knowledge and experience, which makes her not only a stellar doula, but a stellar human. We consider her to be part of our family now.

Britney Robinson


 When I found out I was pregnant a year ago (January 2020) I was so excited. And so ready for baby number 2. With my first baby I had the help of a doula where I lived. So I knew I needed a doula for this journey. I figured I would take my time and get around to finding someone closer to my due date. Well March 2020 rolled around and like everyone my world became very different and very scary. Pregnant during a pandemic was not my plan. I knew I needed help immediately. I started to look for a doula.

Why a doula? Aren’t they just coaches?


They are pregnancy and birth therapists.

They will follow you on your birth journey and be there every step of the way.

And this is who Kerry was.

When we first started talking I might’ve broken down because the idea of carrying a baby during this awful time was not something I thought I could handle. I was so terrified. But Kerry was right there with me. She calmed my nerves. Responded to every freak out, every random email, every middle of the night question. She helped me with physical pains over the phone or through virtual meet ups. She talked with my husband about ways he could help me through my pregnancy.

We talked birth plans. She knew all of the help I would need. Pain relief, calming techniques, questions for doctors and nurses.

When delivery time came I ended up going with a c-section for personal reasons. But Kerry was there for me. Giving me all of the calm help I needed. Being the level head in the room for me and my husband. And the 3 of us welcomed our wonderful baby boy in September.

Kerry was there for me at one of, if not the, most intense and emotional moments of my entire life. And I couldn’t have done it without her.

If you are pregnant you need a doula, and you need that doula to be Kerry. 

Ashley Ryan


One of the first decisions I made when I found out I was pregnant was that I wanted to have a doula present at the birth. I realized how important it would be to have someone in the room who knew the ropes of labor and delivery. My husband and I are first time parents (and expecting twins!) so hiring a doula was as much for me as it was him. Kerry was our choice from the start, she was available to me throughout our whole pregnancy, answering questions, offering suggestions and words of encouragement. She came to our house to discuss birth options, how things would go in the hospital and what to expect along the way. During labor she was able to coach me through contractions, put me in different labor positions and support my husband. When my labor ended in an emergency C-section, Kerry was right there telling me what an amazing job I did. She stayed until the babies were born and came to visit me in the recovery room. I would recommend Kerry to anyone considering having a doula present at their labor, she is truly worth her weight in gold! 

Perryne Vyas


Kerry was professional and very empathetic during our delivery. Kerry spent a lot of time with us prior to the delivery and was always available for advice and guidance by phone or text. Kerry was helpful during delivery as well – with her experience as a massage therapist and her knowledge of the process itself, she served to keep us calm and relaxed through the process. She worked everything in her arsenal during the delivery and knew how to work with the midwives and nurses to best serve me. After delivery, Kerry stopped by to check in on me and see how I was doing, which was not something I would expect from most. I would highly recommend Kerry to anyone looking for a helping hand before, during, and after delivery.

Shannon Marie


In January, 2018, my husband and I chose Kerry Burke to be our doula for our first child. Upon meeting Kerry, her calming presence and likeable personality instantly gave us a level of comfort we knew would need going into a very unfamiliar experience.

During 30 hours of natural childbirth, her support, encouragement, and guidance helped us both stay strong and focused on our birth plan. Kerry continuously provided support when labor was especially challenging. She made us feel comfortable and confident throughout even the most intimate moments of childbirth.

She quickly became a welcomed member of our “team,” and we look forward to having her in the delivery room for future children. She will always have a special place in our lives.

Taryn Brzdek


My experience with Kerry as my doula was everything I needed and more. Through my labor and contractions she was there to give me methods to ease the pain, rubbing my back and reassuring me everything would be okay. She gave my partner tips on how to keep me calm and keep me in a good head space. Although my delivery ended in an emergency c-section, Kerry was there beginning to end. Neither my partner or I had family available for support so having Kerry there made a huge difference for me. Even after I was notified that I would need to have a c-section, Kerry kept me calm and explained why it was for the best.

If my partner and I decide to have another baby, I will absolutely be reaching back out to Kerry for her doula services. I highly recommend her!

Birth Availability for Kerry Burke

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-23-2024