Katherine Creamer Photo

Katherine Creamer

Your Birth Doula LLC

Georgetown, TX Service range 100 miles

Birth Fee

$1200 to $1500

Birth Fee

$1200 to $1500

Birth Doula Experience

8 years and 100 births attended

Birth Doula Certifications

  • Stillbirthday - Certified Birth and Bereavement Doula
  • Tiny Love Doula Training - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • Tiny Love Doula, October 2015

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 2

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
I gave birth to my girls at Austin Area Birthing Center and am in great standing with staff there. My personal number of births is not included in number of births attended.

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Acupressure
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Aromatherapy
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • Childbirth education services
  • Cloth diapering education
  • End of life doula services
  • Infant massage education
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Newborn care and parenting classes
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Parenting consulting
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Reiki
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Stillbirth and infant loss support
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Attended the following birth courses: Bradley Method and Hypnobirthing

Languages Spoken

  • Arabic
  • English

Fee Details

HSA and FSA accepted, have a NPI number and covered by some insurances Prenatal or postpartum visit(s) with birth package, $1200-1500 Placenta Encapsulation, $150

Service Area

Georgetown, TX Service range 100 miles

Certifications for Katherine Creamer

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Katherine Creamer

Post a testimonial for Katherine Creamer

Jena Krohn


Kat was an absolutely essential member of my birth team, I truly couldn't have had the birth experience I did without her. She is so knowledgeable and her presence is so calming. She helped make me and my husband and mother all feel so well supported through every step of my labor and delivery. I had a difficult unmedicated birth with well over 6 hours of pushing, and Kat was the one who got all of us through those challenging hours due to her calm and positive demeanor and her constant support in position changes. My husband and mother both sing Kat's praises still when we talk about my birth. While my birth was difficult, I truly look back on it with pride and positivity that I was able to have the birth I had ultimately hoped for, and Kat will forever be a huge part of that special experience for me. I hope to use her again whenever I have my next baby!! 

Carrie Rietti


We had such an incredible birth experience with Katherine as our doula.  She was so informative and supportive throughout the pregnancy, meeting with us in person in our home, showing my husband and I things we could do (stretches, breathing exercises, etc) for pre and during labor.  She also got my husband and I discussing important things that we did not even consider regarding our birth plan, expectations after baby etc.  Katherine was so responsive, friendly and caring through the whole thing and I know that my labor was shorter with her knowledge (helping me though laboring techniques etc).  My husband was also much calmer at the hospital knowing we had her as extra support. If we ever are pregnant again hiring her is the first thing we are going to do! 

Alyssa Garrett


I cannot recommend Katherine enough for anyone looking for a doula. From our initial meeting, to my many text messages, she was there every step of the way. During my very long labor, she went out of her way to constantly make me comfortable, help change positions, and even instructed my husband on how to properly apply pressure, etc. Katherine is SO personable, professional, and knowledgeable--all of which were evident during the whole pregammacy and labor. Without her support, I don't think I would've ended up with the birth experience I wanted, but because of her it was perfect! You NEED Katherine as your doula :) 

Kelly Woodmancy


Choosing to go with Katherine as my doula was probably one of the best decisions I could have made for our birth experience. She brought such a calm presence to the room, and made me feel as though everything was going to be okay. Which, being a first time mom, meant a whole lot to me! She made sure to keep me hydrated and eating little snacks to keep my energy up. She knew from the way I was acting, what stage of labor I was in, and when it was time to head to the birth center. She gave me different positions to try to help open me up and bring the baby down and they definitely worked. It was a risk to choose someone who we didn't know, who we had only met with a couple of times prior to labor, but I am SO so glad we did! Anytime anyone would ask me how labor & delivery went, all I could say was that it was HARD, and I don't know how I could have done it without my husband and my doula. :) If the Lord ever chooses to give us another child, we will definitely be hiring Katherine again!

Linley Nedelea


Katherine Creamer is a great doula! She is attentive and highly reliable. I felt I could place my trust in her.  Katherine helped me stay calm and focused for nearly 24 hours of labor.  She did not let me down.  There were several times when I was overwhelmed and unsure if I could do it. She talked me through the worst contractions. I genuinely think her help prevented me from needing to transfer to the hospital. This was my first pregnancy and I gave birth to a healthy boy 9lb 3oz.



Katherine's presence was critical to my birth experience.  This was my first pregnancy and I planned to give birth in a hospital with medication, so I wasn't sure whether I really needed a doula.  Fortunately, friends and health care professionals recommended it and I'm so glad they did.  I was able to call or text with questions leading up to and during labor, which was helpful to supplement medical advice with practical tips to try at home.  At the hospital, I was so relieved to have Katherine there alongside my husband and me.  We were left in triage for several hours while waiting to be admitted to a room and she helped us work through many hours of painful contractions when we would have otherwise been unsupported.  Katherine strikes a delicate balance of suggesting options for help and providing support while respecting the roles of healthcare workers and making sure decisions come from the client.  Once we were admitted, she worked alongside the nurses and doctors to implement the recommended care and make sure my husband and I were taken care of.  My labor lasted 27 hours and she was there for 19.  Katherine is a great friend and I highly recommend Your Birth Doula for birth support services.

Emily Brinker


I am so thankful for Katherine’s support, emotionally and physically. This was my first baby, and I opted to go to a birthing center. I was very nervous, but Katherine was very encouraging, empathetic, and attentive to my needs. She did a great job of not only educating me before labor, but also making sure she taught my husband how to be a great birth partner, as well as being an advocate for what I wanted during labor. Once I had transitioned I could no longer speak, but she was there reading my body language when I needed counter pressure or to change positions when I was exerting myself too much. It was a tough labor, but Katherine continued to give words of affirmation and encouragement the entire time, and held my hand after the birth when I needed stitches. I recommend her to anyone looking for a doula who is empathetic, encouraging, communicates well, and can read body language. She did everything she could to help make me as comfortable as possible during labor without me having to tell her. 

Ben West


Katherine was an incredible pillar of support during my wife's delivery on December 21, 2016. She met us at the birthing center at 3am and stuck it out with us until our daughter came at just before 9pm later that night. Even with all of the support we had from the birthing center and family, I can't imagine having done it all without Katherine. She was a calm, confident force in the room that provided encouragement when things got crazy. She helped massage my wife's back, kept a steady supply of warm rice socks applied in all the right places, fed us all with Torchy's tacos and always had an idea to make things just a little bit better/more comfortable. But Katherine wasn't just an indispensable aide during the birth, she also helped afterwards. Katherine also made a home visit at the one week mark and helped us give our daughter her first bath!

We heartily endorse Katherine as a doula and, if we have another baby in Austin, we'll definitely be giving her a call.

Jake Kelley


Katherine was our Doula for the birth of our second daughter this past summer.  She was amazing!  She has the most calming disposition & presence, which was especially helpful considering how nervous my wife was!  Katherine was always available when we needed some guidance, and we were confident that we were in good hands as she guided us through the process.  Needless to say, everything went off without a hitch.

To all you dads out there - keep having babies and keep hiring Katherine!

-Jake Kelley

Shayda Weaver


I was so impressed with Katherine when I first met her and how natural everything felt that I canceled my other appointment because I knew that Katherine was my DOULA. She was so amazing, supportive with what I wanted and quickly pushed all of my worries away about having a doula. She always made herself available to me anytime I had a question or just needed advice . At the time I was pregnant my husband was deployed but planned to come back two weeks prior to my delivery. Once he arrived, Katherine agreed to meet with him and catch him up on different techniques that would help during the delivery.Sadly my husband had to fly back because my due date came and baby j was still not ready to come.Two weeks postterm, it was time for me to get induced. Katherine was there not too long after I gave her a call. I was nervous because I wasn't planning to be induced but truth be told even though my mom and grandma were there i was so relieved when Katherine showed up because she knew what I wanted and her presence alone just made me feel so much better. she stayed with me all night and throughout the next day and helped me change positions, did massages, words of affirmation, and helped me walk when I could. Sometimes when i was feeling overwhelmed, she reminded me that i was in control and i really appreciated that. After almost 48 hrs of labor I got a fever of 104 and opted a C.section because baby I was at risk. when I finally was admitted to postpartum Katherine was right there and made sure that i was okay and had everything I needed. She came back a day later to give me time to rest up and get acquainted, just to hear my thoughts on how everything went and to see how I felt. She still checks in with me from time to time. my husband told me that he was so thankful for her because she kept him updated with everything during the labor and delivery. I would write so much more but there is a limit lol.Thank you Katherine for being such a blessing!

Stephanie Kelley


It is with great joy and gratitude that I write this review for Katherine. Katherine made our pregnany and birthing experience so much easier this time around. This was my second baby... So we had done this before, but our first pregnancy when we didnt hire a doula and it ended in a C Section. My goal with this pregnancy was a successful and healthy VBAC and just a better birthing experience. Katherine came to us and made things relaxing. Her confidence in me and my body was reassuring. She made my very long labor so much easier just having her by my side. She comes for a prenatal visit at 36 weeks and then a post natal visit when your baby is 1 week old.

I seriously cannot even find the words to show how appreciative we are of Katherine. My husband and I both adore her. Our birthing experience with Katherine and our second baby was so special and memorable. Thank you a million times.

Anya Wong


My husband and I are so grateful for Katherine's presence at my labor and delivery. We just recently moved to Texas when we found out that we were expecting our fifth child. My Mom had been my doula for all four of my children and I was doubtful that I could find a doula who would fill her shoes; however, Katherine exceeded our expectations. Katherine has a gentle and calming nature and was supportive and respectful of the ways that I chose to labor. During the most difficult part of my labor, my husband had to leave to fetch my children and so I leaned on Katherine completely. Her encouragement during this time is something I will not forget and I cannot imagine having to go through this without her. My husband returned just before I delivered and Katherine kindly offered to watch our four kids so that he could see our baby girl come into the world. She even took amazing photos of our family with baby, capturing a moment in time that we will always cherish. Giving birth in a new country without family and friends was very difficult for me and so I will forever be grateful to Katherine for all that she did to make it a positive experience. I would highly recommend Katherine to any expecting mother!

Amie Skwiat


I cannot say enough good things about Katherine Creamer and the services she provided for us during the birth of our little girl. Katherine really took the time to listen to our wants, needs, and concerns before, during, and after our birth. Having two children of her own, she really understands the value of support. During labor, she was exactly what my husband and I needed! She was there for support but also knew exactly when to let me be. Because I am an introvert, I was very scared I would not be able to find the right fit for me; however, Katherine did a wonderful job respecting my wishes and needs. I felt like Katherine was a part of our family during this experience, and it made labor much more comfortable because of it. I would HIGHLY recommend Katherine Creamer, not only for her services but for the person she is. :)

Marissa Melnikov


I am so grateful to have had Katherine there for me at the birth of my daughter. Before the birth, Katherine met with me and my husband so we could discuss birth plans, fears about birth, and relaxation techniques, among other things. Her extensive knowledge of pregnancy and natural birth really helped set my mind at ease. At this meeting, Katherine also taught my husband some simple and incredibly helpful ways to help with my pain, which was a lifesaver during my long labor. During the birth, Katherine provided constant support and encouragement - feeding me water, reminding me to breathe, etc. Her presence was soft and soothing. She also took some great pictures right after my daughter was born, when my husband and I were a bit too dazed to do so ourselves! If you are looking for a dedicated and compassionate doula, look no further.

Christy Decker


I knew early on in my pregnancy that I wanted to hire a doula.  I was planning to have a natural birth at a birthing center, and had friends who said that using a doula during their natural birth was worth every penny.  I would have to agree wholeheartedly.  Katherine was referred to us by the birthing center and they couldn't have made a better recommendation!  From the moment we met with Katherine at the first home visit, she exuded the most calming and reassuring presence.  Even before the actual labor, Katherine was available and was great at keeping in touch, texting to check in about how I was feeling and if I had any concerns or questions.  During labor, Katherine and my husband made a great team.  One of them was constantly (and I mean for every single contraction during a 20+ hour labor) at my back to provide counter-pressure or massage.  She also provided continuous encouragement and emotional support-- letting me know if I needed to relax in certain areas or just telling me that I was doing a great job.  Unfortunately, I had to be transported to the hospital for an emergency c-section, and Katherine came to check on me there (even after the marathon of laboring at the birthing center).  Perhaps more than anything, Katherine provided crucial support in the postpartum period.  Her home visit after the baby was born was incredibly helpful as she gave us some very valuable tips on how to soothe our newborn-- still the only trick that works for him!  I also ended up having some postpartum complications and Katherine even was able to connect me to someone else in her network for extra support.  Overall, I can't say enough about our experience with her.  My husband even said to me during labor, "I'm so happy you pushed to get a doula.  I couldn't have done this by myself."  Her knowledge, guidance and reassurance made all the difference in the world!

Meaghan Kirchner


When Katherine and I first met for coffee, I could have never imagined the events of our baby's birth. I am still in awe of the entire experience. Matt and I are so thankful that Katherine was there with us. Because of Katherine supporting us, Matt could really support me- she gave Matt a voice and confidence to take action when I could not think clearly. Katherine's pain management techniques were amazing. I know i made her work so hard providing counter pressure, but it made a huge difference with me. I will never forget what giving birth felt like, and that's all I really wanted- a healthy baby that I was able to experience coming into the world, no matter how painful. The day didn't start out the way I planned (with an induction), but the ending was perfect (no epidural- one of my birth wishes). After I was moved to postpartum, Katherine went and got me food outside of the hospital since the cafeteria was closed, enabling my husband to continue to stay with me and our sweet boy. In between our son's birth and our follow up meeting, we moved to San Antonio. Katherine gladly made the drive to check in on us and provide momma encouragement and support. We just love Katherine and consider her a treasured part of our son's beginning and are so glad she was able to experience that deeply personal moment with us.

Katie Bowman


Katherine was an extraordinary help in the labor process with our daughter. When I felt like I could no longer continue to try to labor naturally, Katherine came alongside my husband and I and supported us and encouraged me to "just get through one more contraction". With her constant encouragement, massages, and tips on different laboring positions, it allowed me to be able to labor longer naturally. After pushing for three hours, and feeling like I could no longer go on, Katherine was by my side whispering words of strength and reassuring me I would meet my baby shortly. She was a great support to not only myself but also to my husband who felt ill equipped initially. Overall, our experience with Katherine was wonderful and we are so greatful she was there throughout the labor and delivery of our daughter.

Stevie Matus


We started meeting when I was about thirty weeks pregnant, and I was terrified of labor. My first labor had an epidural and my second was all-natural, but very traumatic. (Super fast after hours of stalling and a nurse who kept "reassuring" me that "some women just can't handle the pain -- uh, transition, anyone?) I was having panic attacks for months.

Katherine completely understood. After months of doctors and nurses poo-pooing everything I said about my fast labors, it was SUCH a relief to have someone say, "Yes! I know what you're going through!" She was always there to answer my questions (even the really awkward ones) and would send little pictures and notes of encouragement that always seemed perfectly timed. She walked with me when I was stuck in weeeeks of prodromal labor. She explained what prodromal labor was!

When the big night arrived, my labor went exactly as I had feared: my water broke at midnight and there was no time for an epidural! There was puking and crazy pain, but... It was so healing. Katherine was the second person at the hospital, and was super respectful of my husband and my wants. Because of her encouragement and understanding in the weeks prior, I was able to breathe through each contraction, no screaming or writhing or shaking. I was actually surprised when I had to push! (There was definitely screaming then, mind.)

After, Katherine was super attentive, and offered me a post-labor granola bar, which was literal heaven in my poor empty tummy. She's checked up on my new arrival and me multiple times since and has offered invaluable advice on post-partum healing and nursing.

If you're looking for a compassionate, encouraging, client-focused doula, look no further.

From my husband: "She was awesome, and she got to the hospital super fast. Plus, anyone willing to wipe puk eoff your face is pretty cool. I liked her." (He's a man of few words... :) That is high praise.)

Birth Availability for Katherine Creamer

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-01-2024