Lyndsay Eckhart Photo

Lyndsay Eckhart

Sublime Motherhood

Yigo, GU Service range 30 miles


Birth Fee

$1175 to $2275

Postpartum Rate

$25 to $40

Birth Fee

$1175 to $2275

Postpartum Rate

$25 to $40

Birth Doula Experience

10 years and 48 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

10 years

Birth Doula Certifications

  • Birth Arts International - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, June 2014
  • Birth Arts International, January 2017
  • Placenta & Postpartum Association, March 2018

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 2 births and 1 to 2 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Aromatherapy
  • Baby-led weaning
  • Babywearing education
  • Belly binding
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • Cancer patients and survivors
  • Childbirth education services
  • Cloth diapering education
  • Elimination communication education
  • End of life doula services
  • Full spectrum doula services
  • Infant massage education
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Newborn care and parenting classes
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Parenting consulting
  • Photography - Birth
  • Photography - Maternity
  • Photography - Newborn
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Reflexology
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Stillbirth and infant loss support
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

Birth Doula support includes two prenatal visits, birth planning, childbirth education, continuous support during labor & delivery (no time limit), breastfeeding support after delivery, postpartum follow-up care, access to lending library, and unlimited phone and e-mail support. 50% deposit required, remainder due at 36 weeks. Contact me today for a free consultation!

Service Area

Yigo, GU Service range 30 miles

Certifications for Lyndsay Eckhart

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Lyndsay Eckhart

Post a testimonial for Lyndsay Eckhart

Adrianna Gibson


As my first pregnancy, it was all a bit overwhelming hearing everyones stories and opinions on how their labor and delivery was. I found myself becoming more and more frightened about the idea of birthing a child. Around the end of my first trimester, I got a pregnancy book and it mentioned having a Doula. I had never even heard of a doula before but the benefits it boasted sounded promising. Someone to help me through labor and teach my spouse how to be there for me too? Sign me up! I contacted Lyndsay and she was very flexible in scheduling our first meeting together to discuss how she could help me and pricing. She came to our house for our first in home birthing class and let me borrow a book with birth stories in it. Our second in home visit was just as beneficial as the first. She helped me not fear birth like I always have prior. I remembered her tips and kind words in regards to laboring and tried to remember them while in labor. On labor & delivery day, she was on time and helpful through out the entire process. She taught my spouse and my mom how to be supportive of me. She made sure I was informed and understood what the nurses/doctors were saying. When a nurse was persistent on me doing one thing that was very uncomfortable, Lyndsay made sure to express my concerns for me to the nurse. When I was unaware of what was going on, Lyndsay informed me. I got the unmedicated birth that I wanted and delivered a healthy baby boy. She helped me with getting him to latch, offered me breast feeding support, and left with my placenta. I received my placenta pills the next evening. Our post partum visit was great because we got to discuss everything. I truly feel iike I would not have been able to have my unmedicated birth if it wasn't for her support and help. Thank you so much Lyndsay!!

Jacquelyn Smith


I chose a doula for two reasons: 1. I wanted a natural birth 2. my husband and I were apart for much of my pregnancy leaving us little time to prepare for labor. Lyndsay was great. She was flexible in meeting with us whenever I was in town and gave us an additional prebirth meeting shortly before my due date to ensure we felt comfortable/to answer questions. During our prebirth meetings she showed us counterpressure techniques as well as different positions to ease pain during labor. She also offered to come to our house to help labor at home. I went into labor at 11:48pm by 5am Lyndsay was there to help us at home. When my water ruptured, she suggested we go to the hospital before transition occurred. Once we got to the hospital, Lyndsay created the serene setting I requested. Within a few hours the dreaded transition occurred and my water broke completely. I was put on continual fetal monitoring due to meconium in the amniotic fluid. This made laboring much more intense as I was unable to walk around or go into the shower to ease the pain. Throughout it all, Lyndsay and my husband were by my side providing comfort and guidance. I can’t say I remember everything from that day but I do remember Lyndsay working the entire time to ensure I felt as comfortable as possible. She provided massage, positions, and breathing techniques when I was getting to the point of exhaustion. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl at 4:11pm. Lyndsay helped me get her latched and left us all to bond. Overall I am very happy with my birth experience with Lyndsay. She continued to follow up with me for weeks after, giving me resources when I was having trouble with breastfeeding. She even stopped by our house to provide a few materials. About 1.5 weeks after birth, we had a postnatal follow up where we discussed the labor, and how I felt about it/parenthood. Lyndsay went above and beyond on so many occasions. She truly cares about her clients and I am very happy we found her!

Josie B


Lyndsay provided a very thorough service. I hired her for my third birth because i was looking for a better birth than I had before. I am happy to say my third birth, with Lyndsay was my best birth, with no regrets!

I liked knowing that I could call and text her my whole pregnancy. She was there for me to call when I didn't know when/if I should leave for the hospital. She supported my labor by being a calm presence. - candles, massage, brushing hair, encouraging words, giving me space when I needed it, I believe just having her present reminded me during my labor of what I was trying to achieve and how to do it.

Katie Fitzpatrick


We highly recommend Lyndsay if your interested in having a doula be a part of your birthing experience.  For us it was the perfect balance between professional and personal, she looked to us for what we were looking for and respected our wishes. She offers a variety of packages to suit your needs before and after birth as well.   Again, our experience was great and we recommend Lyndsay O'Neill to those intereste!

Rachel Sterner


I thoroughly enjoyed having Lyndsay as my Doula! She was always very responsive to my messages and was always very helpful with any questions I had. She also was always very prepared for the appointments in the comfort of my own home and I learned so much from her about natural birth.

During my labor and delivery, she stuck it out with me, my husband and mother in law for an exhausting 24 hours at the hospital until I delivered my son. She was called in the middle of the night and met me there right on time. Her support during the process was invaluable as it gave my support team time to rest as needed. She also was an advocate for me in speaking to the midwives and nurses to ensure my birth plan was followed through.

I honestly couldn't think of anything she needed to work on with my birth experience and highly recommend her as your Doula.

Carissa Pace


I contacted Lyndsay very early in my pregnancy due to having a very traumatizing first labor and delivery. I knew having a doula was something I wanted this time. I needed her to help me advocate for myself this time. I didn't want the hosptial running MY BIRTH, this was MINE, not theirs. Halfway through our meetings I decided with the help of Lyndsay that I would be attempting a HBAC (home birth after c-section). This would be Lyndsay's first homebirth. Even though she lived two hours away and I had a short 7 hour labor, Lyndsay arrived in such a timely manner and was ready to help in anyway she could. Without her help in coaching me through the pushing process I don't think I would have managed as well as I did. She got along great with my midwife and her assistant also. I will be reccommending Lyndsay to anyone I know because labor can be "easy" if you have the right help. Thank you Lyndsay!

Stefani Crawford


My experience with Lyndsay as my doula was nothing short of sublime. I originally sought out a doula because I am a relatively young, single mom who had lots of anxieties about the birthing process. I attended one of the childbirth classes provided by my hospital, and had to leave the class early because the teaching style was only heightening my fear. Lyndsay was referred to me by my OBGYN, who told me she would be able to help prepare me for childbirth in a way that best fit my needs. And she was right! I was able to have her come and do classes in the comfort of my home, at a time when my mom could be there with me (as she would be in the delivery room with me), and in a style where I felt comfortable asking questions in a conversational way. Not only did she relieve my anxieties about childbirth, but she got me excited for it. Each visit she brought reading materials for me to go through on my own time, and tools we could practice with that would eventually help me with pain management. She was encouraging of the fact that I wanted to try to have a natural birth, as well as supportive when I felt that I could no longer do so. She helped my voice be heard in the delivery room and gave me the tools to feel empowered throughout my 39 long hours of labor, rather than defeated. I would highly recommend her expertise to anyone who is interested in having a doula! She was a delight to work with, very thorough in making sure I was taken care of, and helped bring my greatest gift into the world.

Hannah Patterson


The birth of my son was quite an experience. I had a successful VBAC and it was made possible with the help of Lyndsay. I was lucky to be introduced to Lyndsay through a mutual friend.  From the very beginning Lyndsay was genuinely concerned with me being comfortable and seeing that my birth plan desires were met. Not only did she support me through the process but she also gave support and peace of mind to my husband and my mom.

Before I became pregnant with my second child I didn't even know much about Doulas and what their responsibilities were. Once I did some research and looked around for a doula, I knew Lyndsay was the one I would want. I was very impressed with all of her knowledge and the materials and references she had to answer any of my questions. I also was very pleased with how prompt she was with her responses to my messages. No matter what time it was that I messaged her she was pretty quick to answer.

When it was time for me to deliver, Lyndsay was so prepared she had a bag packed with supplies and snacks and arrived at the hospital before my husband and I. She stayed by my side the entire time I was in labor up until after my son was born. She was such an amazing coach. She even agreed to be there to support me post-partum. If there would be any pregnant woman looking for a doula, I would highly recommend Lyndsay. I truly appreciate all she has done for me and my family through this while process.

Sarah Roth


Lyndsay was amazing! I have no family in the area and knew I needed more support during the delivery than my husband could provide. Lyndsay filled that role perfectly. We met a couple of times and talked frequently about what I wanted during labor and delivery. When I had no clue what laboring positions to try, Lyndsay was knowledgable enough to suggest different options and was thoughtful enough to provide massaging tools, a birthing ball, and other things to help with pain management. She understood that I wanted a natural delivery and helped in every way possible to make sure I got what I wanted. I couldn't imagine a better birthing experience, and I am extremely happy we chose Lyndsay to be our doula. 

Birth Availability for Lyndsay Eckhart

= Available. Calendar last updated: 10-22-2024

Postpartum Availability for Lyndsay Eckhart

= Available. Calendar last updated: 10-22-2024