Katharine Deeb Photo

Katharine Deeb

Dare Alla Luce Doula

Jacksonville, FL Service range 40 miles Travel to Los Angeles for clients 2x year. Service Jacksonville + St. John’s + Clay County. Travel doula services available around the state of Florida and beyond.



Birth Fee

Not specified

Birth Fee

Not specified

Medicaid and Third Party Insurers

Currently approved to receive payments from the following programs:

Birth Doula Experience

15 years

Birth Doula Certifications

  • Carriage House Birth Foundation - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, March 2009
  • Carriage House Birth, April 2016
  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, April 2017

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 3

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
In person or virtual support available

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth
Always happy to attend homebirths.

Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Aromatherapy
  • Childbirth education services
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Full spectrum doula services
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Photography - Birth
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Volunteered as a doula and childbirth education for underserved, underprivileged pregnant teens in Los Angeles.

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

Additional travel fees for over 50 miles. Please contact me regarding my rates AND availability (even if calendar shows unavailable). Thanks!

Service Area

Jacksonville, FL Service range 40 miles Travel to Los Angeles for clients 2x year. Service Jacksonville + St. John’s + Clay County. Travel doula services available around the state of Florida and beyond.

Certifications for Katharine Deeb

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

Report any issues or concerns with certification images.

Client Testimonials for Katharine Deeb

Post a testimonial for Katharine Deeb

Jessica Rouse


My husband and and I hired Katherine around my 20 week mark and from the moment we decided to team up with her, she offered resources, advice, met up for coffee to talk about birth preferences, etc. Katherine is such a gentle spirit, always listening and  supporting when and where it's needed most. She truly was an incredible coach and advocate when it came time for me to give birth in a hospital setting. I couldn't have asked for a more comfortable, encouraging, and compassionate person to be around during such a life altering experience. Cannot recommend her support and wisdom enough! 



Evelyn C.


I'm so glad that I hired Katharine as my doula. It's difficult to put into words how amazing and useful she was to us during my pregnancy and labor. She gave my husband and I confidence and reassurance through out the whole process. Having her support during labor was everything! Of course my labor didn't go the way that I planned, but that's life and she was there to reassure me. She was with us the whole time in the hospital, 24 hours+ and even took some amazing photos. I'd hire her again in a heartbeat if I have another baby.



There are no words that can accurately express how incredible Katharine is. She is a real-life earth angel. She is the best friend, mother, birthing guru you never knew you needed to have the birthing experience you want. I originally hired Katharine because I wanted a non-medicated hospital birth and wanted someone to support my husband in supporting me. I had never felt so empowered as a woman as I did while birthing my son because of the support I had from Katharine. All I ever felt from Katharine is unconditional loving as we navigated the birth of our first child. She is incredibly knowledgable. When I had aches/pains/questions I would text Katharine and she always responded incredibly quickly and made me feel at ease/educated me on what I was feeling/asking.

Outside of the knowledge and grounding energy she brings, she is commited to you having the experience YOU want -- without judgment. I gave birth in the middle of the pandemic, so she wasn't allowed in the hospital, but she came to our home when I began active labor. She sat on the bathroom floor with me for HOURS, often not saying a word, but just her presence with me made me feel safe and taken care of. She guided me in different positions so I felt more comfortable throughout the process. She gave gentle and proactive feedback for my husband to take so he felt supported and part of the experience. After we had our baby she checked in on us and the baby and offered lactation resources after the birth. Katharine is nothing short of an encyclopedia of birthing resources and extremely well connected. She is the best of the best, truly. Katharine is quiet but powerful beyond measure, knowledgeable, an advocate, extremely loving. I actually can't imagine having any babies without her.  

If you're looking for a sign as to whether you should hire Katharine, consider this your sign to do it! You'll be so happy you did. 



I was destined to have Katharine as my doula one way or another. I reached out to her when I was pregnant with my second child and we were both living in California. Although she was already booked, we reconnected when I saw she had moved to Florida and I was moving there for the birth of my twins. Before we even met she helped me find the most amazing OB/GYN and midwife practice. Katharine is so knowledgeable and experienced which made me feel so confident in my decisions. I never felt judged or coerced. Her connections in the birth community are numerous and she was always ready to help me find a lactation consultant, postpartum doula or someone to encapsulate my placenta. During my labor she was so calming for me and my husband. Even with an epidural she was able to guide me into more comfortable positions. And we had great laughs together. I feel truly blessed to have had her by my side for my final pregnancy and birth. She helped me achieve a beautiful birth to welcome my babies earth side. I will always consider her a friend. 



Katharine was such an incredible resource. She gave me and my husband so much support during the entire pregnancy and it really helped us feel prepared for having our first baby. During the birth, she helped give my husband a sense of calm in an extremely intense situation. 

She helped me advocate for myself during labor and delivery. Her caring voice, positive attitude, and encouragement were the saving grace during a challenging experience. She helped me tap into an inner strength I didn't know I had. My baby was occipital posterior. Katharine had some amazing techniques for getting the baby turned around, as well as helping with pain management. I believe without her there in the delivery room I would have had significantly more medical intervention leading to a much more difficult recovery. I honestly can’t recommend her enough. She is amazing and I hope she can be there for the birth of my next child.

Evelyn Houder


Katharine was an amazing and supportive doula. She provided me with information and resources throughout my pregnancy to help me shape an experience fit for my needs. She listened and was selfless with her time and compassion. When I went into labor her presence was calming and soothing. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a doula to support their birth.

Alicia Carr


Katharine was an incredible doula for the birth of our daughter, Goldie. Goldie was my third baby and my partner's first baby, and Katharine navigated that dynamic beautifully. She met with us multiple times before our birth and conducted childbirth education for us so my partner was prepared for birth. During pregnancy, Katharine was extremely accessible over text, emotionally supportive and knowledgeable and communicative.  Once we were in labor, Katharine met us at the hospital earlier than expected to help us navigate decisions and self-advocate. During labor, she brought in age-old traditions and wisdom to help move the baby into a more optimal decision, encouraged intimacy with my partner to progress labor and offered a trusting, beautiful environment that helped move the baby along quickly. I highly recommend Katharine. She is a grounded anchor in the birthing environment, a steady presence full of wisdom and actively helpful with ensuring you have the birth you want. 

Danica Ferrin Klein


I don't have enough wonderful things to say about Katharine Deeb. Simply put she is extremely special. I wanted no nonesense support for my birth with someone I could trust to take charge when needed and she delivered. I decided to work with her when I was planning a hospital birth and at the last minute switched to home birth. Not only did she roll with the punches but she provided many resources that made it all possible. My partner found Katharine's support to be extremely helpful, she helped him help me in the most discreet ways and it was a wonderful experience. I will use Katharine for all my babies and I truly feel so fortunate to have found such a gem. 



While our birth experience with Katharing was unique- due to pandemic regulations she was not allowed to come with us to the hospital- her presence and involvement in our pregnancy and birth was invaluable.

Katharine has a calm presence, her knowledge and experience is palpable and was incredibly reassuring as we were preparing for our birth in extenuating and stressful circumstances. While Katharine was not at the birth in person, she was able to check in virtually- providing my partner with helpful and clear direction so he could act as a"doula extension"

Additionally- it's important to note that Katharine made a point to set up safe in person visits prior and following the birth of our son. Prior she taught my husband some techniques to help with my labor and postpartum to check in and hear about our birth. We also developed a birth plan together- revising multiple times with input and discussion. As well, she is always available as a calm and comforting touchstone via text/phone at any time. While my labor was too fast for us to have her come to our home to labor with me, this is something we were planning to do!

Katharine gave us the tools to do our best to construct a positive birth experience, while also preparing us to feel confident that we could manage and adapt if things did NOT go to plan as they often do not during delivery.

We so valued working with Katharine and would recommend her as a Doula to anyone searching. While we wish she could have attended our birth in person, we appreciate everything she did in a stressful and unusual time.

McKenzie Sutton


Childbirth is such a personal and intimate experience. I met with dozens of birth Doula's and I knew the minute I met Katherine she's the only person I could imagine being there for such a special event. 

Here are the other reasons you'll love her:
1. There is no judgement. Just support. 
2. She's a world-class communicator.

3. She is present and loves her job.

4. She will support your partner and build a relationship with them too.

5. She knows what she is doing and has all the techniques and referrals you could want. 

6. She's the perfect balance of professional and personal.

7. What more do you need? Hire her!

Tara F


Working with Katharine as my doula was unquestionably the best part of my pregnancy and birthing experience. If you are looking for a doula who is extremely experienced, responsive to your changing needs through every stage of the journey, and both deeply attuned and confident as your guide during birth, it would be a mistake not to work with Katharine. Katharine gave me the gift of an empowered entrance into motherhood by helping me internalize that even an experience as challenging and unpredictable as birth can be beautiful. This perspective has helped me face the messy unknowns of early motherhood with more courage and grit.

Katharine was my anchor throughout pregnancy. The support she offered me via text and phone was invaluable - the virtual elements of her services alone make it more than worthwhile to work with her. She responded within minutes, providing knowledgeable answers and resources about whatever symptom I was experiencing. I never felt alone when something came up, nor did I have to resort to googling symptoms and becoming unnecessarily worried. Katharine shepherded me through the unexpected, from a surprising gestational diabetes diagnosis to going into labor two weeks early.

Katharine was the allstar of our birth and delivery. She was there immediately via text when I started having contractions and helped me articulate my needs during triage. Even though my husband and I had taken the birthing classes and read the books, there was no way we could have approximated the expertise Katharine brought into that delivery room. She was so attuned that it felt like she was reading my mind. She knew exactly when and where to provide gentle touch and how to direct me through different positions to keep labor moving. Katharine helped me come into labor open to however it might go, yet because of working with her, I was able to have an unmedicated birth. I know Katharine would have helped me make any birth experience an empowering one.

Bianca Lopez


There aren't enough words to describe what an amazing doula Katharine is. Her presence at my birth was so vital and I can't imagine her not being part of my birth team. From the very beginning Katharine was always so fast and responsive via text or phone. She always made it a point to connect with my partner and I whenever possible. I have recommmeded her to anyone that's preganant, because I know wherever they labor, having Katharine there will make their experience that much better. When I was in labor, she was so intutive to what I needed and what my partner needed. She has a gift to be so present and comforting during all the stages of labor for the birthing person and partner. I'm currently 5 weeks postpartum and Katherine still checks in and is always replying to my texts as if I'm still preganant:) Katahrine is part of our family now, she's such an incredible human, anyone fortunate enough to have her as a doula is going to be well taken care of.



Katharine was a rock (and a rockstar) during our epic 55-hour labor! Her knowledge, confidence, comfort and calm was invaluable. Her network of pre- and postpartum wellnes practitioners is vast and hugely useful, too. We adore and are so grateful for her!

Jessica Coulter


Katharine is truly everything I was looking for in a doula. She is a knowledgeable and judgement-free resource for all things pregnancy and birth. A warm and peaceful presence with the ability to laugh when the moment calls for it. Because having a human body come out of your human body is craaazy. She gets it! And she's just a joy to be around! I feel like one of her greatest gifts is the ability to step into a family dynamic and be there without taking over. She matches and supports the energy that is already there. And then in the throws of labor she was impressively intuitive. I appreciated her ability to support me silently, quickly and with purpose. And Katherine is STRONG. There were moments where I felt like she was literally holding my body together during contractions. And one particular moment where I felt like I couldn't stay in my body and she steadily talked me back down and completely grounded me. The minute she helped me back, my water finally broke and on the next contraction my baby came out like a flash. I loved going into my second birthing adventure with Katharine at my side. I wouldn't dare try it again without her, so she will be my person for my third baby this July. And thanks to Katharine, I welcome the adventure again! 

Julia D.


Words will never truly describe how special Katharine is to me and my family. She supported me through my second pregnancy and birth, which happened to be a completely different experience from my first. I thought I'd be an "easy client" having been through it all before without a hitch, but sometimes our bodies have different plans for us. Katharine was a rock for me and my husband and having her by our side helped us find our strength and voice as we navigated a hospital induction. She is extremely communicative, intelligent, warm and wise! I could go on! My labor and birth was fast and furious and she intuitively knew exactly how I needed to be supported in each moment. Being a doula is her true calling and she will always and forever have a special place in my heart. 

Caitlin Danias


I first gave birth eight years ago. My birth was lonely. Uncertain. Blurry. Not my own. Once I found out I was going to be a 2nd time mother I immediately knew I wanted a different experience. My search for a doula led me to Katharine Deeb. I remember that something about her face felt relatable to me, and my intuition told me she was my right fit. When she walked in to my home I was struck by her strength of presence. She exudes  a warmth and a calmness that made me feel as though I was sitting beside an old friend. Throughout my pregnancy I was able to lean on her for anything and everything. She was always quick to respond to me, and gave me support in all areas. She has walked beside me in two deliveries now. 

Although my births were swift and uncomplicated, I would not have felt as comfortable, in control, at peace, and confident about my deliveries without Katharine beside me. It’s difficult to find the words to describe a love and respect as deep as I feel for what Katharine provided me during that time. I can only describe them as safe, beautiful, and empowering moments in my life. 

Forever thankful for her energy and love as I welcomed my daughters into the world. 




There aren’t words to adequately express what Katharine means to me and my family.  The moment I found out I was pregnant again the only thing I was sure of was that I wanted her to be my doula.  

This pregnancy was full of twists and turns.  Before getting pregnant I had my heart set on a home birth.  When we discovered I was carrying TWINS we continued with our OB, same as with our first child.  About halfway through the pregnancy I decided home was where I needed to be.  Katharine was always supportive and without judgement for both my husband and I during those seemingly tumultuous, anxiety ridden days and weeks when we were getting our team together and during the pregnancy as a whole.

On the day, Katharine was my rock, my anchor.  She was calm, intuitive, strong.  She doesn’t just show up. She SHOWS UP. Fully present.  She knew what I needed without me asking and before I knew.  I never felt more seen, loved, and empowered.  She held space for me to birth my babies the way I needed.  She has a true calling and passion for what she does.  Katharine is a gift to those she serves and will always hold a special place in our family. 



I can’t say enough good things about Katharine. She is so wonderful. My husband and I are so grateful for her. She was always available, super knowledgeable, helped us feel prepared for something you literally cannot prepare for. During labor she was with us every single moment, it was so incredible. She made us feel safe and nurtured at a time when we were at our most vulnerable. My contractions started at 3am, we texted her, and she was up and responding immediately. She knows her way around a hospital, she knew what to ask for, things I didn’t even know were available to us. She’s the best. I tell everyone who asks that she’s the best money I’d spent in a long time. 

Natasha Morse


Katharine is an AMAZING doula! I feel so lucky to have been supported by her throughout my pregnancy and birth. When I was pregnant, she was so accessible, nurturing and knowledgeable. She answered all my questions, put me at ease, and really made me feel empowered with my birthing decisions rather than overwhelmed.  When I learned I had gestational diabetes, she helped me not to worry and to navigate my care choices. She also helped me choose where to deliver (bc I was on the fence). She wasn’t judgmental of any decisions at all...just a guide to help me make the best decision for me.

During the pregnancy and delivery, I also really appreciated her rapport with my husband. She understood his humor and at times intense nature. She also thought of him even after the baby was born by getting him food and Advil. She was a support for him too!  Anytime I was concerned about anything, his first reponse was “text Katharine!”

I had a fast, intense all-natural labor. Katharine was a wise, calm force in the middle of a storm! She took charge without ever being pushy or “getting in the way”. My baby boy was born only an hour and a half after I got to the hospital, and she made it in time (amazingly!). She fed me coconut water in between contractions, told me what an incredible job I was doing, gave great massages, and took over with the hip squeeze when my husband got tired. She continued to put me at ease even after my babe was born. My boy was born with an extra thumb, which was a bit of a shock. But I’ll never forget how Katharine looked me directly in the eyes—sensing how thrown off I was by it—and told me, “It’s really not a big deal at all. It’s super common”. And guess what? It IS really common and now I even think it’s cute. He will get it removed when he’s 2, but I’m so glad I didn’t worry about it anymore at the hospital. Three thumbs up!

Jennifer Fairbanks Kass


My husband and I adore Katharine - she is a true gem, and we feel so blessed we were able to work with her. As we were interviewing doulas, Katharine certainly stood out - she was confident but humble, gentle but strong, calm but proactive, knowledgeable but open, and I knew she would be a great fit for our family. Throughout my pregnancy she was thoughtful, responsive and encouraging, texting me before and after doctor appointments, sending me books/articles to read, and providing endless emotional support as I marched on towards my due date and another two weeks after it!  I think it says a lot about Katharine that my birth experience was literally the opposite of my birth preference list, but I still have very positive memories of it from start to finish.  Katharine made us feel empowered to make the right choices for our family along the way, she steadied our stressful, and at times chaotic labor/delivery, and she was incredibly respectful of and collaborative with our doctor.  I truly cannot imagine our son's birth without her!  Finally, I will say that my husband was originally neutral about having a doula - however, as we lived and then later retold our birth story to family and friends, one of the first things my husband mentioned is how much of a positive impact Katharine had on our experience, and how much he underestimated what a doula could provide for both of us.  I'm quite sure he would not have said the same thing about just anyone - Katharine is very special!

Jennifer Kim


Being a first time mom, I was a bit scared about the whole birthing process. Katharine eased my nerves by walking me through what was best for me. I wanted to try for a natural birth, but birth brings up expected twists and turns and Katharine helped us navagate and make decisions during the chaos. She was my advocate and looked out for mine and my babies best interest. During my birth I had a fever and was in a lot of pain, she was by my bedside cooling me down with ice and helping to ease my pain. After the birth, she made a tea to help me heal. All throughout the process she was there to ease my nerves & pain. Katharine came to my home serveral times before my due date and was available to me via text, answering any questions that I had. Overall, she is pleasant, professional and we were so pleased we decided to work with her.

Beth Oakley


We hired Katharine for the birth of our first child, and would have been lost without her. Her knowledge and experiece navigating the unpreictability of childbirth allowed us to relax into my pregnancy. Katherine worksed with us to come up with a birth plan that suited our family.There wasn't judgement or pushiness to go a certian way--she never brought an agenda, only loving guidence.

She met with us in-person montly, but was alwats available to help with any birth-related queries. Just knowing she was there to answer our millions of questions at any time was a huge weiight off of our shoulders as soon-to-be parents.

During the actual labor and birth she was my rock and worked in a beautiful harmonious partnershop with my husband to help me find comfort during one of the most challanging physical experiences I will ever have.

Katherine broughtr kindness, grace, humor and expertise to our childbirth jouney, and I can't say enough how grateful I am that she was there. I would enthusiastically recommend her to anyone in search of the perfect birth doula!

Evangeline Lane


Hiring "The Deeb" was one of the best decisions we made throughout our pregnancy. She was amazing even before we hired her in sharing her knowledge for doctors in the area when I decided I hated our current one. She was always supportive, non judgemental, and went above and beyond in every way possible. We call her our "Fairy Goddoula" because we literally don't know how we would have gone through this process without her. With little community in Los Angeles and our families on the East Coast Katharine became our rock, our guide, our counsel. My water broke at 12 am and she continued to text with my husband until we went to the hopital 6 hours later offering her support and guidance. It was so great to have her there in the delivery room, someone we trusted and adored. She scented the room with delicious oils so it felt more comfortable (seems silly but it helped so much), massaged my legs, helped my husband support me, and the list goes on. I've reached out to her since the birth for guidance about baby related things as well and she's always happy to answer. I trust her opinion more than our various doctors! We miss her, we love her, we wouldn't have changed a thing and can't wait to have another baby just to be able to hang with her again.

Sarah Kovacs


We love Katharine like a member of our family. Having her at our birth was 1 of the best decisions we ever made. K was with us in labor 2 separate times for the same birth. She was incredible throughout the turn of events. After reporting excessive itchiness at 37wks, my midwives suspected I had Cholestasis. We had to proceed with an immediate induction. I had been preparing for an unmedicated birth. K helped us navigate the physical & emotional complexities of our situation. The cervical exams were excruciating. I became consumed w/ self-doubt. How was I going to be able to do this w/o an epidural if I can't even handle a cervical check? I felt defeated, my confidence in my body was shot. I was an emotional wreck it hadn't even been 24 hrs. K met us at the hospital to help us settle in. She diffused EO's, she massaged my feet & stayed until bed. She was there for me when my self confidence disappeared. Her touch was firm yet comforting. I really needed her there and she was. She already knew the midwives and L&D nurses. She anticipated everything before it happened. K helped me refocus & accept my new reality. On the 3rd day the next steps were: epidural+foley+pitocin. Right before the epi, blood work came back negative. We're told we could go home. "There's no way I'm leaving w/o baby" I thought. K helped us make an informed decision based on science & not emotions. We went home. If we kept going my baby would have likely been born via emergency C. My water broke 3 wks later & baby was born vaginally. K is incredible in every way. She taught me there is no right or wrong way to birth. The right way is whatever the right choice is for your individual self. It's about achieving your best birth, may that be w/ or w/o an epidural, home or hospital, or anything between. Your doula should embrace your choices and help you achieve the best version of it. The right birth is an empowered birth. That’s exactly what Katharine did for us.

Sarah Morabito


We feel so blessed to have found Katherine for the birth of our son and third baby.

She is warm, loving, understanding, non-judgemental and incredibly helpful on all things birth related but also a wonderful sounding board for all things mother and life related.

She provided consistent support through the course of my pregnancy via meet-ups, texts and emails.  We found her to be incredibly responsive and willing to give of her time, energy and advice.

Her knowledge of the hospital (Cedars) and experience working alongside our OB and the staff at Cedars speaks to her ability to work harmoniously with everyone and makes for a calm and warm atmosphere.  She was attentive and caring through the hours of labor, came prepped with oils and strong hands for squeezing!

I truly feel that my birth was signficatntly better and more positive with her involved, and frankly would have more babies just to have her around!  We value her service as a doula but also consider a friend and part of our family as she helped us usher in our baby boy.

Thank you, Katherine!!

Kelsey Copeland


Katharine provided more to us than we could have ever asked for. She was consistently responsible, resourceful, encouraging, and so many other things. It brought to us a sense of ease and reassurance during our pregnancy and birth of our second child.

She gave us the tools and resources to make informed decisions and empowered us to execute them throughout pregnancy and especially birth.

Katharine provided a space for us to be open and honest and supplied endless emotional and physical support for both parents.

Leah Quinaz


Having been so incredibly lucky to have Katherine Deeb by my side during the birth of my son Jack. Through her strength, her calm, her absolute confidence in me, and her incredible support I was able to continue on and never give up on my body and the journey. Katharine never stopped being my advocate and even made sure my husband was taking care of himself to better help me. I'll never forget holding hands with Katharine through contractions and knowing it was 1000% safe to channel my insane woman strength. Katharine is absolute magic! ?

Amanda Pratt


I see that Katharine already has many A+ reviews and understand why... she is an amazing gift! She is kind, caring, has an inner and outer peace that is soothing to just be around and is also easy to share a laugh with. We met twice before the birth of my son, had many emails and calls prior to his arrival and even more after as it was a wild birth and healing process. I couldn't imagine going through this experience without her and I couldn't recommend her more! She's the best!!!

P.S. She will even run red lights to make it to your birth!!! (ours happened VERY quickly)

Alexandra Haden


Katharine is incredible! We are so thankful that we had her support during our recent labor and delivery. We interviewed a number of doulas early on in my pregnancy as we knew that we wanted a doula to support us. When we met with Katharine, my husband and I immediately knew that she was a match for us. She is incredibly warm, caring, confident and knowledgable. She made us feel at ease. She was a fantastic support person for both myself and my husband during our labor and delivery. She supported my husband to help me with coping measures for pain and also made sure that he ate and rested. This allowed him to be present during our daughter's birth and also allowed me to relax more knowing that my husband was OK. She guided us through decisions that we needed to make and allowed us to feel much more confident throughout the process. I have already recommended Katharine to friends and family!

Sarah Miriam Bederman


Katharine is the most phenomenal doula. She's also become a wonderful friend. As my doula, she was always available via text, email or phone. She would check in with me all the time and was always there to chat and listen. She is very organized and provided me with great resources and tools to prepare for birth. In birth, she was awake and engaged with me for most of 48 hours, moving around with me, supporting me in every possible way, helping me make informed (difficult) decisions. She supported both me and my husband (who loves her as much as I do). Without her, I don't know how we would have survived the experience. My birth was very challenging and traumatic (not because of her - she made it infinitely better); postpartum, she has helped me deal with and process my complex feelings about the experience. She is an invaluable resource, doula and friend. We are so thankful she came into our lives. We are going to use her for subsequent births - no doubt about that. We just love her!

Ellie Campion


I am beyond thankful that Katharine was referred to me by a very trusted and reputable source in the baby care community. I will always be grateful to her for guiding me through some of the hardest moments of my life. I cannot encapsulate all that she is here, but I will try my best.

Katharine helped me deliver my first child without medication. She never left my side throughout the entire process--before and after baby was born. Her intuitive, calm, kind, gentle and lighthearted energy carried me through the most intense parts of my labor. She always encouraged me the way I needed it when I needed it. She is incredibly thoughtful and volunteered to attend a child birth class with me when my husband was out of town on business. Being a first time mom, I had so many questions. Katharine was always able to answer them or reach out to her wide network and find the answer for me. If you are lucky enough to work with her, you will not regret it!

Alexis Williamson


Katharine was an unbelievable support system for myself and my husband. She was very proactive and involved before, during and after. We were able to communicate with her before the birth and it was especially helpful once things started picking up. In the hospital, she was supportive, kind, aware, and positive had positive energy. We are so grateful!

Kate Moxham


When my husband and I were interviewing doulas for my first childbirth, we were looking for someone who made us both feel calm and at ease -- a quality that's hard to see on a resume but that I'd call "chemistry". Also, it was important to me that my husband feel that he could participate, but that he not feel pressured. As soon as Katharine walked in we both felt a sense of relief and newfound confidence. She put me at ease with her warmth and kindness, and she just seemed relaxed in a way that made me feel instantly comfortable. Katharine is experienced and knowledgeable, but was also very open to our ideas and needs. When the time came, she was with me at night as I labored at home, talking me through the contractions and breathing. At the hospital Katharine was by my side the whole way, explaining waht the nurses were doing, laughing at my lame jokes, and offering suggestions that made me feel comfortable and in control. For example, since I seemed more comfortable squatting and in the dark, she said I could go into the bathroom alone, rest on the toilet and use the railing as a squat bar. It wouldn't have occurred to me to do that, but I felt stronger and more centered when I did! Katharine made sure we were both drinking and eating enough, and that my husband felt useful in the delivery room. With her support he was rested and by my side the whole way.

There were a million things that I hadn't "prepared" for that Katharine had: she put my husband to bed while we labored so he'd be rested, she knew ways I could get to and sit in the car while in labor,  had an extra birthing ball handy (with a cloth cover!) when mine went flat , and gave me soothing bath tinctures for afterwards. We found moments of humor, but overall the mood was intense, intimate, and vulnerable, so I am glad that I chose a person who allowed me to experience that range of emotions without feeling embarrassed or awkward. I highly recommend Katharine as a birth doula.

Tawny Krintzman


My husband and I didn't decide to hire a doula until a few weeks before I was due. It was our first child and we felt that having a doula would benefit both of us. I was a little stressed out by the additional responsibility of finding a doula but when I met Katharine I instantly felt a connection - she was warm and relaxed which was the exactly what I needed.

The weeks leading up to my birth Katharine and I met to discuss my birth plan and different things I could do to prepare for the big day.  She always honored me and let me decide what what right for my experience. She always said to trust myself and my intuition.

Katharine was very responsive via phone and text. She checked in with me after doctor appointments and also just to see how I was feeling.  She was so encouraging and supportive the entire time.

Throughout the night when my labor started she was giving me helpful advice for how to get comfortable and manage the labor. By the time I got to the hospital I was already 4cm dilated. Katharine arrived about 10 minutes after my husband and I with snacks, drinks, and a bag full of goodies.  She stayed with me, giving me massages and sips of liquids and she helped me get rest as I continued to labor.  She was also there for my husband making sure he was taken care of. She was there to explain what each of the procedures were and help me make informed decisions.  I had an epidural and a vaginal delivery and it was perfect. I always thought that a doula would try to get me to go all-natural but that was not the case.  She was 100% on board with my choice to get an epidural.

I had an amazing birth and I can't imagine having done it without Katharine by my side.

After my son's birth she continued to check on us.  She also documented my whole birth story, which was so wonderful to have! I am so grateful for Katharine and I know that she will be a friend for years to come.

Tawny Krintzman


My husband and I didn't decide to hire a doula until a few weeks before I was due. It was our first child and we felt that having a doula would benefit both of us. I was a little stressed out by the additional responsibility of finding a doula but when I met Katharine I instantly felt a connection - she was warm and relaxed which was the exactly what I needed.

The weeks leading up to my birth Katharine and I met to discuss my birth plan and different things I could do to prepare for the big day.  She always honored me and let me decide what what right for my experience. She always said to trust myself and my intuition.

Katharine was very responsive via phone and text. She checked in with me after doctor appointments and also just to see how I was feeling.  She was so encouraging and supportive the entire time.

Throughout the night when my labor started she was giving me helpful advice for how to get comfortable and manage the labor. By the time I got to the hospital I was already 4cm dilated. Katharine arrived about 10 minutes after my husband and I with snacks, drinks, and a bag full of goodies.  She stayed with me, giving me massages and sips of liquids and she helped me get rest as I continued to labor.  She was also there for my husband making sure he was taken care of. She was there to explain what each of the procedures were and help me make informed decisions.  I had an epidural and a vaginal delivery and it was perfect. I always thought that a doula would try to get me to go all-natural but that was not the case.  She was 100% on board with my choice to get an epidural.

I had an amazing birth and I can't imagine having done it without Katharine by my side.

After my son's birth she continued to check on us.  She also documented my whole birth story, which was so wonderful to have! I am so grateful for Katharine and I know that she will be a friend for years to come.

Nell Horowitz


Our decision to hire Katherine as our birth doula was one of the best decisions we've made. She has been there for me in the last few months of my pregnancy, during my emergency C-Section, and the weeks since the arrival of our baby boy. I cannot imagine the past few months without her encouragement and support. I had a very emotional pregnancy because of a second trimester loss last year and several scares this pregnancy. When my husband and I first met Katherine at our home, we immediately felt comfortable with her. She really cared about finding out the type of birth that we needed and wanted. She also understands my husbands often sarcastic humor, which is a plus!

During the last months of my pregnancy, Katherine knew the type of emotional support that I needed without me having to ask and, in my opinion, went out of her way to constantly check on me to see how I was doing. She knew when to lend a ear, and when to give some tough love! She always remembered when I had a doctor's appointment and made sure that she followed up with me. When I noticed that my baby wasn't moving, she was the first person that I texted. I went to the hospital right away, and she came within a moment's notice (this was a month before my due date). Even though we ended up having a C-Section, Katherine was an integral part of my baby's birth. She kept my husband calm while I was being prepped for surgery, she provided words of comfort and encouragement during the surgery, and she made sure I understood what happened after the fact (I was very confused during the whole ordeal since I was rushed to surgery with not much time for explanation).

Although I can't speak to having Katherine as a birth doula in the capacity of a natural birth, she has been an anchor for me, especially in the days leading up to the C-Section, and the days immediately after. As soon as I find out I'm pregnant again (sometime down the road), Katherine will be one of the first people we call!

Elizabeth Alberto


Let me start by stating, "Katharine is great!" Although the birth of my son did not go as planned (and I mean nothing went as planned!), Katharine was a huge part of helping me through the entire and somewhat traumatic experience.

From the outset, Katharine was very understanding and accommodating. First off, she obliged my request to meet with me 1:1 just so that I could see if we connected well. She answered all my questions, addressed my concerns and provided information I hadn’t even though of. Also, she just sat and talked to me about “me”, which made me feel like I was not just another client but that she was genuinely interested in my well being. After initial meetings, Katharine was open to and encouraged me to send her text updates after each of my prenatal appointments, which again made me feel like she was providing support throughout my pregnancy and not just waiting until my due date to think of me.

The day of the actual birth was crazy. Due to preeclampsia, and subsequently HELLP amongst other things, I had to be induced and have a cesarean section …and to make things more complicated of course my little one had to be born on Thanksgiving. Despite it being a holiday and having family from out of town visiting, Katharine was there with me and my family! She didn’t question it or ask me if I needed her, she simply showed up and was ready. Because of medication administration, we weren’t able to engage in the physical techniques I had hoped for but Katharine adapted and provided me with other support, i.e. aromatherapy, massage and overall encouragement.

Since the birth of my son Katharine’s support has not stopped. She not only came to see me at home and meet my little guy to “debrief” about my birth experience but also continues to request updates and provide resources. So, as I stated at the beginning, Katharine is a great.

Krista Sutton


I was looking for a Doula here in Los Angeles (my son was born in NYC with a doula there) and frankly was having trouble finding someone who I connected with. I spoke to a few on the phone and while very lovely and professional they didn’t have the spark, the joy, the depth that I was hoping for. Then someone suggested I call Katharine Deeb. I spoke to her on the phone and fell in love. Her warmth, her depth come right through the phone. And then we met and my search was over. We had our doula! Her ability to listen and distill your needs down into its essence and then apply that to your journey as a pregnant woman (and couple) is remarkable. She just “gets it”. My husband and I are pretty irreverent about things. It is definitely a way that we handle experiences of high emotion like pregnancy and childbirth. Jokes. Stories. Humor. And Katharine’s laugh is quick and bright and infectious. She understood that our humor worked us through some of the challenges of our natural/drug free (and very LONG!) birth. She also was there, right with me when I had to dig deep to use my “inner warrior” (as she called it). She can roll with it and be RIGHT THERE with you when you most need it. And did I EVER need her. She brought essential oils, and back rubs, and affirmations, and laughs, and advice, and sympathy and cool washcloths and quick little bites of food and perfectly timed quiet words with her. She worked alongside my little team (my amazing doc at Cedars Sinai, my nurses and my husband and Mom) to find her perfect role in the journey. I have fleeting moments that come into my mind all the time of my magical, challenging, transformative birth…and she is always a part of those snapshots in my mind with her GORGEOUS smile and warm words of wisdom, helping me bring our little girl into the world. And that for me is so important. That your doula seems like she was always MEANT to be there. I highly and wholeheartedly recommend Katharine Deeb.

Dani Churchill


Katharine was an absolute pleasure to work with as my birth doula.  She's extremely knowledgeable at every point in the process.  It felt good running questions by her during my labor and having her by my side.  Her whole focus was helping put our minds at ease and being a fantastic support in the room.

But what makes her so good at what she does is her personality and energy.  She's a warm, patient and kind person through and through.  She's extremely calming to be around - and that's priceless.  Both my husband and I enjoyed our pre-birth meetings with her because she's such a wonderful fun person to be around. I didn't know her before I hired her as my doula, but now I consider her a friend.  I highly recommend Katharine. 

Christine Cheatham


Katharine was our doula when our son was born in September 2009.  We met with her a few months earlier and didn't even need to meet with anyone else; we knew right away she was the perfect match for us.  Katharine was supportive, encouraging and calm throghout the entire labor and delivery and helped put my husband and I at ease.  We planned for an unmedicated, natural delivery but after a 24-hour induction, my doctor felt a c-section would be best.  Katharine offered to accompany us in the operating room and stayed until we were settled into a room, going above and beyond anything we could have expected.  We've remained in touch over the years and  I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a doula.

Annabel Raymond


Some pregnancies and childbirths are easy and uncomplicated. I won't beat around the bush: mine were neither of these. However, thanks to Katharine's calm, steady, reassuring presence and support I was able to face the challenges gracefully that led me to my greatest joy, my daughter. My husband and I really don't know what we would have done without Katharine by our side throughout the process. She was there during my pregnancy complications, always grounded and unflappable; she was there during a complicated and traumatic birth, remaining calm and miraculously finding ways to keep me comfortable through the pain; and she was there after to help me process my feelings and get my bearings as a new Mom. She is the kind of doula you want by your side--prepared for any and everything, always steady. Thank you, Katharine.

Birth Availability for Katharine Deeb

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-23-2024