Testimonial for Jenn Edmonds

I met Jenn about 3 years ago when my family and I started attending the church that Jenn and her family attend. Jenn was always so warm and friendly making my family and I feel very welcome and we quickly grew to be friends. When I got pregnant last January (2012) Jenn had just started her Doula training and we had talked about how I would love to know more about her training and have her be a part of my pregnancy. Jenn was so excited when she received her training material and would check in with me regularly and tell me all about what she was learning and how it could help me. When it got closer to my due date we got together and Jenn told me all about how she could support my husband and I during the labor and delivery of our son. Jenn was fantastic having lots of information for us to read, helping us to not be nervous about what was going to happen when I went into labor and answering any questions I had and if she wasn’t sure on the answer she would look it up or show me where I could find more information. As the last 2 weeks closed in we spoke almost daily and Jenn would give me lots of great support and advice. The night I went into labor I let her know early on and she was prepared and ready to go whenever I told her to come. As my labor intensified I called her and told her I was ready and she was here within 40 minutes (about the time it takes to get from her house to mine). Jenn had many things prepared to help me relax and for my labor to be as pleasant of an experience as it could be. Once we arrived at the hospital and we were all checked in she played the music in which we planned, she kept reassuring me that I was doing and great job and checking in with me to see if there was anything she could do. Jenn has such a warm and calming way about her that she helped me to feel relaxed as I could be. (Continued below)

-Patrcia Santagata

March 27, 2013

a photo from Jenn Edmonds

Jenn Edmonds

The Supported Birth

Birth Fee: $2100 to $2250

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $60


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $2100 to $2250

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice