Polly Hamui/ Nahmad Photo

Polly Hamui/ Nahmad


North York, ON Service range 10 miles


Birth Fee

$1200 to $1650

Birth Fee

$1200 to $1650

Birth Doula Experience

14 years and 80 births attended

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, November 2011

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 2 to 3

Attends hospital births? Some Hospitals
Sunnybrook hospital Toronto mount Sinai hospital and Toronto general hospital

Attends birth center births? Some Birth Centers

Attends home births? Some Home Births

Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Aromatherapy
  • Babywearing education
  • Birth pool rental
  • Infant massage education
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • Miscarriage support
  • Pelvic floor health education & support
  • Photography - Birth
  • Prenatal & postpartum fitness services
  • Prenatal or postnatal massage
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Spanish

Fee Details

I will provide two visits to thoroughly prepare you and your partner for labour, birth and the care of your baby. I will help you write a concise Birth Plan, and discuss every aspect from how to recognise that labour has started to how you would like to birth your placenta and the atmosphere in the birth room. I will be on-call for you from week 37 to 42 of your pregnancy. My phone is on alert 24 hours a day 24/7 days a week. I will support you physically and emotionally (with out leaving your partner behind ) during labour and after.

Service Area

North York, ON Service range 10 miles

Certifications for Polly Hamui/ Nahmad

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Polly Hamui/ Nahmad

Post a testimonial for Polly Hamui/ Nahmad

Tania R.


Polly was incredibly helpful throughout my entire pregnancy — she shared many exercises and resources with me for a healthy pregnancy and to help position the baby correctly. She was there with me every step of the way during labour and ensured that my birth experience was very positive. She's incredibly compassionate, full of warmth, and has a very calming presence. I'm very grateful to have had Polly by my side during my first pregnancy — I highly recommend Polly as a doula!

Daniela Haim


My Husband and myself have the blessing to meet Polly; and she was a blessing for us.
She has such a beautiful, calm and grounding energy.

She is very passionate and informed about birth.

I felt so held, supported and loved throughout my birthing time with her by my side. I can’t recommend her enough!!

I most definitely could not have done it without her help.

Thank you very much for making my home birth experience exactly what I dreamed it to be.
Love you forever ??

Nathaniel Kajumba


Polly was a great help to my wife and I. This was our second child and the first with a Dula. It made a big difference having Polly supporting us both. Having Polly there to support and advise my wife allowed me to be more present for the birth. Rather than worrying about what I should be saying or doing, I was able to be a husband to my wife and really experience the birth. Polly was helpful in advising me on what/where to do when there was an opportunity or need. It was also helpful to have someone who was with us through the whole process that we could call on whenever needed. Thank you Polly!

Andrea Carolina Parra


Polly was vital in the success of my baby’s delivery. Prior the delivery we discussed a birth plan that included the pain management techniques that I thought would help me the most. During labor Polly was great at guiding me to practice each technique at the right moment e.g. dancing, breathing, aromatherapy and warm shower. Polly also brought her own TENs machine that was helpful to manage pain. She also guided me  through body postures that helped my baby to come down and be in the right position as my labor was progressing. As well she was able to guide my hubby so he knew how best support me while I was enduring the process of labor. The three of us worked closely during the process. Polly is very personable and warm and made me felt heard and taken cared of throughout the process. From the beginning when I started working with her she was open to answer the questions I had and shared information and resources while I was pregnant. I highly recommend Polly, and will be forever grateful she supported my hubby and I to deliver our healthy bundle of joy. Thanks Polly! 


Chaya Leah


Polly was a critical part my whole birthing process. She was with us every step of the way from the very beginning, through a the birth and afterward as well. 

I experienced a long labor with some hicups toward the end.  Polly assisted me from 1AM on Sunday to Monday at 2:30PM.

After our initial visits she came to our home and gave us exercises to help position the baby correctly. She gave us resources for various indo we needed throughout my pregnancy and helped me iron out my birth plan. She was there as support leading up to the birth. 

During labor she came to our home and was there to help me through surges, dancing and provided me with massage and aroma therapy. With her help and support I was able to put off getting pain relief both times-morphine from the hospital during my midway point and an epidural at 7.5 centimeters. We labored in the bathtub and she encouraged us to take a nice walk in Queen E gardens. She was there with the correct tehillim and prayers throughout the birth and Brit Milah.
The most interesting part is that during our time at the hospital, Polly had said believed the baby to be posterior even before any of the doctors or nurses were able to tell.  She supported me in my desires to see out my birth plan and was great working with the staff at Womens Health 

I labored the best I possibly could given the circumstances and so much of this was because Polly was there supporting my husband and me.



Rachel Gabay


This was the first time I had a doula accompany me for the birth of my fourth child, and it was an absolute game-changer. Polly is truly something special. Her care, love and devotion are unmatched. She is highly knowledgeable in what she does and really helped my labour and delivery go smoothly and naturally. Polly's support throughout the pregnancy and after birth has been truly amazing and such a treat!  I am so grateful to Polly for giving me such a beautiful experience. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND HER!!!

Chaya Leah


Polly was a critical part my whole birthing process. She was with us every step of the way from the very beginning, through the birth and afterward as well. I experienced a long labor with some complications and she was there from 1AM on Sunday to Monday at 2:30PM with the exception of a few hours in the middle of Sunday night where she went to deliver another baby! After our initial visits, she came to our home and gave us exercises to do to help position the baby correctly. She gave us resources to various things we needed throughout my pregnancy and helped me iron out my birth plan. She was there as support leading up to the birth. During labor she came to our home and was there to help me through surges, dancing and provided me with massage and aroma therapy. With her help and support I was able to put off getting pain relief both times-morphine from the hospital during my midway point and an epidural at 7.5 centimeters. We labored in the bathtub and she encouraged us to take a nice walk in Queen E gardens. She was there with the right tehillim and prayers throughout the birth and Brit Milah.  During our time at the hospital, Polly had said believed the baby to be posterior even before any of the doctors or nurses were able to tell. She supported me in my desires to give birth laying on my side or on all fours and we labored like that for a couple hours. My labor was very long and difficult and was met with issues. The nurse said I couldn't use essential oils in the hospital, my epidural fell out without anyone knowing and my baby was positioned incorrectly without the doctor knowing. Despite this, I still believe that I had the best birth I could have given the circumstances had and so much of this was because Polly was there supporting us.



Polly has accompanied me for the birth of my two daughters, and was by far one of the best supports for both experiences. I knew Polly was the right doula for me from the moment she said hello on our Zoom interview (COVID times!). She was so warm and caring, like an old friend or family member. I stayed in regular touch with Polly throughout my pregnanices, and she was always happy to offer advise for the different challenges I might encounter, from heartburn to pelvic pain. As birth approached, she offered many holistic approaches to help encourage labour to begin. 

In my first hospital birth, Polly's support helped me to labour at home for much longer than I would have alone. I could trust that she would know when it was a good time to move to the hospital, and meanwhile she suggested many pain coping techniques including a TENS machine, aromatherapy, a shower, different movements, etc. Her guidance is gentle, not overly directive, allowing you to choose what feels right for your body. In the hospital her support helped me to continue birthing without medications (despite me initial hesitancy!) 

Knowing that Polly could accompany me for my second birth was a key influence in my decision to have a homebirth with my second child. Again, she was invaluable. She guided me through very specific positions that encouraged labour to progress efficiently at each stage we were in (and had shared with me the progression of positions prior to birth which helped me understand the purpose of different movements in relation to opening the pelvis and facilitating the baby's natural rotation). Additionally, her kind, warm presence was so calming. 

While a doula is a significant investment, it is such a relief to approach birth knowing that person will be by your side throughout (whereas nurses, OBs and midwives may face shift changes). While my husband was hesitant, he was the first to say that having Polly there was so worth it! 



Polly was absolutely amazing as our doula! She is kind, caring and so supportive - she is the best cheerleader to help you bring you closer to your baby. Anytime we had questions or concerns she was very quick to give us a call and ease our minds with whatever we were wondering. She was a great support for my partner when he needed a break during my labour, and she brought many supplies to help me get through my contractions. I would highly recommend Polly if you are looking for a doula for your birth experience!

Jordan Lee


Hiring Polly as our doula for the arrival of our first baby was one of the best decisions we made during the whole process. She helped to make sure my wife and baby were in the best position possible to enter the labour process. In terms of the actual delivery, her personality, skills, and reassuring demeanor were incredibly valuable - primarily in helping my wife have the best, most empowered labour possible (including many physical and mental natural pain management techniques), but also for me as the father, Polly's calm presence allowed me have the relief I needed, the guidance to be a more effective support person, and the confidence to know that everything was going to work out. Polly was the perfect balance of offering great advice while respecting our birth plan, and did everything she could to work toward it, but was also flexible, encouraging, and cooperative when plans and/or conditions changed during our birth, as they so often do. As the non-birthing parent, I wanted to be as involved and supportive as possible, and working with Polly allowed me to be the best I could be, and more importantly did so much to help my wife focus, cope, and successfully deliver our baby into the world, in perfect teamwork with the nurses, doctors, and midwives present. Almost everything in our original birth plan had to change due to medical issues that arose near the due date, but the one thing that never changed was Polly being there for us whenever and however we needed her support.

Theresia Lee


Polly was our doula for the birth of our first child in 2017. When we learned we were pregnant again last year, we contacted Polly again. During the first trimester I had spotting and Polly supported me as I miscarried. We got pregnant again soon after and I let Polly know and she supported me for the third time. As she is a mother herself, I trusted her instinct and went to her with any questions I had. She checked in with me regularly and encouraged me to be confident. I appreciated her holistic approach to pregnancy and child birth. As a certified baby spinner, she helped me turn my baby to head down. I wanted a vagina delivery and certainly knew this was less likely with a breech baby. I also have essential hypertension and started medication to manage it. Polly gave me natural methods for lowering my BP as my OB recommended that I be induced at week 38. I was scared of being induced as I heard it increased my likelihood for a cesarean so I continued delaying my induction date. After 39 weeks, my BP remained high despite trying multiple methods to lower it and also trying to induce labour naturally. Polly came over to check on me and after listening to baby's heartbeat, gently told me it was time to go in for induction. I trusted her and we went to the hospital. The induction caused labour to be much faster than normal and I went from 5 to 10 cm dilated within minutes. There was no time for an epidural and I was scared. Polly remained calm and told me I could do this. She moved my body and put me into positions to support my contractions. She was right next to me during active labour and I delivered a healthy daughter. I would NEVER have had another baby without Polly. She is thoughtful and compassionate. She is intuitive and knowledgeable about all aspects of pregnancy, birthing and babies. She loves her job and we love her - In our family we call her our angel. As she is exactly that - an angel and champion for mothers. 

Milo Martinez


Polly was amazing; kind and caring. Her advice and guidance since the day we met her was of a significant help for us first time into parenthood.  As soon as Gabi showed the first symptoms of entering labour Polly was with us at all times. As the dad I felt Gabi was having the best support from Polly; sometimes even to make a simple desicion at the time of labour is hard and Polly was always there to share her knowledge, experience and care.   It was like having a family member coaching you at all times.
 I highly recommend her help; Polly is amazing. 



La primera palabra con la que describiría a Polly es MARAVILLOSA. 
Tuve el placer de conocer a Polly y tener su soporte en mi embarazo, en el parto y post parto, cabe mencionar que en todo momento ella siempre estuvo súper al pendiente de mi y de mi beba. Soy mamá primeriza y con ella en todo momento me sentí muy segura. 
Polly me estuvo monitoreando todo el tiempo, me enseño muchos ejercicio que me sirvieron bastante para la hora del parto, anémica y emocionalmente compartió conmigo todo su conocimiento. Llegue a estar muy sensible e insegura por algunos comentarios que en el hospital me hicieron y en cuanto le marqué a Polly para decírselos, en cuestión de minutos ya tenia su soporte e hizo que los miedos desaparecieran.
Y cuando se llegó el momento de la labor de parto, Polly estuvo conmigo en todo momento, me cuidó y me guió con todo su corazón. Creo que es como describiría su trabajo "le pone todo el corazón" estoy infinitamente agradecida con ella y encantada con su excelente trabajo.



La primera palabra con la que describiría a Polly es MARAVILLOSA. 
Tuve el placer de conocer a Polly y tener su soporte en mi embarazo, en el parto y post parto, cabe mencionar que en todo momento ella siempre estuvo súper al pendiente de mi y de mi beba. Soy mamá primeriza y con ella en todo momento me sentí muy segura. 
Polly me estuvo monitoreando todo el tiempo, me enseño muchos ejercicio que me sirvieron bastante para la hora del parto, anémica y emocionalmente compartió conmigo todo su conocimiento. Llegue a estar muy sensible e insegura por algunos comentarios que en el hospital me hicieron y en cuanto le marqué a Polly para decírselos, en cuestión de minutos ya tenia su soporte e hizo que los miedos desaparecieran.
Y cuando se llegó el momento de la labor de parto, Polly estuvo conmigo en todo momento, me cuidó y me guió con todo su corazón. Creo que es como describiría su trabajo "le pone todo el corazón" estoy infinitamente agradecida con ella y encantada con su excelente trabajo. 



We feel so grateful to have had Polly support before and after our daughter was born. From our first meeting with Polly we knew she was what we needed to help get us through our first birth.


My wife and I are would recommend any new parents hire a doula and find the one that fits for you - Polly was definitely that one for us!



Polly's support was invaluable for the arrival of our first baby! The minute we connected in a video call to learn more about what she offered, I knew she was the perfect fit. She was so warm and kind and immediately offered very helpful pregnancy advise (e.g exercises to try, techniques to encourage baby's good positionining) even though I was not yet her client.

Polly stayed in touch in the months leading up, offering support as we figured out which hospital we could give birth in (we were thinking of moving) and was flexible to come out to Surrey to support us when we chose not to move. She sent texts, and was always available over the phone, and even offered a home visit closer to my due date.

My husband was hesitant about paying for a doula, but in the end even he couldn't beleive how helpful it was to have her there. Polly arrived as I moved from early to active labour and it was such an instant relief to have her calming presence and gentle suggestions of comfort techniques I could try. She offered such a variety of suggestions, and let me pick what I felt was helpful. She gently challenged me to do things like walk more that helped my labour progress. In the hospital her voice guided me to breathe through the toughest contractions, and thanks to her enocuragement I was able to work through labour with pain meds (although I'm sure she would have supported me if I chose to use them too). I will definitely be reaching out again if we choose to have a second baby!



My name is Ayala and Polly was my doula with my third baby.

knowing my previous experiences I knew I wanted to give birth naturally in a supportive environment and I also knew it's going to be very hard for me to stick to my plan. I shared my concerns with Polly and she took into her heart.

Polly gave me tips and exercises to do in the last two months of pregnancy and was following up making sure I'm exercising and feeling well the all time.

when the time came ( at 2:30 am) Polly showed up smiling and come, and ready to deliver my baby. She was very supportive, making sure I'm following the type of delivery I asked for, making sure to help me speed the process and getting my body and the baby ready for the delivery.

she was sensitive to my feelings and pain, massaging, helping me go through every step in the best way possible.
Even when I was ready to give up on the type of delivery I wanted Polly didn't give up on me. Gently but surely she gave me strength to go through every step at a time. I ended up delivering naturally after 3.5 hours (amazingly quick for me).

im so happy I chose Polly to be my doula. I'm sure it would be extremely different and so much harder without her!

Alina Doaga


This being our first baby, my partner and I were looking for someone to guide us through the pregnancy and help us prepare for labour.  Finding Polly was a blessing!  From our first meeting, she provides us with so much knowledge, advice, and exercises to maintain a healthy pregnancy and helped make me feel very confident as we were heading towards my due date.  

When my water broke two weeks early, Polly gave me exercises to do to help get my contractions started and was nothing but supportive to us throughout.  I believe that because of her guidance, I was able to avoid an induction and my contractions began exactly 30 minutes before I was scheduled to be induced!  My labour was extremely fast, and I did not get a chance to practice many of the coping strategies that Polly taught us.  Fortunately, she was able to be with me and my partner during a very painful labour and a necessary epidural and she advocated for me when the nurses were not being as receptive to my wants.  

My partner greatly appreciated her support for him as well as he experienced the birth of his first son and felt more prepared for the delivery due to her help.  I would highly recommend working with Polly, especially with your first child!  She will make you feel confident and excited as you head towards parenthood and she continues to support us postpartum as well.  



My husband and I decided to try and find a Doula for our birth 2 weeks before our due date.
I came across Polly's profile on a list sent to me by my midwives. As soon as I read Polly's biography I thought she would be the perfect fit. I reached out hoping she would be able to help us even though it was such short notice. Polly responsed to me right away and we scheduled a time to meet. As soon as my husband and I met Polly we both agreed we wanted her support. Polly is extremely welcoming and warm, she has a way of making everyone around her feel calm.
During the days leading up to the birth Polly was very supportive and provided us with a lot of information that we did not previously receive in our birth classes. 
I could not have asked for a better birth experience and we truly believe it was Polly who made all the difference. The entire day felt very calm and Polly helped both myself and my husband be present and comfortable throughout the whole birthing experience. Her support and encouragement helped me to have the natural birth I was hoping for. Polly is a beautiful person and an amazing doula. We could not recommended her more.



I had the pleasure of having Polly with me for a third time. With each labour and delivery, Polly was at my side from before labour started through the end. Polly is patient, loving and extremely skilled.  She worked through a long and difficult labour with me while encouraging me the entire time and not allowing me to give up.  She had many techniques, positions and excercises to help the baby to be in the correct position. Polly taught me many of the excercises weeks before the delivery and was then able to help me through them during the actual labour.  Polly worked very well with the hospital staff and was a real saviour.  It is obvious that Polly loves what she does!!  The natural delivery of my daughter is all thanks to Polly!

Sam Leach


We were lucky enough to meet Polly through a friend who gave her a glowing review. Our experience with Polly was outstanding. Polly went to great lengths to provide practical pre-labor care and answer all of our questions and concerns. She was available whenever we contacted her and was always super positive. Polly provided us with a number of home exercises and information that helped the birth process to go extremely smoothly and quickly.
We attribute the 7 hour labor of our first born directly to preparation that Polly instructed us with!
Through the birth and afterwards, Polly was an excellent source of support, we felt that she had our best interests at heart. Every piece of information she gave us was unbiased and she allowed us to make our decisions.
We can’t imagine our birthing experience without her!

Jenna Josephson


Polly is very sweet and knowlegeable and was there for the birth of our daughter.

She provided us with help to cope with the pain and was resourceful during the delivery.

I would highly recommend Polly!

Theresia Lee


As a 36 year old having my first child, I knew from my mom friends that raising children (and birthing them) takes a village! My husband found Polly via doulamatch as she met all the criteria we were looking for in a doula such as experience with the TENS machine, accupressure, and breastfeeding consulting. We immediately connected at our first meeting. I had trouble walking due to pains from my baby pressing down on a nerve in my buttocks. Polly helped me to walk, sit + gave me a biz card to a chiropractor she recommended. Polly also showed me stretches and exercises on a bouncing ball. Her energy was calm and caring - she paid attention to everything I said and I felt I could trust her expertise. It may not be important for everyone but it made a big difference to me that Polly herself was a mother and birthed 4 children.  Her own personal experience and the many other births she attended gave me absolute confidence that Polly was the doula for us.  From that day on, Polly sent me articles, tips, shared advice and checked in on my daily.  I had high blood pressure and was being monitored for pre-eclampsia. The OB recommended a medical induction at 38 weeks but I didn't want that so Polly shared several methods to induce naturally.  I went to see my naturopath & the rememedies I was given were the same ones Polly already had me on! I went into labour naturally at 40 weeks + 3 days. Polly arrived to our house at midnight and from that point on, she was by my side for the next 2 days! She kept me hydrated, fed me snacks, massaged my back, used the TENS machine, used aromatherapy, played relaxing music, guided me throug breathing, supported me to labour on the bouncing ball and much more. She gave my mother and husband rest while she stayed up with me. She was a guardian angel and I was astounded by her calm energy and steadfast support next to me. Post birth, Polly continues to share guidance and support. We have made a friend for life!

Adriana Vr


I had a great experience with Polly. she kep in close communication with me during my pregnancy and was amazing during my child's delivery. She's very personable. I would highly recommend her

Yesica Edstrand


Having Polly as my doula for our third baby was incredible. Her knowledge gave me confidence during the pregnancy and it was indispensable during the actual birth. She outperformed the hospital staff by a country mile.
What I didn’t know is that I wasn’t only getting a doula but I was also gaining a friend!
Thank you Polly for giving me the great support and tools to be able to trust my body by being present in the moment and, at the same time, making this a unique and amazing experience.

Adriana Vr


Polly was great during our baby's delivery. She helped me keep in handling pain and keep relaxed. She was in constant communication before and after the birth and was available day and night for any questions we had. I highly recommend her.

Deborah Askenazi


She is a very human person, she is careful and always looking for the mommy and babys health. She help me a lot all the time thank you for all your patience and dedication polly.

Rivka Lichtman


Polly has been at my side for my last two births.  Her warm and loving demeanor help to put me at ease and make my labour and delivery a very positive experience.  I went into labour planning not to use an epideral.  I could not have done it without Polly.  Polly takes initiative with ideas to help, yet she follows my lead and takes cues from me as to what I need.  Polly helps me to understand that the pain of each contraction is bringing my baby closer to me.  Her gentle smile kept me positive and focused on the end goal.  I would definitely use Polly again and would reccomend her for others.

Ines K.


We can't describe how grateful and blessed we were to have Polly's help and support with our first pregnancy. She was always available for advice and questions we had prior to giving birth. Moreover, she was constantly in touch with us to make sure we were doing well. Her motherly warmth and positivity made the whole experience so much better. I can't imagine not having had her there! Her love, passion and dedication for her work are truly inspiring and noticeable. From the very beginning when we first spoke over the phone I simply knew we wanted her to be our doula and we do not regret this decision one bit! Now we are happy and proud to call her our friend.  And I promise anyone else who is looking to hire a doula that Polly is totally worth it and even more!

Te queremos mucho Polly! Una vez más, mil gracias por todo! Que bendición fue encontrarte.

Hadassah Riaboy


I can not begin to describe what an amazing experience we had with Polly. From our first meeting I knew Polly was the person I could trust to help walk my husband (especially my husband haha) and I through the birth of our second child. Her warmth, kindness, spirituality, and knowledge were all qualities we were looking for and I felt the connection. I would recommend Polly to everyone! It's such an important and intense experience and it's so vital to have someone who you can trust to be by your side. Thank you so much Polly!

Bar Laniado


Having Polly by our side while I was in labor was a great experience. She was very understanding, calm and knowledgeable. Polly gave me the confidence to stay calm during my labor and focus on what I needed to do. I am so happy and greatful for how my labor went. I highly recommend Polly as a doula, and I think every woman can benefit from having the support of a doula by her side. Polly also took amazing photos of the birth!

Yana Saffer


Polly was a fantastic and considerate dula that supported us before, during and after, the birth of our daughter. Not only is Polly incredibly knowledgeable and helped us design a meaningful birth experience, but her warmth and calm reassurance alleviated much of our fear and anxiety during the birth process. Polly also knew the medical staff in charge of our care and was able to work with them to ensure that we received the best possible care. We cannot recommend Polly enough - if you are pregnant and are considering hiring a dula, we would highly recommend that you consider Polly.

Bracha Spector


Polly was a wonderful Doula. She has a very gentle touch and makes you feel very comfortable. She came to me before I had my baby and visited postpartum. She uses natural smelling liquids and massage as well as hels you stay calm and focused during labour. She cares very much for the women an loves the babies! I highly recommend her.

Belinda Weltman


Polly assisted me with my most recent birth. She was kind, supportive, knowledgeable, and very calm and positive throughout.

Throughout my pregnany Polly was attentive and helpful, offering support and information as needed.

Once in labour Polly guided me through exercises to help the baby move and to help the labour progress. Throughout my pregnancy I though I would have an epidural (as I had in previous pregancies), but with Polly's support the labour progressed quickly, and she was able to help me through the hardest portions with a natural labour. I could not have done it witout her.

If you are looking for a Doula Polly is fantastic! I could not have asked for a better supporter for my husband, my baby and I!

Rivka Lichtman


I am writing in reference to Polly Hamui. Polly worked as a doula for me with the delivery of my fourth child. I first met Polly in my second trimester and was in touch with her throughout the pregnancy. Polly made herself available to me and provided me with the support I needed during the pregnancy, throughout the entire labor and delivery, and during the postpartum weeks as well. She constantly checked up on me and offered to help me out with whatever I needed.

Polly is a capable and talented doula. She makes use of various techniques and approaches to help her clients. She is well versed in the use of essential oils, massage, and a variety of exercises and positions. Polly is creative, and is constantly willing to try something different and new.

Additionally, Polly is attentive to her client’s individual and unique needs. When I first met with Polly, she asked me about my previous experiences and what I felt worked for me. She was open to hearing what I thought was successful for me and encouraged me to express my desires and my ideal plans for the delivery. Obviously, ideal plans don’t always work out. At the time of the delivery, Polly was flexible and accommodating. She was able to view the situation as the whole picture, and then help me to make the best choices. She was supportive, encouraging, and loving.

Throughout my entire experience, Polly did everything she could to help me out. I would highly recommend Polly as an experienced, talented and very supportive doula.

polly hamui


We were blessed with our third beautiful daughter two and a half weeks ago. Polly is a friend of mine and when she heard I was pregnant she asked if I would like her to accompany me to the hospital to help with the labor.
I did not use a Douala with my previous labours, I had an epidural with both. This time I was almost two weeks late, and was really wanting to have the baby already. Polly offered to come over and do some massages and acupressure, then we went on a little walk. Later that day I went into labor.
At the hospital, Polly was an amazing support. She had words of encouragement and a constant smile on her face. And even five hours later, after helping through an very painful labor with no epidural, she still had the same smile on her face, a positive spirit and beautiful words of encouragement.
Polly also helped me in the beginning of my labour with massages and breathing techniques. When the contractions got more intense, I used the gas to help with the pain. Polly helped me with that as well. As soon as she felt another contraction coming on she would help me breathe the gas through it.
Five and a half hours later our baby was born. Polly was an amazing support and help !
I would most definitely refer Polly to anyone looking for a doula / midwife, or even just an amazing positive support during their labor.

polly hamui


Dear Polly - Thank you so much for being a part of our wonderful birth experience. From the minute we met and you felt my baby girl inside my stomach we had a connection and you brought me to tears. You were so attentive and sensitive to my needs throughout the birth and knew better than me the strenght I had inside of me to bring Yael into the world safely and naturally.

My family and I are so grateful for your support and expertise. We have been singing your praises and hopefully more women can enjoy your gift in the birth of their children.

You have been blessed to be able to share the miracle of life as a doula and we were blessed to be able to share it you and with our family.

Lots of love

Sharon (born June 15th 2014 @ 5:18pm 3.51 kg)

polly hamui


For the birth
of our second daughter, we decided to have a Polly as she had offered
her doula services. Polly helped and supported us before, during and
after the birth of our second daughter, Naomi. Months prior to the
birth of my daughter, she met with my husband and me a few times, and
gave us information and exercises to help us prepare for labour. She
made us feel very comfortable with her, and I truly feel those
exercises made a huge difference in the birth I had. She was also
able to calm my nerves and instill the confidence I needed with her
amazingly positive attitude, incredible wealth knowledge of the labor
and birthing process, as well as her review of numerous labour
positions and techniques for natural pain management. She was also
checking in with me throughout my pregnancy, offering ideas to stay
comfortable and listening and calming all my worries. When the day
came to have our daughter, Polly was ready to go in the middle of the
night, right by our side. My husband was also amazing support for me,
but having a doula allowed me to relax and feel more confident in my
ability to have a natural birth. With their help, I was able to
arrive at the hospital almost fully dilated and ready to deliver, and
had the natural child birth I had really wanted. After I gave birth,
Polly visited me at the hospital and at home, and helped me with
breastfeeding and any other concerns I had. I really feel Polly made
a huge positive difference in my pregnancy and child birth experience.
Polly is empathetic, caring and knowledgeable and has an amazing
positive attitude. I highly recommend Polly as a doula. She is so
helpful and supportive whether you choose to have a birth with or
without medication.”

Birth Availability for Polly Hamui/ Nahmad

= Available. Calendar last updated: 03-04-2024