Elizabeth Guerra, CLC, PCD(DONA) Photo

Elizabeth Guerra, CLC, PCD(DONA)

Inti-Quilla Healing Services

Danbury, CT Service range 75 miles


Birth Fee

$3000 to $3250

Postpartum Rate

$75 to $85

Birth Fee

$3000 to $3250

Postpartum Rate

$75 to $85

Birth Doula Experience

15 years and 59 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

5 years and 50 families served

Postpartum Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Postpartum Doula

Doula Training

  • Ancient Song Doula Services, February 2018
  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, September 2023

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 3 births and 2 to 3 postpartum families

Postpartum limits/restrictions: No smokers.

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education



Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Aromatherapy
  • Babywearing education
  • Childbirth education services
  • Cloth diapering education
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Full spectrum doula services
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Mother blessing celebrations
  • Newborn care and parenting classes
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Doulas en Español

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Spanish

Fee Details

Birth Doula Fee: -2 Prenatal Visits -24/7 On-call period starting 38th week -Labor -1 postpartum visit -$75 travel fee

Service Area

Danbury, CT Service range 75 miles

Certifications for Elizabeth Guerra, CLC, PCD(DONA)

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Elizabeth Guerra, CLC, PCD(DONA)

Post a testimonial for Elizabeth Guerra, CLC, PCD(DONA)



I cannot recommend Liz enough. My husband and I are so grateful to have found her for our homebirth. Having Liz there made the whole experience so much more stress-free and peaceful. She is a true professional, educated,  and an absolute pleasure to work with.  She is amazing.

What originally drew me to work with Liz is how calming her presence was. I can be somewhat all over the place but her energy relaxed mine and that was exactly what I needed during labor. The more we worked together the more I realized how great she was.

One of the things I found extremely valuable was the fact that she made sure my husband and I were both educated on the entire birthing experience. This eliminated a lot of the fear that we had and made sure we understood what was going to or could happen. It was great to know how my labor was progressing due to certain indicators and that was all thanks to Liz.

During the actual labor she proved again that we were correct with wanting to work with her.  My husband and I were SO grateful she was there. A few things that stood out:

* she was easy to contact and quick to respond when we messaged her early in the morning that labor had begun

* When she got to our home she was very observant of my labor cues and what was needed

* She took responsibility of all communications with our midwife which allowed my husband to focus on me. 

There were also little details like:

* rubbing my back during contractions * taking pictures (I wouldn't have had any if not for her)

* reminding me of the proper breathing techniques when the contractions were intense

* made sure I was hydrated

* she also looked over my husband and made sure he was also ok.

To conclude: she was absolutely perfect. I could go on forever. She was everything I could have hoped for and more.  I have and will continue to recommend her to everyone!



Liz was our postpartum doula for about 6 weeks. She was INCREDIBLE. She helped us with so many things for our baby, including: showing us how to properly babywear with the carrier we had, doing the baby's laundry, helping to feed the baby and get her to nap. She also did so many things to help me as a first time mom, one that was recovering from an emergency c-section, including: helping measure my nipples to ensure my pump flanges were the correct size, giving me tips to increase my milk supply, and even let me borrow an extra pump so I could keep one upstairs and one downstairs. Liz is extremely kind and caring. She quickly felt like she was part of our family and I literally CRIED on her last day with us. We loved getting to know Liz!

Sarah Olivier


The Best experience for a first time "old" parents. Elizabeth was and is the perfect match for our family. We contacted her for postpartum services. She helped us with my care and baby's. It was an easy flowing /going symbiotic relationship and up to this date we keep in touch exchanging information about child and mother care. We truly appreciate her help and have seriously consider her to keep her forever but it wouldnt be just to other parents. 

I recommend her 100% and hope she is the right match for many more families to come. 


Jocelyn Rodriguez


Elizabeth was heaven sent! I wasn't sure if I wanted a doula, and I had interviews a few doulas prior to but wasn't too excited about the ones I had met. When I connected with Elizabeth, she was warm, welcoming and accomadating. I was only shy of 5 weeks before my due date when Elizabeth and I connected. She rolled up her sleeves and got to work- it felt like we had known each other for years. During my long labor hours, she was by my side, rubbing my feet and keeping me focus on the end goal; a healthy baby and a healthy mama. Elizabeth also served as a translator for my husband and mom- they are both speak Spanish only. She kept them informed and trabslated everything the doctors were saying. I would hire Elizabeth again in a heartbeat! Thank you for making my first birthing expereince one to remember. 

Kim M.


Liz is fantastic!  We worked with Liz as a night nurse and PP doula with our first son. Having her around with us in our home was absolutely a joy.  She was a sounding board and confidante (especially during those overnight feeds that can feel quite isolating) and such a help with our little one for many months --- from the day he was born.  I had some breastfeeding anxiety and Liz was always there to help make it as comfortable as possible for both my son and I. She was so good with our little boy and truly took care of him as if he were one of her own.  I am so glad we found her and will be forever grateful that she came into our lives.

Kim Yarnell


Liz was our family's angel, and anyone who gets the privilege of working with her should consider themselves blessed. It's so hard to trust anyone to care for your new baby, and to welcome a stranger into your home during such a vulnerable time. After just one night, Liz felt like a trusted sister. She not only cared lovingly for my (colicky) new baby, but for me as well - physically and emotionally. I think of her as my daughter's other mama and a friend for life. She is an incredible mother to her own children whose love is boundless. Work with Liz!

Elissa Marshall


Elizabeth was a guardian angel in real life for our family. We were so grateful for her birthing knowledge and profound calm before, during and after giving birth. Her certification as a Lactation Consultant was very helpful for our postpartum visit and her fluency in English and Spanish was invaluable for our family. We are so happy and grateful to have had her support for an empowered birth experience! 



Liz was the most wonderful asset to our family when we brought our precious baby home. She has the most loving, gentle, and caring soul that radiates from her presence at all times. Not only did she take care of my newborn but she also took care of me in those most vulnerable periods of postpartum. Liz became more than our doula, she became an extension of our family unit and continues to be a cherished friend to this day. We will always hold Liz in a very special place in our hearts for the love and care she bestowed upon our family. 



Liz was a wonderful support in my pre and post labor experience. She was flexible in providing the level of support I needed and at times that worked for me and my partner. She did not pass judgements on my birth plan nor push me to prescribe to her own philosophies. This was important to me as it was my big fear in bringing in a doula. She did however, teach us about hypnobirthing which I used alongside of an epidural. I really don't know how I would have been so confident as a first time mom without Liz. No one else was able to be as honest and real as her when it came to what to expect and how to handle post-natal healing.

Laura Lopez-Aybar


We loved working with Elizabeth for our homebirth. She was helpful from the moment we hired her as our doula and she is now our friend. She was supportive, responsible, caring and compassionate throughtout our pregnancy, labor and postpartum. She respected my wishes and also my husband by asking him what support he needed and treating him in an equitable manner. During our birth she brought me treats, helped me manage pain, kept me nourished and hydrated,helped me focus, communicated with our midwife and my mom (who attended as well). She remained with us for about 12 hours between labor, birth and the immediated postpartum. She also encouraged me to move, kept my spirits high and instilled hope and calmness. After the birth, she helped clean our space and prepare it for the immediate post-partum, she prepared my placenta pills and also supported me in my breastfeeding journey. We highly recommend her to anyone desiring and needing support, knowledge and a calming compassionate presence. 

Tilly Grimes


Liz was an incredible support, guide and cheerleader through our pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Always responsive via text and available for all the crazy questions that came up for us on our first pregnancy/birth. She has a warm, kind abd loving disposition abd is a terrific listening. She helped us learn both the practicalities of birthing and the empowerment of it. 

She was a huge help as we went through the process of figuring out and learning about the birth experience and supporting our voice with the doctors at the hospital.

Our birth was beautiful and I'm sure in large part to feeling so informed, empowered, safe and supported. 

She's become an extension of our family and cannot recommend her enough. If we were to have another little human I would hope liz would be a jet to join the journey.

Valery Trinidad


My experience with Elizabeth is one that I will never forget. She guided me through contractions and helped me with exercises to help my baby get into position. She was able to guide my mother and husband with ways to help me labor as I wanted them close.  She explained to them how to rub me and what would help, keeping her focus on my needs and always being steps ahead.


By the end of the day I was so exhausted - I told her I felt like I needed to sleep so she comforted me, put on some soothing music, made sure I was as comfortable as possible while she slept beside me. In the early morning my contractions began to highten and began to get really close to each other so Elizabeth knew it was almost time. We headed to the birthing center where my midwife recommended I do a Miles Cricut. HARDEST THING I'VE EVER DONE LOL! Again, Elizabeth guided me through each exercise. During one of the exercises I felt the need to push. I knew what it was and Elizabeth quickly called over the midwife who checked and felt my babys head. It was time!


My pushing began and Elizabeth read the room and yet again guided my husband to help me! Elizabeth stayed a few hours after birth and coached me on my new baby.


I really feel that if it wasn't for Elizabeth I may not have had such an amazing experience with my labor. She was able to detect my needs and didn't make any moves without consulting me first. I truly felt as if Elizabeth managed my support system to better assist me at a time where I wasnt even sure of what I needed. My experience with her was nothing short of amazing and I would highly Recommend her to any mother who is interested in a doula. I hope to work with her again someday when I have my second child!



thank you Liz!!!


Stephanie Rodriguez


Having Elizabeth as my doula was probably the smartest decision I made during my pregnancy as a first time mom. She was such a calming and reassuring presence and kept me grounded during my labor. We communicated really well and she had this sense of what to do without me asking. I felt comfortable at every stage with her support and the way that she advocated for me with my birth team. 

She continuously offered support and follow up through in-person check-ins, and text + calls, particularly once I was in my third trimester which I found really helpful. She guided me through a birthing plan that related to my personal needs, and above all was really knowledgable on all the series of questions that I had throughout the process. She used a lot of massages and exercise techniques with me that helped my long labor. Most importantly she kept me calm and focused when we had to shift plans during the labor and I cannot thank her enough for being there for me literally every step of the way. 

Elizabeth is genuinely kind-hearted, has an amazing laughter, a brilliant mind, but above all, she connected me to my instincts to trust my body to do what it needed to do. We have become closer because of this new mom journey and I think she would be a phenomenal doula to any mom. 

Birth Availability for Elizabeth Guerra, CLC, PCD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-11-2024

Postpartum Availability for Elizabeth Guerra, CLC, PCD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-11-2024