Grace  Schoenlank Photo

Grace Schoenlank

Grace Schoenlank

Portland, OR Service range 30 miles

Birth Fee

$1500 to $2500

Postpartum Rate

$45 to $85

Birth Fee

$1500 to $2500

Postpartum Rate

$45 to $85

Birth Doula Experience

8 years and 80 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

6 years and 3 families served

Doula Training

  • Birthingway College of Midwifery, September 2017

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 0 to 4 births and 0 to 4 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Babywearing education
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • End of life doula services
  • First Aid and CPR
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Languages Spoken

  • Spanish

Fee Details

I offer a sliding scale to enable clients to choose an amount that is right for them.

Service Area

Portland, OR Service range 30 miles

Client Testimonials for Grace Schoenlank

Post a testimonial for Grace Schoenlank



This was my first baby. I wasn't really sure what a doula was or if I would need one. But boy did I ever. I had a home birth. needed help with my contractions before the midwives would come. They, understandably wanted to wait until they knew I was close to giving birth. But, thankfully, we had Grace on call. She came quickly and artfully helped me to manage the contractions. She kept watch while my partner and I slept in between each one. It was great to have Grace there to communicate with the midwives and help us know when we needed them. Grace stayed 'til dawn and helped through the birth.

Grace has, as my husband says, "an excellent bedside manner." She is calm, considerate, and responsive. A great person to have on your birth team! Highly recommend!



Katie Hauser


Grace was such a pleasure to work with and so helpful during my labor, I don’t know how I would have done it without her calming guidance! She helped a lot with my anxiety as this was my first time. I would definitely recommend her to anybody looking for a doula!

Elke Downer


We had such a wonderful time working with Grace as our labor doula. She came to our house for two pre-natal visits to get to know us better and talk about our birth plan, goals, fears, and answer any questions we had. It really put us at ease and helped us to feel empowered and confident for the big day. Our delivery was very short and Grace made it there very quickly. I labored in water, standing, kneeling, etc and Grace was always there with ice water, a cold cloth, gentle touch, counter-pressure, and encouraging words. She was a great support and calming presence for my husband as well. She met with us a few days after we were home and it was so nice to talk through the experience as it helped me re-live moments I didn’t even remember happening. The entire experience was wonderful and I would highly recommend having Grace as a doula. 

Sydney Corrine


I am a gestational surrogate who was originally drawn to Grace because of her ability to speak Spanish. The parents of my surrogate baby are from Spain so I really liked that she would be able to communicate with them as well. From the first meeting i had with grace I could tell she had a very calming presence that would be beneficial during labor and delivery. we met in person a few times over the course of my pregnancy (met her right before 20ish weeks). Grace was always available to me through text or phone call to answer any questions or concerns I had. When we would meet we discussed my hopes and desires for the labor and delivery of my surrogate baby—including what kind of support I wanted from her, pain management I was comfortable with, etc. At 37 weeks I had an external cephalic version done in the hospital to flip the baby from breech to head down. I was so relieved to have Grace there as a support during this procedure. When I was induced at 39w2d grace was there the whole time to support me through the 12 hour induction. When things really ramped up she was such a calming support for me—reminding me to relax. She was even able to apply pressure to my hips during contractions to help ease the pain (something i previously Thought i would not want but discovered it was actually helpful!). When I was screaming for an epidural Grace did exactly what I had asked herto do—first ask if I wanted to try something Else. when I made it clear I didn’t she got the nurses for me. At that point I was 9cm dilated and baby came less than 10 minutes later so there was no time for an epidural anyways! Without Grace there I know my labor would have been so much more of a struggle instead of the intense and beautiful experience it was. I am so lucky to have had her support and to share in this experience. I would hire her again and again!!

Barbara Wood


Grace was an absolute blessing for my postpartum journey. She brought warmth and calm into our home and helped me with cooking meals, cleaning, and watching my baby so I could get some fresh air. I enjoyed her peaceful, grounded company immensely, especially with how tender I was feeling during this sensitive time of transition in my life. I couldn't recommend her enough for postpartum care!

Brianna Ganz


I highly recommend Grace!! She was an amazing support for me and my family through the birth of my first child.  I met with her a few times before my due date to discuss my goals, expectations, coping style, what I antipated needing during labor, ect.  She asked really helpful, insightful questions that helped me prepare emotionally for birth and also sent along cool resources throughout my pregnancy which was nice.  Of course, nothing went according to plan : ).  There were complications that prevented me from having the birth be exactly what I was hoping it would be.  But Grace's grounded energy, encouragement, and non-judgemental support helped get me through it all and make/embrace choices when the options were less than perfect.   She stuck it out with me through a really long labor with care and patience.  It was a huge help having her there.  Whenever I needed it, she had a fresh idea or tool(position, movement, vocalization, ect>) to help me cope with labor.  She was there with me through the moment to moment intensity of it all. It was also nice that my partner had some guidance on how to to support me, and also was able to rest every now and again.  Grace is wonderful! I am so glad that I worked with her and would so again in a heartbeat!!

Sarah Medlock


Grace was an excellent doula that did a top-notch job in the delivery room, my husband and I were truly satisfied with her service. She was very helpful throughout my pregnancy and provided much support and comfort and her low-key personality paired well with our family. She has a gentle yet strong sprit and I was well pleased with her wisdom throughout my pregnancy journey. She's great and I highly recommend her.

Serena Glick


Grace is such a sweet, kind, caring presence.  I felt comfortable with her right away which is important for someone who will be witnessing you in one of the most vulnerable experiences of your life (aka childbirth).  I met with her a few times prior to labor to discuss my preferences and she was always very open and respectful of my choices, and was willing to help me as much or as little as I wanted in labor.

During my actual labor I turned out to really need her.  I wasn't sure if I would going into it, because this was my second baby, but this labor was harder for me both emotionally and physically than my first.  When my contractions became regular they were already 2 1/2 minutes apart and very intense.  As soon as she came over she started encouraging me right away, telling me I was doing great.  She mainly provided verbal and emotional support for me (as per my request), though she did let me hold onto (squeeze) both her hands for a little while when my husband needed a break.  The rest of the time she sat nearby saying nice things about how I can do it, and I'm doing a great job, stuff like that.  This was essential for me getting through the labor because I kept saying things like "I can't do this" and "it hurts so bad' and "how much longer?"  Without her presence I'm sure I would have crumpled and pulled away into myself, but with her gentle encouraging I was able to hang in there and keep going with a more open mind and heart.

After the birth I met with her one last time to talk about how my birth went, which was a nice way to reflect on the whole experience.  I also took a photo with her holding my baby, and that is a super sweet photo that I will cherish for some time.

Overall I'm really grateful for her support and was definitely pleased to have her be a part of my son's birth.  I couldn't have gotten through it without her.  Thanks Grace!!!

Kimberly Kimble


What to say about Grace? She was fantastic. As a mother of two already, I wasn't sure what I would want during my labor this time around, never having had a doula before. But after a previous traumatic birth, I was feeling nervous about the experience and thought maybe some extra support would help. We met three times beforehand to chat about what I had envisioned for my labor and if I wanted anything in particular in the way of pain management and support. I knew I could ask her questions and she would tap into the knowledge available to her to even just put my mind at peace. Her calming presence and personality was exactly what I needed. And although my labor and delivery at the hospital was very quick, Grace helped do what I needed the most which was to be reminded that I could do it and that everything was going to be okay. I would highly recommend this doula if you want a calming presence during your birth experience!

Birth Availability for Grace Schoenlank

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-21-2023

Postpartum Availability for Grace Schoenlank

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-21-2023