Kim did a fantastic job of being our doula. She came to our home shortly after we called her, and assisted with the labour by suggesting positions and types of massage. We were on the same page when it came to deciding when to go to the hospital. And it was at the hospital that she really came through for us. It was a very busy day with numerous complicated births underway, and with the residents away on a retreat, which meant that the hospital was understaffed. We ended up having a complicated birth ourselves when it turned out I needed an emergency c-section. From the time we got to the hospital to the time the surgery was over, we were seen by 3 midwives, 2 obstetricians, and dozens of different nurses. Kim was the only constant in the equation, who was there for us from the time my active labour started to the time we were wheeled to the postpartum recovery room. She was a huge comfort. And what a wonderful surprise when we started flipping through photos on our camera, and discovered that Kim had taken pictures of the birth of our baby girl in the OR. It was really special to have photos of that moment, and we were obviously way too out of it and stressed out to have thought of it ourselves. Overall, Kim was positive, encouraging, and very present during our experience. She is extremely knowledgeabe and experienced. And she was very reassuring when she paid us a visit a week after the birth to debrief from the labour. We were still emotional about the c-section, and she reassured us that we made the right decision. This was important to our healing process. We highly recommend Kim as a doula.
-Veronika Klaptocz
July 05, 2013
My Doula Birth
Birth Fee: $1650 to $1950
Postpartum Rate: Not specified